370 research outputs found

    Suppressing subordinate reproduction provides benefits to dominants in cooperative societies of meerkats.

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    In many animal societies, a small proportion of dominant females monopolize reproduction by actively suppressing subordinates. Theory assumes that this is because subordinate reproduction depresses the fitness of dominants, yet the effect of subordinate reproduction on dominant behaviour and reproductive success has never been directly assessed. Here, we describe the consequences of experimentally preventing subordinate breeding in 12 groups of wild meerkats (Suricata suricatta) for three breeding attempts, using contraceptive injections. When subordinates are prevented from breeding, dominants are less aggressive towards subordinates and evict them less often, leading to a higher ratio of helpers to dependent pups, and increased provisioning of the dominant's pups by subordinate females. When subordinate breeding is suppressed, dominants also show improved foraging efficiency, gain more weight during pregnancy and produce heavier pups, which grow faster. These results confirm the benefits of suppression to dominants, and help explain the evolution of singular breeding in vertebrate societies

    Polarimetric clutter modeling: Theory and application

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    The two-layer anisotropic random medium model is used to investigate fully polarimetric scattering properties of earth terrain media. The polarization covariance matrices for the untilted and tilted uniaxial random medium are evaluated using the strong fluctuation theory and distorted Born approximation. In order to account for the azimuthal randomness in the growth direction of leaves in tree and grass fields, an averaging scheme over the azimuthal direction is also applied. It is found that characteristics of terrain clutter can be identified through the analysis of each element of the covariance matrix. Theoretical results are illustrated by the comparison with experimental data provided by MIT Lincoln Laboratory for tree and grass fields

    The architecture of Cidec-mediated interfaces between lipid droplets.

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    Lipid droplets (LDs) are intracellular organelles responsible for storing surplus energy as neutral lipids. Their size and number vary enormously. In white adipocytes, LDs can reach 100 μm in diameter, occupying >90% of the cell. Cidec, which is strictly required for the formation of large LDs, is concentrated at interfaces between adjacent LDs and facilitates directional flux of neutral lipids from the smaller to the larger LD. The mechanism of lipid transfer is unclear, in part because the architecture of interfaces between LDs remains elusive. Here we visualize interfaces between LDs by electron cryo-tomography and analyze the kinetics of lipid transfer by quantitative live fluorescence microscopy. We show that transfer occurs through closely apposed monolayers, is slowed down by increasing the distance between the monolayers, and follows exponential kinetics. Our data corroborate the notion that Cidec facilitates pressure-driven transfer of neutral lipids through two "leaky" monolayers between LDs

    Challenge of teaching complex, end-to-end space system design and development process: Earth Observation Satellite System Design training course

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    The Earth Observation Satellite System Design training course was first offered in 2018 at ESA Academy’s Training and Learning Facility at ESA’s ESEC Galaxia site in Belgium, and again in 2021 in an online format under the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The course covers the end-to-end design and development process of satellite Earth observation systems. Two major challenges were faced by the teaching experts, consisting of the active and retired ESA staff, as well as ESA Academy’s instructional designers for its development: (1) Condensing such a vast subject domain, associated with a complex, multi-disciplinary engineering undertaking, into a compact format (e.g. 4.5 days in 2018) without sacrificing the quality of the essential technical knowledge, engineering practices and logic as taught; (2) Presenting the course materials in a comprehensive form to a group of 30 M.S. and Ph.D. students with their backgrounds generally not covering all of the technical disciplines associated with the course subject domain. The 2021 online edition of the training course, which drew on lessons learnt from 2018, consisted of 18 lectures, plus 5 group project sessions where the students put their acquired knowledge into practice and learned to work in a project team environment. This paper concentrates on the approach and logic adopted by the instructional team to address the above 2 challenges. Difficulties encountered in some of the areas, e.g. remote sensing instrumentation designs, are discusse

    Cryo-electron tomography of NLRP3-activated ASC complexes reveals organelle co-localization.

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    NLRP3 induces caspase-1-dependent pyroptotic cell death to drive inflammation. Aberrant activity of NLRP3 occurs in many human diseases. NLRP3 activation induces ASC polymerization into a single, micron-scale perinuclear punctum. Higher resolution imaging of this signaling platform is needed to understand how it induces pyroptosis. Here, we apply correlative cryo-light microscopy and cryo-electron tomography to visualize ASC/caspase-1 in NLRP3-activated cells. The puncta are composed of branched ASC filaments, with a tubular core formed by the pyrin domain. Ribosomes and Golgi-like or endosomal vesicles permeate the filament network, consistent with roles for these organelles in NLRP3 activation. Mitochondria are not associated with ASC but have outer-membrane discontinuities the same size as gasdermin D pores, consistent with our data showing gasdermin D associates with mitochondria and contributes to mitochondrial depolarization

    Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Applications

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    Contains reports on twelve research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAALO3-86-K-0002)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 85-04381)National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center (Contract NAG5-270)National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center (Contract NAG5-725)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-83-K-0258)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-86-K-0533)U.S. Army - Research Office Durham (Contract DAAG29-85-K-0079)International Business Machines, Inc.National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Goddard Space Flight Center (Contract NAG5-269)Simulation TechnologiesSchlumberger-Doll Researc

    Electromagnetic Wave Theory and Remote Sensing

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    Contains reports on eight research projects.Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAG29-83-K-0003)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS82-03390)Schlumberger-Doll Research CenterNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAG5-141)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-26861)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAG5-270)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-83-K-0258)International Business Machines, Inc

    Avaliação do potencial da interferometria sar para o mapeamento altimétrico de áreas reflorestadas por eucalyptus sp

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade altimétrica dos modelos de elevação (MDE) gerados através da interferometria SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar nas bandas X e P, em diferentes polarizações em áreas florestadas. Este estudo foi realizado no município de Pindamonhangaba/SP, em uma área caracterizada por reflorestamento de Eucalyptus saligna de 6 anos de idade, cujo inventario florestal e levantamento topográfico foram realizados no mesmo período do aerolevantamento. Verificou-se que nesta área florestada o modelo de elevação da superfície do dossel empregando a interferometria na banda X, gerou produtos cartográficos de precisão inferior a esperada, com desvio padrão na ordem 2,7 metros. A utilização de um modelo de regressão, que combinou a coerência interferométrica e o MDE, compensou os erros de medida da altura da vegetação, melhorando a qualidade do produto cartográfico para desvio padrão da ordem de 1,4 metro atingindo a resolução altimétrica desejada. Os modelos de elevação do terreno na banda P, polarização HH, em áreas florestadas apresentaram similaridade com os dados do levantamento topográfico, com desvio padrão na ordem de 1,97 metro, devido à maior penetração do feixe do radar na floresta de Eucalyptus e conseqüentemente uma maior interação com o solo do que com as árvores. O modelo de elevação do solo na banda X em áreas de pasto apresentou um desvio padrão de 0,6 metro, cuja escala de mapeamento foi compatível com a resolução empregada, enquanto que os modelos de elevação na banda P apresentaram um valor de desvio padrão de 6 a 20 metros conforme a polarização, devido ao espalhamento especular, causando uma baixa relação sinal/ruído