16 research outputs found

    Development of mouthwash with Rosmarinus officinalis extract

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    Rosmarinus officinalis, which belongs to the Lamiaceae family, is a species of medicinal flora with therapeutic properties. In order to exploit the benefits of these properties, a mouthwash formulation was developed, with careful selection of raw materials to meet pharmacotechnical requirements. Extracts of the plant were incorporated into a mouthwash, which was shown to have inhibitory action in vitro against the micro-organisms commonly found in periodontics. Controls for assessing the quality of the drugs were carried out, quantifying phenols and flavonoids as chemical markers. Mouthwash solutions were formulated containing 0.1, 5 and 10% ethanol extract of R. officinalis; and 0.05, 5 and 10% of the hexane fraction of R. officinalis. In order to evaluate synergism, ethanol extract and hexane fraction were also added to formulations containing 0.05% sodium fluoride and 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate. These formulations were assessed for inhibitory effect against the specific microorganisms involved in the process of bacterial plaque formation, S. mutans (ATCC25175) and C. albicans(ATCC 10231), frequently found in cases of oral infections. The agar diffusion method was used to evaluate the inhibitory activity of extracts and formulations. All mouthwash solutions displayed inhibitory activity having higher sensitivity to S. mutans for the 5% ethanol extract+0.05% sodium fluoride, and greater sensitivity to C. albicans for the 10% hexane fraction. Results were characterized by the appearance of a growth inhibition halo, justifying the utilization and association of extracts of R. officinalis.Rosmarinus officinalis, pertencente à família Lamiaceae, é um exemplar da flora medicinal que possui propriedades terapêuticas. No intuito de usufruir destes benefícios, desenvolveu-se uma formulação de enxaguatório bucal com seleção criteriosa de matérias-primas que atendessem os requisitos farmacotécnicos. Incorporaram-se extratos dessa planta e verificou-se a capacidade inibitória in vitro frente a micro-organismos frequentemente encontrados em periodontias. Controles foram efetuados para a avaliação da qualidade dos fármacos, quantificando-se como marcadores químicos, os fenóis e os flavonóides. Formulações de enxaguatórios contendo 0,1, 5 e 10% de extrato etanólico de R. officinalis; e 0,05, 5 e 10% da fração hexânica de R. officinalis foram preparadas. Para avaliar o sinergismo, o extrato e a fração hexânica também foram adicionados às formulações que continham fluoreto de sódio 0,05% e diguclonato de clorexidina 0,12%. Nessas formulações avaliou-se a capacidade inibitória frente a micro-organismos específicos do processo de formação de placa bacteriana, S. mutans (ATCC 25175) e C. albicans (ATCC 10231), frequentemente encontrada em quadros de infecções orais. Foi empregado o método de difusão em ágar para a avaliação da atividade inibitória dos extratos e das formulações. Todos os enxaguatórios demonstraram atividade inibitória, verificando-se maior sensibilidade a S. mutans, quando se utilizou extrato etanólico 5% + fluoreto de sódio 0,05% e sensibilidade maior a C. albicans, quando se utilizou fração hexânica a 10%. Os resultados foram caracterizados pelo aparecimento de halo de inibição de crescimento, justificando a utilização e associação dos extratos de R. officinalis

    Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of the Ethanol Extract of Annona muricata L. Leaves in Animal Models

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    Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of the ethanol extract from Annona muricata L. leaves were investigated in animal models. The extract delivered per oral route (p.o.) reduced the number of abdominal contortions by 14.42% (at a dose of 200 mg/kg) and 41.41% (400 mg/kg). Doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg (p.o) inhibited both phases of the time paw licking: first phase (23.67% and 45.02%) and the second phase (30.09% and 50.02%), respectively. The extract (p.o.) increased the reaction time on a hot plate at doses of 200 (30.77% and 37.04%) and 400 mg/kg (82.61% and 96.30%) after 60 and 90 minutes of treatment, respectively. The paw edema was reduced by the ethanol extract (p.o.) at doses of 200 (23.16% and 29.33%) and 400 mg/kg (29.50% and 37.33%) after 3 to 4 h of application of carrageenan, respectively. Doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg (p.o.), administered 4 h before the carrageenan injection, reduced the exudate volume (29.25 and 45.74%) and leukocyte migration (18.19 and 27.95%) significantly. These results suggest that A. muricata can be an active source of substances with antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities

    Pharmacological Proprieties of the Ethanol Extract of Muehlenbeckia platyclada (F. Muell.) Meisn. Leaves

