30 research outputs found

    Effects of combined conservation practices on soil and water quality in the Central Mississippi River Basin

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    Conventional cultivation of claypan soils leads to soil and water quality degradation because of high runoff and associated soil erosion. The Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed, which is part of the USDA Agricultural Research Service Benchmark Conservation Effects Assessment Project, Watershed Assessment Studies, was established to address these issues. Plot studies have highlighted trade-offs between erosion control and herbicide or nutrient runoff. There is a need for long-term field-scale evaluation of combined practices that reduce sediment, nutrient, and herbicide losses by runoff. A 36 ha field located in Missouri was under a conventional corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) system from 1993 to 2003 with fertilizer application and tillage prior to planting in the spring. A precision agriculture system defined by two main management zones was implemented from 2004 to 2014: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and soybean in 60% of the field, and corn and soybean in the remaining 40%. The system included no-till, cover crops, atrazine split-applications based on weed pressure, variable rates of nitrogen (N), and variable rates of fall-applied phosphorus (P). The objective of this study was to compare runoff water quality from the two management systems, based on flow and load duration curves, cumulative distribution functions, and conclusions from replicated plot studies. The precision agriculture system did not affect annual runoff, but it did increase the frequency of low flows. Sediment losses were reduced by 87% as a result of no-till and cover crops. Atrazine and P losses were lower than expected, despite the lack of incorporation into the soil. Atrazine losses were possibly lower because of the wheat area acting as a buffer, greater atrazine adsorption and retention in the field, and faster decay. Dissolved P losses as a fraction of applied remained the same, likely because of greater adsorption and lower runoff risk when applying P. Finally, nitrate-N (NO3-N) losses decreased and resulted in an overall decrease of N losses despite a slight increase of ammonium-N (NH4-N) losses. Explanations includeincluded a greater soil water content, a different timing of N applications, and N uptake by cover crops. Building on these successes, an aspirational management system is proposed to further improve on the performance and practicality of the precision agriculture system

    Modelling runoff quantity and quality in tropical urban catchments using storm water management model

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    Due to differences in rainfall regimes and management practices, tropical urban catchments are expected to behave differently from temperate catchments in terms of pollutant sources and their transport mechanism. Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was applied to simulate runoff quantity (peakflow and runoff depth) and quality (total suspended solids and total phosphorous) in residential, commercial and industrial catchments. For each catchment, the model was calibrated using 8-10 storm events and validated using seven new events. The model performance was evaluated based on the relative error, normalized objective function, Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient and 1:1 plots between the simulated and observed values. The calibration and validation results showed good agreement between simulated and measured data. Application of Storm Water Management Model for predicting runoff quantity has been improved by taking into account catchment's antecedent moisture condition. The impervious depression storages obtained for dry and wet conditions were 0. 8 and 0. 2 mm, respectively. The locally derived build-up and wash-off parameters were used for modelling runoff quality

    Nutrient runoff modelling of an Australian urban catchment

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    Stream water concentrations of herbicides and nutrients for sites in the northern Missouri and southern Iowa region, 1994 to 1999

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    The data set contains stream water concentrations of herbicides and nutrients for 153 sites in the northern Missouri/southern Iowa region from 1994 to 1995 and additional data from 1996 to 1999 for 21 sites. The data are available in Microsoft Excel 2010 format. Sheet 1 (Metadata) of the file contains supporting information regarding the length of record, site locations, parameters measured, concentrations units, method detection limits, describes the meaning of zero and blank cells, defines the major land resource areas (MLRAs) of the region, and provides a link to the U. S. Geological Survey discharge data. Sheet 2 (Site names and locations) has a list of the site names by MLRA, river system, and site name. It also contains site locations, provided as Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates, drainage areas, and indicates which sites were co-located at U. S. Geological Survey gauge sites. Sheet 3 (Concentration Data) contains data for 15 herbicide and nutrient analytes along with the corresponding site name, river system, and MLRA

    Herbicide, nutrient, and suspended sediment data for streams in the Devils Icebox and Hunters Caves

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    The data set contains concentration, load, and daily discharge data for Devils Icebox Cave and Hunters Cave from 1999 to 2002. The data are available in Microsoft Excel 2010 format. Sheet 1 (Cave Streams Metadata) contains supporting information regarding the length of record, site locations, parameters measured, parameter units, method detection limits, describes the meaning of zero and blank cells, and briefly describes unit area load computations. Sheet 2 (Devils Icebox Concentration Data) contains concentration data from all samples collected from 1999 to 2002 at the Devils Icebox site for 12 analytes and two computed nutrient parameters. Sheet 3 (Devils Icebox SS Conc Data) contains 15-minute suspended sediment (SS) concentrations estimated from turbidity sensor data for the Devils Icebox site. Sheet 4 (Devils Icebox Load & Discharge Data) contains daily data for discharge, load, and unit area loads for the Devils Icebox site. Sheet 5 (Hunters Cave Concentration Data) contains concentration data from all samples collected from 1999 to 2002 at the Hunters Cave site for 12 analytes and two computed nutrient parameters. Sheet 6 (Hunters Cave SS Conc Data) contains 15-minute SS concentrations estimated from turbidity sensor data for the Hunters Cave site. Sheet 7 (Hunters Cave Load & Discharge Data) contains daily data for discharge, load, and unit area loads for the Hunters Cave site

    Featured series introduction : SWAT applications for emerging hydrologic and water quality challenges

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    International audienceMany global to local-scale issues such as changing climate, urbanization, intensification of agricultural activities, deforestation, and geopolitical conflicts pose serious challenges to the availability, accessibility, and management of water resources. Researchers, decision makers, and the general public are interested in understanding the impacts of these emerging issues so that water resources can be managed sustainably in the future. Besides availability, decision makers and the general public are also interested in how water quality will be impacted by pesticides, nutrients, pathogens, and emerging contaminants including pharmaceuticals and hormones, which are a serious concern for water security. Simulation models play a critical role in understanding the hydrologic processes of a system, the system's behavior, and how it will change in the future due to natural and anthropogenic factors. A plethora of models exist in the field of hydrology to address hydrologic and water quality issues at various spatial and temporal scales. Among these, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al., 1998) has been used globally to address issues related to hydrology, water quality, and agricultural management (e.g., Gassman et al., 2014; Abbaspour et al., 2015; Cousino et al., 2015; Basheer et al., 2016).[...

    Data from: Long-term agroecosystem research in the Central Mississippi River Basin: Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed and regional herbicide water quality data

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    PLEASE NOTE, THESE DATA ARE ALSO REFERRED TO IN ANOTHER PUBLICATION. PLEASE SEE http://doi.org/10.2134/jeq2013.12.0518. Goodwater Creek Experimental Watershed (GCEW) has been the focus area of a long-term effort to document the extent of and to understand the factors controlling herbicide transport. We document the datasets generated in the 20-yr-long research effort to study the transport of herbicides to surface and groundwater in the GCEW. This long-term effort was augmented with a spatially broad effort within the Central Mississippi River Basin encompassing 12 related claypan watersheds in the Salt River Basin, two cave streams on the fringe of the Central Claypan Areas in the Bonne Femme watershed, and 95 streams in northern Missouri and southern Iowa. Details of the analytical methods, periods of record, number of samples, study locations, and means of accessing these data are provided. In addition, a brief overview of significant findings is presented. A key finding was that near-surface restrictive soil layers, such as argillic horizons of smectitic mineralogy, result in greater herbicide transport than soils with high percolation and low clay content. Because of this, streams in the claypan soil watersheds of northeastern Missouri have exceptionally high herbicide concentrations and relative loads compared with other areas of the Corn Belt