122 research outputs found

    Cryptographic functions in a smart card

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    Bustos Rodríguez, AJ. (2010). Cryptographic functions in a smart card. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/10194.Archivo delegad

    Improving The Fault Tolerance of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols using Aspect-oriented Programming

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    [ES] Las redes ad hoc son redes inalámbricas distribuidas formadas por nodos móviles que se ubican libremente y dinámicamente, capaces de organizarse de manera propia en topologías arbitrarias y temporales, a través de la actuación de los protocolos de encaminamiento. Estas redes permiten a las personas y dispositivos conectarse sin problemas rápidamente, en áreas sin una infraestructura de comunicaciones previa y con un bajo coste. Muchos estudios demuestran que los protocolos de encaminamiento ad hoc se ven amenazados por una variedad de fallos accidentales y maliciosos, como la saturación de vecinos, que puede afectar a cualquier tipo de red ad hoc, y el ruido ambiental, que puede afectar en general a todas las redes inalámbricas. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo y la implementación de estrategias de tolerancia a fallos para mitigar el efecto de las fallos, es esencial para el uso práctico de este tipo de redes. Sin embargo, los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos suelen estar implementados de manera específica, dentro del código fuente de los protocolos de encaminamiento que hace que i) ser reescrito y reorganizado cada vez que una nueva versión de un protocolo se libera, y ii) tener un carácter completamente remodelado y adaptado a las nuevas versiones de los protocolos. Esta tesis de máster explora la viabilidad de utilizar programación orientada a aspectos (AOP), para desarrollar e implementar los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos adecuados para toda una familia de protocolos de encaminamiento, es decir, las versiones actuales y futuras de un protocolo determinado (OLSR en este caso). Por otra parte, se propone una nueva metodología para ampliar estos mecanismos a diferentes familias de protocolos proactivos (OLSR, BATMAN y Babel) con un nuevo concepto de AOP, el metaaspecto. La viabilidad y efectividad de la propuesta se ha evaluado experimentalmente, estableciendo así un nuevo método para mejorar la implementación de la portabilidad y facilidad de mantenimiento de los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos en los protocolos de enrutamiento ad hoc y, por lo tanto, la fiabilidad de las redes ad hoc.[EN] Ad hoc networks are distributed networks consisting of wireless mobile nodes that can freely and dynamically self-organize into arbitrary and temporary topologies, through the operation of routing protocols. These networks allow people and devices to seamlessly interconnect rapidly in areas with no pre-existing communication infrastructure and with a low cost. Many studies show that ad hoc routing protocols are threatened by a variety of accidental and malicious faults, like neighbour saturation, which may affect any kind of ad hoc network, and ambient noise, which may impact all wireless networks in general. Therefore, developing and deploying fault tolerance strategies to mitigate the effect of such faults is essential for the practical use of this kind of networks. However, those fault tolerance mechanisms are usually embedded into the source code of routing protocols which causes that i) they must be rewritten and redeployed whenever a new version of a protocol is released, and ii) they must be completely redeveloped and adapted to new routing protocols. This master thesis explores the feasibility of using Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) to develop and deploy fault tolerance mechanisms suitable for a whole family of routing protocols, i.e. existing and future versions of a given protocol (OLSR in this case). Furthermore, a new methodology is proposed to extend these mechanisms to different families of proactive protocols (OLSR, B.A.T.M.A.N and Babel) using a new concept in AOP, the meta-aspect. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposal is experimentally assessed, thus establishing a new method to improve the deployment, portability, and maintainability of fault tolerance mechanisms for ad hoc routing protocols and, therefore, the dependability of ad hoc networks.Bustos Rodríguez, AJ. (2012). Improving The Fault Tolerance of Ad Hoc Routing Protocols using Aspect-oriented Programming. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18421Archivo delegad

    Real Hacienda y Negocios: García de Salcedo, Oficial Real en Lima (1532-1556)

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    In the context of the expansion of mercantile capitalism and the transformation of the State during the sixteenth century, this article focuses on the tensions between private interests and those of the Castilian Crown, particularly the work of the Royal Treasury (Real Hacienda) during the Conquest. It examines the case of one of the first royal officials in Peru. The violation of state norms by administrative agents of the monarchy has been treated by different authors from different perspectives. The reason for returning to this issue here consists in observing it as a strategy combined with other mechanisms of profit extraction in the process of the Conquest and in economic activities in commercial and agrarian sectors

    Nivel de madurez de seguridad en el área de redes de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (U.P.T.C) Tunja, basado en Norma ISO 27001.

