344 research outputs found

    On divergent 3-vertices in noncommutative SU(2)gauge theory

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    We analyze divergencies in 2-point and 3-point functions for noncommutative θ\theta-expanded SU(2)-gauge theory with massless fermions. We show that, after field redefinition and renormalization of couplings, one divergent term remains.Comment: 7 page

    Learning from model errors: Can land use, edaphic and very high-resolution topo-climatic factors improve macroecological models of mountain grasslands?

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    Aim: Assess the potential of new predictors (land use, edaphic factors and high-resolution topographic and climatic variables, i.e., topo-climatic) to improve the prediction of plant community functional traits (specific leaf area, vegetative height and seed mass) and species richness in models of mountain grasslands. Location: The western Swiss Alps Methods: Using 912 grassland plots, we constructed predictive models for community-weighted means of plant traits and species richness using high resolution (25 m) topo-climatic predictors traditionally used in previous modelling studies in this area. In addition, 78 new plots were sampled for evaluation and error assessment in four narrower sets of homogenous conditions based on predictions by the topo-climatic models within two elevation belts (montane and alpine). New, finer-scale predictors were generated from direct field measurements or very high-resolution (5 m) numerical data. We then used multimodel inference to test the capacity of these finer predictors to explain part of the residual variance in the initial topo-climatic models. Results: We showed that the finer-scale predictors explained up to 44% of the residual variance in the classical topo-climatic models. The very high-resolution topographic position, soil C/N ratio and pH performed notably well in our analysis. Land use (farming intensity) was highlighted as potentially important in montane grasslands, but improvements were only significant for species richness predictions. Main conclusions: Compared with classical topo-climatic models, the new, finer-scale predictors significantly improved the prediction of all traits and species richness in alpine plant communities and that of specific leaf area and richness in montane grasslands. The differences in the importance of the predictors, dependent on both trait and position along the elevation gradient, highlight the different factors that shape the distribution of species and communities along elevation gradients

    Spatial modelling of soil water holding capacity improves models of plant distributions in mountain landscapes

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    Aims The aims of this study were: 1) to test a new methodology to overcome the issue of the predictive capacity of soil water availability in geographic space due to measurement scarcity, 2) to model and generalize soil water availability spatially to a whole region, and 3) to test its predictive capacity in plant SDMs. Methods First, we modelled the measured Soil Water Holding Capacity (SWHC at different pFs) of 24 soils in a focal research area, using a weighted ensemble of small bivariate models (ESM). We then used these models to predict 256 locations of a larger region and used the differences in these pF predictions to calculate three different indices of soil water availability for plants (SWAP. These SWAP variables were added one by one to a set of conventional topo-climatic predictors to model 104 plant species distributions. Results We showed that adding SWAP to the SDMs could improve our ability to predict plant species distributions, and more specifically, pF1.8–pF4.2 became the third most important predictor across all plant models. Conclusions Soil water availability can contribute a significant increase in the predictive power of plant distribution models, by identifying important additional abiotic information to describe plant ecological niches

    Improving Soil Productivity and Increasing Lowland Rice Yields through the Integration of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers in the Savannah and Forest Agro-ecological Zones of La Cote d’Ívoire

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    Sole mineral fertilizers use by poorly resourced farmers for rice production in the lowlands is usually low and unsustainable. Field experiments were therefore conducted within two contrasting environments (Forest and Savannah), using two common organic amendments (Poultry manure and Cattle manure) to establish an effective and integrated soil nutrient management system for improved lowland soil productivity and increased rice yields. The study was also partly intended to encourage and promote the effective and sustainable use of locally available organic amendments for nutrient management in lowland rice production. Results showed that organic amendments {cattle manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM)} contributed significantly to grain yield increases and total productivity with PM having a significantly greater and positive effect on grain yield than CM. In addition, the application of organic amendments in combination with mineral fertilizer significantly contributed to increased grain yield over the application of sole mineral fertilizer. Within the savannah agro- cological zone, there was a 130% (CM) and 203% (PM) grain yield increase over the control due to the application of organic amendments . When organic amendments were applied in combination with mineral fertilizer (MF), grain yield increased by 21% and 43% over sole MF for CM and PM respectively. However, sole CM contributed 12% increase in grain yield over the control while PM gave a 35% increase within the forest agro- cological zone. The combined application of MF and CM resulted in an 11% increase in grain yield while MF and PM combinations produced a 30% yield increase within the ecology. The non-addition of N, P, K as mineral fertilizer resulted in a yield reduction of about 84% at both sites. Resource poor farmers within the West African sub-region should therefore be encouraged to use organic amendments, which are not only available locally but also affordable. Proper storage and handling of these organic materials is very important to minimize nutrient losses.&nbsp

    Generalizing soil properties in geographic space: Approaches used and ways forward.

