6,090 research outputs found

    Design, fabrication and evaluation of chalcogenide glass Luneburg lenses for LiNbO3 integrated optical devices

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    Optical waveguide Luneburg lenses of arsenic trisulfide glass are described. The lenses are formed by thermal evaporation of As2S3 through suitably placed masks onto the surface of LiNbO3:Ti indiffused waveguides. The lenses are designed for input apertures up to 1 cm and for speeds of f/5 or better. They are designed to focus the TM sub 0 guided mode of a beam of wavelength, external to the guide, of 633 nm. The refractive index of the As2S3 films and the changes induced in the refractive index by exposure to short wavelength light were measured. Some correlation between film thickness and optical properties was noted. The short wavelength photosensitivity was used to shorten the lens focal length from the as deposited value. Lenses of rectangular shape, as viewed from above the guide, as well as conventional circular Luneburg lenses, were made. Measurements made on the lenses include thickness profile, general optical quality, focal length, quality of focal spot, and effect of ultraviolet irradiation on optical properties

    Solid-state memcapacitive system with negative and diverging capacitance

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    We suggest a possible realization of a solid-state memory capacitive (memcapacitive) system. Our approach relies on the slow polarization rate of a medium between plates of a regular capacitor. To achieve this goal, we consider a multi-layer structure embedded in a capacitor. The multi-layer structure is formed by metallic layers separated by an insulator so that non-linear electronic transport (tunneling) between the layers can occur. The suggested memcapacitor shows hysteretic charge-voltage and capacitance-voltage curves, and both negative and diverging capacitance within certain ranges of the field. This proposal can be easily realized experimentally, and indicates the possibility of information storage in memcapacitive devices

    Strongly Incompatible Quantum Devices

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    The fact that there are quantum observables without a simultaneous measurement is one of the fundamental characteristics of quantum mechanics. In this work we expand the concept of joint measurability to all kinds of possible measurement devices, and we call this relation compatibility. Two devices are incompatible if they cannot be implemented as parts of a single measurement setup. We introduce also a more stringent notion of incompatibility, strong incompatibility. Both incompatibility and strong incompatibility are rigorously characterized and their difference is demonstrated by examples.Comment: 27 pages (AMSart), 6 figure

    Cloning and Joint Measurements of Incompatible Components of Spin

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    A joint measurement of two observables is a {\it simultaneous} measurement of both quantities upon the {\it same} quantum system. When two quantum-mechanical observables do not commute, then a joint measurement of these observables cannot be accomplished by projective measurements alone. In this paper we shall discuss the use of quantum cloning to perform a joint measurement of two components of spin associated with a qubit system. We introduce a cloning scheme which is optimal with respect to this task. This cloning scheme may be thought to work by cloning two components of spin onto its outputs. We compare the proposed cloning machine to existing cloners.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    The Uniqueness Problem of Sequence Product on Operator Effect Algebra ε(H)\varepsilon (H)

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    A quantum effect is an operator on a complex Hilbert space HH that satisfies 0≤A≤I0\leq A\leq I. We denote the set of all quantum effects by E(H){\cal E}(H). In this paper we prove, Theorem 4.3, on the theory of sequential product on E(H){\cal E}(H) which shows, in fact, that there are sequential products on E(H){\cal E}(H) which are not of the generalized L\"{u}ders form. This result answers a Gudder's open problem negatively

    First-principles study of phase stability of Gd-doped EuO and EuS

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    Phase diagrams of isoelectronic Eu1−x_{1-x}Gdx_xO and Eu1−x_{1-x}Gdx_{x}S quasi-binary alloy systems are constructed using first-principles calculations combined with the standard cluster expansion approach and Monte-Carlo simulations. The oxide system has a wide miscibility gap on the Gd-rich side but forms ordered compounds on the Eu-rich side, exhibiting a deep asymmetric convex hull in the formation enthalpy diagram. The sulfide system has no stable compounds. The large difference in the formation enthalpies of the oxide and sulfide compounds is due to the contribution of local lattice relaxation, which is sensitive to the anion size. The solubility of Gd in both EuO and EuS is in the range of 10-20% at room temperature and quickly increases at higher temperatures, indicating that highly doped disordered solid solutions can be produced without the precipitation of secondary phases. We also predict that rocksalt GdO can be stabilized under appropriate experimental conditions.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures (some with multiple panels), revtex4 with embedded ep

    Does My Stigma Look Big in This? Considering the acceptability and desirability in the inclusive design of technology products

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    This paper examines the relationship between stigmatic effects of design of technology products for the older and disabled and contextualizes this within wider social themes such as the functional, social, medical and technology models of disability. Inclusive design approaches are identified as unbiased methods for designing for the wider population that may accommodate the needs and desires of people with impairments, therefore reducing ’aesthetic stigma’. Two case studies illustrate stigmatic and nonstigmatic designs

    Confined Quantum Time of Arrivals

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    We show that formulating the quantum time of arrival problem in a segment of the real line suggests rephrasing the quantum time of arrival problem to finding states that evolve to unitarily collapse at a given point at a definite time. For the spatially confined particle, we show that the problem admits a solution in the form of an eigenvalue problem of a compact and self-adjoint time of arrival operator derived by a quantization of the classical time of arrival, which is canonically conjugate with the Hamiltonian in closed subspace of the Hilbert space.Comment: Figures are now include

    Wannier functions of elliptic one-gap potentials

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    Wannier functions of the one dimensional Schroedinger equation with elliptic one gap potentials are explicitly constructed. Properties of these functions are analytically and numerically investigated. In particular we derive an expression for the amplitude of the Wannier function in the origin, a power series expansion valid in the vicinity of the origin and an asymptotic expansion characterizing the decay of the Wannier function at large distances. Using these results we construct an approximate analytical expression of the Wannier function which is valid in the whole spatial domain and is in good agreement with numerical results.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Sequential measurements of conjugate observables

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    We present a unified treatment of sequential measurements of two conjugate observables. Our approach is to derive a mathematical structure theorem for all the relevant covariant instruments. As a consequence of this result, we show that every Weyl-Heisenberg covariant observable can be implemented as a sequential measurement of two conjugate observables. This method is applicable both in finite and infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces, therefore covering sequential spin component measurements as well as position-momentum sequential measurements.Comment: 25 page
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