58 research outputs found

    Efficacy, persistence, ground deposition, and human exposure of polymer-encapsulated lindane and chlorpyrifos used for control of the southern pine beetle

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    Des applications de lindane et de chlorpyrifos ont été étudiées pour déterminer si l'encapsulation dans un polymère augmente la répression du dendroctone méridional du pin (Dendroctonusfrontalis), diminue l'étendue des retombées, augmente la durée d'adhésion à l'écorce ou réduit les contacts humains, en comparaison avec des applications de concentrés émulsifiés.L'encapsulation n'augmente pas l'efficacité et ne réduit pas les retombées des insecticides par rapport aux applications émulsifiées normales. L'encapsulation du chlorpyrifos augmente la persistance résiduelle mais n'affecte pas la persistance du lindane. Le risque de contact humain avec l'écorce encore humidifiée par le chlorpyrifos encapsulé est 2,2 fois plus élevé tandis que le risque de contact du lindane n'est pas influencé par l'encapsulation. Cependant, une fois l'insecticide séché, les applications encapsulées réduisent le risque de contact humain de 90% pour le lindane et de 83% pour le chlorpyrifos.Formulations of lindane and chlorpyrifos were evaluated to determine if polymer encapsulation extended the duration of southern pine beetle (Dendroctonusfrontalis) control, reduced ground deposition, increased persistence on bark or reduced potential human exposure relative to emulsifiable concentrate formulations. Encapsulation did not extend efficacy or reduce ground deposition of either insecticide when compared with the standard emulsifiable formulations. Encapsulation extended residue persistence of chlorpyrifos on bark, but not of lindane. The potential risk of human exposure to bark which was still wet with chlorpyrifos was increased 2.2 times by encapsulation, whereas, similar exposure to lindane was unaffected by encapsulation. After the insecticides had dried on the bark, the encapsulated formulations reduced risk to lindane by approximately 90% and by 83 % for chlorpyrifos

    Schooling for conflict transformation : a case study from Northern Uganda

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    Civil wars impede progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. As many conflicts erupt within a short time, it is important to know what may increase the chances of sustainable peace. Access to education is a factor but relatively little is known about the contribution of what students learn in school. This thesis aims to respond to a research gap by addressing the foll owing question: 'How can schooling contribute to conflict transformation?' Significant curricular approaches that may be used after civil war - peace education, human rights education and citizenship education - are assessed for their strengths and weaknesses. As no single approach is found to be sufficient for conflict transformation, a framework is proposed based on three fundamental concepts: (i) truth seeking; (ii) reconciliation; and (iii) inclusive citizenship. This framework is examined through a qualitative case study of curriculum in seven schools in a district in northern Uganda that is emerging from a twenty-year civil war. The curriculum of four primary schools, two secondary schools, one special school and one teacher training college was studied over a three-month period. A structure of knowledge, skills and values was used to research the framework at a detailed level. It is found that schools exhibit good socialization of reconciliation values and some development of problem-solving and communication skills. There is some understanding of human rights, but little knowledge of history, or of local, national and international political/legal systems. There is minimal development of discussion and critical thinking skills. It is argued that the framework can be used to investigate other schools and to inform the design of a curriculum that can contribute to conflict transformation, with the ultimate aim of reducing the risk of civil war re-eruption

    Clinical and cellular ionizing radiation sensitivity in a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum

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    XP14BR is a cell line derived from a xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patient from complementation group C. The patient was unusual in presenting with an angiosarcoma of the scalp, treated by surgical excision and radiotherapy. Following 38 Gy in 19 fractions with 6 MEV electrons, a severe desquamation and necrosis of the underlying bone ensued, and death followed 4 years later. The cell line was correspondingly hypersensitive to the lethal effects of gamma irradiation. We had previously shown that this sensitivity could be discriminated from that seen in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). The cellular response to ultraviolet radiation below 280 nm (UVC) was characteristic of XP cells, indicating the second instance, in our experience, of dual cellular UVC and ionizing radiation hypersensitivity in XP. We then set out to evaluate any defects in repair of ionizing radiation damage and to verify any direct contribution of the XPC gene. The cells were defective in repair of a fraction of double strand breaks, with a pattern reminiscent of A-T. The cell line was immortalized with the vector pSV3neo and the XPC cDNA transfected in to correct the defect. The progeny derived from this transfection showed the presence of the XPC gene product, as measured by immunoblotting. A considerable restoration of normal UVC, but not ionizing radiation, sensitivity was observed amongst the clones. This differential correction of cellular sensitivity is strong evidence for the presence of a defective radiosensitivity gene, distinct from XPC, which is responsible for the clinical hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation. It is important to resolve how widespread ionizing radiation sensitivity is amongst XP patients