742 research outputs found

    Magnetic and thermal properties of the S = 1/2 zig-zag spin-chain compound In2VO5

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    Static magnetic susceptibility \chi, ac susceptibility \chi_{ac} and specific heat C versus temperature T measurements on polycrystalline samples of In2VO5 and \chi and C versus T measurements on the isostructural, nonmagnetic compound In2TiO5 are reported. A Curie-Wiess fit to the \chi(T) data above 175 K for In2VO5 indicates ferromagnetic exchange between V^{4+} (S = 1/2) moments. Below 150 K the \chi(T) data deviate from the Curie-Weiss behavior but there is no signature of any long range magnetic order down to 1.8 K. There is a cusp at 2.8 K in the zero field cooled (ZFC) \chi(T) data measured in a magnetic field of 100 Oe and the ZFC and field cooled (FC) data show a bifurcation below this temperature. The frequency dependence of the \chi_{ac}(T) data indicate that below 3 K the system is in a spin-glass state. The difference \Delta C between the heat capacity of In2VO5 and In2TiO5 shows a broad anomaly peaked at 130 K. The entropy upto 300 K is more than what is expected for S = 1/2 moments. The anomaly in \Delta C and the extra entropy suggests that there may be a structural change below 130 K in In2VO5.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Numerical Linked-Cluster Algorithms. II. t-J models on the square lattice

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    We discuss the application of a recently introduced numerical linked-cluster (NLC) algorithm to strongly correlated itinerant models. In particular, we present a study of thermodynamic observables: chemical potential, entropy, specific heat, and uniform susceptibility for the t-J model on the square lattice, with J/t=0.5 and 0.3. Our NLC results are compared with those obtained from high-temperature expansions (HTE) and the finite-temperature Lanczos method (FTLM). We show that there is a sizeable window in temperature where NLC results converge without extrapolations whereas HTE diverges. Upon extrapolations, the overall agreement between NLC, HTE, and FTLM is excellent in some cases down to 0.25t. At intermediate temperatures NLC results are better controlled than other methods, making it easier to judge the convergence and numerical accuracy of the method.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures, as publishe

    Improved Mean-Field Scheme for the Hubbard Model

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    Ground state energies and on-site density-density correlations are calculated for the 1-D Hubbard model using a linear combination of the Hubbard projection operators. The mean-field coefficients in the resulting linearized Equations of Motion (EOM) depend on both one-particle static expectation values as well as static two-particle correlations. To test the model, the one particle expectation values are determined self-consistently while using Lanczos determined values for the two particle correlation terms. Ground state energies and on-site density-density correlations are then compared as a function of UU to the corresponding Lanczos values on a 12 site Hubbard chain for 1/2 and 5/12 fillings. To further demonstrate the validity of the technique, the static correlation functions are also calculated using a similar EOM approach, which ignores the effective vertex corrections for this problem, and compares those results as well for a 1/2 filled chain. These results show marked improvement over standard mean-field techniques.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, text and figures as one postscript file -- does not need to be "TeX-ed". LA-UR-94-294

    Antiferromagnetism of the 2D Hubbard Model at Half Filling: Analytic Ground State at Weak Coupling

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    We introduce a local formalism to deal with the Hubbard model on a N times N square lattice (for even N) in terms of eigenstates of number operators, having well defined point symmetry. For U -> 0, the low lying shells of the kinetic energy are filled in the ground state. At half filling, using the 2N-2 one-body states of the partially occupied shell S_{hf}, we build a set of (2N-2 N-1)^{2} degenerate unperturbed ground states with S_{z}=0 which are then resolved by the Hubbard interaction \hat{W}=U\sum_{r}\hat{n}_{r\ua}\hat{n}_{r\da}. In S_{hf} we study the many-body eigenstates of the kinetic energy with vanishing eigenvalue of the Hubbard repulsion (W=0 states). In the S_{z}=0 sector, this is a N times degenerate multiplet. From the singlet component one obtains the ground state of the Hubbard model for U=0^{+}, which is unique in agreement with a theorem by Lieb. The wave function demonstrates an antiferromagnetic order, a lattice step translation being equivalent to a spin flip. We show that the total momentum vanishes, while the point symmetry is s or d for even or odd N/2, respectively.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    Proposal for a cumulant-based Bell test for mesoscopic junctions

