8 research outputs found

    Nurse prescription in the urgencies and emergency context

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    The area of the urgencies and emergencies, assisted from all levels and care settings raises, if possible, patterns of work and ways that collaboration between professionals and teamwork make nurse prescription, often pharmacological, a legislative needs in response to increased scientific evidence and through internationally accepted performance algorithms. Enabling the nurse to act according to these concepts and beyond any "doubt and suspicion" of illegality. Taking a consensus necessary training and development and according to professional specialization and differentiation in this area and as arguments to remove any doubt still remains the subject without enclosing any sense and in many sectors.YesEl área de las urgencias y emergencias, asistidas desde cualquiera de los niveles y entornos asistenciales plantea, si cabe, unos modelos de trabajo y formas en que la colaboración entre profesionales y el trabajo en Equipo hacen de la prescripción enfermera, muchas veces farmacológica, una necesidad legislada atendiendo a la mayor evidencia científica y a través de algoritmos de actuación internacionalmente aceptados. Posibilitando a la enfermera actuar acorde a estos conceptos y fuera de toda “duda y sospecha” de ilegalidad. Haciéndose necesario un consenso y desarrollo formativo y acorde a la especialización y diferenciación profesional en esta área y como argumentos que despejen cuantas dudas aún este asunto sigue encerrando sin ningún sentido y en muchos sectores

    Necesidades detectadas en pacientes derivados a centro sanitario en ambulancia de la red de transporte urgente tras asistencia por equipos de emergencias 061

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    The integral systems of urgencies and sanitary emergencies has, as resources for the urgent transport of patients, with nonwelfare ambulances, ambulances of basic life support and ambulances of advanced life support. In the two first, due to the ambiguity of the norm, the presence of a nurse to give care is not compulsory. Nevertheless, in the present study, it is detected that, the patients of this study, transferred in nonwelfare ambulance of the urgent transport network to a useful hospitable center with urgency character, once they have been attended by the 061 emergency team, presented/displayed a group of altered basic human necessities, medical levels of dependency as far as autonomy, nurse diagnoses, medical diagnoses, and necessities of pursuit of the restored evolution of the therapeutic technique and that cause the necessity of benefit of nursing care during this transfer.Los sistemas integrales de urgencias y emergencias sanitarias cuentan, como recursos para el transporte de pacientes, con ambulancias no asistenciales, ambulancias de soporte vital básico y ambulancias de soporte vital avanzado. En las dos primeras, debido a la ambigüedad de la normativa, no es obligatoria la presencia del enfermero para prestar cuidados. Sin embargo, en el presente estudio, se detecta que, los pacientes de este estudio, trasladados en ambulancia no asistencial de la red de transporte urgente a centro hospitalario útil con carácter de urgencia, previa asistencia por equipos de emergencias 061, presentaron una serie de necesidades humanas básicas alteradas, niveles de dependencia en cuanto a autonomía, diagnósticos enfermeros, diagnósticos médicos, y necesidades de seguimiento de la evolución de la técnica y terapéutica instaurada que provocan la necesidad de prestación de cuidados de enfermería durante dicho traslado

    Continuity of Cares and Communication interlevels between emergencies mobile teams and Primary Care Attention

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    The gradual incorporation of the nurses to the extrahospital emergency teams give them a holistic aspect in the field of care. And this is not possible without addressing the possibility of continuity of care and communication with other levels of care. All efforts in this regard and made speeches themselves as nursing, "Refer" (Nic 8100) and "Exchange of information on health care" (Nic 7960), is the conceptual framework of this work, which objetives are to quantify and exposing the proceedings in this line taken by the nurses of emergency team.YesLa incorporación progresiva de las enfermeras a los equipos de emergencias extrahospitalarios, dotan a éstos de un aspecto holístico en la esfera de los cuidados. Y ello, no es posible sin atender a las posibilidades de continuidad de cuidados y comunicación con el resto de niveles asistenciales. Todos los esfuerzos en este sentido, y asumidos como intervenciones propias de enfermería: “Derivación” (Nic 8100) e “Intercambio de información de cuidados de salud” (Nic 7960), son el marco conceptual de este trabajo, cuyos objetivos son cuantificar y exponer las actuaciones en esta línea llevadas a cabo por los profesionales de enfermería de los Equipos de Emergencias

