1,003 research outputs found

    Insights into etiopathogenic and clinical features in 3RU oral diseases: an interesting and challenging research focus

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    Immune system and zinc are associated with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. An assessment using a network-based approach

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    The aim of this research was to identify genes, proteins and processes from the biomedical information published on recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) using network-based foci. Methods: The clinical context was defined using MeSH terms for RAS and biomarkers, combined with words associated with risk. A set of protein coding genes was prioritized using the GĂ©nie web server and classified with PANTHER. For defining biologically relevant proteins, protein-protein interaction networks were constructed using Reactome database and Cytoscape. Top 20 proteins were then subjected to functional enrichment using STRING. Results: From 1,075,576 gene-abstract links, 1,491 genes were prioritized. Proteins were related to signaling molecule proteins (n=221), receptor proteins (n=221) and nucleic acid binding proteins (n=169). The network constructed with these proteins included 3,963 nodes and functional analysis showed that main processes involved immune system and zinc ion binding function

    La libertad de expresiĂłn y la represiĂłn penal de ideologĂ­as en el derecho argentino

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    [Resumen] La historia de la Argentina está marcada por la intolerancia respecto de los que piensan diferente. El retorno a la democracia, en 1983, cambió parcialmente este escenario de intolerancia. Sin embargo, existe todavía una problemática tendencia a utilizar el derecho penal para perseguir a quienes expresan ideas que escandalizan, irritan u ofenden. Siguiendo la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos, este artículo propone que los tribunales controlen estrictamente las regulaciones dirigidas contra determinadas ideas en particular. Además el artículo delinea los aspectos fundamentales de este control. Resulta esencial que los ciudadanos puedan discutir cuestiones delicadas y trascendentes como el aborto, la inmigración, el terrorismo y las creencias religiosas sin quedar sometidos a un proceso penal.[Abstract] Argentine history is marked by serious acts of intolerance against those with different views. The return to democracy, in 1983, has partially changed this culture of intolerance. However, there is still a problematic tendency to resort to criminal law to punish and silence those who offend, shock or disturb. Based on the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions, this paper argues that Courts should scrutinize closely content-based laws that punish the expression of a particular idea. The paper further delineates the main aspects of such scrutiny. It is essential that citizens be able to discuss delicate and important issues such as abortion, immigration, terrorism and religious beliefs without being subject to criminal proceedings

    Le projet de code civil pour la RĂ©publique argentine

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    Le Code civil de la République argentine a été sanctionné le 29 septembre 1869 et il est en vigueur depuis 1871. Un projet de nouveau code civil a été présenté en décembre 1998. La Commission de réforme nommée pour le rédiger a tenu compte des enseignements du droit comparé et le Code civil du Québec a mérité une mention spéciale parmi les sources consultées par la Commission de réforme. Bien que le projet ait beaucoup de points communs avec le droit québécois, il comporte aussi des différences importantes comme l’existence d’une « partie générale » dans le projet et l’absence de théorie de l’imprévision dans le droit québécois. Même si le projet n’est pas encore approuvé, il a permis d’entamer un dialogue fécond entre la doctrine québécoise et la doctrine argentine.The Civil Code of the Argentine Republic was sanctioned on September 29, 1869 and it has been in force since 1871. A projected new code was presented in December, 1998. The Reform Commission appointed for drafting the code took into account the lessons from comparative law, and the Civil Code of Québec earned a special mention among the sources consulted by the Reform Commission. While the project has many points in common with Québec law, it also contains important differences such as the presence of a « general part » in the project and the absence of a theory of unforeseen events in Québec law. Even if the project has not yet been approved, it has made possible an in-depth dialogue between doctrines in the Québec and the Argentine legal systems

    Use the interactive whiteboard in teaching biology

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    The purpose of this study was to explore pre-service science teachers’ use of an interactive system, consisting of a computer, LCD projector, interactive white board, and Internet connection, to support science teaching and learning. Each participant had access to the interactive system for the duration of the investigation. The research questions guiding the investigation included: 1. Whether teachers would use the interactive system for instructional purposes? 2. What form this instruction would take?and 3. Whether the instruction would reflect the recommendations of current science education reform documents? Results indicated that student teachers use the interactive system in substantial ways to facilitate teaching reforms based on science. Furthermore, the results support the use of explicit approaches to prepare the pre-service teachers to use educational technology for inquiry instruction, modelling of effective uses of digital images and video clips, and specific instruction on whole class inquiry methods