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    Con el uso de la internet y los servicios alrededor de esta como herramienta de comunicación, por las diferentes organizaciones sea cual sea su carácter o composición jurídica, la internet es la más utilizada para el intercambio de información y de problemas a medida que avanzan las tecnologías Con ella también se propagan el riesgo de pérdida de información, el robo de los datos, el ataque y violación de información por consiguiente se deben diseñar políticas que minimicen los riegos y/o fallas a la que se encuentre expuesta la información en el entorno empresarial, estas políticas deben ir dirigidas hacer tomar y/o a crear conciencias sobre el valor de la información del negocio. El desarrollo del presente proyecto busca reconocer el nivel de madurez de seguridad de la información en el área de redes de la universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (U.P.T.C) Tunja, basado en norma ISO 27001, mediante la recopilación, descripción, registro, análisis e interpretación de la información, y la comprensión de procesos y fenómenos de la realidad estudiada. Este análisis se realiza sobre el funcionamiento y manejo que actualmente se da a la información, permitiendo de esta manera detectar falencias, diseñar soluciones y resolver problemas con el propósito de evitar la pérdida de información y garantizar la seguridad, integridad, disponibilidad, confidencialidad, autenticidad en la información y la continuidad del negocio.With the use of the internet and the services around it as a communication tool, by the different organizations whatever their legal nature or composition, the internet is the most used for the exchange of information and problems as technologies advance With it, the risk of loss of information, data theft, attack and violation of information are also propagated, therefore, policies must be designed that minimize the risks and / or failures to which the information is exposed in the business environment , these policies should be directed to make take and / or create awareness about the value of business information. The development of this project seeks to recognize the level of maturity of information security in the area of ​​networks of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC) Tunja, based on ISO 27001, through the collection, description, registration, analysis and interpretation of the information, and the understanding of processes and phenomena of the reality studied. This analysis is performed on the operation and management that is currently given to the information, thus allowing to detect flaws, design solutions and solve problems with the purpose of preventing the loss of information and guaranteeing security, integrity, availability, confidentiality, authenticity. in information and business continuity

    Ambient noise in wireless mesh networks: Evaluation and proposal of an adaptive algorithm to mitigate link removal

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    [EN] Ambient noise is one of the major problems in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). It is responsible for adverse effects on communications such as packet dropping, which dramatically affects the behaviour of ad hoc routing protocols ,a key element of these networks. This issue is of prime importance for WMNs since the loss of communication links experienced by nodes may strongly increase the convergence time of the network. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of this problem makes it difficult to address with traditional techniques. The contribution of this paper goes in the direction of (i) exploring this problem by assessing the behaviour of three state-of-the-art routing protocols in the presence of ambient noise (OLSR, B.A.T.M.A.N and Babel) and (ii) improving the resilience capabilities of these protocols against ambient noise by proposing an algorithm for the link quality-based adaptive replication of packets, named LARK. The goal of LARK is to avoid the loss of communication links in the presence of high levels of ambient noise. The effectiveness of the proposal is experimentally assessed, thus establishing a new method to reduce the impact of ambient noise on WMNs.This work is partially supported by the Spanish projects ARENES (TIN2012-38308-C02-01) and SEMSECAP (TIN-2009-13825), the ANR French project AMORES (ANR-11-INSE-010), and the Intel Doctoral Student Honour Programme 2012.Friginal López, J.; Ruiz García, JC.; Andrés Martínez, DD.; Bustos Rodríguez, A. (2014). Ambient noise in wireless mesh networks: Evaluation and proposal of an adaptive algorithm to mitigate link removal. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 41:505-516. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2014.02.004S5055164

    Formation of Irida-β-ketoimines and PCNamine-Ir(III) Complexes by Reacting Irida-β-diketones with Aliphatic Diamines: Catalytic Activity in Hydrogen Release by Methanolysis of H3N–BH3

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    Aliphatic diamines [(H2N(CH2)nNHR) (a–d) n = 2: R = H (a), R = CH3 (b), R = C2H5 (c), n = 3, R = H (d) or rac-2-(aminomethyl)piperidine (e)] react with [IrH(Cl){(PPh2(o-C6H4CO))2H}] in THF to afford ketoimine complexes [IrH(Cl){(PPh2(o-C6H4CO))(PPh2(o-C6H4CN(CH2)nNHR))H}] (2a–2d) or [IrH(Cl){(PPh2(o-C6H4CO))(PPh2(o-C6H4CNCH2(C5H9NH)))H}] (2e), containing a bridging N–H···O hydrogen bond and a dangling amine. Complex 2e consists of an almost equimolar mixture of two diastereomers. In protic solvents, the dangling amine in complexes 2 displaces chloride to afford cationic acyl-iminium compounds, [IrH(PPh2(o-C6H4CO))(PPh2(o-C6H4CNH(CH2)nNHR))]X (3a–3d, X = Cl) or [IrH(PPh2(o-C6H4CO))(PPh2(o-C6H4CNHCH2(C5H9NH)))]Cl (3e) and (4a–4b, X = ClO4), with new hemilabile terdentate PCNamine ligands adopting a facial disposition. Complexes 3 contain the corresponding phosphorus atom trans to hydride and the amine fragment trans to acyl, while complexes 4 contain the amine trans to hydride. 3b and 4b consist of 80:20 and 95:5 mixtures of diastereomers, respectively, while 3e contains a 65:35 mixture. In the presence of KOH, intermediate cationic acyl-iminium complexes 3 transform into neutral acyl-imine [IrH(PPh2(o-C6H4CO))(PPh2(o-C6H4CN(CH2)nNHR))] derivatives (5) with retention of the stereochemistry. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis was performed on 2a, [3a]Cl, [3b]Cl, [4a]ClO4, and 5b. Complexes 2, 3, and 5 catalyze the methanolysis of ammonia-borane under air to release hydrogen. The highest activity is observed for ketoimine complexes 2.Partial financial support by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO/FEDER (CTQ2015-65268-C2-1-P and PID2019- 111281GB-I00), Gobierno Vasco (GIC 18/143 and IT1180-19) Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), and Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa are gratefully acknowledged. I. B. acknowledges support by UPV/EHU