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    Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of the Muehlenbeckia platyclada leaves’ ethanol extract were investigated in animal models. The extract (p.o.) reduced the number of abdominal contortions induced by acetic acid by 21.57% (400 mg/kg). After intraplantar injection of formalin, a dose of 400 mg/kg (p.o.) inhibited the time spent paw licking in the first phase (26.43%), while the second phase was inhibited by 10.90 and 36.65% at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg, respectively. The extract (p.o.) increased the reaction time on a hot plate at a dose of 400 mg/kg (32.68 and 40.30%) after 60 and 90 minutes of treatment, respectively. The paw edema was reduced by extract (p.o.) at doses of 100 (15.46 and 16.67%), 200 (22.68 and 25.64%) and 400 mg/kg (29.50 and 37.33%) after 3 to 4 h of carrageenan application, respectively. Doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg (p.o.), administered 4 h after the carrageenan injection, reduced the exudate volume (11.28, 21.54 and 45.13%), while leukocyte migration was reduced by 21.21 and 29.70% at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg, respectively. These results indicate that the ethanol extract from M. platyclada may constitute a potential target for the discovery of new molecules with antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities that can be explored for their therapeutic use

    Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Ethanol Extract from Vernonia polyanthes Leaves in Rodents

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    The ethanol extract from Vernonia polyanthes leaves (EEVP) was investigated for antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects at the doses (p.o.) of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg in animal models. The extract reduced the number of abdominal contortions by 16.75% and 31.44% at a dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg, respectively. The results obtained showed that EEVP exerted a significant antinociceptive effect in the two phases of formalin. The EEVP increased the reaction time on a hot plate at the doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg after 90 min of treatment. The paw edema was reduced by EEVP at the doses of 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg after 4 h of application of carrageenan. Doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg, administered 4 h before the carrageenan injection, significantly reduced the exudate volume (29.25 and 45.74%, respectively) and leukocyte migration (18.19 and 27.95%, respectively). These results suggest that V. polyanthes can be an active source of substances with antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities

    Development of mouthwash with Rosmarinus officinalis extract

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    Rosmarinus officinalis, which belongs to the Lamiaceaefamily, is a species of medicinal flora with therapeutic properties. In order to exploit the benefits of these properties, a mouthwash formulation was developed, with careful selection of raw materials to meet pharmacotechnical requirements. Extracts of the plant were incorporated into a mouthwash, which was shown to have inhibitory action in vitro against the micro-organisms commonly found in periodontics. Controls for assessing the quality of the drugs were carried out, quantifying phenols and flavonoids as chemical markers. Mouthwash solutions were formulated containing 0.1, 5 and 10% ethanol extract of R. officinalis; and 0.05, 5 and 10% of the hexane fraction of R. officinalis. In order to evaluate synergism, ethanol extract and hexane fraction were also added to formulations containing 0.05% sodium fluoride and 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate. These formulations were assessed for inhibitory effect against the specific microorganisms involved in the process of bacterial plaque formation, S. mutans(ATCC25175) and C. albicans(ATCC 10231), frequently found in cases of oral infections. The agar diffusion method was used to evaluate the inhibitory activity of extracts and formulations. All mouthwash solutions displayed inhibitory activity having higher sensitivity to S. mutansfor the 5% ethanol extract+0.05% sodium fluoride, and greater sensitivity to C. albicansfor the 10% hexane fraction. Results were characterized by the appearance of a growth inhibition halo, justifying the utilization and association of extracts of R. officinalis

    Aspects of the quality of tetracycline in solid pharrnaceutical forrnulations. Correlation between HPLC and microbiological methods

