2,981 research outputs found

    Acceptance sampling plan for multiple manufacturing lines using EWMA process capability index

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    The problem of developing a product acceptance determination procedure for multiple characteristics has attracted the quality assurance practitioners. Due to sufficient demands of consumers, it may not be possible to deliver the quantity ordered on time using the process based on one manufacturing line. So, in factories, product is manufactured using multiple manufacturing lines and combine it. In this manuscript, we present the designing of an acceptance sampling plan for products from multiple independent manufacturing lines using exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) statistic of the process capability index. The plan parameters such as the sample size and the acceptance number will be determined by satisfying both the producer's and the consumer's risks. The efficiency of the proposed plan will be discussed over the existing sampling plan. The tables are given for industrial use and explained with the help of industrial examples. We conclude that the use of the proposed plan in these industries minimizes the cost and time of inspection. Smaller the sample size means low inspection cost. The proposed plan for some non-normal distributions can be extended as a future research. The determination of sampling plan using cost model is also interested area for the future research. ? 2017 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers.11Ysciescopu

    Evaluation of supercritical cryogen storage and transfer systems for future NASA missions

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    Conceptual designs of Space Transportation Vehicles (STV), and their orbital servicing facilities, that utilize supercritical, single phase, cryogenic propellants were established and compared with conventional subcritical, two phase, STV concepts. The analytical study was motivated by the desire to avoid fluid management problems associated with the storage, acquisition and transfer of subcritical liquid oxygen and hydrogen propellants in the low gravity environment of space. Although feasible, the supercritical concepts suffer from STV weight penalties and propellant resupply system power requirements which make the concepts impractical

    Determinants of Dietary Quality: Evidence from Bangladesh

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    Whereas a large number of empirical studies have been devoted to analyzing consumer demand for dietary energy (or dietary quantity), much less attention has been paid to the demand for dietary quality, an equally important aspect of food security. To address this gap in the literature, this paper uses data from a nationally representative household expenditure survey conducted in Bangladesh in 2000 on the food acquisition behavior of 7,440 households over a two week period. Two indicators of dietary quality are employed: household protein availability and household diet diversity. Using two-stage least squares regression to correct for the endogeneity of income, we find significant roles of income, education, gender of household head, and prices of key foods. The determination of dietary quality in the country has a strong gender dimension. While male education plays a positive role, female education is found to have a substantially stronger influence. Further, female household headship is associated with lower dietary quality than male headship. Given the crucial roles of income and education in increasing access to a high quality diet, the results call for the continued implementation of well targeted poverty reduction and education programs. Promoting female education and addressing the unique constraints faced by female headed households with respect to diet quality could be a significant policy instrument for government and non-government organizations in addressing food insecurity in Bangladesh.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Peranan The United Nations Children\u27s Fund (Unicef) dalam Penanganan Eksploitasi Seksual Komersial Anak (Eska) di Dunia

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    Maharany Fitri* Dr. Chairul Bariah, S.H., M.Hum.** Arif, S.H., M.Hum.*** Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation is a basic violation to the rights of children. These violations consist of sexual abuse from adults and rewards in a form of money or object for the child, third parties, or other parties. Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation can take form in Child Prostitution, Early-age Marriage, Child Pornography, or even Child Sex Tourism. In Principle, International law already legislate a law about Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation. However, Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation is still a never ending problem. Therefore, UNICEF as an Organization who on the job for child benefit felt that it is their responsibility to help Nations all around the world fight Child Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Based on this, the formulations of the problem in this research are: What is the position of the child in International law? How is the protection system against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children? What are UNICEF\u27s roles as the International organizations in dealing with the practice of Sexual Exploitation of Children in the world? By using empirical - normative research methods, which combine normative legal approach with several empirical studies, it can be concluded that the children were in accordance with International law are those who are under 18 years old unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. Children must be protected by the government, local communities and families because they are considered weak and not aware of their rights. Article 34 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that State parties are obliged to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation. UNICEF as an International organization working in the field of children protection felt obliged to assist and cooperate with the countries all around the world to protect children from Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and eliminate them. To do so, UNICEF makes an accurate data about Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, giving help and rehabilitation for the victim of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, giving the community the right education so they can avoid Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, and also helping the government so they by law can handle Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children that happened in their country

    Prinsip-prinsip Penanganan Kemiskinan di Madinah pada Masa Nabi Muhammad Saw.

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    This article endeavors to observe our prophet PBUHs efforts in alleviating the poverty in Madina after his hijrah. The relevance compilations of hadiths (sayings and doings of the prophet PBUH) are described as historical sources to see the methods and the means of the prophet PBUH in eradicating the poverty. These hadiths are explained not only to be interpreted literally, but contextually. In doing so, this writing would be started by depicting the city of Madina with its economic activities and povertys problem that emerged after the hijrah. The response and the manner of the prophet PBUH in alleviating the poverty will be explaining afterwar

    Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia Terhadap Tahanan Teroris Dalam Program Penahanan Dan Interogasi Cia (Central Intelligence Agency)

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    Ashari Maulana Reza Siregar* Dr. Chairul Bariah S.H., M.Hum.** Arif S.H., M.H.*** Human rights being one important things and essential containing a set of minimum standards and procedural rules related relationship between humans applied in all aspects of human life. But, human rights abuses always happen from time to time, both light and heavy, such as terrorism which has killed many lives. The threat of terrorism make many parties launched efforts to fight it, as one conducted by the United States through Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by making Detention and Interrogations Program towards terrorist prisoners. But, the implementation of the program loaded with forms human rights abuses was done with the prisoners. On the basis of the violations we need to an academic study against it, one of which is through this paper. As for writing this paper used juridical normative approaching with putting the laws relating to the substance as centre for the study of and descriptive methods intended to present all the data relating to the substance. Data used in this writing is secondary data which is the data obtained from the library such as a legal instrument, book, internet, and others where the data collected by doing library research from various sources. In conclusion, in general human rights is important and essential thing and recognized universally, including in Indonesia, as evidenced by many legal instrument associated to human rights had produced and accepted by many countries. But, still there is threat of human rights such as terrorism, and in this case the United States through the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) to fight terrorism, one of them is through Detention and Interrogations Program towards terrorists prisoners aims to detect and crack down on terrorism. But, the program would be controversy as of human rights abuses of terrorist prisoners occurs during the CIA's implementation of Detention and Interrogation Program, such as torture and inhuman treatment to other terrorist detainees, where the violation clearly had violated various legal instrument of human rights that require the responsibility from the involved parties

    Peran Uni Eropa dalam Proses Penyelesaian Sengketa Bagi Negara Anggota dan Negara Non Anggota

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    The main reason for the establishment of the first European Union once was because of the desire to provide protection to the European countries that are victims of cruel regimes of Germany during World War II. After the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, the European Union is increasingly proving its progress to the International community as one of the largest regional organizations. Expand the authority of the European Union in the field of law to be the same as the state. The European Union has a great sovereignty of the member states. Help resolve internal disputes in the European Union has two methods to resolve the internal disputes through alternative and legal means. The purpose of this paper is to look at the mechanism by the European Union as an International organization in its role to resolve disputes in the European Union. As an International Organisation which aims at maintaining world peace and security, the European Union also play the role to help resolve disputes outside the European Union. With the development of increasingly advanced, the European Union as an International organization has the effect of maintaining security and peace in the world, because it is also the European Union, have the opportunity to be able to play non-member countries to resolve disputes, without passing the limits of the sovereignty of a non-member country
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