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    Soil is one of the most complex systems on Earth, functioning at the interface between the lithosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere and generating a multitude of functions. Moreover, soil constitutes the belowground environment from which plants capture water and nutrients. Despite their great importance, soil properties are often not sufficiently considered in other disciplines, especially in spatial studies of plant distributions. Most soil properties are available as point data and, to be used in spatial analyses, need to be generalised over entire regions (i.e. digital soil mapping). Three categories of statistical approaches can be used for such purpose: geostatistical approaches (GSA), predictive-statistical approaches (PSA), and hybrid approaches (HA) that combine the two previous ones. How then to choose the best approach in a given soil study context? Does it depend on the soil properties to be spatialized, the study area's characteristics, and/or the availability of soil data? The main aims of this study was to review the use of these three approaches to derive maps of soil properties in relation to the soil parameters, the study area characteristics, and the number of soil samples. We evidenced that the approaches that tend to show the best performance for spatializing soil properties were not necessarily the ones most used in practice. Although PSA was the most widely used, it tended to be outperformed by HA in many cases, but the latter was far less used. However, as the study settings were not always properly described and not all situations were represented in the set of papers analysed, more comparative studies would be needed across a wider range of regions, soil properties, and spatial scales to provide robust conclusions on the best spatialization methods in a specific context

    Meta-scale mountain grassland observatories uncover commonalities as well as specific interactions among plant and non-rhizosphere soil bacterial communities.

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    Interactions between plants and bacteria in the non-rhizosphere soil are rarely assessed, because they are less direct and easily masked by confounding environmental factors. By studying plant vegetation alliances and soil bacterial community co-patterning in grassland soils in 100 sites across a heterogeneous mountain landscape in the western Swiss Alps, we obtained sufficient statistical power to disentangle common co-occurrences and weaker specific interactions. Plant alliances and soil bacterial communities tended to be synchronized in community turnover across the landscape, largely driven by common underlying environmental factors, such as soil pH or elevation. Certain alliances occurring in distinct, local, environmental conditions were characterized by co-occurring specialist plant and bacterial species, such as the Nardus stricta and Thermogemmatisporaceae. In contrast, some generalist taxa, like Anthoxanthum odoratum and 19 Acidobacteria species, spanned across multiple vegetation alliances. Meta-scale analyses of soil bacterial community composition and vegetation surveys, complemented with local edaphic measurements, can thus prove useful to identify the various types of plant-bacteria interactions and the environments in which they occur

    Non-renormalizability of noncommutative SU(2) gauge theory

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    We analyze the divergent part of the one-loop effective action for the noncommutative SU(2) gauge theory coupled to the fermions in the fundamental representation. We show that the divergencies in the 2-point and the 3-point functions in the θ\theta-linear order can be renormalized, while the divergence in the 4-point fermionic function cannot.Comment: 15 pages, results presented at ESI 2d dilaton gravity worksho

    Soil protist function varies with elevation in the Swiss Alps

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    Protists are abundant and play key trophic functions in soil. Documenting how their trophic contributions vary across large environmental gradients is essential to understand and predict how biogeochemical cycles will be impacted by global changes. Here, using amplicon sequencing of environmental DNA in open habitat soil from 161 locations spanning 2600 m of elevation in the Swiss Alps (from 400 to 3000 m), we found that, over the whole study area, soils are dominated by consumers, followed by parasites and phototrophs. In contrast, the proportion of these groups in local communities shows large variations in relation to elevation. While there is, on average, three times more consumers than parasites at low elevation (400–1000 m), this ratio increases to 12 at high elevation (2000–3000 m). This suggests that the decrease in protist host biomass and diversity toward mountains tops impact protist functional composition. Furthermore, the taxonomic composition of protists that infect animals was related to elevation while that of protists that infect plants or of protist consumers was related to soil pH. This study provides a first step to document and understand how soil protist functions vary along the elevational gradient

    Near-extremal and extremal quantum-corrected two-dimensional charged black holes

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    We consider charged black holes within dilaton gravity with exponential-linear dependence of action coefficients on dilaton and minimal coupling to quantum scalar fields. This includes, in particular, CGHS and RST black holes in the uncharged limit. For non-extremal configuration quantum correction to the total mass, Hawking temperature, electric potential and metric are found explicitly and shown to obey the first generalized law. We also demonstrate that quantum-corrected extremal black holes in these theories do exist and correspond to the classically forbidden region of parameters in the sense that the total mass Mtot<QM_{tot}<Q (QQ is a charge). We show that in the limit TH0T_{H}\to 0 (where THT_{H} is the Hawking temperature) the mass and geometry of non-extremal configuration go smoothly to those of the extremal one, except from the narrow near-horizon region. In the vicinity of the horizon the quantum-corrected geometry (however small quantum the coupling parameter κ\kappa would be) of a non-extremal configuration tends to not the quantum-corrected extremal one but to the special branch of solutions with the constant dilaton (2D analog of the Bertotti-Robinson metric) instead. Meanwhile, if κ=0\kappa =0 exactly, the near-extremal configuration tends to the extremal one. We also consider the dilaton theory which corresponds classically to the spherically-symmetrical reduction from 4D case and show that for the quantum-corrected extremal black hole Mtot>QM_{tot}>Q.Comment: 25 pages. Typos corrected. To appear in Class. Quant. Gra