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    As tetraciclinas são encontradas no mercado sob várias formas farmacêuticas, sendo provenientes de diversos laboratórios farmacêuticos. Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade destes medicamentos, foram realizados os ensaios de dissolução in vitro e determinação quantitativa. Um total de 38 amostras de cápsulas de cloridrato de tetraciclina, fosfato de tetraciclina e cloridrato de oxitetraciclina e drágea de cloridrato de doxiciclina, englobando 12 fabricantes, foram analisadas. A dissolução do princípio ativo foi determinada para todas as amostras, conforme o método recomendado pela USP XXIII. Das amostras, duas foram reprovadas e outras quatro foram aprovadas após o reteste. A variação dos valores individuais obtidos no ensaio de dissolução para cada amostra, foi significativa, apresentando coeficiente de variação de até 14,2 %. A determinação quantitativa através do método microbiológico turbidimétrico empregando Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29737, resultou em duas amostras de um mesmo fabricante com potência muito abaixo do limite especificado de 90 a 125 % do valor rotulado, com 55.5 e 68,7 %. Estudo comparativo desta metodologia com o método de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) foi realizado. Para isto, o método da USP XXIII foi escolhida após o ensaio preliminar, seguido de determinação dos parâmetros de validação e adequação do método. O sistema cromatográfico estabelecido consistiu de coluna de fase reversa SYMMETRYTM C8 e fase móvel composta de oxalato de amônio 0,09 M, dimetilformamida e fosfato dibásico de amônio 0.18 M (64:32:4.7) com pH entre 7,6 e 7.7. Os resultados para determinação de cloridrato de tetraciclina confirmaram os valores obtidos no ensaio microbiológico, sendo reprovadas duas amostras. O teor máximo encontrado de 4-epianidrotetraciclina foi de 0,5 %, abaixo do limite de 3 % especificado na USP XXIII. Na comparação entre os dois métodos, foram observados resultados sempre superiores para o método microbiológico. A análise estatística destes resultados mostrou diferença significativa entre as médias das determinações obtidas a partir de cada método.Tetracyclines are avaiable under several pharmaceutical forms and manufactured by different laboratories. Aiming at the evalution of the quality of these medicines, assays of in vitro dissolution and quantitative determination have been performed in 38 samples of tetracycline hydrochloride and phosphate and oxytetracycline hydrochloride capsules and docycycline hydrochloride coated tablet taken from 12 manufactures. The range of dissolution of the substance was determined in all the samples, according to the method recommended by USP XXIII. On the whole, only two of samples were rejected and all the others approved without restrictions, except four of them, wich required a retest. The evaluation of the individual values obtained in the assay of dissolution in each sample was significant, with a variation coefficient of up to 14.2%. The quantitative determination through the turbidimetric microbiological method employing Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29737, resulted in two samples of tetracycline hydrochloride from the same manufatures with potency of 55.5 % and 68.7 % below the specified limit from 90 % to 125 % the labeled value. A comparative study of this method and the HPLC one was then performed. The USP XXIII method was chosen after a preliminary assay, followed by the determination of its validation parameters and system suitability. The established chromatographic method employed reversed phase column SYMMETRYTM C8 (octylsilane chemically bounded to totally porous sílica particles) and mobile phase consisting of ammonium oxalate 0.09 M, dimethyformamide and dibasic ammonium phosphate 0.18 M (63.9:32:4.7) adjusted to pH 7.6-7.7. The results confirmed the values obtained in the microbiological assay. When this method (HPLC) was used for the determination of 4-epianidrotetracycline, a maximum of 0.5 % was found, below the limit of 3% specified in the USP XXIII. The comparison between both methods reavealed constant superior results in the microbiological one, and the difference between the averages of the determinations from the methods was meaningful

    Aspects of the quality of tetracycline in solid pharrnaceutical forrnulations. Correlation between HPLC and microbiological methods

