75 research outputs found

    Raúl Roa García y la creación de una cancillería revolucionaria: los primeros años (1959-1965)

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    The article examines the process through which the creation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX) emerged as the entity in charge of articulating the international relations of the nascent Revolution. It came to light when the need to transform the old apparatus found by the Cuban emancipatory project was conceived as a genuine result after the triumph of January 1, 1959. From that perspective, the imprint of Raúl Roa García, was decisive for that process to materialize on December 23, 1959. Roa, one of the most lucid intellectuals of the Cuban 20th century, would infuse MINREX with the conceptual and practical vigor and richness that an institution of this nature demanded. Especially, on the portico of an emancipatory heroic deed, of a democratic, agrarian, popular and anti-imperialist nature that, in a short period of time, would move organically towards socialism. In this direction, the originality of the task undertaken by Roa in those initial years is analyzed, at the time in which he forged a work which validity reaches the present day, in the wide deployment of the diplomats of the Greater Antilles.En el artículo se examina el proceso mediante el cual emergió la creación del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, como entidad encargada de articular las relaciones internacionales de la naciente revolución. La misma vio la luz a partir de que se concibió, como resultado genuino, la necesidad de transformar el viejo aparato que encontró el proyecto emancipador cubano, tras el triunfo del primero de enero de 1959. La impronta de Raúl Roa García, desde esa perspectiva, fue decisiva para que ese proceso cuajara, el 23 de diciembre de 1959. Roa, uno de los intelectuales más lúcidos del siglo XX cubano, le insuflaría al MINREX el vigor y riqueza, conceptual y práctica, que demandaba una institución de esta naturaleza, máxime en el pórtico de una gesta emancipatoria de carácter democrático, agrario, popular y antimperialista que, en un breve período, transitaría de manera orgánica hacia el socialismo. Se analiza, en esta dirección, la originalidad del quehacer acometido por Roa en dichos años iniciales, al tiempo en que fraguaba una obra cuya vigencia llega hasta la actualidad, en el amplio despliegue de los diplomáticos de la Mayor de las Antillas

    Asynchronous Corner Tracking Algorithm based on Lifetime of Events for DAVIS Cameras

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    Event cameras, i.e., the Dynamic and Active-pixel Vision Sensor (DAVIS) ones, capture the intensity changes in the scene and generates a stream of events in an asynchronous fashion. The output rate of such cameras can reach up to 10 million events per second in high dynamic environments. DAVIS cameras use novel vision sensors that mimic human eyes. Their attractive attributes, such as high output rate, High Dynamic Range (HDR), and high pixel bandwidth, make them an ideal solution for applications that require high-frequency tracking. Moreover, applications that operate in challenging lighting scenarios can exploit the high HDR of event cameras, i.e., 140 dB compared to 60 dB of traditional cameras. In this paper, a novel asynchronous corner tracking method is proposed that uses both events and intensity images captured by a DAVIS camera. The Harris algorithm is used to extract features, i.e., frame-corners from keyframes, i.e., intensity images. Afterward, a matching algorithm is used to extract event-corners from the stream of events. Events are solely used to perform asynchronous tracking until the next keyframe is captured. Neighboring events, within a window size of 5x5 pixels around the event-corner, are used to calculate the velocity and direction of extracted event-corners by fitting the 2D planar using a randomized Hough transform algorithm. Experimental evaluation showed that our approach is able to update the location of the extracted corners up to 100 times during the blind time of traditional cameras, i.e., between two consecutive intensity images.Comment: Accepted to 15th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC2020

    Emotional intelligence and mindfulness: relation and enhancement in the classroom with adolescents

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    Emotional intelligence (EI) and mindfulness are two constructs that have been separately studied, and the relation between them still remains unclear. Research in this area has not attempted to go further into how enhancing EI and mindfulness together can achieve better improvements in this ability to attend mindfully. To bridge this knowledge gap, our research goal was to study the relationship between EI and the mindfulness competence in our study sample and to assess the impact of implementing EI and a mindfulness competence developmental program (SEA) about participants’ mindfulness competence. The sample consisted of 156 students aged 11–14 years old from a Spanish public high school. One hundred and eight participants were randomly assigned to the experimental condition, and the remaining 48 were to the control condition. The instruments used to evaluate EI were the CDE-SEC, EQi-Youth Version and the General Empathy Scale. Mindfulness on the School Scope Scale was used to assess mindfulness competences. Social adaptation was evaluated by using the social abilities and adjustment questionnaire BAS3. All the instruments where answered by the participants and have been adapted to a sample of youths with such age specifications. The results showed that EI and mindfulness were related to many of the variables measured by the instruments. Showing a good mindfulness competence was particularly related to having a good general level of the EI trait, and to many of the assessed social and emotional variables. The data indicated a significant relation between the mindfulness competence and having better general empathy skills or being better socially adjusted to the school context. The data also indicated a significant effect on participants’ interior and kinesthetic mindfulness competence after implementing the SEA Program. These findings corroborate the relationship between EI and mindfulness, and the possibility of enhancing mindfulness by applying a direct intervention program in the classroom

