79 research outputs found

    Variabilidade Interanual da Precipitação e Fluxo de Umidade Sobre a Amazônia Usando o QTCM

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the atmospheric response to the interannual variability patterns of Sea Surface Temperature in the areas of the Atlantic and Tropical Pacific, analyzing the seasonal cycle of Moisture Flux Divergence on the regions of the North and South Atlantic Tropical and Amazon. The Reanalysis data were used in the observational study, and the numerical study used the Quasi-equilibrium Tropical Circulation Model QTCM. The results show that QTCM has ability to represent the spatial distribution of precipitation maximum on the continent and its seasonal variations. QTCM plays the climatological patterns of precipitation and Moisture Flux Divergence associated with the occurrence of El Niño Southern Oscillation and Atlantic Meridional Mode, also suggesting that the seasonal average behavior of Moisture Flux Divergence in North Atlantic area, it has greater impact on the occurrence of El Niño, leading to reduced precipitation in the Amazon. North Atlantic area beyond the source of moisture is also an important regulator of Moisture Flux Divergence, whose temperature anomalies in this region provide impacts on the northern part of South America and Amazon. © 2018, Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia. All rights reserved

    A comparison of the spatial heterogeneities of surface fluxes simulated by INLAND model with observations at a valley and a nearby plateau stations in Central Amazon Forest

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    An improved version of the Integrated Land Surface Model (INLAND), incorporating the physical, ecological and hydrological parameters and processes pertaining to two subclasses of tropical forest in the central Amazon basin, a poorly drained flat plateau and a well-drained adjacent broad valley, is used to simulate the hydrological, energy and CO2 fluxes. The model is forced with observed meteorological data. The experimental output data from the model runs are compared with observational data at the two locations. The seasonal variabilities of water table depth at the valley site and the soil moisture at the plateau site are satisfactorily simulated. The two locations exhibit large differences in energy, carbon and water fluxes, both in the simulations and in the observations. Results validate the INLAND model and indicate the need for incorporating sub-grid scale variability in the relief, soil type and vegetation type attributes to improve the representation of the Amazonian ecosystems in land-surface models.This work was supported by the SĂŁo Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Grant Number 2017/22269-2. The first author was funded by The National Council of Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and National Coordination for High Level Education and Training (CAPES). The second author was supported by CNPq Grant Number 314780/2020-3. The fourth author was supported by Grant Number 2308.019802/2018-7, PVNS (National Senior Visiting Professor) program by CAPES in Brazil and CNPq in Brazil for research Grant number PQ 306595/2013-3.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Associação do impacto da variabilidade da temperatura nos oceanos atlântico e pacífico com os níveis dos rios da Amazônia a partir de dados altimétricos

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    The influence of SST (Sea Surface Temperature) of adjacent oceans on the variability of water levels in the Amazon basin was investigated by using radar altimetry from the ENVISAT and Jason-2 missions. Data from the in situ network was used to compare the correlations of water level and SST anomalies in the sub-basins of the Amazonas-Peru, Solimões, Negro and Madeira Rivers. The analysis was made on the monthly and annual scales between 2003 and 2015. The correlations with anomalies of levels from altimetry presented higher accuracy indices than those from the conventional network. In general, ATN and PAC are better correlated with the entire basin. During the flood months, most of the sub-basins presented negative associations with ATN. In the months of ebb, the response to the indexes varies according to the region. The satellite altimetry data permitted to reach regions non-monitored by the conventional network. We also analyzed the impacts of hydrological extremes in all these sub-regions in the last 13 years. In Western Amazon, the drought of 2010 stands out, associated with the warming of the Tropical Atlantic and the El Niño. In the Negro River, the water level anomalies were the lowest in the basin during the 2005 drought. In the Purus River, the effects of the 2010 drought that affected the entire Amazon, were higher in 2011 due to its strong relationship with the Atlântic and Pacific oceans. In general, hydrological extremes are stronger or highlighted when SST increases simultaneously in both oceans. © 2018, Brazilian Journal of Water Resources. All rights reserved

    Variabilidade do estoque de água continental e sua relação com as cheias e vazantes extremas na Amazônia

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    In this paper, we evaluated the variability of total continental water storage derived from estimates of balance water using satellite data in association with hydro-meteorological data. The occurrence of extreme hydrological events such as drought and flood in the Amazon basin was related to the variability of total storage of continental water. Both estimation methods (PER- Precipitation, Evapotranspiration and Runoff and GRACE) show a strong decrease in water storage during the 2005 drought and a strong recovery during the 2009 flood. The results show that there is strong relationship between the occurrences of extreme hydrological events and water storage in the Amazon. Local and deep measurements of continental water storage can provide more precise indications of the dynamics of the hydrological system and its response to climate variability

    A influência do evento El Niño - Oscilação Sul e Atlântico equatorial na precipitação sobre as regiões norte e nordeste da América do Sul

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    The impacts of anomalous events in the Pacific Ocean associated with the El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on rainfall over northern and northeastern regions of South America were evaluated for the period from 1900 to 2007 using composite analyses. The El Niño (La Niña) events in the Pacific, that together with a cold (warm) Atlantic Equatorial Mode (AEM) form an interbasin gradient between the Pacific and Atlantic were analyzed considering separately those for which the gradient forms during the ENSO onset phase from those for which the gradient forms during the ENSO demise phase. The results show that the rainfall pattern over the northern and northeastern region of South America is reinforced under an interbasin gradient during the initial phase of the ENSO event. In this case, a possible explanation is that the AEM with opposite sign of the ENSO event in its onset stage creates favorable conditions for the development of an interhemispheric gradient in the Tropical Atlantic acting in the same direction of the interbasin gradient, and collaborating to reinforce the El Niño (La Niña) effect on the precipitation. On the other hand, for ENSO events for which the interbasin gradient forms in the demise stage, the impact on the precipitation is more significative in the northern and central-western regions of the basin. A possible explanation for these differences is linked to the alterations in the east-west atmospheric circulation associated with the east-west gradient of the SST anomalies. The result of this study might be useful mainly for climate monitoring purposes