    Necesidades detectadas en pacientes derivados a centro sanitario en ambulancia de la red de transporte urgente tras asistencia por equipos de emergencias 061

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    Los sistemas integrales de urgencias y emergencias sanitarias cuentan, como recursos para el transporte de pacientes, con ambulancias no asistenciales, ambulancias de soporte vital básico y ambulancias de soporte vital avanzado. En las dos primeras, debido a la ambigüedad de la normativa, no es obligatoria la presencia del enfermero para prestar cuidados. Sin embargo, en el presente estudio, se detecta que, los pacientes de este estudio, trasladados en ambulancia no asistencial de la red de transporte urgente a centro hospitalario útil con carácter de urgencia, previa asistencia por equipos de emergencias 061, presentaron una serie de necesidades humanas básicas alteradas, niveles de dependencia en cuanto a autonomía, diagnósticos enfermeros, diagnósticos médicos, y necesidades de seguimiento de la evolución de la técnica y terapéutica instaurada que provocan la necesidad de prestación de cuidados de enfermería durante dicho traslado. Abstract The integral systems of urgencies and sanitary emergencies has, as resources for the urgent transport of patients, with nonwelfare ambulances, ambulances of basic life support and ambulances of advanced life support. In the two first, due to the ambiguity of the norm, the presence of a nurse to give care is not compulsory. Nevertheless, in the present study, it is detected that, the patients of this study, transferred in nonwelfare ambulance of the urgent transport network to a useful hospitable center with urgency character, once they have been attended by the 061 emergency team, presented/displayed a group of altered basic human necessities, medical levels of dependency as far as autonomy, nurse diagnoses, medical diagnoses, and necessities of pursuit of the restored evolution of the therapeutic technique and that cause the necessity of benefit of nursing care during this transfer. Centro de Trabajo: (1) Enfermero. Experto Universitario en Enfermería de Urgencias y Emergencias. Serv. Provincial EPES 061 de Jaén, (2) Enfermero. Experto Universitario en Enfermería de Urgencias y Emergencias. DCCUP Distrito Sanitario de Jaén (Serv. Andaluz de Salud) Fecha del Trabajo: 01/09/2006 Palabra Clave: Necesidades, ambulancia, transporte urgente, cuidados enfermeros, sistema integral de urgencias y emergencias Key Words: Necessities, ambulance, urgent transport, nursing care, integral system of urgencies and emergencie

    Drone Applications for Emergency and Urgent Care: A Systematic Review.

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    In recent years, the use of drones in health emergencies has increased. Among their main benefits are avoiding endangering rescuers, travelling long distances in a short time, or contacting victims in risky situations; but despite their multiple advantages, their use has not been fully demonstrated. This study aims to identify the available evidence on the use of drones in emergency health care compared to traditional health care. Systematic review of the literature was conducted. Search protocols were developed to locate studies that met the established selection criteria. Six experimental or quasi-experimental studies with high methodological quality published from the beginning of indexing until 2020 were included. Drones covered a significantly larger area than other traditional tracking methods and were very useful for performing preliminary triage, determining needs, and knowing the scene prior to the arrival of rescuers. In addition, drones reduced the time required to locate the victim. Drones are an element to be taken into account when attending health emergencies as they significantly improve the distance travelled to locate accident victims, have the possibility of performing triage prior to the arrival of the health care units, and improve the time and quality of the care provided

    Development of the Aerial Remote Triage System using drones in mass casualty scenarios: A survey of international experts.

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    The use of drones for triage in mass-casualty incidents has recently emerged as a promising technology. However, there is no triage system specifically adapted to a remote usage. Our study aimed to develop a remote triage procedure using drones. The research was performed in three stages: literature review, the development of a remote triage algorithm using drones and evaluation of the algorithm by experts. Qualitative synthesis and the calculation of content validity ratios were done to achieve the Aerial Remote Triage System. This algorithm assesses (in this order): major bleeding, walking, consciousness and signs of life; and then classify the injured people into several priority categories: priority 1 (red), priority 2 (yellow), priority 3 (green) and priority * (violet). It includes the possibility to indicate save-living interventions to injured people and bystanders, like the compression of bleeding injuries or the adoption of the recovery position. The Aerial Remote Triage System may be a useful way to perform triage by drone in complex emergencies when it is difficult to access to the scene due to physical, chemical or biological risks