821 research outputs found
The challenges of educational change are always complex, so they need to be managed carefully. The article pays special attention to one of the current priority issues and challenges in education - the use of ICT in school management and communication. The study provides further insights into possible solutions to the highlighted problems faced by the use of ICT in school management and communication. Information and communication technologies are evolving very rapidly, and the issues involved in their use in education are becoming increasingly complex. Monitoring and evaluation of this process is essential for ICT tools to become effective and integral communication tools
Digital signal processing without performing arithmetic multiplication operations
Issues related to the frequency selection of digital signals by the methods of their transversal difference digital filtering and multistage discrete Fourier transform with a minimum number of arithmetic multiplication operations are considered. The concept of deductive processing of digital signals is defined, which does not require arithmetic operations of multiplication. There are basic formulas for this processing of digital signals by recursive methods of difference filtering and multistage Fourier transform, which allow replacing the performance of arithmetic multiplication operations by the performance of addition operations
Procjena rizika od abrazije na obalama mora i spremnicima za vodu
Destructive processes on seas and water reservoirs of Russia lead to significant losses of valuable coastal territories and damage to numerous economic objects located there. The article discusses the spatial and temporal patterns of the development of certain types of coasts and water bodies as a whole. An algorithm (methodology) for the quantitative assessment of abrasion risk is proposed, which is the main tool for determining the need for and priority of preventive measures. The general mathematical models for abrasion risk calculation are substantiated. The possibilities of assessing the abrasion risk with a minimum amount of data for choosing the optimal location of new reservoirs are considered. Specific examples of abrasion risk assessment are given for seas and large water reservoirs in Russia, with priority investments from the federal budget being indicated. Timely implementation of measures aimed at reducing losses from coast destruction will benefit for the rational and safe use of coastal areas.Destruktivni procesi na obalama mora i spremnicima za vodu u Rusiji doveli su do značajnih gubitaka dragocjenih obalnih područja i do oštećenja brojnih gospodarskih objekata na tim područjima. U članku se razmatraju prostorni i vremenski obrasci razvoja određenih vrsta obala i vodenih površina u cjelini. Predlaže se algoritam (metodologija) za kvantitativnu procjenu rizika od abrazije kao glavnog alata za utvrđivanje potrebe kao i prioriteta preventivnih mjera. Kao dokaz poslužili su opći matematički modeli za izračun rizika od abrazije. Razmatraju se mogućnosti procjene rizika od abrazije s minimalnom količinom podataka za odabir lokacije novih spremnika. Navedeni su posebni primjeri procjene rizika od abrazije za mora i velike spremnike za vodu u Rusiji s prikazanim prioritetnim investicijskim ulaganjima iz saveznog proračuna. Pravodobna provedba mjera usmjerenih na smanjivanje gubitaka uzrokovanih uništenjem obala pridonijet će racionalnom i sigurnom korištenju obalnih područja
Purpose. This research is focused on identification of illegal dumps in the territory of Dubna, their geometrical sizes, composition, sources of education; assessment of ecological danger of dumps and analysis of dynamics of a situation over the last ten years: 2004-2014.Design/methodology/approach. Researches were carried out by means of field, calculation, statistical and cartographical methods. Findings. Hundred illegal dumps are founded in the territory of Dubna in 2014, over the last 10 years the amount of dumps has reduced much in a residential zone of Dubna, the situation has improved not so significant in recreational zones. Eighty percent of dumps are characterized as dangerous since they are located in relief depressions, in residential and “green” zones of the city, near reservoirs; they contain dangerous components in their own composition. Plastic, glass and wood waste have the greatest volumes in damps. Vacationers in “green” zones of the city and inhabitants of the private sectors are the main pollutants. The lack of containers for collecting waste in places of a recreation and around some garden associations is revealed. All obtained data are presented in the complex GIS-project that gives ample opportunities of processing and the analysis of data.Practical implications. All obtained and processed data are communicated to the company responsible for the waste management in the city of Dubna (JSC “RFK Ekosistem”), the part of dumps is liquidated, container network and routes of export of waste are perfected
