5,647 research outputs found

    Meaningful auditory information enhances perception of visual biological motion

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    Robust perception requires efficient integration of information from our various senses. Much recent electrophysiology points to neural areas responsive to multisensory stimulation, particularly audiovisual stimulation. However, psychophysical evidence for functional integration of audiovisual motion has been ambiguous. In this study we measure perception of an audiovisual form of biological motion, tap dancing. The results show that the audio tap information interacts with visual motion information, but only when in synchrony, demonstrating a functional combination of audiovisual information in a natural task. The advantage of multimodal combination was better than the optimal maximum likelihood prediction

    Influence of Active Recovery on Cardiovascular Function During Ice Hockey

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    Background: Ice hockey is a popular sport comprised of high-intensity repeated bouts of activity. Light activity, as opposed to passive rest, has been shown to improve power output in repeated sprinting and could potentially help to offset venous pooling, poor perfusion, and the risk of an ischemic event. The objective of our study was, thus, to examine the efficacy of low-intensity lower body activity following a simulated hockey shift for altering hemodynamic function. Methods: In a cross-over design, 15 healthy hockey players (23 ± 1 years, 54 ± 3 mL/kg/min) performed two simulated hockey shifts. In both conditions, players skated up to 85 % of age-predicted heart rate maximum, followed by either passive recovery or active recovery while hemodynamic measures were tracked for up to 180 s of rest. Results: Light active recovery within the confines of an ice hockey bench, while wearing skates and protective gear, was effective for augmenting cardiac output (an average of 2.5 ± 0.2 L/min, p = 0.03) at 45, 50, and 120 s. These alterations were driven by a sustained elevation in heart rate (12 bpm, p = 0.05) combined with a physiological relevant but non-significant (11.6 mL, p = 0.06) increase in stroke volume. Conclusions: Standing and pacing between shifts offers a realistic in-game solution to help slow the precipitous drop in cardiac output (heart rate and stroke volume) that typically occurs with passive rest. Prolonging the duration of an elevated cardiac output further into recovery may be beneficial for promoting recovery of the working skeletal muscles and also avoiding venous pooling and reduced myocardial perfusion. Key Points: Evidence that light activity in the form of standing/pacing is effective for maintaining cardiac output, and thus venous return Increased cardiac output and venous return may help reduce the chances of poor perfusion (ischemia) and could also promote recovery for performance This is a simple, low-risk, intervention demonstrated for the first time to work within the confines of a player’s bench while wearing hockey gea

    Meaningful auditory information enhances perception of visual biological motion

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    Robust perception requires efficient integration of information from our various senses. Much recent electrophysiology points to neural areas responsive to multisensory stimulation, particularly audiovisual stimulation. However, psychophysical evidence for functional integration of audiovisual motion has been ambiguous. In this study we measure perception of an audiovisual form of biological motion, tap dancing. The results show that the audio tap information interacts with visual motion information, but only when in synchrony, demonstrating a functional combination of audiovisual information in a natural task. The advantage of multimodal combination was better than the optimal maximum likelihood prediction

    Hot-water treatment of dormant grape cuttings: Its effects on Agrobacterium tumefaciens and on grafting and growth of vine

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    Hot-water treatment (50°C for 20-30 min) was carried out to confirm its efficacy in eradicating Agrobacterium tumefaciens biovar 3 (AT3) in symptomless grape cuttings.After the forcing period, analyses of callus from cuttings of grape cvs Albana, Lambrusco Grasparossa, Rulander and Fortana, and from their graft combinations with the rootstocks 420A, 41B, 5BB and 1103P, revealed the low infection level in the grape material used. Dormant scion and rootstock cuttings treated identically in the U.S. gave similar results. Despite this, it was possible to confirm the efficacy of thermotherapy in eradicating the pathogen.An assessment was also made of the effect of treatment on growth parameters of grafted vines in the greenhouse and after 8 months in a field nursery. The effect of hot-water treatment on the vitality and growth of vines varied with the different scion-rootstock combinations. Treatment did not generally have detrimental effects on vitality; there were some negative effects on graft-take. The number and length of canes, as well as the diameter of the trunks, increased in most instances.The treatments and times usually did not affect bud survival and, in most cases, increased the level of callus formation at the base of cuttings.

    Preliminary analysis of an extensive one year survey of trace elements and compounds in the suspended particulate matter in Cleveland, Ohio

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    Beginning in 1971 a cooperative program has been carried on by the City of Cleveland Division of Air Pollution Control and NASA Lewis Research Center to study the trace element and compound concentrations in the ambient suspended particulate matter in Cleveland Ohio as a function of source, monitoring location and meteorological conditions. The major objectives were to determine the ambient concentration levels at representative urban sites and to develop a technique using trace element and compound data in conjunction with meteorological conditions to identify specific pollution sources which could be developed into a practical system that could be readily utilized by an enforcement agency

    Ambient particulate pollution and the world-wide prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in children: Phase One of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC)

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    Objectives: To investigate the effect of ambient particulate matter on variation in childhood prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema. Methods: Prevalences of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema obtained in Phase One of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) were matched with city-level estimates of residential PM10 obtained from a World Bank model. Associations were investigated using binomial regression adjusting for GNP per capita and for clustering within country. For countries with more than one centre, a two stage meta-analysis was carried out. The results were compared with a meta-analysis of published multi-centre studies. Results: Annual concentrations of PM₁₀ at city level were obtained for 105 ISAAC centres in 51 countries. After controlling for GNP per capita, there was a weak negative association between PM₁₀ and various outcomes. For severe wheeze in 13-14-year-olds, the OR for a 10 μg/m³ increase in PM₁₀ was 0.92 (95 CI 0.84 to 1.00). In 24 countries with more than one centre, most summary estimates for within-country associations were weakly positive. For severe wheeze in 13-14-year-olds, the summary OR for a 10 μg/m³ increase in PM₁₀ was 1.01 (0.92 to 1.10). This result was close to a summary OR of 0.99 (0.91 to 1.06) obtained from published multi-centre studies. Conclusions: Modelled estimates of particulate matter at city level are imprecise and incomplete estimates of personal exposure to ambient air pollutants. Nevertheless, our results together with those of previous multi-centre studies, suggest that urban background PM₁₀ has little or no association with the prevalence of childhood asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis or eczema either within or between countries