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    As tetraciclinas são encontradas no mercado sob várias formas farmacêuticas, sendo provenientes de diversos laboratórios farmacêuticos. Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade destes medicamentos, foram realizados os ensaios de dissolução in vitro e determinação quantitativa. Um total de 38 amostras de cápsulas de cloridrato de tetraciclina, fosfato de tetraciclina e cloridrato de oxitetraciclina e drágea de cloridrato de doxiciclina, englobando 12 fabricantes, foram analisadas. A dissolução do princípio ativo foi determinada para todas as amostras, conforme o método recomendado pela USP XXIII. Das amostras, duas foram reprovadas e outras quatro foram aprovadas após o reteste. A variação dos valores individuais obtidos no ensaio de dissolução para cada amostra, foi significativa, apresentando coeficiente de variação de até 14,2 %. A determinação quantitativa através do método microbiológico turbidimétrico empregando Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29737, resultou em duas amostras de um mesmo fabricante com potência muito abaixo do limite especificado de 90 a 125 % do valor rotulado, com 55.5 e 68,7 %. Estudo comparativo desta metodologia com o método de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) foi realizado. Para isto, o método da USP XXIII foi escolhida após o ensaio preliminar, seguido de determinação dos parâmetros de validação e adequação do método. O sistema cromatográfico estabelecido consistiu de coluna de fase reversa SYMMETRYTM C8 e fase móvel composta de oxalato de amônio 0,09 M, dimetilformamida e fosfato dibásico de amônio 0.18 M (64:32:4.7) com pH entre 7,6 e 7.7. Os resultados para determinação de cloridrato de tetraciclina confirmaram os valores obtidos no ensaio microbiológico, sendo reprovadas duas amostras. O teor máximo encontrado de 4-epianidrotetraciclina foi de 0,5 %, abaixo do limite de 3 % especificado na USP XXIII. Na comparação entre os dois métodos, foram observados resultados sempre superiores para o método microbiológico. A análise estatística destes resultados mostrou diferença significativa entre as médias das determinações obtidas a partir de cada método.Tetracyclines are avaiable under several pharmaceutical forms and manufactured by different laboratories. Aiming at the evalution of the quality of these medicines, assays of in vitro dissolution and quantitative determination have been performed in 38 samples of tetracycline hydrochloride and phosphate and oxytetracycline hydrochloride capsules and docycycline hydrochloride coated tablet taken from 12 manufactures. The range of dissolution of the substance was determined in all the samples, according to the method recommended by USP XXIII. On the whole, only two of samples were rejected and all the others approved without restrictions, except four of them, wich required a retest. The evaluation of the individual values obtained in the assay of dissolution in each sample was significant, with a variation coefficient of up to 14.2%. The quantitative determination through the turbidimetric microbiological method employing Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29737, resulted in two samples of tetracycline hydrochloride from the same manufatures with potency of 55.5 % and 68.7 % below the specified limit from 90 % to 125 % the labeled value. A comparative study of this method and the HPLC one was then performed. The USP XXIII method was chosen after a preliminary assay, followed by the determination of its validation parameters and system suitability. The established chromatographic method employed reversed phase column SYMMETRYTM C8 (octylsilane chemically bounded to totally porous sílica particles) and mobile phase consisting of ammonium oxalate 0.09 M, dimethyformamide and dibasic ammonium phosphate 0.18 M (63.9:32:4.7) adjusted to pH 7.6-7.7. The results confirmed the values obtained in the microbiological assay. When this method (HPLC) was used for the determination of 4-epianidrotetracycline, a maximum of 0.5 % was found, below the limit of 3% specified in the USP XXIII. The comparison between both methods reavealed constant superior results in the microbiological one, and the difference between the averages of the determinations from the methods was meaningful

    Avaliação da carga microbiana e determinação de micro-organismos resistentes em áreas hospitalares

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    A infecção hospitalar (IH) é a mais frequente complicação que ocorre em pacientes hospitalizados. A transmissão de micro-organismos em ambiente hospitalar pode ocorrer entre indivíduos ou entre materiais inanimados e indivíduos. Para sua prevenção, normas básicas de limpeza e desinfecção devem ser seguidas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do ambiente hospitalar e da solução desinfetante empregada na limpeza e desinfecção de superfícies, verificando a presença de bactérias resistentes a antibióticos. A qualidade da solução desinfetante de hipoclorito de sódio foi determinada com emprego de métodos analíticos descritos na Farmacopeia Brasileira, 5. ed. Foram analisados 42 lotes de amostras a 1% (Grupo A) e 15 lotes cujas concentrações variaram de 10 a 12% (Grupo B). Para o teste de contagem microbiana, foram coletadas amostras de superfícies, das áreas do Centro de Terapia Intensiva, da Sala de Hemodiálise e da Enfermaria de Clínica Médica Feminina (ECMF). A susceptibilidade da bactéria frente a doze antimicrobianos (TSA) foi avaliada, segundo a técnica de difusão em ágar de Kirby & Bauer. Os resultados dos testes de dosagem da substância ativa nas amostras mostraram que 2% dos lotes do Grupo A e 67% dos lotes do Grupo B apresentaram conformidade ao limite especificado. As cargas microbianas médias foram de 24,1 unidades formadoras de colônias (ufc)/cm2 para micro-organismos aeróbios mesófilos totais e de 11,5 ufc/cm2 para fungos totais. Os resultados da contagem para uma mesma área em dias diferentes apresentaram valores discrepantes, sendo mais críticos na ECMF. Foram identificadas 20 cepas de Staphylococcus spp isoladas das três áreas avaliadas. O teste de sensibilidade mostrou a presença de micro-organismos resistentes à penicilina e eritromicina, alem de duas multirresistentes de Staphylococcus spp coagulase negativa e resistente à oxacilina. Os resultados deste estudo corroboraram a importância do monitoramento ambiental em relação à carga microbiana e da utilização de procedimentos de limpeza e desinfecção de rotina, eficazes e consensuais, com a finalidade de prevenir o surgimento da infecção hospitalar