The use of the electronic educational course in the educational process of students of specialty «Architecture»
The paper presents the structure and experience of implementing an electronic educational course “Transport and engineering systems of cities” for teaching of bachelor students in the direction of “Architecture”. The main information resources, tools and technologies used in the course are consideredВ работе представлены структура и опыт внедрения электронного учебного курса «Транспорт и инженерные системы городов» для обучения бакалавров направления «Архитектура». Рассматриваются основные информационные ресурсы, средства и технологии, применяемые в рамках курс
“Unerroric” of multistage discrete Fourier transform of digital signal without arithmetic operations of multiplication
There are the issues related to improving the quality of the spectral analysis of a polyharmonic signal by recurrent methods of the multistage discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based on differential digital filtering, which does not require multiplication. The concept of “unerroric” of this DFT of a digital signal is introduced only by addition and shift operations. The philosophical aspect of it is described. The aim of the study is to find a solution to the problem of improving the quality of spectral analysis of polyharmonic signal by recursive methods of multistage discrete Fourier transform based on differential digital filtering without performing arithmetic multiplication operations. Methods of research are the following: directed search and comparative analysis of results of multistage discrete Fourier transform on the basis of difference digital filtering of different orders at integer coefficients of this filtering. The study of the philosophical aspect of "unerroric" of digital methods of spectral analysis of a polyharmonic signal based on recurrence algorithms of multistage discrete Fourier transform with the help of difference digital filters with integer numeric filtration coefficients, which do not require arithmetic operations of multiplication, has shown that further development of the theory and methods of this filtration is necessary. As a result of the conducted research it was revealed that the degree of approximation to the desired level of accuracy of this spectral analysis can be raised by increasing the order of difference digital filtering with integer coefficients, as well as by selecting the order of difference of its algorithm. After philosophical comprehension of the regularities of "unerroric" of digital spectral analysis of polyharmonic signal by multistage discrete Fourier transform recurrence methods on the basis of difference digital filtering only by adding and shifting operations it was suggested to select the element base, technical characteristics of which consider these regularities, for software and hardware implementation of digital algorithms of multistage discrete Fourier transform without performing multiplication operations. It is shown that the use of programmable logic devices (PLD) can be considered as the best variant of the element base for hardware-software implementation of digital algorithms of spectral analysis of a polyharmonic signal by recursive methods of this multistage discrete Fourier transform
The results of research of sensitivity to antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from patients with pyo-inflammatory processes of different localization of the urinary tract, ENT-organs, wound contents with mucoviscidosis. For the empirical treatment were revealed the drugs of choice for patients to establish the sensitivity of antimicrobial agents. It has been shown that for an effective treatment could be recommended a limited set of antibiotics, especially, for infections of the urinary tract – piperacillin/tazobactam, cefepim, meropenem, amikacin; for the ENT-organs – piperacillin/tazobactam, cefoperazone, ciprofloxacin, amikacin; piperacillin/tazobactam, ciprofloxacin- when festering; piperacillin/tazobactam, meropenem, cefoperazone – for patients with mucoviscidosis of wound contents.Представлено результати дослідження чутливості до протимікробних хіміотерапевтичних препаратів штамів Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ізольованих від хворих при гнійно-запальних процесах різної локалізації: сечовивідних шляхів, ЛОР-органів, ранового вмісту, хворих на муковісцидоз. Виявлено препарати вибору для емпіричної терапії хворих до встановлення протимікробної чутливості збудників. Показано, що для ефективного лікування може бути рекомендований обмежений набір антибіотиків, насамперед піперацилін/тазобактам, цефепім, меропенем, амікацин при інфекціях сечовивідних шляхів; піперацилін/тазобактам, цефоперазон, ципрофлоксацин, амікацин – ЛОР-органів; піперацилін/тазобактам, ципрофлоксацин – ранового вмісту; піперацилін/тазобактам, меропенем, цефоперазон – при муковісцидозі
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