23,597 research outputs found

    Study on needs for a magnetic suspension system operating with a transonic wind tunnel

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    The U.S. aeronautical industry was surveyed to determine if current and future transonic testing requirements are sufficient to justify continued development work on magnetic suspension and balance systems (MSBS) by NASA. The effort involved preparation of a brief technical description of magnetic suspension and balance systems, design of a survey form asking specific questions about the role of the MSBS in satisfying future testing requirements, selecting nine major aeronautics companies to which the description and survey forms were sent, and visiting the companies and discussing the survey to obtain greater insight to their response to the survey. Evaluation and documentation of the survey responses and recommendations which evolved from the study are presented

    Advanced development of Pb-salt semiconductor lasers for the 8.0 to 15.0 micrometer spectral region

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    The technology was studied for producing Pb-salt diode lasers for the 8-51 micron spectral region suitable for use as local oscillators in a passive Laser Heterodyne Spectrometer (LHS). Consideration was given to long range NASA plans for the utilization of the passive LHS in a space shuttle environment. The general approach was to further develop the method of compositional interdiffusion (CID) recently reported, and used successfully at shorter wavelength. This technology was shown to provide an effective and reproducible method of producing a single-heterostructure (SH) diode of either the heterojunction or single-sided configuration. Performance specifications were exceeded in several devices, with single-ended CW power outputs as high as 0.88 milliwatts in a mode being achieved. The majority of the CID lasers fabricated had CW operating temperatures of over 60K; 30% of them operated CW above the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen. CW operation above liquid nitrogen temperature was possible for wavelengths as long as 10.3 microns. Operation at 77K is significant with respect to space shuttle operations since its allows considerable simplification of cooling method

    Thermal control characteristics of a diffuse bladed specular base louver system Final report

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    Diffuse bladed specular base louver system for spacecraft temperature contro

    A MERLIN Observation of PSR B1951+32 and its associated Plerion

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    In an investigative 16 hour L band observation using the MERLIN radio interferometric array, we have resolved both the pulsar PSR B1951+32 and structure within the flat spectral radio continuum region, believed to be the synchrotron nebula associated with the interaction of the pulsar and its `host' supernova remnant CTB 80. The extended structure we see, significant at \sim 4.5 σ\sigma, is of dimensions 2.5" ×\times 0.75", and suggests a sharp bow shaped arc of shocked emission, which is correlated with similar structure observed in lower resolution radio maps and X-ray images. Using this MERLIN data as a new astrometric reference for other multiwavelength data we can place the pulsar at one edge of the HST reported optical synchrotron knot, ruling out previous suggested optical counterparts, and allowing an elementary analysis of the optical synchrotron emission which appears to trail the pulsar. The latter is possibly a consequence of pulsar wind replenishment, and we suggest that the knot is a result of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities. These being so, it suggests a dynamical nature to the optical knot, which will require high resolution optical observations to confirm.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    A user's guide for V174, a program using a finite difference method to analyze transonic flow over oscillating wings

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    The design and usage of a pilot program using a finite difference method for calculating the pressure distributions over harmonically oscillating wings in transonic flow are discussed. The procedure used is based on separating the velocity potential into steady and unsteady parts and linearizing the resulting unsteady differential equation for small disturbances. The steady velocity potential which must be obtained from some other program, is required for input. The unsteady differential equation is linear, complex in form with spatially varying coefficients. Because sinusoidal motion is assumed, time is not a variable. The numerical solution is obtained through a finite difference formulation and a line relaxation solution method

    Development of lead salt semiconductor lasers for the 9-17 micron spectral region

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    Improved diode lasers of Pb sub 1-x Sn sub x Se operating in the 9-17 micrometers spectral region were developed. The performance characteristics of the best lasers exceeded the contract goals of 500 microW/mode at T 30K in the 9-12 micrometers region and 200 microW/mode at T 18K in the 16-17 micrometers region. Increased reliability and device yields resulted from processing improvements which evolved from a series of diagnostic studies. By means of Auger electron spectroscopy, laser shelf storage degradation was shown to be characterized by the presence of In metal on the semiconductor crystal surfaces. Studies of various metal barrier layers between the crystals and the In metal led to the development of an improved metallurgical contacting technology which has resulted in devices with performance stability values exceeding the contract goal of a one year shelf life. Lasers cycled over 500 times between 300K and 77K were also shown to be stable. Studies on improved methods of fabricating striped geometry lasers indicated that good spectral mode characteristics resulted from lasers which stripe widths of 12 and 25 micrometers

    Reliability improvements in tunable Pb1-xSnxSe diode lasers

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    Recent developments in the technology of Pb-salt diode lasers which have led to significant improvements in reliability and lifetime, and to improved operation at very long wavelengths are described. A combination of packaging and contacting-metallurgy improvements has led to diode lasers that are stable both in terms of temperature cycling and shelf-storage time. Lasers cycled over 500 times between 77 K and 300 K have exhibited no measurable changes in either electrical contact resistance or threshold current. Utilizing metallurgical contacting process, both lasers and experimental n-type and p-type bulk materials are shown to have electrical contact resistance values that are stable for shelf storage periods well in excess of one year. Problems and experiments which have led to devices with improved performance stability are discussed. Stable device configurations achieved for material compositions yielding lasers which operate continuously at wavelengths as long as 30.3 micrometers are described

    Multidimensional Inverse Scattering of Integrable Lattice Equations

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    We present a discrete inverse scattering transform for all ABS equations excluding Q4. The nonlinear partial difference equations presented in the ABS hierarchy represent a comprehensive class of scalar affine-linear lattice equations which possess the multidimensional consistency property. Due to this property it is natural to consider these equations living in an N-dimensional lattice, where the solutions depend on N distinct independent variables and associated parameters. The direct scattering procedure, which is one-dimensional, is carried out along a staircase within this multidimensional lattice. The solutions obtained are dependent on all N lattice variables and parameters. We further show that the soliton solutions derived from the Cauchy matrix approach are exactly the solutions obtained from reflectionless potentials, and we give a short discussion on inverse scattering solutions of some previously known lattice equations, such as the lattice KdV equation.Comment: 18 page

    Neutrino Physics and Nuclear Axial Two-Body Interactions

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    We consider the counter-term describing isoscalar axial two-body currents in the nucleon-nucleon interaction, L1A, in the effective field theory approach. We determine this quantity using the solar neutrino data. We investigate the variation of L1A when different sets of data are used.Comment: 8 pages with 4 figures. To be published in the Proceedings of the Conference "Blueprints For The Nucleus: From First Principles to Collective Motion" held at Feza Gursey Institute, Istanbul, Turkey; May 17 -22, 200