    Empowerment or Engagement? Digital Health Technologies for Mental Healthcare

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    We argue that while digital health technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, smartphones, and virtual reality) present significant opportunities for improving the delivery of healthcare, key concepts that are used to evaluate and understand their impact can obscure significant ethical issues related to patient engagement and experience. Specifically, we focus on the concept of empowerment and ask whether it is adequate for addressing some significant ethical concerns that relate to digital health technologies for mental healthcare. We frame these concerns using five key ethical principles for AI ethics (i.e. autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and explicability), which have their roots in the bioethical literature, in order to critically evaluate the role that digital health technologies will have in the future of digital healthcare

    Diagnostic accuracy of optical coherence tomography for diagnosing glaucoma: secondary analyses of the GATE study

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    Background/Aims: To assess the diagnostic performance of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) data of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for detecting glaucoma. Methods: Secondary analyses of a prospective, multicentre diagnostic study (Glaucoma Automated Tests Evaluation (GATE)) referred to hospital eye services in the UK were conducted. We included data from 899 of 966 participants referred to hospital eye services with suspected glaucoma or ocular hypertension. We used both eyes’ data and logistic regression-based receiver operator characteristics analysis to build a set of models to measure the sensitivity and specificity of the average and inferior quadrant RNFL thickness data of OCT. The reference standard was expert clinician examination including automated perimetry. The main outcome measures were sensitivity at 0.95 specificity and specificity at 0.95 sensitivity and the corresponding RNFL thickness thresholds. We explored the possibility of accuracy improvement by adding measures of within-eye and between-eye variation, scan quality, intraocular pressure (IOP) and age. Results: Glaucoma was diagnosed in at least one eye in 17% of participants. Areas under the curve were between 0.83 and 0.88. When specificity was fixed at 0.95, the sensitivity was between 0.38 and 0.55, and the highest values were reached with models including the inferior quadrant rather than the average RNFL thickness. Fixing specificity at 0.95, the sensitivity was between 0.36 and 0.58. The addition of age, refractive error, IOP or within-subject variation did not improve the accuracy. Conclusion: RNFL thickness data of OCT can be used as a diagnostic test, but accuracy estimates remain moderate even in exploratory multivariable modelling of aiming to improve accuracy

    On two problems in graph Ramsey theory

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    We study two classical problems in graph Ramsey theory, that of determining the Ramsey number of bounded-degree graphs and that of estimating the induced Ramsey number for a graph with a given number of vertices. The Ramsey number r(H) of a graph H is the least positive integer N such that every two-coloring of the edges of the complete graph KNK_N contains a monochromatic copy of H. A famous result of Chv\'atal, R\"{o}dl, Szemer\'edi and Trotter states that there exists a constant c(\Delta) such that r(H) \leq c(\Delta) n for every graph H with n vertices and maximum degree \Delta. The important open question is to determine the constant c(\Delta). The best results, both due to Graham, R\"{o}dl and Ruci\'nski, state that there are constants c and c' such that 2^{c' \Delta} \leq c(\Delta) \leq 2^{c \Delta \log^2 \Delta}. We improve this upper bound, showing that there is a constant c for which c(\Delta) \leq 2^{c \Delta \log \Delta}. The induced Ramsey number r_{ind}(H) of a graph H is the least positive integer N for which there exists a graph G on N vertices such that every two-coloring of the edges of G contains an induced monochromatic copy of H. Erd\H{o}s conjectured the existence of a constant c such that, for any graph H on n vertices, r_{ind}(H) \leq 2^{c n}. We move a step closer to proving this conjecture, showing that r_{ind} (H) \leq 2^{c n \log n}. This improves upon an earlier result of Kohayakawa, Pr\"{o}mel and R\"{o}dl by a factor of \log n in the exponent.Comment: 18 page

    Selected reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes in common bean after Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Botrytis cinerea infection

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    Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Korona plants were inoculated with the bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psp), necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea (Bc) or with both pathogens sequentially. The aim of the experiment was to determine how plants cope with multiple infection with pathogens having different attack strategy. Possible suppression of the non-specific infection with the necrotrophic fungus Bc by earlier Psp inoculation was examined. Concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as superoxide anion (O2 -) and H2O2 and activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) were determined 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after inoculation. The measurements were done for ROS cytosolic fraction and enzymatic cytosolic or apoplastic fraction. Infection with Psp caused significant increase in ROS levels since the beginning of experiment. Activity of the apoplastic enzymes also increased remarkably at the beginning of experiment in contrast to the cytosolic ones. Cytosolic SOD and guaiacol peroxidase (GPOD) activities achieved the maximum values 48 h after treatment. Additional forms of the examined enzymes after specific Psp infection were identified; however, they were not present after single Bc inoculation. Subsequent Bc infection resulted only in changes of H2O2 and SOD that occurred to be especially important during plant–pathogen interaction. Cultivar Korona of common bean is considered to be resistant to Psp and mobilises its system upon infection with these bacteria. We put forward a hypothesis that the extent of defence reaction was so great that subsequent infection did not trigger significant additional response