488 research outputs found

    Elastic properties of thin h-BN films investigated by Brillouin light scattering

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    Hexagonal BN films have been deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering with simultaneous ion plating. The elastic properties of the films grown on silicon substrates under identical coating conditions have been de-termined by Brillouin light scattering from thermally excited surface phonons. Four of the five independent elastic constants of the deposited material are found to be c11 = 65 GPa, c13 = 7 GPa, c33 = 92 GPa and c44 = 53 GPa exhibiting an elastic anisotropy c11/c33 of 0.7. The Young's modulus determined with load indenta-tion is distinctly larger than the corresponding value taken from Brillouin light scattering. This discrepancy is attributed to the specific morphology of the material with nanocrystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix

    Electromagnetically induced transparency in superconducting quantum circuits : Effects of decoherence, tunneling and multi-level cross-talk

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    We explore theoretically electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT) in a superconducting quantum circuit (SQC). The system is a persistent-current flux qubit biased in a Λ\Lambda configuration. Previously [Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 087003 (2004)], we showed that an ideally-prepared EIT system provides a sensitive means to probe decoherence. Here, we extend this work by exploring the effects of imperfect dark-state preparation and specific decoherence mechanisms (population loss via tunneling, pure dephasing, and incoherent population exchange). We find an initial, rapid population loss from the Λ\Lambda system for an imperfectly prepared dark state. This is followed by a slower population loss due to both the detuning of the microwave fields from the EIT resonance and the existing decoherence mechanisms. We find analytic expressions for the slow loss rate, with coefficients that depend on the particular decoherence mechanisms, thereby providing a means to probe, identify, and quantify various sources of decoherence with EIT. We go beyond the rotating wave approximation to consider how strong microwave fields can induce additional off-resonant transitions in the SQC, and we show how these effects can be mitigated by compensation of the resulting AC Stark shifts

    An optically driven quantum dot quantum computer

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    We propose a quantum computer structure based on coupled asymmetric single-electron quantum dots. Adjacent dots are strongly coupled by means of electric dipole-dipole interactions enabling rapid computation rates. Further, the asymmetric structures can be tailored for a long coherence time. The result maximizes the number of computation cycles prior to loss of coherence.Comment: 4 figure

    Entanglement in the One-dimensional Kondo Necklace Model

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    We discuss the thermal and magnetic entanglement in the one-dimensional Kondo necklace model. Firstly, we show how the entanglement naturally present at zero temperature is distributed among pairs of spins according to the strength of the two couplings of the chain, namely, the Kondo exchange interaction and the hopping energy. The effect of the temperature and the presence of an external magnetic field is then investigated, being discussed the adjustment of these variables in order to control the entanglement available in the system. In particular, it is indicated the existence of a critical magnetic field above which the entanglement undergoes a sharp variation, leading the ground state to a completely unentangled phase.Comment: 8 pages, 13 EPS figures. v2: four references adde

    The Random Quadratic Assignment Problem

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    Optimal assignment of classes to classrooms \cite{dickey}, design of DNA microarrays \cite{carvalho}, cross species gene analysis \cite{kolar}, creation of hospital layouts cite{elshafei}, and assignment of components to locations on circuit boards \cite{steinberg} are a few of the many problems which have been formulated as a quadratic assignment problem (QAP). Originally formulated in 1957, the QAP is one of the most difficult of all combinatorial optimization problems. Here, we use statistical mechanical methods to study the asymptotic behavior of problems in which the entries of at least one of the two matrices that specify the problem are chosen from a random distribution PP. Surprisingly, this case has not been studied before using statistical methods despite the fact that the QAP was first proposed over 50 years ago \cite{Koopmans}. We find simple forms for CminC_{\rm min} and CmaxC_{\rm max}, the costs of the minimal and maximum solutions respectively. Notable features of our results are the symmetry of the results for CminC_{\rm min} and CmaxC_{\rm max} and the dependence on PP only through its mean and standard deviation, independent of the details of PP. After the asymptotic cost is determined for a given QAP problem, one can straightforwardly calculate the asymptotic cost of a QAP problem specified with a different random distribution PP

    Fermionic entanglement in itinerant systems

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    We study pairwise quantum entanglement in systems of fermions itinerant in a lattice from a second-quantized perspective. Entanglement in the grand-canonical ensemble is studied, both for energy eigenstates and for the thermal state. Relations between entanglement and superconducting correlations are discussed in a BCS-like model and for η\eta-pair superconductivity.Comment: 8 Pages LaTeX, 5 Figures included. Presentation improved, results and references adde

    Optically Driven Qubits in Artificial Molecules

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    We present novel models of quantum gates based on coupled quantum dots in which a qubit is regarded as the superposition of ground states in each dot. Coherent control on the qubit is performed by both a frequency and a polarization of a monochromatic light pulse illuminated on the quantum dots. We also show that a simple combination of two single qubit gates functions as a controlled NOT gate resulting from an electron-electron interaction. To examine the decoherence of quantum states, we discuss electronic relaxation contributed mainly by LA phonon processes.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Double quantum dot turnstile as an electron spin entangler

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    We study the conditions for a double quantum dot system to work as a reliable electron spin entangler, and the efficiency of a beam splitter as a detector for the resulting entangled electron pairs. In particular, we focus on the relative strengths of the tunneling matrix elements, the applied bias and gate voltage, the necessity of time-dependent input/output barriers, and the consequence of considering wavepacket states for the electrons as they leave the double dot to enter the beam splitter. We show that a double quantum dot turnstile is, in principle, an efficient electron spin entangler or entanglement filter because of the exchange coupling between the dots and the tunable input/output potential barriers, provided certain conditions are satisfied in the experimental set-up.Comment: published version; minor error correcte

    Quantum computing in optical microtraps based on the motional states of neutral atoms

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    We investigate quantum computation with neutral atoms in optical microtraps where the qubit is implemented in the motional states of the atoms, i.e., in the two lowest vibrational states of each trap. The quantum gate operation is performed by adiabatically approaching two traps and allowing tunneling and cold collisions to take place. We demonstrate the capability of this scheme to realize a square-root of swap gate, and address the problem of double occupation and excitation to other unwanted states. We expand the two-particle wavefunction in an orthonormal basis and analyze quantum correlations throughout the whole gate process. Fidelity of the gate operation is evaluated as a function of the degree of adiabaticity in moving the traps. Simulations are based on rubidium atoms in state-of-the-art optical microtraps with quantum gate realizations in the few tens of milliseconds duration range.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, for animations of the gate operation, see http://www.itp.uni-hannover.de/~eckert/na/index.htm