    Tourist Influence on Nightlife Noise

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    Although environmental noise from entertainment and leisure activities is causing a growing number of complaints from EU population, this noise issue is not covered by the current EU initiatives on environmental noise management. This noise problem is difficult to tackle strategically and technically – no specific standards have yet been established for measurements, methods and indicators, and the practical remedies are still limited. This paper reviews nightlife noise and more specifically how the presence of tourists influences the variation of the noise. Several case studies were conducted in some Spanish locations by the seasonal tourist incursion, mainly in the summer months. Variations in the nightlife noise in recreational zones during the weekends and “working days” are compared. This research also discusses data from different years and seasonal periods and reinforced with data obtained through surveys specifically designed for foreign tourists. These surveys reveal practical information about how tourists perceive noise, and their behaviour and reactions to it. Those data could be useful for Environmental Noise Authorities to develop noise action plans, as recreational noise is a source not considered when noise mapping by means of using simulation techniques

    Biomarcadores prognósticos e papel de agrina na progressão do câncer oral

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    Orientador: Adriana Franco Paes LemeTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: O carcinoma de células escamosas da cavidade oral (CECO) é o câncer mais comum na região da cabeça e pescoço. O CECO representa a neoplasia maligna mais importante para os cirurgiões dentistas. É detectado geralmente em estágios clínicos avançados e, apesar dos progressos da medicina, os pacientes ainda apresentam um prognóstico clínico desfavorável. Esse contexto justifica a busca de biomarcadores prognósticos que representem o estadiamento da doença, além de compreender os mecanismos moleculares que controlam sua fisiopatologia. Os objetivos desta tese de doutorado foram identificar os potenciais biomarcadores prognósticos para CECO descritos na literatura biomédica, bem como aprofundar a compreensão do papel do proteoglicano agrina. Essa proteína mostrou-se relevante em vários eventos oncogênicos em estudos prévios publicados por nosso grupo. Para alcançar nosso primeiro objetivo, realizamos uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Nesse estudo, utilizamos a base de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e palavras-chave associando o risco dos pacientes com os seguintes desfechos clínicos para CECO: sobrevida global, sobrevida livre de doença e sobrevida doença-específica. Essa abordagem resultou na publicação de um artigo que identificou 41 potenciais biomarcadores prognósticos em CECO, principalmente proteínas avaliadas por inmunohistoquímica. Esses potenciais biomarcadores devem ser avaliados em novos estudos clínicos. Para o segundo objetivo desta tese, silenciamos a expressão de agrina (utilizando a tecnologia shRNA) em diferentes linhagens celulares e identificamos a rede de proteínas associadas a agrina através de proteômica baseada em espectrometria de massas. O valor prognóstico desta rede foi avaliado utilizando ferramentas de bioinformática e bancos de dados públicos. Nossos resultados sugerem que a proteína agrina é essencial para os eventos oncogênicos associados à progressão do CECO, tanto in vivo como in vitro, o que nos leva a concluir que agrina é um forte candidato como alvo terapêutico para o CECOAbstract: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common cancer of the head and neck. It represents the most prominent malignant neoplasm for dental surgeons. It is usually detected in advanced clinical stages, and despite the medical advances, patients still have a poor clinical prognosis. It justifies the search for prognostic biomarkers that represent the staging of the disease, as well as understand molecular mechanisms that control its physiopathology. The objective of this doctoral thesis was to identify the prognostic biomarkers provided in biomedical literature, as well as to deepen the understanding of the role of a proteoglycan named agrin. Agrin proved to be relevant in several oncogenic events in previous studies published by our group. To achieve our first objective, we performed a systematic review of the literature. In this study, we used the MEDLINE/PubMed database and keywords associated with patient risk and common OSCC clinical endpoints: overall survival, disease-free survival and cause-specific survival. This approach produced an article that identified 41 potential prognostic biomarkers, mainly proteins evaluated by immunohistochemistry. These potential biomarkers must be clinically evaluated in new clinical studies. For the second aim of this thesis, we silenced the expression of agrin (using shRNA technology) in different cell lines and identified the protein network associated with agrin through mass spectrometry-based proteomics. We assessed the prognostic value of this network using bioinformatics tools and public databases. Our results suggest that agrin is essential for the oncogenic events associated with the progression of the OSCC, both in vivo and in vitro, which led us to conclude that agrin is a strong candidate as a therapeutic target for OSCCDoutoradoEstomatologiaDoutor em Estomatopatologi

    Definiciones incĂłmodas relacionadas con la estomatitis aftosa recurrente.

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