55 research outputs found

    Modulation corticale de la locomotion

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    Patients with Parkinson 's disease present gait impairments, sometimes sudden and unexpected, either improved or deteriorated with environmental stimuli. Attention focalization, either on external stimuli or on gait, could then modulate locomotion.The main objective was to better characterize how environmental stimuli would modulate locomotion, via attentional networks, in healthy subjects and in parkinsonian patients, with or without freezing of gait.At first, we precisely defined the attentional deficits in patients, with or without gait impairment. They showed altered performance respectively in mental flexibility and in divided attention.Then, we explored the attention-locomotion interaction by studying motor preparation. So, we highlighted that anticipatory postural adjustments were a sensitive marker of attention. In patients, they evidenced an alteration of the attention-motor program interaction.Studying the brain activation during the visuo-driven locomotion in these patients confirmed the involvement of cortical attentional regions. We observed an imbalance inside the parieto-premotor network (useful to modulate motor action according external stimuli)Finally, we tried to change the excitability of the premotor cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation to modulate visuo-driven locomotion.Les patients atteints de maladie de Parkinson présentent des troubles de la marche, parfois paroxystiques, pouvant être aggravés ou améliorés par les stimuli environnementaux. L'attention portée, soit aux stimuli extérieurs, soit à la marche, pourrait ainsi moduler la locomotion.L’objectif principal était donc de mieux caractériser la manière dont les stimuli environnementaux modulent par le biais de réseaux attentionnels la locomotion. Ceci a été étudié chez les sujets sains puis chez les patients parkinsoniens, avec ou sans enrayage cinétique.Nous avons d'abord défini précisément les déficits attentionnels des patients, avec ou sans troubles de la marche. Ils présentaient respectivement des difficultés en flexibilité mentale et plus particulièrement en attention divisée.Nous avons ensuite exploré l'interaction attention-locomotion grâce à l'étude de la préparation motrice. Ainsi, nous avons pu démontrer que les ajustements posturaux anticipés étaient un marqueur sensible de l’attention. Chez les patients, ils pouvaient témoigner d’une altération de l'interaction attention-programmation motrice.L'étude des régions cérébrales activées lors de la locomotion visuo-guidée chez ces patients a permis de confirmer l'implication de structures corticales attentionnelles. Un déséquilibre d’activation au sein du réseau pariéto-prémoteur (nécessaire à la modulation de l'action motrice en fonction des stimuli externes) était présent.Enfin, nous avons essayé de modifier l'excitabilité du cortex prémoteur via des techniques de stimulation magnétique transcrânienne répétitive afin de moduler la locomotion visuo-guidée

    Cytotoxic and regulatory roles of mucosal-associated invariant T cells in type 1 diabetes

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    Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disease that results from the destruction of pancreatic β-cells by the immune system that involves innate and adaptive immune cells. Mucosal-associated invariant T cells (MAIT cells) are innate-like T-cells that recognize derivatives of precursors of bacterial riboflavin presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I–related molecule MR1. Since T1D is associated with modification of the gut microbiota, we investigated MAIT cells in this pathology. In patients with T1D and mice of the non-obese diabetic (NOD) strain, we detected alterations in MAIT cells, including increased production of granzyme B, which occurred before the onset of diabetes. Analysis of NOD mice that were deficient in MR1, and therefore lacked MAIT cells, revealed a loss of gut integrity and increased anti-islet responses associated with exacerbated diabetes. Together our data highlight the role of MAIT cells in the maintenance of gut integrity and the control of anti-islet autoimmune responses. Monitoring of MAIT cells might represent a new biomarker of T1D, while manipulation of these cells might open new therapeutic strategies

    Analysis of autonomic outcomes in APOLLO, a phase III trial of the RNAi therapeutic patisiran in patients with hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis

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    Hereditary transthyretin-mediated (hATTR) amyloidosis is a progressive, debilitating disease often resulting in early-onset, life-impacting autonomic dysfunction. The effect of the RNAi therapeutic, patisiran, on autonomic neuropathy manifestations in patients with hATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy in the phase III APOLLO study is reported. Patients received patisiran 0.3 mg/kg intravenously (n = 148) or placebo (n = 77) once every 3 weeks for 18 months. Patisiran halted or reversed polyneuropathy and improved quality of life from baseline in the majority of patients. At baseline, patients in APOLLO had notable autonomic impairment, as demonstrated by the Composite Autonomic Symptom Score-31 (COMPASS-31) questionnaire and Norfolk Quality of Life-Diabetic Neuropathy (Norfolk QOL-DN) questionnaire autonomic neuropathy domain. At 18 months, patisiran improved autonomic neuropathy symptoms compared with placebo [COMPASS-31, least squares (LS) mean difference, - 7.5; 95% CI: - 11.9, - 3.2; Norfolk QOL-DN autonomic neuropathy domain, LS mean difference, - 1.1; - 1.8, - 0.5], nutritional status (modified body mass index, LS mean difference, 115.7; - 82.4, 149.0), and vasomotor function (postural blood pressure, LS mean difference, - 0.3; - 0.5, - 0.1). Patisiran treatment also led to improvement from baseline at 18 months for COMPASS-31 (LS mean change from baseline, - 5.3; 95% CI: - 7.9, - 2.7) and individual domains, orthostatic intolerance (- 4.6; - 6.3, - 2.9) and gastrointestinal symptoms (- 0.8; - 1.5, - 0.2). Rapid worsening of all study measures was observed with placebo, while patisiran treatment resulted in stable or improved scores compared with baseline. Patisiran demonstrates benefit across a range of burdensome autonomic neuropathy manifestations that deteriorate rapidly without early and continued treatment.The study was funded by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Medical writing services provided by Kristen Brown (PhD) of Adelphi Communications Ltd, Macclesfeld, UK were funded by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in accordance with Good Publication Practice (GPP3) guidelines. We would like to thank Anastasia McManus (Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc.) for her assistance during preparation of this manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cortical modulation of locomotion

