110 research outputs found

    Jugend im sozialistischen Großbetrieb (Großerhebung): Bd. 1: Hauptergebnisse, Probleme, Folgerungen

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    Der vorliegende Bericht enthält die Ergebnisse der ersten Großerhebung, die das Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung Leipzig über die Entwicklung junger Arbeiter in einem Betrieb der chemischen Industrie in der Stadt Schwedt durchgeführt hat. Ziel der Untersuchung war die Analyse der Rolle und Bedingungen sozialistischer Arbeitskollektive für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung junger Facharbeiter der chemischen Industrie "unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Tätigkeit der Leiter bei der Gestaltung des entwickelten gesellschaftlichen Systems des Sozialismus und der Durchsetzung der wissenschaftlich-technischen Revolution". Es wurden 405 junge Facharbeiter im Alter von 18 bis 26 Jahren und 169 Facharbeiter über 26 Jahre befragt. In der Untersuchung wurde die Einstellung junger Arbeiter zu den Bedingungen erfaßt, die sich aus der Errichtung des "gesellschaftlichen Systems des Sozialismus und der Durchführung der wissenschaftlich-technischen Revolution" ergeben, und es wurde überprüft, inwieweit sich diese Bedingungen des Produktions- und Reproduktionsprozesses auf die Einstellung und Verhaltensweisen der jungen Arbeiter auswirken. Dazu diente die Ermittlung der Stellung der jungen Arbeiter "in den Arbeitskollektiven und deren erzieherischer und persönlichkeitsbildender Einfluß" auf die Jugendlichen. Die Befragung hat ergeben, daß die Mehrheit der jungen Arbeiter politisch-ideologisch dem Marxismus-Leninismus und ihrem Staat verbunden ist. Die Befragten sind von der positiven Entwicklung der DDR-Volkswirtschaft überzeugt. Ihre Einstellung zur Arbeit wird als positiv erachtet, sowie ihre Einstellung zur FDJ. Bei der Gruppe der 21- bis 24jährigen zeigt sich, daß diese in vielen Einstellungs- und Verhaltensbereichen weniger positiv als die jüngeren Jugendlichen bzw. die über 26 Jahre alten Arbeitnehmer urteilen. (psz

    Antibodies to the endoplasmic reticulum-resident chaperones calnexin, BiP and Grp94 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Objectives. To investigate the presence of autoantibodies against mammalian chaperones of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in patients with RA and other immune-mediated diseases. Methods. Sera from healthy donors, from early RA patients with two follow-up samples, patients with SLE, SSc and IBD were collected and analysed for anti-ER chaperone antibodies. Detection of serum IgG antibodies against immunoglobulin heavy chain binding protein (BiP), glucose-regulated protein 94 (Grp94) and calnexin was carried out using ELISA. The specificity of sera positive for individual ER chaperones was confirmed by immunoblotting. Statistical analysis was performed using Welch's t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test, partial correlation and Pearson's correlation. Results. In patients with RA and SLE, autoantibody titres against BiP, Grp94 and calnexin were significantly higher than those in healthy controls. These autoantibodies were detectable in patients with early RA and titres remained stable for at least 6-12 months. Also several SSc and IBD patients exhibited autoantibodies against these ER chaperones; however, titres and frequencies were lower than in RA or SLE patients. Furthermore, anti-calnexin antibodies correlated significantly with the presence of BiP and Grp94 autoantibodies in patients with RA and SLE. Conclusion. Calnexin and Grp94 were identified as novel autoantigens in RA and calnexin in SLE. Since calnexin, Grp94 and BiP are ER-resident proteins of eukaryotic cells, our data suggest that autoantibody generation against ER chaperones is independent of initial exposure to the corresponding bacterial chaperones; rather, ER chaperones may represent genuine autoantigen

    Comparison of two prepill cortisol concentrations in dogs with hypercortisolism treated with trilostane

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    BACKGROUND: The ideal method for monitoring trilostane therapy in dogs with hypercortisolism is still open to debate. Recently, determination of the pre-trilostane (prepill) cortisol concentration has been proposed to be more repeatable than either post-trilostane or post-ACTH cortisol. The aim of this study was to compare two prepill cortisol concentrations in dogs with hypercortisolism during trilostane therapy. Sixteen client-owned dogs with naturally occurring hypercortisolism were prospectively included and cortisol concentrations were measured twice, 1 h apart, before the morning trilostane dose (prepill 1 and 2 cortisol). RESULTS: A total of 47 prepill cortisol measurement pairs were included. Compared to prepill 1, prepill 2 cortisol was higher in 15, equal in 8 and lower in 24 pairs. Group agreement between prepill 1 and 2 cortisol was 70% (moderate agreement - weighted kappa 0.55). In 30% of the pairs, group assignment was discrepant, implying a different therapeutic decision. In some dogs certain circumstances (e.g. excessive barking, difficulties during blood collection, excitement at arrival) were identified as potential factors explaining the discrepancy between prepill 1 and 2 cortisol measurements. CONCLUSIONS: In a substantial number of dogs treated with trilostane, the two prepill cortisol concentrations differed. Part of this difference might be ascribable to stressful events during test performance. When using prepill cortisol measurements to monitor trilostane therapy, recording of any incident during handling that might affect cortisol release might be helpful to make a reliable decision about a trilostane dose adaptation

