18 research outputs found

    Hormonal control of the renal immune response and antibacterial host defense by arginine vasopressin

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    Ascending urinary tract infection (UTI) and pyelonephritis caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are very common infections that can cause severe kidney damage. Collecting duct cells, the site of hormonally regulated ion transport and water absorption controlled by vasopressin, are the preferential intrarenal site of bacterial adhesion and initiation of inflammatory response. We investigated the effect of the potent V2 receptor (V2R) agonist deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP) on the activation of the innate immune response using established and primary cultured collecting duct cells and an experimental model of ascending UTI. dDAVP inhibited Toll-like receptor 4–mediated nuclear factor κB activation and chemokine secretion in a V2R-specific manner. The dDAVP-mediated suppression involved activation of protein phosphatase 2A and required an intact cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl− channel. In vivo infusion of dDAVP induced a marked fall in proinflammatory mediators and neutrophil recruitment, and a dramatic rise in the renal bacterial burden in mice inoculated with UPECs. Conversely, administration of the V2R antagonist SR121463B to UPEC-infected mice stimulated both the local innate response and the antibacterial host defense. These findings evidenced a novel hormonal regulation of innate immune cellular activation and demonstrate that dDAVP is a potent modulator of microbial-induced inflammation in the kidney

    O-Antigen Delays Lipopolysaccharide Recognition and Impairs Antibacterial Host Defense in Murine Intestinal Epithelial Cells

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    Although Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 signals from the cell surface of myeloid cells, it is restricted to an intracellular compartment and requires ligand internalization in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Yet, the functional consequence of cell-type specific receptor localization and uptake-dependent lipopolysaccharide (LPS) recognition is unknown. Here, we demonstrate a strikingly delayed activation of IECs but not macrophages by wildtype Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sv. (S.) Typhimurium as compared to isogenic O-antigen deficient mutants. Delayed epithelial activation is associated with impaired LPS internalization and retarded TLR4-mediated immune recognition. The O-antigen-mediated evasion from early epithelial innate immune activation significantly enhances intraepithelial bacterial survival in vitro and in vivo following oral challenge. These data identify O-antigen expression as an innate immune evasion mechanism during apical intestinal epithelial invasion and illustrate the importance of early innate immune recognition for efficient host defense against invading Salmonella

    Potentiation of Epithelial Innate Host Responses by Intercellular Communication

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    The epithelium efficiently attracts immune cells upon infection despite the low number of pathogenic microbes and moderate levels of secreted chemokines per cell. Here we examined whether horizontal intercellular communication between cells may contribute to a coordinated response of the epithelium. Listeria monocytogenes infection, transfection, and microinjection of individual cells within a polarized intestinal epithelial cell layer were performed and activation was determined at the single cell level by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Surprisingly, chemokine production after L. monocytogenes infection was primarily observed in non-infected epithelial cells despite invasion-dependent cell activation. Whereas horizontal communication was independent of gap junction formation, cytokine secretion, ion fluxes, or nitric oxide synthesis, NADPH oxidase (Nox) 4-dependent oxygen radical formation was required and sufficient to induce indirect epithelial cell activation. This is the first report to describe epithelial cell-cell communication in response to innate immune activation. Epithelial communication facilitates a coordinated infectious host defence at the very early stage of microbial infection

    Calcineurin/NFAT signaling and innate host defence: a role for NOD1-mediated phagocytic functions

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    International audienceThe calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFATs) signaling pathway plays a central role in T cell mediated adaptive immune responses, but a number of recent studies demonstrated that calcineurin/NFAT signaling also plays a key role in the control of the innate immune response by myeloid cells. Calcineurin inhibitors, such as cyclosporine A (CsA) and tacrolimus (FK506), are commonly used in organ transplantation to prevent graft rejection and in a variety of immune diseases. These immunosuppressive drugs have adverse effects and significantly increase host's susceptibility towards bacterial or fungal infections. Recent studies highlighted the role of NFAT signaling in fungal infection and in the control of the pattern recognition receptor nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 (NOD1), which predominantly senses invasive Gram-negative bacteria and mediates neutrophil phagocytic functions. This review summarises some of the current knowledge concerning the role of NFAT signaling in the innate immune response and the recent advances on NFAT-dependent inhibition of NOD1-mediated innate immune response caused by CsA, which may contribute to sensitizing transplant recipients to bacterial infection

    TLR4 Facilitates Translocation of Bacteria across Renal Collecting Duct Cells

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    Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) are the most frequent causes of urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis. Renal medullary collecting duct (MCD) cells are the intrarenal site to which UPEC strains prefer to adhere and initiate an inflammatory response, but the ability of UPEC strains to translocate across impermeant MCD cells has not been demonstrated definitively. Here, several UPEC strains adhered to the apical surface and translocated across confluent murine inner MCD cells grown on filters. UPEC strains expressing cytolytic and vacuolating cytotoxins disrupted the integrity of cell layers, whereas noncytolytic UPEC strains passed through the cell layers without altering tight junctions. Apical-to-basal transcellular translocation was dramatically reduced after extinction of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and the lipid raft marker caveolin-1 by small interfering RNA. Furthermore, disruption of lipid raft integrity by filipin III and methyl-β-cyclodextrin significantly reduced both the transcellular translocation of UPEC across murine inner MCD cell layers and the stimulation of proinflammatory mediators. Bacterial translocation was also significantly reduced in primary cultures of TLR4-deficient mouse MCD cells compared with MCD cells from wild-type mice. Benzyl alcohol, an anesthetic that enhances membrane fluidity, favored the recruitment of caveolin-1 in lipid rafts and increased the translocation of UPEC across cultured TLR4-deficient MCD cells. These findings demonstrate that the transcellular translocation of UPEC strains across impermeant layers of MCD cells may occur through lipid rafts via a TLR4-facilitated process

    TLR4-and TLR2-mediated B cell responses control the clearance of the bacterial pathogen Leptospira interrogans

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    International audienceLeptospirosis is a widespread zoonosis caused by pathogenic Leptospira interrogans that are transmitted by asymptomatic infected rodents. Leptospiral lipoproteins and LPS have been shown to stimulate murine cells via TLRs 2 and 4. Host defense mechanisms remain obscure, although TLR4 has been shown to be involved in clearing Leptospira. In this study, we show that double (TLR2 and TLR4) knockout (DKO) mice rapidly died from severe hepatic and renal failure following Leptospira inoculation. Strikingly, the severe proinflammatory response detected in the liver and kidney from Leplospira-infected DKO mice appears to be independent of MyD88, the main adaptor of TLRs. Infection of chimeric mice constructed with wild-type and DKO mice, and infection of several lines of transgenic mice devoid of T and/or B lymphocytes, identified B cells as the crucial lymphocyte subset responsible for the clearance of Leptospira, through the early production of specific TLR4-dependent anti-Leptospira IgMs elicited against the leptospiral LPS. We also found a protective tissue compartmentalized TLR2/TLR4-mediated production of IFN-gamma by B and T lymphocytes, in the liver and kidney, respectively. In contrast, the tissue inflammation observed in Leptospira-infected DKO mice was further characterized to be mostly due to B lymphocytes in the liver and T cells in the kidney. Altogether these findings demonstrate that TLR2 and TLR4 play a key role in the early control of leptospirosis, but do not directly trigger the inflammation induced by pathogenic Leptospira. The Journal of Immunology, 2009, 183: 2669-2677