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    Les patients atteints de maladie de Parkinson présentent des troubles de la marche, parfois paroxystiques, pouvant être aggravés ou améliorés par les stimuli environnementaux. L'attention portée, soit aux stimuli extérieurs, soit à la marche, pourrait ainsi moduler la locomotion.L’objectif principal était donc de mieux caractériser la manière dont les stimuli environnementaux modulent par le biais de réseaux attentionnels la locomotion. Ceci a été étudié chez les sujets sains puis chez les patients parkinsoniens, avec ou sans enrayage cinétique.Nous avons d'abord défini précisément les déficits attentionnels des patients, avec ou sans troubles de la marche. Ils présentaient respectivement des difficultés en flexibilité mentale et plus particulièrement en attention divisée.Nous avons ensuite exploré l'interaction attention-locomotion grâce à l'étude de la préparation motrice. Ainsi, nous avons pu démontrer que les ajustements posturaux anticipés étaient un marqueur sensible de l’attention. Chez les patients, ils pouvaient témoigner d’une altération de l'interaction attention-programmation motrice.L'étude des régions cérébrales activées lors de la locomotion visuo-guidée chez ces patients a permis de confirmer l'implication de structures corticales attentionnelles. Un déséquilibre d’activation au sein du réseau pariéto-prémoteur (nécessaire à la modulation de l'action motrice en fonction des stimuli externes) était présent.Enfin, nous avons essayé de modifier l'excitabilité du cortex prémoteur via des techniques de stimulation magnétique transcrânienne répétitive afin de moduler la locomotion visuo-guidée.Patients with Parkinson 's disease present gait impairments, sometimes sudden and unexpected, either improved or deteriorated with environmental stimuli. Attention focalization, either on external stimuli or on gait, could then modulate locomotion.The main objective was to better characterize how environmental stimuli would modulate locomotion, via attentional networks, in healthy subjects and in parkinsonian patients, with or without freezing of gait.At first, we precisely defined the attentional deficits in patients, with or without gait impairment. They showed altered performance respectively in mental flexibility and in divided attention.Then, we explored the attention-locomotion interaction by studying motor preparation. So, we highlighted that anticipatory postural adjustments were a sensitive marker of attention. In patients, they evidenced an alteration of the attention-motor program interaction.Studying the brain activation during the visuo-driven locomotion in these patients confirmed the involvement of cortical attentional regions. We observed an imbalance inside the parieto-premotor network (useful to modulate motor action according external stimuli)Finally, we tried to change the excitability of the premotor cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation to modulate visuo-driven locomotion

    Imagerie multimodale du freezing de la marche dans la maladie de Parkinson par TEP au 18FDG et IRM non conventionnelle

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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Dysarthrie et troubles de la déglutition dans la myosite à inclusions. Revue de la littérature sur les méthodes d’évaluation et les prises en charge orthophoniques

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    La myosite à inclusions est une pathologie neuromusculaire rare touchant principalement les adultes âgés de plus de 50 ans. L’incidence de la dysphagie y est la plus élevée au sein des myopathies inflammatoires. La dysarthrie est un symptôme clinique pouvant également être présent. Actuellement, aucune revue ne s’est spécifiquement intéressée à la place occupée par l’orthophoniste dans l’évaluation et la prise en charge de cette pathologie. Cette revue de la littérature a pour but de faire un état des lieux de la recherche scientifique concernant l’évaluation de la dysarthrie et de la dysphagie dans la myosite à inclusions ainsi que des méthodes de rééducation orthophonique existantes

    Freezing during tapping tasks in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease and freezing of gait

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    <div><p>Introduction</p><p>Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait also experience sudden motor blocks (freezing) during other repetitive motor tasks. We assessed the proportion of patients with advanced PD and freezing of gait who also displayed segmental “freezing” in tapping tasks.</p><p>Methods</p><p>Fifteen Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait were assessed. Freezing of gait was evaluated using a standardized gait trajectory with the usual triggers. Patients performed repetitive tapping movements (as described in the MDS-UPDRS task) with the hands or the feet in the presence or absence of a metronome set to 4 Hz. Movements were recorded with a video motion system. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of segmental freezing in these tapping tasks. The secondary endpoints were (i) the relationship between segmental episodic phenomena and FoG severity, and (ii) the reliability of the measurements.</p><p>Results</p><p>For the upper limbs, freezing was observed more frequently with a metronome (21% of trials) than without a metronome (5%). For the lower limbs, the incidence of freezing was higher than for the upper limbs, and was again observed more frequently in the presence of an auditory cue (47%) than in its absence (14%).</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Although freezing of the lower limbs was easily assessed during an MDS-UPDRS task with a metronome, it was not correlated with the severity of freezing of gait (as evaluated during a standardized gait trajectory). Only this latter was a reliable measurement in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease.</p></div
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