10 research outputs found

    Manipulating time-bin qubits with fiber optics components

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    We propose two experimental schemes to implement arbitrary unitary single qubit operations on single photons encoded in time-bin qubits. Both schemes require fiber optics components that are available with current technology.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the IEEE LEOS 2006 topical meeting, Quebec city, Canada, July 200

    Exploring Macroscopic Entanglement with a Single Photon and Coherent States

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    Entanglement between macroscopically populated states can easily be created by combining a single photon and a bright coherent state on a beam-splitter. Motivated by the simplicity of this technique, we report on a method using displacement operations in the phase space and basic photon detections to reveal such an entanglement. We demonstrate through preliminary experimental results, that this eminently feasible approach provides an attractive way for exploring entanglement at various scales, ranging from one to a thousand photons. This offers an instructive viewpoint to gain insight into the reasons that make it hard to observe quantum features in our macroscopic world.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figures. v2: Updated version. The corresponding experiment is reported in arXiv:1212.3710. See also arXiv:1306.084

    Detector-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution

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    Recently, a quantum key distribution (QKD) scheme based on entanglement swapping, called measurement-device-independent QKD (mdiQKD), was proposed to bypass all detector side-channel attacks. While mdiQKD is conceptually elegant and offers a supreme level of security, the experimental complexity is challenging for practical systems. For instance, it requires interference between two widely separated independent single-photon sources, and the rates are dependent on detecting two photons - one from each source. Here we experimentally demonstrate a QKD scheme that removes the need for a two-photon system and instead uses the idea of a two-qubit single-photon (TQSP) to significantly simplify the implementation and improve the efficiency of mdiQKD in several aspects.Comment: 5 pages + 3 figure

    Fast and simple characterization of a photon pair source

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    We present an exact model of the detection statistics of a probabilistic source of photon pairs from which a fast, simple and precise method to measure the source's brightness and photon channel transmissions is demonstrated. We measure such properties for a source based on spontaneous parametric downconversion in a periodically poled LiNbO3_3 crystal producing pairs at 810 and 1550 nm wavelengths. We further validate the model by comparing the predicted and measured values for the g(2)(0)g^{(2)}(0) of a heralded single photon source over a wide range of the brightness. Our model is of particular use for monitoring and tuning the brightness on demand as required for various quantum communication applications. We comment on its applicability to sources involving spectral and/or spatial filtering.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Published versio

    A source of polarization-entangled photon pairs interfacing quantum memories with telecom photons

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    We present a source of polarization-entangled photon pairs suitable for the implementation of long-distance quantum communication protocols using quantum memories. Photon pairs with wavelengths 883 nm and 1338 nm are produced by coherently pumping two periodically poled nonlinear waveguides embedded in the arms of a polarization interferometer. Subsequent spectral filtering reduces the bandwidth of the photons to 240 MHz. The bandwidth is well-matched to a quantum memory based on an Nd:YSO crystal, to which, in addition, the center frequency of the 883 nm photons is actively stabilized. A theoretical model that includes the effect of the filtering is presented and accurately fits the measured correlation functions of the generated photons. The model can also be used as a way to properly assess the properties of the source. The quality of the entanglement is revealed by a visibility of V = 96.1(9)% in a Bell-type experiment and through the violation of a Bell inequality.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Quantum teleportation from a telecom-wavelength photon to a solid-state quantum memory

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    In quantum teleportation, the state of a single quantum system is disembodied into classical information and purely quantum correlations, to be later reconstructed onto a second system that has never directly interacted with the first one. This counterintuitive phenomenon is a cornerstone of quantum information science due to its essential role in several important tasks such as the long-distance transmission of quantum information using quantum repeaters. In this context, a challenge of paramount importance is the distribution of entanglement between remote nodes, and to use this entanglement as a resource for long-distance light-to-matter quantum teleportation. Here we demonstrate quantum teleportation of the polarization state of a telecom-wavelength photon onto the state of a solid-state quantum memory. Entanglement is established between a rare-earth-ion doped crystal storing a single photon that is polarization-entangled with a flying telecom-wavelength photon. The latter is jointly measured with another flying qubit carrying the polarization state to be teleported, which heralds the teleportation. The fidelity of the polarization state of the photon retrieved from the memory is shown to be greater than the maximum fidelity achievable without entanglement, even when the combined distances travelled by the two flying qubits is 25 km of standard optical fibre. This light-to-matter teleportation channel paves the way towards long-distance implementations of quantum networks with solid-state quantum memories.Comment: 5 pages (main text) + appendix (10 pages

    Storage of hyperentanglement in a solid-state quantum memory

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    Two photons can simultaneously share entanglement between several degrees of freedom such as polarization, energy-time, spatial mode and orbital angular momentum. This resource is known as hyperentanglement, and it has been shown to be an important tool for optical quantum information processing. Here we demonstrate the quantum storage and retrieval of photonic hyperentanglement in a solid-state quantum memory. A pair of photons entangled in polarization and energy-time is generated such that one photon is stored in the quantum memory, while the other photon has a telecommunication wavelength suitable for transmission in optical fibre. We measured violations of a Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) Bell inequality for each degree of freedom, independently of the other one, which proves the successful storage and retrieval of the two bits of entanglement shared by the photons. Our scheme is compatible with long-distance quantum communication in optical fibre, and is in particular suitable for linear-optical entanglement purification for quantum repeaters