35 research outputs found

    Intra-Organ Variation in Age-Related Mutation Accumulation in the Mouse

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    Using a transgenic mouse model harboring chromosomally integrated lacZ mutational target genes, we previously demonstrated that mutations accumulate with age much more rapidly in the small intestine than in the brain. Here it is shown that in the small intestine point mutations preferentially accumulate in epithelial cells of the mucosa scraped off the underlying serosa. The mucosal cells are the differentiated villus cells that have undergone multiple cell divisions. A smaller age-related increase, also involving genome rearrangements, was observed in the serosa, which consists mainly of the remaining crypts and non-dividing smooth muscle cells. In the brain we observed an accumulation of only point mutations in no other areas than hypothalamus and hippocampus. To directly test for cell division as the determining factor in the generation of point mutations we compared mutation induction between mitotically active and quiescent embryonic fibroblasts from the same lacZ mice, treated with either UV (a point mutagen) or hydrogen peroxide (a clastogen). The results indicate that while point mutations are highly replication-dependent, genome rearrangements are as easily induced in non-dividing cells as in mitotically active ones. This strongly suggests that the point mutations found to have accumulated in the mucosal part of the small intestine are the consequence of replication errors. The same is likely true for point mutations accumulating in hippocampus and hypothalamus of the brain since neurogenesis in these two areas continues throughout life. The observed intra-organ variation in mutation susceptibility as well as the variation in replication dependency of different types of mutations indicates the need to not only extend observations made on whole organs to their sub-structures but also take the type of mutations and mitotic activity of the cells into consideration. This should help elucidating the impact of genome instability and its consequences on aging and disease

    SFRP4 drives invasion in gastric cancer and is an early predictor of recurrence.

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    OBJECTIVE: Gastric cancer patients generally have a poor outcome, particularly those with advanced-stage disease which is defined by the increased invasion of cancer locally and is associated with higher metastatic potential. This study aimed to identify genes that were functional in the most fundamental hallmark of cancer, namely invasion. We then wanted to assess their value as biomarkers of gastric cancer progression and recurrence. DESIGN: Data from a cohort of patients profiled on cDNA expression arrays was interrogated using K-means analysis. This genomic approach classified the data based on patterns of gene expression allowing the identification of the genes most correlated with the invasion of GC. We evaluated the functional role of a key protein from this analysis in invasion and as a biomarker of recurrence after curative resection. RESULTS: Expression of secreted frizzled-related protein 4 (SFRP4) was identified as directly proportional to gastric cancer invasion. This finding was validated in multiple, independent datasets and its functional role in invasion was also confirmed using invasion assays. A change in serum levels of SFRP4 after curative resection, when coupled with AJCC stage, can accurately predict the risk of disease recurrence after curative therapy in an assay we termed PredictR. CONCLUSIONS: This simple ELISA-based assay can help predict recurrence of disease after curative gastric cancer surgery irrespective of adjuvant therapy. The results require further evaluation in a prospective trial but would help in the rational prescription of cancer therapies and surveillance to prevent under or over treatment of patients after curative resection

    Effect of Ku80 Deficiency on Mutation Frequencies and Spectra at a LacZ Reporter Locus in Mouse Tissues and Cells

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    Non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) is thought to be an important mechanism for preventing the adverse effects of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) and its absence has been associated with premature aging. To investigate the effect of inactivated NHEJ on spontaneous mutation frequencies and spectra in vivo and in cultured cells, we crossed a Ku80-deficient mouse with mice harboring a lacZ-plasmid-based mutation reporter. We analyzed various organs and tissues, as well as cultured embryonic fibroblasts, for mutations at the lacZ locus. When comparing mutant with wild-type mice, we observed a significantly higher number of genome rearrangements in liver and spleen and a significantly lower number of point mutations in liver and brain. The reduced point mutation frequency was not due to a decrease in small deletion mutations thought to be a hallmark of NHEJ, but could be a consequence of increased cellular responses to unrepaired DSBs. Indeed, we found a substantial increase in persistent 53BP1 and γH2AX DNA damage foci in Ku80−/− as compared to wild-type liver. Treatment of cultured Ku80-deficient or wild-type embryonic fibroblasts, either proliferating or quiescent, with hydrogen peroxide or bleomycin showed no differences in the number or type of induced genome rearrangements. However, after such treatment, Ku80-deficient cells did show an increased number of persistent DNA damage foci. These results indicate that Ku80-dependent repair of DNA damage is predominantly error-free with the effect of alternative more error-prone pathways creating genome rearrangements only detectable after extended periods of time, i.e., in young adult animals. The observed premature aging likely results from a combination of increased cellular senescence and an increased load of stable, genome rearrangements