    Estudo do fenômeno da ilha de calor na cidade de Manaus/AM: Um estudo a partir de dados de sensoriamento remoto, modelagem e estações meteorológicas

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    The heat island phenomenon (HI) in the city of Manaus was studied using the urban climate modeling with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and meteorological weather station data. The surface temperature (ST) data from the environmental satellite MODIS Aqua, product MYD11A2 with a horizontal resolution of 1 km by 1 km for the period 2002 to 2012 were used to evaluate the urbanization process in Manaus city. A case study was conducted with the simulated ST and air temperature (AT) for the months of August and September 2009, which were compared respectively with the satellite data and meteorological weather station data. The spatial distribution of ST in the city was identified, and the ST differences between the urban and the forest areas and between the urban and river areas were quantified. The ST difference across the longitude bands 60,03° W to 59,97° W and across the latitude bands 3,09° S a -3,03° S were analyzed with WRF data and MODIS data. The intensity of the HI estimated with the AT from the model and the meteorological stations were on average respectively of 1,87 °C and 1,80 °C, consistent with previous results. Therefore, the simulated AT can be used to estimate the intensity ofHI in Manaus. © 2016, Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia. All Rights reserved

    Nivel insuficiente de actividad física está asociado a menor calidad de vida y al estudio nocturno en universitarios del Distrito Federal

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    A prática de atividade física (AF) é essencial à saúde e à qualidade de vida (QV). Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de atividade física (NAF), a QV, fatores antropométricos e socioeconômicos em universitários do Distrito Federal. Métodos: Foram avaliados aleatoriamente 392 voluntários (43,6% homens). Empregaram-se os questionários IPAQ, WHOQOL e de tempo sentado (TS). Foram avaliados preditores do NAF com o emprego de regressão logística, assim como da QV estratificada por sexo, turno, NAF e renda. Resultados: Dos pesquisados, 51,4% eram insuficientemente ativos (IA) e mostraram menor QV do que os ativos (AT), nos domínicos físico (DOMF) e psicológico (DOMPS) (p 0,05). Menor NAF associou-se com maior TS e com aulas no turno noturno. A proporção de universitários IA foi elevada e se mostrou associada com menor QV no DOMF e DOMPS, elevado TS e com estudo noturno.Physical activity (PA) practice is an essential issue for health and quality of life (QOL). Objective: We analyzed the level of physical activity (LPA) and QOL in association with anthropometric and socioeconomics factors among undergraduate students from the Distrito Federal - Brazil. Methods: We randomly evaluated 392 volunteers (43.6% men). We employed the IPAQ + reported siting time (ST), and WHOQOL questionnaires. Logistic regression was used to evaluate LPA predictors. QOL was compared between sex, class period (day vs night), LPA and income. Results: Two hundred and one volunteers (51.4%) were insufficiently active (IA) and showed lower QOL than the active (AT) ones on physical (PHD) and psychological (PSD) domains (p< 0.05). Lower LPA was associated with greater ST and with the night shift study. We found a high proportion of IA students that was associated with lower QOL on PHD and PSD, higher ST and nightshift study

    Greater aortic stiffness is associated with renal dysfunction in participants of the ELSA-Brasil cohort with and without hypertension and diabetes

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    Background Arterial stiffness has been associated with renal dysfunction and its progression, but the pathophysiological relation underlying this association has not been fully established, particularly among individuals without hypertension and diabetes. We investigated the cross-sectional associations between arterial stiffness and renal function in adults without cardiovascular disease, and whether this association remained among subjects without hypertension and diabetes. Methods All eligible participants from ELSA-Brasil (2008–2010), aged 35 to 74 years (N = 13,586) were included, of whom 7,979 were free from hypertension and diabetes. The response variables were: 1) low glomerular filtration rate (eGFR<60ml/min/1.73m2) estimated by CKD-EPI; 2) increased albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR ≥30mg/g); and 3) chronic kidney disease (CKD). Arterial stiffness was ascertained by the carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV). The covariates were sex, age, race/color, level of schooling, smoking, body mass index, total cholesterol/HDL-c glycated hemoglobin, diabetes, systolic blood pressure, heart rate and use of antihypertensive drugs. Logistic regression was used to examine the associations. Results After all adjustments, 1 m/s increase in PWV was associated with ORs equal to 1.10 (95%CI: 1.04–1.16), 1.10 (95%CI: 1.05–1.16) and 1.12 (95%CI: 1.08–1.17) of low eGFR, high ACR, and CKD, respectively. In subjects without hypertension and diabetes, these ORs were 1.19 (95%CI: 1.07–1.33), 1.20 (95%CI: 1.07–1.32) and 1.21 (95%CI: 1.11–1.30), respectively. Conclusion The increase in PWV was associated with all renal dysfunction markers, even in individuals without hypertension and diabetes, suggesting a relation that is not completely mediated by the presence of these conditions
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