1,159 research outputs found

    Measurements of the ClO radical vibrational band intensity and the ClO + ClO + M reaction product

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    There is considerable interest in the kinetics and concentrations of free radicals in the stratosphere. Chlorine monoxide is a critically important radical because of its role in catalytic cycles for ozone depletion. Depletion occurs under a wide variety of conditions including the Antarctic spring when unusual mechanisms such as the BrO sub x/ClO sub x, ClO dimer (Cl sub 2 O sub 2), and ClO sub x/HO sub x cycles are suggested to operate. Infrared spectroscopy is one of the methods used to measure ClO in the stratosphere (Menzies 1979 and 1983; Mumma et al., 1983). To aid the quantification of such infrared measurements, researchers measured the ClO ground state fundamental band intensity

    Bromine measurements in ozone depleted air over the Arctic Ocean

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    In situ measurements of ozone, photochemically active bromine compounds, and other trace gases over the Arctic Ocean in April 2008 are used to examine the chemistry and geographical extent of ozone depletion in the arctic marine boundary layer (MBL). Data were obtained from the NOAA WP-3D aircraft during the Aerosol, Radiation, and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate (ARCPAC) study and the NASA DC-8 aircraft during the Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites (ARCTAS) study. Fast (1 s) and sensitive (detection limits at the low pptv level) measurements of BrCl and BrO were obtained from three different chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) instruments, and soluble bromide was measured with a mist chamber. The CIMS instruments also detected Br2. Subsequent laboratory studies showed that HOBr rapidly converts to Br2 on the Teflon instrument inlets. This detected Br2 is identified as active bromine and represents a lower limit of the sum HOBr + Br2. The measured active bromine is shown to likely be HOBr during daytime flights in the arctic. In the MBL over the Arctic Ocean, soluble bromide and active bromine were consistently elevated and ozone was depleted. Ozone depletion and active bromine enhancement were confined to the MBL that was capped by a temperature inversion at 200–500 m altitude. In ozone-depleted air, BrO rarely exceeded 10 pptv and was always substantially lower than soluble bromide that was as high as 40 pptv. BrCl was rarely enhanced above the 2 pptv detection limit, either in the MBL, over Alaska, or in the arctic free troposphere

    The Standardized Fish Bioassay Procedure for Detecting and Culturing Actively Toxic Pfiesteria, Used by Two Reference Laboratories for Atlantic and Gulf Coast States

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    In the absence of purified standards of toxins from Pfiesteria species, appropriately conducted fish bioassays are the gold standard that must be used to detect toxic strains of Pfiesteria slop. from natural estuarine water or sediment samples and to culture actively toxic Pfiesteria. In this article, we describe the standardized steps of our fish bioassay as an abbreviated term for a procedure that includes two sets of trials with fish, following the Henle-Koch postulates modified for toxic rather than infectious agents. This procedure was developed in 1991, and has been refined over more than 12 years of experience in research with toxic Pfiesteria. The steps involve isolating toxic strains of Pfiesteria (or other potentially, as-yet-undetected, toxic Pfiesteria or Pfiesteria-like species) from fish-killing bioassays with natural samples; growing the clones with axenic algal prey; and retesting the isolates in a second set of fish bioassays. The specific environmental conditions used (e.g., temperature, salinity, light, other factors) must remain flexible, given the wide range of conditions from which natural estuarine samples are derived. We present a comparison of information provided for fish culture conditions, reported in international science journals in which such research is routinely published, and we provide information from more than 2,000 fish bioassays with toxic Pfiesteria, along with recommendations for suitable ranges and frequency of monitoring of environmental variables. We present data demonstrating that algal assays, unlike these standardized fish bioassays, should not be used to detect toxic strains of Pfiesteria spp. Finally, we recommend how quality control/assurance can be most rapidly advanced among laboratories engaged in studies that require research-quality isolates of toxic Pfiesteria spp

    Temperature dependence of UV absorption cross sections and atmospheric implications of several alkyl iodides

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    The ultraviolet absorption spectra of a number of alkyl iodides which have been found in the troposphere, CH_3I, C_2H_5I, CH_3CH_2CH_2I, CH_3CHICH_3, CH_2I_2, and CH2_ClI, have been measured over the wavelength range 200–380 nm and at temperatures between 298 and 210 K. The absorption spectra of the monoiodides C_H3I, C_2H_5I, CH_3CH_2CH_2I, and CH_3CHICH_3 are nearly identical in shape and magnitude and consist of single broad bands centered near 260 nm. The addition of a chlorine atom in CH_2ClI shifts its spectrum to longer wavelengths (σ_(max) at 270 nm). The spectrum of CH_2I_2 is further red‐shifted, reaching a maximum of 3.85×10^(−18) cm^2 molecule^(−1) at 288 nm and exhibiting strong absorption in the solar actinic region, λ>290 nm. Atmospheric photolysis rate constants, J values, have been calculated assuming quantum efficiencies of unity for different solar zenith angles as a function of altitude using the newly measured cross sections. Surface photolysis rate constants, calculated from the absorption cross sections measured at 298 K, range from 3×10^(−6) s^(−1) for CH)3I to 5×10^(−3) s^(−1) for CH)2I)2 at a solar zenith angle of 40°