    Interleukin-11 Is the Dominant IL-6 Family Cytokine during Gastrointestinal Tumorigenesis and Can Be Targeted Therapeutically

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    SummaryAmong the cytokines linked to inflammation-associated cancer, interleukin (IL)-6 drives many of the cancer “hallmarks” through downstream activation of the gp130/STAT3 signaling pathway. However, we show that the related cytokine IL-11 has a stronger correlation with elevated STAT3 activation in human gastrointestinal cancers. Using genetic mouse models, we reveal that IL-11 has a more prominent role compared to IL-6 during the progression of sporadic and inflammation-associated colon and gastric cancers. Accordingly, in these models and in human tumor cell line xenograft models, pharmacologic inhibition of IL-11 signaling alleviated STAT3 activation, suppressed tumor cell proliferation, and reduced the invasive capacity and growth of tumors. Our results identify IL-11 signaling as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancers

    Down-regulation of a pro-apoptotic pathway regulated by PCAF/ADA3 in early stage gastric cancer

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    Abstract The loss of p300/CBP-associated protein (PCAF) expression is associated with poor clinical outcome in gastric cancer, and a potential bio-marker for invasive and aggressive tumors. However, the mechanism linking loss of PCAF to the onset of gastric cancer has not been identified. Given that PCAF and its binding partner transcriptional adaptor protein 3 (ADA3) were recently shown to regulate the intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway to apoptosis via epigenetic regulation of phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting proteins 1 and 2 (PACS1, PACS2), we analyzed PCAF, ADA3, and PACS1/2 expression in 99 patient-matched surgical samples ranging from normal gastric mucosa, through pre-malignant chronic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia to stage I–III invasive cancers. PCAF mRNA levels were not reduced in either pre-malignant state but were significantly down-regulated in all stages of gastric cancer, commencing at AJCC stage I (p < 0.05), thus linking reduced PCAF expression with early malignant change. Furthermore, patients with combined reduction of PCAF and PACS1 had significantly poorer overall survival (p = 0.0257), confirmed in an independent dataset of 359 patients (p = 5.8 × 10e-6). At the protein level, PCAF, ADA3, and PACS1 expression were all significantly down-regulated in intestinal-type gastric cancer, and correlated with reduced progression free survival. We conclude that a pro-apoptotic mechanism centered on the intrinsic (mitochondrial) pathway and regulated by PCAF/ADA3 can influence the progression from premalignant to malignant change, and thus act as a tumor suppression mechanism in gastric cancer

    Mutant frequencies and spectra depend on growth state and passage number in cells cultured from transgenic lacZ-plasmid reporter mice.

