25,320 research outputs found

    A combined R-matrix eigenstate basis set and finite-differences propagation method for the time-dependent Schr\"{od}dinger equation: the one-electron case

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    In this work we present the theoretical framework for the solution of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation (TDSE) of atomic and molecular systems under strong electromagnetic fields with the configuration space of the electron's coordinates separated over two regions, that is regions II and IIII. In region II the solution of the TDSE is obtained by an R-matrix basis set representation of the time-dependent wavefunction. In region IIII a grid representation of the wavefunction is considered and propagation in space and time is obtained through the finite-differences method. It appears this is the first time a combination of basis set and grid methods has been put forward for tackling multi-region time-dependent problems. In both regions, a high-order explicit scheme is employed for the time propagation. While, in a purely hydrogenic system no approximation is involved due to this separation, in multi-electron systems the validity and the usefulness of the present method relies on the basic assumption of R-matrix theory, namely that beyond a certain distance (encompassing region II) a single ejected electron is distinguishable from the other electrons of the multi-electron system and evolves there (region II) effectively as a one-electron system. The method is developed in detail for single active electron systems and applied to the exemplar case of the hydrogen atom in an intense laser field.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitte

    The Development of an Evaluation Framework for eGovernment Systems

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    This paper is a positioning paper which outlines a proposal for engaging in the evaluation of eGovernment systems. The primary purpose of our proposed research is to develop, apply, test, and disseminate an evaluation framework which can support continuous, adaptable, and reflective evaluation of eGovernment systems. The theoretical bases for the methodology will be the Information Systems (IS), Soft Systems Methodology, SSM (Checkland and Scholes, 1990) which provides the platform for the analyses of the ‘soft’ aspects (e.g. human, political, cultural and organisational factors) and the Hard Systems Methodology (HSM) which provides methods and tools for quantitative measures and analyses of the system. A further three interrelated bases are: Reflective Practice, Organisational Learning (OL), and Information and Knowledge Management (IKM). Some of the key underlying principles to a successful evaluation framework are good data collection and analyses methods, an evaluative reflective practice approach whichentails the complete process of identification and analysis of strengths and problems, followed by rigorous testing, implementation, and revision of solutions. Such a cycle encourages organisational learning and promotes continuous improvement to both the evaluation framework and system. Additionally, it aims to cultivate an organisational culture that supports evaluation through reflection, continuous learning, and knowledge management which facilitates knowledge creation, capture, sharing, application and dissemination

    High Voltage CMOS Control Interface for Astronomy - Grade Charged Coupled Devices

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    The Pan-STARRS telescope consists of an array of smaller mirrors viewed by a Gigapixel arrays of CCDs. These focal planes employ Orthogonal Transfer CCDs (OTCCDs) to allow on-chip image stabilization. Each OTCCD has advanced logic features that are controlled externally. A CMOS Interface Device for High Voltage has been developed to provide the appropiate voltage signal levels from a readout and control system designated STARGRASP. OTCCD chip output levels range from -3.3V to 16.7V, with two different output drive strenghts required depending on load capacitance (50pF and 1000pF), with 24mA of drive and a rise time on the order of 100ns. Additional testing ADC structures have been included in this chip to evaluate future functional additions for a next version of the chip.Comment: 13 pages, 17 gigure

    Suppression of inelastic bound state resonance effects by the dimensionality of atom-surface scattering event

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    We develop a multidimensional coupled channel method suitable for studying the interplay of bound state resonance and phonon assisted scattering of inert gas atoms from solid surfaces in one, two and three dimensions. This enables us to get insight into the features that depend on the dimensionality of inelastic resonant processes typically encountered in low energy He atom scattering from surfaces, in general, and to elaborate on the observability of recently conjectured near threshold resonances in scattering from Einstein phonons, in particular.Comment: 2 figure

    Maclisp extensions

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    A common subset of selected facilities available in Maclisp and its derivatives (PDP-10 and Multics Maclisp, Lisp Machine Lisp (Zetalisp), and NIL) is decribed. The object is to add in writing code which can run compatibly in more than one of these environments

