693 research outputs found

    A census of ρ\rho Oph candidate members from Gaia DR2

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    The Ophiuchus cloud complex is one of the best laboratories to study the earlier stages of the stellar and protoplanetary disc evolution. The wealth of accurate astrometric measurements contained in the Gaia Data Release 2 can be used to update the census of Ophiuchus member candidates. We seek to find potential new members of Ophiuchus and identify those surrounded by a circumstellar disc. We constructed a control sample composed of 188 bona fide Ophiuchus members. Using this sample as a reference we applied three different density-based machine learning clustering algorithms (DBSCAN, OPTICS, and HDBSCAN) to a sample drawn from the Gaia catalogue centred on the Ophiuchus cloud. The clustering analysis was applied in the five astrometric dimensions defined by the three-dimensional Cartesian space and the proper motions in right ascension and declination. The three clustering algorithms systematically identify a similar set of candidate members in a main cluster with astrometric properties consistent with those of the control sample. The increased flexibility of the OPTICS and HDBSCAN algorithms enable these methods to identify a secondary cluster. We constructed a common sample containing 391 member candidates including 166 new objects, which have not yet been discussed in the literature. By combining the Gaia data with 2MASS and WISE photometry, we built the spectral energy distributions from 0.5 to 22\microm for a subset of 48 objects and found a total of 41 discs, including 11 Class II and 1 Class III new discs. Density-based clustering algorithms are a promising tool to identify candidate members of star forming regions in large astrometric databases. If confirmed, the candidate members discussed in this work would represent an increment of roughly 40% of the current census of Ophiuchus.Comment: A&A, Accepted. Abridged abstrac

    Single-ion and exchange anisotropy effects and multiferroic behavior in high-symmetry tetramer single molecule magnets

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    We study single-ion and exchange anisotropy effects in equal-spin s1s_1 tetramer single molecule magnets exhibiting TdT_d, D4hD_{4h}, D2dD_{2d}, C4hC_{4h}, C4vC_{4v}, or S4S_4 ionic point group symmetry. We first write the group-invariant quadratic single-ion and symmetric anisotropic exchange Hamiltonians in the appropriate local coordinates. We then rewrite these local Hamiltonians in the molecular or laboratory representation, along with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriay (DM) and isotropic Heisenberg, biquadratic, and three-center quartic Hamiltonians. Using our exact, compact forms for the single-ion spin matrix elements, we evaluate the eigenstate energies analytically to first order in the microscopic anisotropy interactions, corresponding to the strong exchange limit, and provide tables of simple formulas for the energies of the lowest four eigenstate manifolds of ferromagnetic (FM) and anitiferromagnetic (AFM) tetramers with arbitrary s1s_1. For AFM tetramers, we illustrate the first-order level-crossing inductions for s1=1/2,1,3/2s_1=1/2,1,3/2, and obtain a preliminary estimate of the microscopic parameters in a Ni4_4 from a fit to magnetization data. Accurate analytic expressions for the thermodynamics, electron paramagnetic resonance absorption and inelastic neutron scattering cross-section are given, allowing for a determination of three of the microscopic anisotropy interactions from the second excited state manifold of FM tetramers. We also predict that tetramers with symmetries S4S_4 and D2dD_{2d} should exhibit both DM interactions and multiferroic states, and illustrate our predictions for s1=1/2,1s_1=1/2, 1.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Projection-based local and global Lipschitz moduli of the optimal value in linear programming

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    In this paper, we use a geometrical approach to sharpen a lower bound given in [5] for the Lipschitz modulus of the optimal value of (finite) linear programs under tilt perturbations of the objective function. The key geometrical idea comes from orthogonally projecting general balls on linear subspaces. Our new lower bound provides a computable expression for the exact modulus (as far as it only depends on the nominal data) in two important cases: when the feasible set has extreme points and when we deal with the Euclidean norm. In these two cases, we are able to compute or estimate the global Lipschitz modulus of the optimal value function in different perturbations frameworks.This research has been partially supported by Grants PGC2018-097960-B-C21 and PID2020-116694GB-I00 from MICINN, Spain, and ERDF, ‘A way to make Europe,’ European Union

    Manejo da irrigação para o trigo no sistema plantio direto.