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    Transgenic mice harboring the lacZ gene within a plasmid that can be recovered and amplified in Escherichia coli, to establish mutant frequencies and spectra, have provided crucial insights into the relationships between mutations, cancer and aging in vivo. Here, we use embryonic fibroblasts from transgenic lacZ-plasmid reporter mice to determine the relationship between cell proliferation in culture and mutations induced by ultraviolet (UV) light. A single dose of 2.5J/m2 of UVC to actively proliferating cells caused an approximately eight-fold increase in mutant frequency 24 h after irradiation. Identically treated quiescent cells showed a two-fold increase in mutant frequency. Thus, whereas proliferation facilitated the acquisition of mutations, it was not an absolute requirement. Characterization of the UV-induced mutations indicated that the lower mutant frequency in quiescent cells was due mainly to a reduction in point mutations; size-change mutations, indicative of translocations or deletions, were relatively unaffected by the growth state of the cells. To investigate long-term genomic stability after UVC-induced damage, we monitored the lacZ locus in irradiated cells passaged for many generations in culture. The results indicated the emergence of jackpot mutations of rapidly changing frequency, most likely reflecting the successive emergence and decline of dominant cell clones during long-term culture. These findings show that the lacZ-plasmid locus is a valid reporter for studying induced mutations in short-term cultures of both quiescent and proliferating fibroblasts. In long-term cultures, the locus is less suitable for studying induced mutations owing to the instability of the cell population

    Early relapses after adjuvant chemotherapy suggests primary chemoresistance in diffuse gastric cancer

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Survival from gastric cancer remains poor, particularly in Western populations. Previous pre-clinical and subgroup analyses of clinical trials have suggested differing benefits from fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapeutics for diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer. This analysis examines patterns of relapse with and without adjuvant chemotherapy after curative resection for gastric cancer in these subtypes to explore the Lauren classification as a predictive marker of benefit for fluoropyrimidine-based adjuvant chemotherapy.</p><p>Patients and methods</p><p>Gastric cancer patients enrolled in an ongoing tissue banking study were analysed, 164 patients who would currently be considered for adjuvant therapy after curative resection were included in the analysis. Patients who did and did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy were compared. The primary end point was relapse free survival.</p><p>Results</p><p>Approximately 50% of patients received adjuvant chemotherapy, the majority receiving a fluoropyrimidine-based regimen. The comparison of Kaplan-Meier curves for patients who did and did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy are different between patients with intestinal and diffuse gastric cancer, and suggest that there may be a benefit in intestinal gastric cancer. The hazard ratio for adjuvant chemotherapy for intestinal gastric cancer was 0.56, (95% CI 0.27–1.17), suggesting a trend towards benefit that was lacking in diffuse gastric cancer patients (1.26, 95% CI 0.70–2.38). The patterns of relapse after adjuvant chemotherapy also differed between diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer. More than 50% of diffuse gastric cancer patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy relapsed within 12 months of surgery despite similar surgical parameters.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Lauren classification is prognostic in gastric cancer. This analysis adds further evidence that it may also be predictive of benefit for fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapeutics, with lower chemosensitivity seen in diffuse gastric cancer. Treating diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer as separate entities, with identification of efficacious treatments for diffuse gastric cancer will help in improving outcomes from gastric cancer.</p></div

    Organ-Specific Increase in Mutation Accumulation and Apoptosis Rate in CuZn-Superoxide Dismutase–Deficient Mice

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    Reactive oxygen species have been implicated as a cause of cancer and aging in mammals. Mice deficient for the antioxidant enzyme CuZn-superoxide dismutase (Sod1) have a decreased life span and an elevated incidence of liver cancer. To test the hypothesis that the cancer-prone phenotype in such mice is due to accelerated spontaneous mutation accumulation, we crossed these mutants with mice harboring a neutral lacZ mutation reporter gene. At 2 months of age, the lacZ mutation frequency in the liver of the hybrid animals was already twice as high as in littermate controls of the same age. This difference in mutation frequency increased to >3-fold at 6 months of age, after which it did not increase any further. Characterization of the mutation spectra in liver of the Sod1-null mice indicated mainly GC-to-TA transversions and GC-to-AT transitions, signature mutations of oxidative stress. The accelerated mutation accumulation in liver was accompanied by an increased frequency of apoptotic cells, as indicated by an increase in both terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling- and caspase 3-stained cells at 6 and 12 months of age. In kidney, an elevated mutation frequency above controls of approximately 2.5-fold was found not earlier than at 6 months. No increased mutation accumulation was observed in brain or spleen. These results support the hypothesis, that oxidative stress is an important causal factor of cancer in mammals.Grant support: NIH grants AG17242, AG20438, and AG024400