405 research outputs found

    Employment management policies in single-industry towns in the light of existing issues of precarious employment

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    Purpose: The article aims to study the precarious employment in single-industry towns and to assess the effectiveness of government measures aimed at reducing it and ensuring the protection of economic and social rights of workers. Design/Methodology/Approach: It was revealed that the transition to an information-digital society, which continues to be formatted at the junction of changes in communication technologies and the motivation of employment behavior, has significantly changed the labor market in Russia. There was a massive introduction of non-standard forms of employment, which has not only positive effects, but also negative risks that are most acute in single-industry towns. To minimize these risks, it is necessary to find mechanisms to increase the economic and social security of workers with flexible employment. Findings: The paper proposes to develop an employment management policy in single-industry towns regarding the precarious employment and include measures of solving the issues related to self-employment of the population. Practical Implications: The practical results of the study can be used to develop assumptions for regional authorities to reduce precarious employment in single-industry towns. Originality / Value: The main contribution of this study is that single-industry cities should reduce inefficient “social employment” by creating highly efficient jobs and developing self-employmenpeer-reviewe

    Epigenetic mechanisms of TNFα activation in patients with cancer endometry

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    An important aspect of the management of patients with endometrial cancer (ER) is the timely identification of risk groups, early signs of the onset and recurrence of the disease. There is an active search for new markers for early diagnosis, detection of relapses and postoperative monitoring of RE. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) is a cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of various forms of cancer, as well as associated with chronic inflammation, obesity. The goal is to study the methylation of the TNFa gene in the OM and the possibility of using it as a marker for forecasting, monitoring, and the risk of developing the OM. Materials and methods. DNA methylation was determined by the method of pyrosequencing in endometrial specimens taken from 10 patients with verified endometrial hyperplasia and 13 patients with RE when performing hysteroscopy with endometrial biopsy or endometrial curettage. Results and discussion. The total degree of methylation of the TNFα gene DNA promoter in the samples under study in patients with simple and / or complex nonatypical endometrial hyperplasia was 62.6 ± 12.8% and was higher than in RE patients (34.7 ± 8.8%). Findings. The results of the study showed the involvement of the epigenetic mechanism, which is associated with hypomethylation of the TNFα gene promoter, which can lead to the activation of the TNFα gene in RE. Determining the amount of methylation DNA promoter of the TNFα gene can be used as a potential prognostic and diagnostic marker for ER

    Assessment of negative infrastructural externalities when determining the land value

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    The work forms and substantiates the concept of land value, based on a new institutional theory. The infrastructural component of the cost of land in the presented concept determines, on the one hand, the efficiency of the use of natural resources, properties, demand for land on the market, on the other hand, the costs, which are determined not only by capital investments in construction of engineering infrastructure, but also by losses associated with restrictions on activities within zones with special conditions for territory use, creation of unfavorable conditions for economic activity, small contours, irregularities and others on a specific land plot, which are external negative infrastructural externalities that create losses of rights holders of land plots that are not compensated by the market, falling within the boundaries of these zones. Methods for assessing the impact of such negative infrastructural externalities on the cost of land encumbered by zones in different conditions of land market activity have been developed and tested, based on an expert-analytical approach (depressed market); the ratio of market values of land plots encumbered and unencumbered by a specific zone, and qualimetric modeling (inactive market); modeling by introducing into the model the factor of presence of zones with special conditions for territory use, based on the grouping of zones according to similar regulations for use, or by introducing the parameters of this factor (active market). Methods for taking into account spatial deficiencies and compensating for restrictions and prohibitions on activities on the territory of land plots with an individual market assessment are proposed

    Perspective directions in the development of architecture of the polytechnic museums

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    The museums of science and technology (or polytechnic) highlight the process of the innovational development of the society and have their own place in the system of school-science-industry-technical culture. The innovational activity of certain regions, states or groups of states is comprised of inventions, discoveries, new products and technologies that is all that provides the development of society and its competitive advantages. The modern polytechnic museums combine not only the functions of the demonstration of the achievements of the scientific and technological progress but also training and development of new inventions. In connection with the multifunctional nature of the modern polytechnic museum architects face the challenge of the creation of the architecture with universal dimensional planning elements, with its possible transformation in the course of time.Keywords: museum; science; innovations; technology; typolog