    Genetic Determinants of Lipid Traits in Diverse Populations from the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Study

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    For the past five years, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified hundreds of common variants associated with human diseases and traits, including high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and triglyceride (TG) levels. Approximately 95 loci associated with lipid levels have been identified primarily among populations of European ancestry. The Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study was established in 2008 to characterize GWAS–identified variants in diverse population-based studies. We genotyped 49 GWAS–identified SNPs associated with one or more lipid traits in at least two PAGE studies and across six racial/ethnic groups. We performed a meta-analysis testing for SNP associations with fasting HDL-C, LDL-C, and ln(TG) levels in self-identified European American (∼20,000), African American (∼9,000), American Indian (∼6,000), Mexican American/Hispanic (∼2,500), Japanese/East Asian (∼690), and Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian (∼175) adults, regardless of lipid-lowering medication use. We replicated 55 of 60 (92%) SNP associations tested in European Americans at p<0.05. Despite sufficient power, we were unable to replicate ABCA1 rs4149268 and rs1883025, CETP rs1864163, and TTC39B rs471364 previously associated with HDL-C and MAFB rs6102059 previously associated with LDL-C. Based on significance (p<0.05) and consistent direction of effect, a majority of replicated genotype-phentoype associations for HDL-C, LDL-C, and ln(TG) in European Americans generalized to African Americans (48%, 61%, and 57%), American Indians (45%, 64%, and 77%), and Mexican Americans/Hispanics (57%, 56%, and 86%). Overall, 16 associations generalized across all three populations. For the associations that did not generalize, differences in effect sizes, allele frequencies, and linkage disequilibrium offer clues to the next generation of association studies for these traits

    Sequencing of prostate cancers identifies new cancer genes, routes of progression and drug targets

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    Prostate cancer represents a substantial clinical challenge because it is difficult to predict outcome and advanced disease is often fatal. We sequenced the whole genomes of 112 primary and metastatic prostate cancer samples. From joint analysis of these cancers with those from previous studies (930 cancers in total), we found evidence for 22 previously unidentified putative driver genes harboring coding mutations, as well as evidence for NEAT1 and FOXA1 acting as drivers through noncoding mutations. Through the temporal dissection of aberrations, we identified driver mutations specifically associated with steps in the progression of prostate cancer, establishing, for example, loss of CHD1 and BRCA2 as early events in cancer development of ETS fusion-negative cancers. Computational chemogenomic (canSAR) analysis of prostate cancer mutations identified 11 targets of approved drugs, 7 targets of investigational drugs, and 62 targets of compounds that may be active and should be considered candidates for future clinical trials

    Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer.

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    All cancers are caused by somatic mutations; however, understanding of the biological processes generating these mutations is limited. The catalogue of somatic mutations from a cancer genome bears the signatures of the mutational processes that have been operative. Here we analysed 4,938,362 mutations from 7,042 cancers and extracted more than 20 distinct mutational signatures. Some are present in many cancer types, notably a signature attributed to the APOBEC family of cytidine deaminases, whereas others are confined to a single cancer class. Certain signatures are associated with age of the patient at cancer diagnosis, known mutagenic exposures or defects in DNA maintenance, but many are of cryptic origin. In addition to these genome-wide mutational signatures, hypermutation localized to small genomic regions, 'kataegis', is found in many cancer types. The results reveal the diversity of mutational processes underlying the development of cancer, with potential implications for understanding of cancer aetiology, prevention and therapy

    Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individuals

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    Subcortical brain structures are integral to motion, consciousness, emotions and learning. We identified common genetic variation related to the volumes of the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, brainstem, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen and thalamus, using genome-wide association analyses in almost 40,000 individuals from CHARGE, ENIGMA and UK Biobank. We show that variability in subcortical volumes is heritable, and identify 48 significantly associated loci (40 novel at the time of analysis). Annotation of these loci by utilizing gene expression, methylation and neuropathological data identified 199 genes putatively implicated in neurodevelopment, synaptic signaling, axonal transport, apoptosis, inflammation/infection and susceptibility to neurological disorders. This set of genes is significantly enriched for Drosophila orthologs associated with neurodevelopmental phenotypes, suggesting evolutionarily conserved mechanisms. Our findings uncover novel biology and potential drug targets underlying brain development and disease

    Genetic architecture of subcortical brain structures in 38,851 individuals

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    Subcortical brain structures are integral to motion, consciousness, emotions and learning. We identified common genetic variation related to the volumes of the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, brainstem, caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, putamen and thalamus, using genome-wide association analyses in almost 40,000 individuals from CHARGE, ENIGMA and UK Biobank. We show that variability in subcortical volumes is heritable, and identify 48 significantly associated loci (40 novel at the time of analysis). Annotation of these loci by utilizing gene expression, methylation and neuropathological data identified 199 genes putatively implicated in neurodevelopment, synaptic signaling, axonal transport, apoptosis, inflammation/infection and susceptibility to neurological disorders. This set of genes is significantly enriched for Drosophila orthologs associated with neurodevelopmental phenotypes, suggesting evolutionarily conserved mechanisms. Our findings uncover novel biology and potential drug targets underlying brain development and disease
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