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    Critérios para o manejo da irrigação; Tensão da água do solo; Coeficiente de culturaz; Manejo da irrigação; Tensiômetro e curva de retenção da água do solo; Tensiômetro e tanque USWB Classe A; Tanque USWB classe A e curva de retenção da água do solo; Exemplos de cálculo.bitstream/CNPAF/22930/1/comt_91.pd

    Similarity in the difference: changes in community functional features along natural and anthropogenic stress gradients.

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    The effect of stressors on biodiversity can vary in relation to the degree to which biological communities have adapted over evolutionary time. We compared the responses of functional features of stream insect communities along chronic stress gradients with contrasting time persistence. Water salinity and land use intensification were used as examples of natural (long-term persistent) and anthropogenic (short-term persistent) stressors, respectively. A new trait-based approach was applied to quantify functional diversity components and functional redundancy within the same multidimensional space, using metrics at the taxon and community levels. We found similar functional responses along natural and anthropogenic stress gradients. In both cases, the mean taxon functional richness and functional similarity between taxa increased with stress, whereas community functional richness and functional redundancy decreased. Despite the differences in evolutionary persistence, both chronic stressors act as strong nonrandom environmental filters, producing convergent functional responses. These results can improve our ability to predict functional effects of novel stressors at ecological and evolutionary scales

    Engaging End-Users in the Collaborative Development of Domain-Speci c Modelling Languages

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    International audienceDomain-Speci c Modelling Languages (DSMLs) are high-level languages specially designed to perform tasks in a particular domain. When developing DSMLs, the participation of end-users is normally limited to providing domain knowledge and testing the resulting language prototypes. Language developers, which are perhaps not domain experts, are therefore in control of the language development and evolution. This may cause misinterpretations which hamper the development process and the quality of the DSML. Thus, it would be bene cial to promote a more active participation of end-users in the development process of DSMLs. While current DSML workbenches are mono-user and designed for technical experts, we present a process and tool support for the example-driven, collaborative construction of DSMLs in order to engage end-users in the creation of their own languages

    Multivariable PID Control of a Boiler

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    [EN] This document presents the proposal of the authors to the Control Engineering Benchmark 2016, organized by the Control Engineering Group of the Spanish Committee of Automatica. This is the winner design in the postgraduate category. The benchmark proposes the design of a control system for a boiler, that is modelled by a nonlinear multivariable model with three input, three output, and a measurable disturbance. The control system presented in this report is based on the design of a multivariable proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller by using convex optimization techniques. In addition, prefilters for the references and for the measurable disturbance have also been proposed. Finally, the performance of the designed control system is shown under the same scenarios to the ones considered in the benchmark.[ES] Este documento presenta la propuesta de los autores para el Concurso en Ingeniería de Control 2016 (CIC2016) organizado por el Grupo Temático de Ingeniería de Control del Comité Español de Automática (CEA). Esta propuesta resultó ganadora en la categoría de estudiantes de máster y postgrado. El concurso consiste en el diseño de un sistema de control para una caldera de vapor, que es modelada por un modelo no lineal multivariable con tres entradas, tres salidas y una perturbación medible. El sistema de control propuesto en este documento se basa en el diseño de un controlador tipo proporcional integrador derivativo (PID) multivariable, mediante técnicas de optimización convexa. Además, se contempla el uso de más grados de libertad mediante el diseño de precompensadores para referencias y para la perturbación medible. Finalmente, se analiza el desempeño del sistema de control diseñado, bajo los escenarios propuestos en el concurso.Este trabajo está financiado por el Ministerio de Economía e Innovación de España (incluyendo cofinanciación FEDER-UE) bajo los proyectos DPI2013-47100-C2-1-P y DPI2016-79278-C2-1-R.Mercader, P.; Cánovas, CD.; Baños, A. (2018). Control PID multivariable de una caldera de vapor. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática. 16(1):15-25. https://doi.org/10.4995/riai.2018.9034SWORD152516