    Studying the structure and adhesion strength of thermal barrier coating

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    The structure and adhesive strength of thermal barrier coatings produced by successive deposition of layers is studied. The coating is applied in three layers: I) a diffusion aluminosilicide coating that provides protection against high temperature oxidation and corrosion, with a thickness of 50μm; ii) a metal sublayer providing a smooth transition from a metal coating to a ceramic one, with a thickness of 100 to 120μm; iii) a ceramic layer decreasing the temperature of the blades during operation, with a thickness of 70 to 100μm. The total coating thickness ranges from 0.17 to 0.27mm. It is shown that the second and third layers deposited by plasma spraying are quite dense, the porosity being less than 5 vol%. During tensile tests carried out on an Instron testing machine, the failure of glued samples was always detected in the adhesive joint. The adhesive strength of the applied epoxy-based adhesive was 12MPa; it can be stated that the adhesive strength of the coating is higher than 12MPa. © 2019 Author(s)

    Problems of digitalization of education in the conditions of professional mobility

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    In article problems and risks of digitalization of professional education are considered: change of approaches to the organization and content of educational process taking into account formation of transprofessional competences, ensuring availability and quality of the developed courses, information security of the digital educational environmentВ статье рассматриваются проблемы и риски цифровизации профессионального образования: изменение подходов к организации и содержанию образовательного процесса с учетом формирования транспрофессиональных компетенций, обеспечение доступности и качества разрабатываемых курсов, информационная безопасность цифровой образовательной сред


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    The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of educational reforms in advanced economies and in Russia so performed differently at various instances and to identify positive and negative trends in the system of Russian education based on the results of moving to a two-tiered system of education. Research methodology: the article presents a description of the methods of theoretical research (analysis, synthesis, generalization), expressed in the consistency of the conceptual apparatus, the relationship of concepts and basic principles, ensuring the relationship between functional theoretical principles based on the reform of the Russian education system, and empirical methods (observation, measurement), providing research results based on the realities of modern reality. The systematic approach is analyzed for a qualitative study of the processes and phenomena occurring in the Russian education system, aimed at solving the following problems of professional education: development of theoretical concepts based on system principles; educational process management; substantiation of the consistency of conclusions and proposals characterizing the processes of education. Results: annually forecast the need for staffing in territorial planning, introduce a correlation in the recruitment for higher and secondary vocational education programs, revive the training system for workers and restore the prestige of secondary vocational education.  El objetivo del estudio es realizar un análisis comparativo de las reformas educativas en países con economías desarrolladas y en Rusia, llevado a cabo de manera diferente en diferentes casos, e identificar tendencias positivas y negativas en el sistema educativo ruso en función de los resultados de la transición a un sistema educativo de dos niveles. Metodología de la investigación: el artículo describe los métodos de investigación teórica (análisis, síntesis, generalización), expresados ​​en la consistencia del aparato conceptual, la relación de conceptos y principios básicos que aseguran la interconexión de los principios teórico funcionales basados ​​en la reforma. Sistema educativo ruso y métodos empíricos (observación, medición) que proporcionan resultados de investigación basados ​​en las realidades de la realidad moderna. Se utiliza un enfoque sistemático para un estudio cualitativo de los procesos y fenómenos que ocurren en el sistema educativo ruso, con el objetivo de resolver las siguientes tareas de la educación profesional: desarrollo de conceptos teóricos basados ​​en principios del sistema; gestión de procesos educativos; fundamentación de la consistencia de conclusiones y sugerencias que caracterizan los procesos de aprendizaje. Resultados: pronostica anualmente la necesidad de personal en la planificación territorial, introduce correlación en el reclutamiento para programas de educación vocacional superior y secundaria, revive el sistema de capacitación para trabajadores y restablece el prestigio de la educación vocacional secundaria.Цель исследования – провести сравнительный анализ образовательных реформ в странах с развитой экономикой и в России, проведенных по-разному в разных случаях, и выявить положительные и отрицательные тенденции в системе российского образования на основе результатов перехода к двухуровневой системе образования. Методология исследования: в статье представлено описание методов теоретического исследования (анализа, синтеза, обобщения), выраженных в согласованности концептуального аппарата, взаимосвязи концепций и базовых принципов, обеспечивающих взаимосвязь функционально-теоретических принципов на основе реформирования. российской системы образования и эмпирические методы (наблюдение, измерение), обеспечивающие результаты исследований, основанные на реалиях современной реальности. Системный подход используется для качественного изучения процессов и явлений, происходящих в российской системе образования, направленных на решение следующих задач профессионального образования: разработка теоретических концепций на основе системных принципов; управление учебным процессом; обоснование согласованности выводов и предложений, характеризующих процессы обучения. Результаты: ежегодно прогнозировать потребность в кадрах в территориальном планировании, вводить корреляцию при наборе на программы высшего и среднего профессионального образования, возрождать систему подготовки рабочих и восстанавливать престиж среднего профессионального образования

    Световая среда сооружений для физкультурно-оздоровительных занятий

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    Natural light is essential for the normal functioning of the human, so for sports facilities are very important to the orientation of the halls, where the training. Optimal is a latitude orientation, and the Windows of the rooms should go to the North side, with an accuracy of 30%. The lighting can be used as the side, and the upper light. The best solution is a variant of combined lighting, where major is the upper light, and the side Windows with lighting devices are used as additional.Естественное освещение является жизненно необходимым для нормального функционирования человека. Для спортивных сооружений имеет очень важное значение пространственная ориентация залов, где проходят тренировки. Оптимальной считается широтная ориентация, а окна в помещении должны смотреть на северную сторону с точностью до 30%. Для освещения могут быть использованы и боковой, и верхний свет. Лучшим решением является комбинированное освещени

    Электровелосипеды в городской среде: перспективы и ограничения применения в мегаполисах

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    The development of a transport system that meets both the requirements of residents to ensure mobility while maintaining the ecology of the city, and the requirements of a business that needs an efficient logistics system is a topical task for most megalopolises. Moscow, being no exception, is making significant efforts to develop the city’s transport system, using both traditional methods of increasing the capacity of roads and developing the city’s infrastructure to use bicycle transport, which can reduce the load on the city’s public transport and positively affect the city’s economy and ecology. Recently, electric vehicles of individual use began to appear on the streets of the city: electric bicycles, electric scooters, etc.The objective of the research is to consider problems and assess the prospects for using individual electric vehicles in megalopolises, at the example of Moscow, for both recreational and utilitarian purposes. The study used as research methods the analysis of the experience of development of these vehicles abroad, including in the urban transport system, and the analysis of the regulatory aspects of the use of electric bikes to determine the main areas that need to be taken into account when using electric bikes in the urban environment.The authors also evaluate the possibilities of their use, considering categories of goods and the features of routing. The conclusion is drawn on the large existing potential of the use of electric bicycles as of an instrument of urban logistics, and on the advantages of electric bicycles as of an alternative urban transportmode.Развитие транспортной системы, отвечающей как требованиям жителей по обеспечению мобильности при сохранении экологии города, так и требованиям бизнеса, нуждающегося в эффективной логистической системе – актуальная задача большинства мегаполисов. Москва, не являясь исключением, прикладывает значительные усилиядля развития транспортной системы города, используя как традиционные методы увеличения пропускной способности автодорог, так и развивая городскую  инфраструктуру для использования велотранспорта, способного снизить нагрузку на общественный транспорт города и повлиять на экономику и экологию города. В последнее время на улицах города стал появляться электротранспорт индивидуального  использования: электровелосипеды, электросамокаты.Целью статьи является рассмотрение проблем и оценка перспектив применения в мегаполисах, на примере Москвы индивидуального электротранспорта как с  рекреационными, так и утилитарными целями. В качестве методов исследования  используется анализ опыта развития данных транспортных средств за рубежом, в том числе в городской транспортной системе, анализ нормативно-правовых аспектов  использования электровелосипедов для определения основных направлений, требующих учёта при активном использовании электровелосипедов в городской среде.Авторы проводят оценку возможностей их использования с учётом категорий грузов и  особенностей маршрутизации. Делается вывод о потенциале использования электровелосипедов в качестве инструмента городской логистики, а также выделяются  преимущества электровелосипедов как альтернативного городского транспорта