    Bonding to silicate ceramics : conventional technique compared with a simplified technique

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    Silicate ceramic bonding is carried out by acid-etching with hydrofluoric acid (HF) followed by an application of silane. By replacing HF with ammonium polyfluoride, contained in the same flask as the silane, the number of steps in this clinical procedure, can be reduced, while maintaining bond strength values, and reducing toxicity. A shear bond test was performed to compare the conventional and the simplified surface treatment techniques. Twenty ceramic samples were fabricated from IPS emax CAD® ceramic (Ivoclar Vivadent) and divided into two groups (G1 and G2) (n=10). The conventional technique was applied to G1 samples, and the simplified technique to G2 samples. A resin cement cylinder was bonded to each sample. Afterwards, samples underwent shear bond strength testing in a universal test machine. G1 obtained 26.53±6.33 MPa and G2 23.52±8.41 MPa, without statistically significant differences between the two groups. Monobond Etch Prime appears to obtain equivalent results in terms of bond strength while simplifying the technique. Further investigation is required to corroborate these preliminary findings

    Shear bond strength of debonded ceramic restorations re-cemented by means of a cleaning and retreatment protocol

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    Background: As there is no standard method for re-cementing debonded partial ceramic restorations, the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a non-invasive thermal protocol for cleaning and retreatment, and to study its influence on shear bond strength. Material and Methods: Twenty ceramic samples (IPS e.max CAD®) were bonded to composite cement cylinders and underwent a shear bond strength test (G1, n=20). A second group was created (G2, n=20), representing debonded restorations. To simulate debonding, the samples were artificially contaminated with composite cement. After debonding, these underwent a thermal protocol to remove remaining adhesive. After rebonding to the composite cement cylinders, samples underwent the shear bond strength test. Results: Median bond strengths for G1 and G2 were 7.28±3.23; 7.06±3.41 MPa, respectively, without significant difference between the groups (p=0.983). Conclusions: Debonded lithium disilicate glass-ceramic restorations should undergo a laboratory cleaning and retreatment protocol before being returned to the clinic for rebonding

    Principales indicadores bibliométricos de la actividad científica chilena 2010. Informe 2012.

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    La ciencia chilena muestra buenos indicadores. El esfuerzo investigador, normalizado por número de habitantes, es el más alto de la región, el impacto normalizado de varias categorías temáticas se sitúa sobre la media del mundo, y una proporción relevante de trabajos que alcanzan la excelencia son generados por proyectos liderados en Chile. Es importante destacar que el país se encuentra realizado grandes esfuerzos en la formación de capital humano avanzado junto con diversificar los instrumentos de financiamiento de la ciencia. Aún así los recursos invertidos en investigación científica respecto del PIB del país y el número de científicos jornada completa sitúa a nuestro país en las últimas posiciones de los países integrantes de la OCDE. En un escenario de rápido crecimiento de la producción científica generada en el país, surge cierta preocupación respecto de la calidad de la misma. En particular, los paneles internacionales que verifican los avances de los proyectos asociativos han elogiado la alta productividad científica mostrada por el país, pero han recomendado avanzar a una nueva etapa, donde se aumente la proporción de artículos publicados en revistas de alto impacto dentro de cada disciplina, lo que como consecuencia debiera aumentar la visibilidad e impacto de la producción científica nacional. Conscientes que existen varias formas de evaluar la calidad de la producción científica, en particular en algunas áreas de las ciencias sociales y humanidades, en CONICYT decidimos solicitar un estudio bibliométrico a SCImago Research Group, reconocidos especialistas internacionales en la materia. De modo de asegurar la necesaria independencia entre fuente de datos (Scopus), responsable del análisis (SCImago) y grupos de interés. Este documento presenta el resultado de dicho estudio. Tiene un gran valor como fuente de información y constituye la línea base sobre la cual se pueden realizar futuras mediciones de la actividad científica nacional. Caracteriza además, el esfuerzo investigador que el país realiza a nivel de áreas y categorías temáticas, proporcionando un conjunto de datos e indicadores relevantes a la hora de diseñar políticas e instrumentos a nivel nacional e institucional. A juicio de los autores de este estudio, es evidente que debemos empezar a preocuparnos más por la calidad de la producción científica. El punto de partida ya está en sus manos.Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT). Programa de Información Científica.Peer reviewe