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    The creation and detection of entanglement in solid state electronics is of fundamental importance for quantum information processing. We prove that second-order quantum correlations can be always interpreted classically and propose a general test of entanglement based on the violation of a classically derived inequality for continuous variables by fourth-order quantum correlation functions. Our scheme provides a way to prove the existence of entanglement in a mesoscopic transport setup by measuring higher order cumulants without requiring the additional assumption of a single charge detectionComment: 6 pages, 1 figure, detailed proof of weak positivity and Bell-type inequalit

    Flux quantization and superfluid weight in doped antiferromagnets

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    Doped antiferromagnets, described by a t-t'-J model and a suitable 1/N expansion, exhibit a metallic phase-modulated antiferromagnetic ground state close to half-filling. Here we demonstrate that the energy of latter state is an even periodic function of the external magnetic flux threading the square lattice in an Aharonov-Bohm geometry. The period is equal to the flux quantum Φ0=2πc/q\Phi_{0}=2\pi\hbar c/q entering the Peierls phase factor of the hopping matrix elements. Thus flux quantization and a concomitant finite value of superfluid weight D_s occur along with metallic antiferromagnetism. We argue that in the context of the present effective model, whereby carriers are treated as hard-core bosons, the charge q in the associated flux quantum might be set equal to 2e. Finally, the superconducting transition temperature T_c is related to D_s linearly, in accordance to the generic Kosterlitz-Thouless type of transition in a two-dimensional system, signaling the coherence of the phase fluctuations of the condensate. The calculated dependence of T_c on hole concentration is qualitatively similar to that observed in the high-temperature superconducting cuprates.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Condens. Matte

    Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of Sr_{2}LaFe_{3}O_{9}

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    Using a Dirac-Heisenberg Hamiltonian with biquadratic exchange interactions, we study the effect of iron disproportionation on the magnetic ordering, and describe the first-order magnetic transition occurring in the perovskite Sr_{2}LaFe_{3}O_{9}. Upon fitting the experimental data, we give an estimate of the exchange integrals for the antiferromagntic and ferromagnetic interactions, in agreement with previous works on kindered compounds. Spin-wave theory yields a magnon spectrum with a gapless antiferromagnetic mode together with two gapped ferromagnetic ones.Comment: 8 pages of RevTex, 5 figures (available upon request), submitted to J. Mag. Mag. Ma

    Chemical Instability of the Cobalt Oxyhydrate Superconductor under Ambient Conditions

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    The layered sodium cobalt oxyhydrate superconductor Na0.3CoO2*1.4H2O is shown through X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric studies to be one of a series of hydrated phases of Na0.3CoO2. Further, it is shown that the material is exceptionally sensitive to both temperature and humidity near ambient conditions, easily dehydrating to a non-superconducting lower hydrate. The observation of this stable lower hydrate with c=13.8 angstroms implies that the superconductivity turns on in this system between CoO2 layer spacings of 6.9 and 9.9 angstroms at nominally constant chemical doping.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figure

    Nonclassical time correlation functions in continuous quantum measurement

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    A continuous projective measurement of a quantum system often leads to a suppression of the dynamics, known as the Zeno effect. Alternatively, generalized nonprojective, so-called "weak" measurements can be carried out. Such a measurement is parameterized by its strength parameter that can interpolate continuously between the ideal strong measurement with no dynamics-the strict Zeno effect, and a weak measurement characterized by almost free dynamics but blurry observations. Here we analyze the stochastic properties of this uncertainty component in the resulting observation trajectory. The observation uncertainty results from intrinsic quantum uncertainty, the effect of measurement on the system (backaction) and detector noise. It is convenient to separate the latter, system-independent contribution from the system-dependent uncertainty, and this paper shows how to accomplish this separation. The system-dependent uncertainty is found in terms of a quasi-probability, which, despite its weaker properties, is shown to satisfy a weak positivity condition. We discuss the basic properties of this quasi-probability with special emphasis on its time correlation functions as well as their relationship to the full correlation functions along the observation trajectory, and illustrate our general results with simple examples.We demonstrate a violation of classical macrorealism using the fourth-order time correlation functions with respect to the quasi-probability in the twolevel system.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, published version (open access

    Fermionic description of spin-gap states of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg ladders in a magnetic field

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    Employing the Jordan-Wigner transformation on a unique path and then making a mean-field treatment of the fermionic Hamiltonian, we semiquantitatively describe the spin-gap states of Heisenberg ladders in a field. The appearance of magnetization plateaux is clarified as a function of the number of legs.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures embedded, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 71, No. 6, 1607 (2002