    Local Time Asymmetry of Saturn\u27s Magnetosheath Flows

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    Using gross averages of the azimuthal component of flow in Saturn\u27s magnetosheath, we find that flows in the prenoon sector reach a maximum value of roughly half that of the postnoon side. Corotational magnetodisc plasma creates a much larger flow shear with solar wind plasma prenoon than postnoon. Maxwell stress tensor analysis shows that momentum can be transferred out of the magnetosphere along tangential field lines if a normal component to the boundary is present, i.e., field lines which pierce the magnetopause. A Kelvin‐Helmholtz unstable flow gives rise to precisely this situation, as intermittent reconnection allows the magnetic field to thread the boundary. We interpret the Kelvin‐Helmholtz instability acting along the magnetopause as a tangetial drag, facilitating two‐way transport of momentum through the boundary. We use reduced magnetosheath flows in the dawn sector as evidence of the importance of this interaction in Saturn\u27s magnetosphere

    PCR and FISH Detection Extends the Range of Pfiesteria piscicida in Estuarine Waters

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    PCR and fluorescent in situ hybridization probes were used to assay for the presence of the dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida in 170 estuarine water samples collected from New York to northern Florida. 20% of samples tested positive for the presence of P. piscicida, including sites where fish kills due to Pfiesteria have occurred and sites where there was no historical evidence of such events. The results extend the known range of P. piscicida northward to Long Island, New York. The results also suggest that P. piscicida is common, and normally benign, inhabitatant of estuarine waters of the eastern US

    Laboratory evaluation of the effect of nitric acid uptake on frost point hygrometer performance

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    Chilled mirror hygrometers (CMH) are widely used to measure water vapour in the troposphere and lower stratosphere from balloon-borne sondes. Systematic discrepancies among in situ water vapour instruments have been observed at low water vapour mixing ratios (<5 ppm) in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UT/LS). Understanding the source of the measurement discrepancies is important for a more accurate and reliable determination of water vapour abundance in this region. We have conducted a laboratory study to investigate the potential interference of gas-phase nitric acid (HNO<sub>3</sub>) with the measurement of frost point temperature, and consequently the water vapour mixing ratio, determined by CMH under conditions representative of operation in the UT/LS. No detectable interference in the measured frost point temperature was found for HNO<sub>3</sub> mixing ratios of up to 4 ppb for exposure times up to 150 min. HNO<sub>3</sub> was observed to co-condense on the mirror frost, with the adsorbed mass increasing linearly with time at constant exposure levels. Over the duration of a typical balloon sonde ascent (90–120 min), the maximum accumulated HNO<sub>3</sub> amounts were comparable to monolayer coverage of the geometric mirror surface area, which corresponds to only a small fraction of the actual frost layer surface area. This small amount of co-condensed HNO<sub>3</sub> is consistent with the observed lack of HNO<sub>3</sub> interference in the frost point measurement because the CMH utilizes significant reductions (>10%) in surface reflectivity by the condensate to determine H<sub>2</sub>O

    Evaluating Phonological Processing Skills in Children With Prelingual Deafness Who Use Cochlear Implants

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    This study investigated the phonological processing skills of 29 children with prelingual, profound hearing loss with 4 years of cochlear implant experience. Results were group matched with regard to word-reading ability and mother’s educational level with the performance of 29 hearing children. Results revealed that it is possible to obtain a valid measure of phonological processing (PP) skills in children using CIs. They could complete rhyming tasks and were able to complete sound-based tasks using standard test materials provided by a commercial test distributor. The CI children completed tasks measuring PP, but there were performance differences between the CI users and the hearing children. The process of learning phonological awareness (PA) for the children with CIs was characterized by a longer, more protracted learning phase than their counterparts with hearing. Tests of phonological memory skills indicated that when the tasks were controlled for presentation method and response modality, there were no differences between the performance of children with CIs and their counterparts with hearing. Tests of rapid naming revealed that there were no differences between rapid letter and number naming between the two groups. Results yielded a possible PP test battery for children with CI experience