    The Properties of Brightest Cluster Galaxies in X-Ray Selected Clusters

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    We present the K-band Hubble diagram for 162 brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in X-ray selected clusters, 0.01<z<0.83. The sample incorporates that of Burke, Collins, & Mann (2000) and includes additional infrared data from the 2MASS extended source catalogue. We show that below z=0.1 the BCGs show no correlation with their environment, however, above z=0.1 BCGs in more X-ray luminous clusters are more uniform in their photometric properties. This suggests that there may be two populations of BCGs which have different evolutionary histories.Comment: 2 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the Sesto 2001 conference on tracing cosmic evolution with galaxy cluster

    A case report of progressive Brown syndrome?

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    Aim: To report an unusual case of progressive Brown syndrome and the successful surgical treatment. Methods: A 42-year-old male with a documented 14-year history of progressive Brown syndrome is presented. To improve diplopia symptoms an ipsilateral superior oblique (SO) 7 mm silicone tendon spacer and a contralateral 3 mm superior rectus (SR) recession were performed. Results: The surgical procedure was successful in reducing the primary position deviation (preoperative 30ΔLHoT 7ΔLXT; one month post surgery 3ΔLHo; one year post surgery 7-8ΔLHo 1-2ΔE) and eliminating the abnormal head posture (AHP). Diplopia was only reported on elevation and depression following surgery. Conclusion: This case of Brown syndrome is unusual as it was progressive and had a documented history over a number of years prior to surgery. Surgical treatment of Brown syndrome is rarely required, but in this case was successful in improving the patient’s diplopia and AHP

    Retrospective Assessment of Islet Cell Autoantibodies in Pancreas Organ Donors

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    OBJECTIVE—Of deceased pancreas donors, 3–4% may have autoantibodies (AAb) to pancreatic islet cell antigens; these autoantibodies are well-established markers of type 1 diabetes. We investigated whether donor AAb positivity could affect the outcome of pancreas transplantation

    The high partial wave phenomenon of spin changing atomic transitions

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    The collisional transition between two highly excited atomic states with different spin is investigated theoretically. Taking helium-like n1S − n3P as an example, it is found that the transition is driven in the highly ion-ized Fe ion purely by exchange, and the cross section becomes increasingly dominated by partial waves of high orbital angular momentum as the scattering energy increases. Whereas for the near-neutral Li ion the transition is dominated by channel coupling in low partial waves. Analytical bench-marks and numerical methods are developed for the accurate calculation of the exchange integral at high angular momentum. It is shown how the partial wave and energy dependence of the collision strength for high n spin changing transitions in the highly ionized ion is related to the overlap of the extended atomic orbitals.</p

    Large-scale Breit-Pauli R-matrix calculations for transition probabilities of Fe V

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    Ab initio theoretical calculations are reported for the electric (E1) dipole allowed and intercombination fine structure transitions in Fe V using the Breit-Pauli R-matrix (BPRM) method. We obtain 3865 bound fine structure levels of Fe V and 1.46x1061.46 x 10^6 oscillator strengths, Einstein A-coefficients and line strengths. In addition to the relativistic effects, the intermediate coupling calculations include extensive electron correlation effects that represent the complex configuration interaction (CI). Fe V bound levels are obtained with angular and spin symmetries SLπSL\pi and JπJ\pi of the (e + Fe VI) system such that 2S+12S+1 = 5,3,1, LL \leq 10, J8J \leq 8. The bound levels are obtained as solutions of the Breit-Pauli (e + ion) Hamiltonian for each JπJ\pi, and are designated according to the `collision' channel quantum numbers. A major task has been the identification of these large number of bound fine structure levels in terms of standard spectroscopic designations. A new scheme, based on the analysis of quantum defects and channel wavefunctions, has been developed. The identification scheme aims particularly to determine the completeness of the results in terms of all possible bound levels for applications to analysis of experimental measurements and plasma modeling. An uncertainty of 10-20% for most transitions is estimated.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure, Physica Scripta (in press