    Crecimiento en plantas jóvenes de Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schlecht

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    Alzugaray, C.; N. J. Carnevale y A. R. Salinas, 2006. ?Crecimiento en plantas jóvenes de Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schlecht?. Lilloa 43 (1-2). A. quebracho-blanco es uno de los árboles característicos de La Provincia Chaqueña. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el crecimiento de árboles jóvenes en dos tipos de suelo: Argiudol vértico (AV) y Natraqualf típico (NT) a los 9, 21 y 33 meses de edad. Se evaluó área foliar (AF), peso seco total (PST), de la raíz (PSR), del vástago (PSV), longitud total de raíces (LTR), altura (A) y profundidad de raíces (P). Luego se calcularon: la relación del peso seco de raíces (RPR), la relación del peso seco del vástago (RPV), la relación de área foliar (RAF), la relación de longitud de raíces (RLR), la longitud específica de raíces (LER), las tasas de crecimiento relativo (TCR), las tasas de asimilación neta (TAN) y el incremento porcentual del peso seco de los plantines (IP) a partir de las semillas (=100%). A. quebracho-blanco mostró mayores P y LTR a los 9 meses de edad para el suelo AV (p<0,05). A los 21 y 33 meses se observaron mayores AF, PST, PSR, PSV y LTR en el AV (p< 0,05). Las TCR y TAN y el IP fueron mayores (p< 0,05) a los 33 meses de edad de las plantas en el AV con 0,23 mg.g-1.día-1; 0,058 mg.cm2.día-1 y 13.643%. Se concluye que A. quebracho-blanco desarrolla mayor biomasa y en menor tiempo en el suelo Argiudol

    108 viviendas en Ardoi

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    Survey of diseases affecting reproduction in freeze bovine semen using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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    Las enfermedades reproductivas son una de las principales causas de los bajos índices de procreo en Uruguay. El diagnóstico de estas enfermedades se lleva a cabo por diversas técnicas de laboratorio; la mayoría de las cuales no permiten la diferenciación de las distintas subespecies de cada microorganismo, hecho que si se puede determinar por medio de la técnica de PCR. En este estudio se intentó determinar la presencia de genomas de: Diarrea Viral Bovina, Herpesvirus bovino tipos 1 y 5, Campylobacter fetus fetus y fetus veneralis y Tritrichomonas foetus foetus. Para ello, 100 pajuelas de semen de bovinos de distintas razas fueron procesadas mediante PCR utilizando “primers” específicos para cada una de las enfermedades en estudio. Todas las muestras analizadas resultaron negativas a la detección de genomas de los agentes mencionados. Esta investigación permitió comprobar el buen nivel de los centros de reproducción evaluados, repercutiendo favorablemente en la sanidad del rodeo nacional. Así mismo, el chequeo de pajuelas de semen por medio de la técnica de PCR demostró ser una herramienta necesaria que debería ser utilizada de rutina ya que permite un rápido y eficiente diagnóstico.Reproductive diseases are a major cause of low calving rates nationwide. The diagnosis of these diseases is performed by various laboratory techniques, most of them do not allow differentiation in different subspecies of each organism, a fact that it can be determined by PCR. This study attempted to determine the presence of genome of bovine viral diarrhea, bovine herpesvirus types 1 and 5, Campylobacter fetus fetus and fetus veneralis and Tritrichomonas foetus foetus. One hundred bovine semen straws were collected and PCR technique using specific primers for each of the diseases studied were applied. All samples were negative for the detection of genomes of the pathogens mentioned. This investigation allowed to check the proper level of insemmination centers evaluated, impacting positively on the health of the national herd. Likewise, the screening of bovine semen straws by PCR proved to be a necessary tool that would be used routinously for quick and efficient diagnosis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Survey of diseases affecting reproduction in freeze bovine semen using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

