8,539 research outputs found

    Thermomechanical Behavior of the HL-LHC 11 Tesla Nb3Sn Magnet Coil Constituents during Reaction Heat Treatment

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    The knowledge of the temperature induced changes of the superconductor volume, and of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the different coil and tooling materials is required for predicting the coil geometry and the stress distribution in the coil after the Nb3Sn reaction heat treatment. In the present study we have measured the Young's and shear moduli of the HL-LHC 11 T Nb3Sn dipole magnet coil and reaction tool constituents during in situ heat cycles with the dynamic resonance method. The thermal expansion behaviours of the coil components and of a free standing Nb3Sn wire were compared based on dilation experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures, presented at MT25 conferenc

    Dissociation of CH4 by electron impact: Production of metastable hydrogen and carbon fragments

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    Metastable fragments produced by electron impact excitation of CH4 have been investigated for incident electron energies from threshold to 300 eV. Only metastable hydrogen and carbon atoms were observed. Onset energies for the production of metastable hydrogen atoms were observed at electron impact energies of 22.0 + or - .5 eV, 25.5 + or - .6 eV, 36.7 + or - .6 eV and 66 + or - 3 eV, and at 26.6 + or - .6 eV for the production of metastable carbon atoms. Most of the fragments appear to have been formed in high-lying Rydberg states. The total metastable hydrogen cross section reaches a maximum value of approximately 1 X 10 to the minus 18th power sq cm at 100 eV. At the same energy, the metastable carbon cross section is 2 x 10 to the minus 19th power sq cm

    Gravitational Waves from coalescing binaries: Estimation of parameters

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    The paper presents a statistical model which reproduces the results of Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the parameters of the gravitational wave signal from a coalesing binary system. The model however is quite general and would be useful in other parameter estimation problems.Comment: LaTeX with RevTeX macros, 4 figure

    Modeling Maxwell's demon with a microcanonical Szilard engine

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    Following recent work by Marathe and Parrondo [PRL, 104, 245704 (2010)], we construct a classical Hamiltonian system whose energy is reduced during the adiabatic cycling of external parameters, when initial conditions are sampled microcanonically. Combining our system with a device that measures its energy, we propose a cyclic procedure during which energy is extracted from a heat bath and converted to work, in apparent violation of the second law of thermodynamics. This paradox is resolved by deriving an explicit relationship between the average work delivered during one cycle of operation, and the average information gained when measuring the system's energy

    Topological Entropy of Braids on the Torus

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    A fast method is presented for computing the topological entropy of braids on the torus. This work is motivated by the need to analyze large braids when studying two-dimensional flows via the braiding of a large number of particle trajectories. Our approach is a generalization of Moussafir's technique for braids on the sphere. Previous methods for computing topological entropies include the Bestvina--Handel train-track algorithm and matrix representations of the braid group. However, the Bestvina--Handel algorithm quickly becomes computationally intractable for large braid words, and matrix methods give only lower bounds, which are often poor for large braids. Our method is computationally fast and appears to give exponential convergence towards the exact entropy. As an illustration we apply our approach to the braiding of both periodic and aperiodic trajectories in the sine flow. The efficiency of the method allows us to explore how much extra information about flow entropy is encoded in the braid as the number of trajectories becomes large.Comment: 19 pages, 44 figures. SIAM journal styl

    Binary inspiral, gravitational radiation, and cosmology

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    Observations of binary inspiral in a single interferometric gravitational wave detector can be cataloged according to signal-to-noise ratio ρ\rho and chirp mass M\cal M. The distribution of events in a catalog composed of observations with ρ\rho greater than a threshold ρ0\rho_0 depends on the Hubble expansion, deceleration parameter, and cosmological constant, as well as the distribution of component masses in binary systems and evolutionary effects. In this paper I find general expressions, valid in any homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model, for the distribution with ρ\rho and M\cal M of cataloged events; I also evaluate these distributions explicitly for relevant matter-dominated Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models and simple models of the neutron star mass distribution. In matter dominated Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmological models advanced LIGO detectors will observe binary neutron star inspiral events with ρ>8\rho>8 from distances not exceeding approximately 2Gpc2\,\text{Gpc}, corresponding to redshifts of 0.480.48 (0.26) for h=0.8h=0.8 (0.50.5), at an estimated rate of 1 per week. As the binary system mass increases so does the distance it can be seen, up to a limit: in a matter dominated Einstein-deSitter cosmological model with h=0.8h=0.8 (0.50.5) that limit is approximately z=2.7z=2.7 (1.7) for binaries consisting of two 10M10\,\text{M}_\odot black holes. Cosmological tests based on catalogs of the kind discussed here depend on the distribution of cataloged events with ρ\rho and M\cal M. The distributions found here will play a pivotal role in testing cosmological models against our own universe and in constructing templates for the detection of cosmological inspiraling binary neutron stars and black holes.Comment: REVTeX, 38 pages, 9 (encapsulated) postscript figures, uses epsf.st

    Filtering post-Newtonian gravitational waves from coalescing binaries

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    Gravitational waves from inspiralling binaries are expected to be detected using a data analysis technique known as {\it matched filtering.} This technique is applicable whenever the form of the signal is known accurately. Though we know the form of the signal precisely, we will not know {\it a priori} its parameters. Hence it is essential to filter the raw output through a host of search templates each corresponding to different values of the parameters. The number of search templates needed in detecting the Newtonian waveform characterized by three independent parameters is itself several thousands. With the inclusion of post-Newtonian corrections the inspiral waveform will have four independent parameters and this, it was thought, would lead to an increase in the number of filters by several orders of magnitude---an unfavorable feature since it would drastically slow down data analysis. In this paper I show that by a judicious choice of signal parameters we can work, even when the first post-Newtonian corrections are included, with as many number of parameters as in the Newtonian case. In other words I demonstrate that the effective dimensionality of the signal parameter space does not change when first post-Newtonian corrections are taken into account.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 2 figures available upon reques

    The Cosmological Constant and Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors

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    Interferometric gravitational wave detectors could measure the frequency sweep of a binary inspiral [characterized by its chirp mass] to high accuracy. The observed chirp mass is the intrinsic chirp mass of the binary source multiplied by (1+z)(1+z), where zz is the redshift of the source. Assuming a non-zero cosmological constant, we compute the expected redshift distribution of observed events for an advanced LIGO detector. We find that the redshift distribution has a robust and sizable dependence on the cosmological constant; the data from advanced LIGO detectors could provide an independent measurement of the cosmological constant.Comment: 13 pages plus 5 figure, LaTeX. Revised and final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Observations of Unsteady Airfoil Flows

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    Crustal Oscillations of Slowly Rotating Relativistic Stars

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    We study low-amplitude crustal oscillations of slowly rotating relativistic stars consisting of a central fluid core and an outer thin solid crust. We estimate the effect of rotation on the torsional toroidal modes and on the interfacial and shear spheroidal modes. The results compared against the Newtonian ones for wide range of neutron star models and equations of state.Comment: 15 page