193 research outputs found

    The Sudden Death of the Nearest Quasar

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    Galaxy formation is significantly modulated by energy output from supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies which grow in highly efficient luminous quasar phases. The timescale on which black holes transition into and out of such phases is, however, unknown. We present the first measurement of the shutdown timescale for an individual quasar using X-ray observations of the nearby galaxy IC 2497, which hosted a luminous quasar no more than 70,000 years ago that is still seen as a light echo in `Hanny's Voorwerp', but whose present-day radiative output is lower by at least 2 and more likely by over 4 orders of magnitude. This extremely rapid shutdown provides new insights into the physics of accretion in supermassive black holes, and may signal a transition of the accretion disk to a radiatively inefficient state.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Astrophysical Journal Letters, in pres

    Involvement of patients in The Compulsory Mental Healthcare Act according to health care professionals

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    BACKGROUND: In January 2020 the Compulsory Mental Healthcare Act (Dutch: Wvggz) was implemented. The Wvggz details the rights of patients with mental illness who require compulsory care. The law aims, amongst others, to improve the legal rights of patients and those close to them, for example by enabling the possibility to draw up their own action plan (AP) or care card.AIM: To explore what health care professionals think of the possibilities for involvement by patients and those close to them, enabled by the Wvggz.METHOD: A qualitative study in which health care professionals were interviewed about the possibilities for involvement by patients and those close to them. We used thematic analysis to study the data from the interviews.RESULTS: Health care professionals were positive about the idea to involve patients and those close to them, though they indicated that patients and those close to them were already involved before the law came into effect. The main difference was that their involvement was more documented, for instance patients can write their own AP or fill out a care card. Health care professionals mentioned that both the AP and the care card offer the possibility for patients and those close to them to express and realize their wishes. On the downside, not all patient groups were able to draw up their own plan of action. Furthermore, according to the health care professionals, both the action plan and care card could give patients the false impression that their wishes can always be acknowledged.CONCLUSION: Health care professionals mention that patients and those close to them were already involved before the law came into effect. However, the ways in which their involvement is arranged and documented are different.</p

    Hanny's Voorwerp: a nuclear starburst in IC2497

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    We present high and intermediate resolution radio observations of the central region in the spiral galaxy IC 2497, performed using the European VLBI Network (EVN) at 18 cm, and the Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) at 18 cm and 6 cm. The e-VLBI observations detect two compact radio sources with brightness temperatures in excess of 105 K, suggesting that they are associated with an AGN located at the centre of the galaxy. We show that IC2497 lies on the FIR-radio correlation and that the dominant component of the 18 cm radio flux density of the galaxy is associated with extended emission confined to sub-kpc scales. IC 2497 therefore appears to be a luminous infrared galaxy that exhibits a nuclear starburst with a total star formation rate (assuming a Salpeter IMF) of ~ 70 M*/yr. Typically, vigorous star forming galaxies like IC2497 always show high levels of extinction towards their nuclear regions. The new results are in-line with the hypothesis that the ionisation nebula "Hanny's Voorwerp", located ~15-25 kpc from the galaxy is part of a massive gas reservoir that is ionised by the radiation cone of an AGN that is otherwise obscured along the observer's line-of- sight.Comment: Paper presented at the 10th EVN Symposium in Manchester, Sep. 201

    Electromechanical and biological evaluations of 0.94Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–0.06BaTiO3 as a lead-free piezoceramic for implantable bioelectronics

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    Smart implantable electronic medical devices are being developed to deliver healthcare that is more connected, personalised, and precise. Many of these implantables rely on piezoceramics for sensing, communication, energy autonomy, and biological stimulation, but the piezoceramics with the strongest piezoelectric coefficients are almost exclusively lead-based. In this article, we evaluate the electromechanical and biological characteristics of a lead-free alternative, 0.94Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–0.06BaTiO3 (BNT-6BT), manufactured via two synthesis routes: the conventional solid-state method (PIC700) and tape casting (TC-BNT-6BT). The BNT-6BT materials exhibited soft piezoelectric properties, with d33 piezoelectric coefficients that were inferior to commonly used PZT (PIC700: 116 pC/N; TC-BNT-6BT: 121 pC/N; PZT-5A: 400 pC/N). The material may be viable as a lead-free substitute for soft PZT where moderate performance losses up to 10 dB are tolerable, such as pressure sensing and pulse-echo measurement. No short-term harmful biological effects of BNT-6BT were detected and the material was conducive to the proliferation of MC3T3-E1 murine preosteoblasts. BNT-6BT could therefore be a viable material for electroactive implants and implantable electronics without the need for hermetic sealing

    Load transfer in bone after partial, multi-compartmental, and total knee arthroplasty

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    Introduction: Arthroplasty-associated bone loss remains a clinical problem: stiff metallic implants disrupt load transfer to bone and, hence, its remodeling stimulus. The aim of this research was to analyze how load transfer to bone is affected by different forms of knee arthroplasty: isolated partial knee arthroplasty (PKA), compartmental arthroplasty [combined partial knee arthroplasty (CPKA), two or more PKAs in the same knee], and total knee arthroplasty (TKA).Methods: An experimentally validated subject-specific finite element model was analyzed native and with medial unicondylar, lateral unicondylar, patellofemoral, bi-unicondylar, medial bicompartmental, lateral bicompartmental, tricompartmental, and total knee arthroplasty. Three load cases were simulated for each: gait, stair ascent, and sit-to-stand. Strain shielding and overstraining were calculated from the differences between the native and implanted states.Results: For gait, the TKA femoral component led to mean strain shielding (30%) more than three times higher than that of PKA (4%–7%) and CPKA (5%–8%). Overstraining was predicted in the proximal tibia (TKA 21%; PKA/CPKA 0%–6%). The variance in the distribution for TKA was an order of magnitude greater than for PKA/CPKA, indicating less physiological load transfer. Only the TKA-implanted femur was sensitive to the load case: for stair ascent and gait, almost the entire distal femur was strain-shielded, whereas during sit-to-stand, the posterior femoral condyles were overstrained.Discussion: TKA requires more bone resection than PKA and CPKA. These finite element analyses suggest that a longer-term benefit for bone is probable as partial and multi-compartmental knee procedures lead to more natural load transfer compared to TKA. High-flexion activity following TKA may be protective of posterior condyle bone resorption, which may help explain why bone loss affects some patients more than others. The male and female bone models used for this research are provided open access to facilitate future research elsewhere
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