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    Las enfermedades reproductivas son una de las principales causas de los bajos índices de procreo en Uruguay. El diagnóstico de estas enfermedades se lleva a cabo por diversas técnicas de laboratorio; la mayoría de las cuales no permiten la diferenciación de las distintas subespecies de cada microorganismo, hecho que si se puede determinar por medio de la técnica de PCR. En este estudio se intentó determinar la presencia de genomas de: Diarrea Viral Bovina, Herpesvirus bovino tipos 1 y 5, Campylobacter fetus fetus y fetus veneralis y Tritrichomonas foetus foetus. Para ello, 100 pajuelas de semen de bovinos de distintas razas fueron procesadas mediante PCR utilizando “primers” específicos para cada una de las enfermedades en estudio. Todas las muestras analizadas resultaron negativas a la detección de genomas de los agentes mencionados. Esta investigación permitió comprobar el buen nivel de los centros de reproducción evaluados, repercutiendo favorablemente en la sanidad del rodeo nacional. Así mismo, el chequeo de pajuelas de semen por medio de la técnica de PCR demostró ser una herramienta necesaria que debería ser utilizada de rutina ya que permite un rápido y eficiente diagnóstico.Reproductive diseases are a major cause of low calving rates nationwide. The diagnosis of these diseases is performed by various laboratory techniques, most of them do not allow differentiation in different subspecies of each organism, a fact that it can be determined by PCR. This study attempted to determine the presence of genome of bovine viral diarrhea, bovine herpesvirus types 1 and 5, Campylobacter fetus fetus and fetus veneralis and Tritrichomonas foetus foetus. One hundred bovine semen straws were collected and PCR technique using specific primers for each of the diseases studied were applied. All samples were negative for the detection of genomes of the pathogens mentioned. This investigation allowed to check the proper level of insemmination centers evaluated, impacting positively on the health of the national herd. Likewise, the screening of bovine semen straws by PCR proved to be a necessary tool that would be used routinously for quick and efficient diagnosis.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    The West against the rest? Democracy versus autocracy promotion in Venezuela

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    Venezuela provides a strong test case for the weakening of democracy and the strengthening of autocracy promotion. External actors are a key part of the domestic political game: the European Union and the United States (EUUS) promote ‘democracy by coercion’ and recognised Juan Guaidó as president, whereas China, Cuba and Russia (CCR) bolster the regime of Nicolás Maduro. A comparative foreign policy analysis argues that, firstly, EUUS sanctions have resulted in strengthening CCR's autocratic leverage and linkage; and secondly, the division ‘between the West and the Rest’ has posed an additional obstacle for a transition to democracy and national reconstructio

    A stochastic evaluation of the validity of an animal-health survey in Uruguay

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    This paper introduces spreadsheet simulation models to evaluate the validity of national or regional disease surveys aimed at identifying infection in populations of farm animals. The process of evaluation includes specification or calculation of cluster-level diagnostic test sensitivity (the proportion of animals with the disease which test positive) and specificity (the proportion of animals without the disease which test negative), which are obtained from two probability distributions of the number of positive tests at individual-level expected from infected and non-infected clusters, respectively. Probability distributions for the number of positive clusters expected in a situation of the herd prevalence are specified and used to define survey properties (the survey being considered a diagnostic system), and receiver operating characteristic curves (consisting of a plot of sensitivity and specificity pairs for different cut-off values) are drawn. The result of a survey implemented to determine the prevalence of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in dairy cattle in Uruguay, South America was used to illustrate this approach. The models can be adapted to a wide range of survey designs in animal health and production.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    La agroecología como medio para la instrumentalización de la extensión universitaria

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    En un contexto de cambios, este trabajo pretende acercar algunas reflexiones sobre la instrumentalización de la Extensión Universitaria, abordada desde el paradigma de la Agroecología. La experiencia inicia en el 2013 y finaliza en el 2014. Se trabajó en dos ámbitos de actuación: -la comunidad universitaria, conformada por estudiantes, docentes y egresados de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, U.N.Cuyo y -la comunidad rural, conformada por una organización de la Agricultura Familiar de Mendoza, Argentina. Entre los resultados más destacados podemos mencionar que: la agroecología funcionó como herramienta para el fortalecimiento y valorización de la extensión universitaria; se generó vínculos comprometidos entre la comunidad universitaria y organizaciones rurales; las organizaciones rurales se acercaron al conocimiento formal y desmitificaron la metodología verticalista, que le atribuían a la universidad. Es una contundente conclusión que la mirada agroecológica jerarquiza y propone a la Extensión como herramienta constructora de conocimientos.Eje: B6 Desarrollo rural, movimientos sociales, Estado y agroecología (Relatos de experiencias)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale