669 research outputs found

    Evidence for magnetoplasmon character of the cyclotron resonance response of a two-dimensional electron gas

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    Experimental results on the absolute magneto-transmission of a series of high density, high mobility GaAs quantum wells are compared with the predictions of a recent magnetoplasmon theory for values of the filling factor above 2. We show that the magnetoplasmon picture can explain the non-linear features observed in the magnetic field evolution of the cyclotron resonance energies and of the absorption oscillator strength. This provides experimental evidence that inter Landau level excitations probed by infrared spectroscopy need to be considered as many body excitations in terms of magnetoplasmons: this is especially true when interpreting the oscillator strengths of the cyclotron transitions

    Spin relaxation and anticrossing in quantum dots: Rashba versus Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling

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    The spin-orbit splitting of the electron levels in a two-dimensional quantum dot in a perpendicular magnetic field is studied. It is shown that at the point of an accidental degeneracy of the two lowest levels above the ground state the Rashba spin-orbit coupling leads to a level anticrossing and to mixing of spin-up and spin-down states, whereas there is no mixing of these levels due to the Dresselhaus term. We calculate the relaxation and decoherence times of the three lowest levels due to phonons. We find that the spin relaxation rate as a function of a magnetic field exhibits a cusp-like structure for Rashba but not for Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Enhancement of the spin-gap in fully occupied two-dimensional Landau levels

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    Polarization-resolved magneto-luminescence, together with simultaneous magneto-transport measurements, have been performed on a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) confined in CdTe quantum well in order to determine the spin-splitting of fully occupied electronic Landau levels, as a function of the magnetic field (arbitrary Landau level filling factors) and temperature. The spin splitting, extracted from the energy separation of the \sigma+ and \sigma- transitions, is composed of the ordinary Zeeman term and a many-body contribution which is shown to be driven by the spin-polarization of the 2DEG. It is argued that both these contributions result in a simple, rigid shift of Landau level ladders with opposite spins.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Low temperature mixed spin state of Co3+ in LaCoO3 evidenced from Jahn-Teller lattice distortions

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    One- and multi-phonon excitations of the single crystalline LaCoO3 were studied using Raman spectroscopy in the temperature region of 5 K - 300 K. First-order Raman spectra show a larger number of phonon modes than allowed for the rhombohedral structure. Additional phonon modes are interpreted in terms of activated modes due to lattice distortions, arising from the Jahn-Teller (JT) activity of the intermediate-spin (IS) state of Co3+ ions. In particular, the 608-cm-1 stretching-type mode shows anomalous behavior in peak energy and scattering intensity as a function of temperature. The anomalous temperature dependence of the second-order phonon excitations spectra is in accordance with the Franck-Condon mechanism that is characteristic for a JT orbital order.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, to be published in J. Low. Temp. Physic

    Analysis of flame acceleration induced by wall friction in open tubes

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    Spontaneous flame acceleration leading to explosion triggering in open tubes/channels due to wall friction was analytically and computationally studied. It was first demonstrated that the acceleration is affected when the thermal expansion across the flame exceeds a critical value depending on the combustion configuration. For the axisymmetric flame propagation in cylindrical tubes with both ends open, a theory of the initial (exponential) stage of flame acceleration in the quasi-isobaric limit was developed and substantiated by extensive numerical simulation of the hydrodynamics and combustion with an Arrhenius reaction. The dynamics of the flame shape, velocity, and acceleration rate, as well as the velocity profile ahead and behind the flame, have been determined. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3425646

    Extra Spin-Wave mode in Quantum Hall systems. Beyond the Skyrmion Limit

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    We report on the observation of a new spin mode in a quantum Hall system in the vicinity of odd electron filling factors under experimental conditions excluding the possibility of Skyrmion excitations. The new mode having presumably zero energy at odd filling factors emerges at small deviations from odd filling factors and couples to the spin-exciton. The existence of an extra spin mode assumes a nontrivial magnetic order at partial fillings of Landau levels surrounding quantum Hall ferromagnets other then the Skyrmion crystal.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Development of High Granulated Straw Chambers of Large Sizes

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    We have developed the baseline design for the straw drift tube tracking detectors for high rate environment application. The low-mass inner straw elements and the technology of the multianode straws assembly was devised and checked. The prototype chamber was constructed and studied the granularity of similar chambers can be reduced to one cm2. Submitted to Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, LettersComment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Observation of Spin Relaxation Anisotropy in Semiconductor Quantum Wells

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    Spin relaxation of two-dimensional electrons in asymmetrical (001) AlGaAs quantum wells are measured by means of Hanle effect. Three different spin relaxation times for spins oriented along [110], [1-10] and [001] crystallographic directions are extracted demonstrating anisotropy of D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation mechanism. The relative strengths of Rashba and Dresselhaus terms describing the spin-orbit coupling in semiconductor quantum well structures. It is shown that the Rashba spin-orbit splitting is about four times stronger than the Dresselhaus splitting in the studied structure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Anomalous Hall effect in a two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit interaction

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    We discuss the mechanism of anomalous Hall effect related to the contribution of electron states below the Fermi surface (induced by the Berry phase in momentum space). Our main calculations are made within a model of two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit interaction of the Rashba type, taking into account the scattering from impurities. We demonstrate that such an "intrinsic" mechanism can dominate but there is a competition with the impurity-scattering mechanism, related to the contribution of states in the vicinity of Fermi surface. We also show that the contribution to the Hall conductivity from electron states close to the Fermi surface has the intrinsic properties as well.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
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