30 research outputs found

    Stakeholders’ environmental influence. An empirical analysis in the Spanish hotel industry

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    We draw on the insights of stakeholder theory to explore the extent to which environmental management practices are driven by (i) an attempt to enhance a firm’s legitimacy, and (ii) a response to pressures arising from powerful stakeholders. The material for this investigation has been gathered from a sample of 279 Spanish hotels. The hotel industry which is only marginally affected by environmental regulation and is thus a widely neglected setting in this context, could be a particularly interesting subject for investigation, able to throw some light on the extent to which firms produce different responses to the environmental concerns of their stakeholders. Our results reveal that corporate environmental management practices may be a response to genuine environmental concerns, and we then speak of explicit environmental management, or there may also be reasons different from the environmental, in which case we speak of tacit environmental management. Our findings suggest that explicit and tacit environmental management account for a variety of organizational responses to the environmental demands of stakeholders, depending on (i) the stakeholders’ power regarding environmental issues, (ii) the stakeholders’ use of power to protect the environment, and (iii) the perceived economic advantages of environmental management activities.Publicad

    Stakeholders’ environmental influence. An empirical analysis in the Spanish hotel industry.

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    We draw on the insights of stakeholder theory to explore the extent to which environmental management practices are driven by (i) an attempt to enhance a firm’s legitimacy, and (ii) a response to pressures arising from powerful stakeholders. The material for this investigation has been gathered from a sample of 279 Spanish hotels. The hotel industry which is only marginally affected by environmental regulation and is thus a widely neglected setting in this context, could be a particularly interesting subject for investigation, able to throw some light on the extent to which firms produce different responses to the environmental concerns of their stakeholders. Our results reveal that corporate environmental management practices may be a response to genuine environmental concerns, and we then speak of explicit environmental management, or there may also be reasons different from the environmental, in which case we speak of tacit environmental management. Our findings suggest that explicit and tacit environmental management account for a variety of organizational responses to the environmental demands of stakeholders, depending on (i) the stakeholders’ power regarding environmental issues, (ii) the stakeholders’ use of power to protect the environment, and (iii) the perceived economic advantages of environmental management activities.Environmental management; Stakeholder theory; Hotels; Service industry;

    ¿Hay hoteles verdes en España? Un análisis exploratorio

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio exploratorio para definir las estrategias medioambientales de operaciones entre los establecimientos hoteleros. Para ello, tras una breve revisión teórica, donde se expone la necesidad de integrar las cuestiones ambientales en la estrategia de operaciones, se proponen las principales dimensiones que ayudan a explicar la respuesta de la empresa a estas consideraciones: la presión del entorno hacia la protección ambiental, la gestión ambiental mínima, la gestión ambiental diferenciadora, los años de experiencia en implantar medidas de protección ambiental, la utilización de las técnicas de la Dirección de Operaciones y la formalización de los planes y programas ambientales. Asimismo, se diseñan escalas de medida para recoger estas dimensiones, las cuales se utilizan para detectar el patrón que siguen más de 240 establecimientos hoteleros españoles de tres, cuatro y cinco estrellas. Finalmente, se contrastan los resultados de aplicar la tipología propuesta con los obtenidos en otras investigaciones, se sintetizan las principales aportaciones y se plantean líneas futuras de investigación

    Estrategia medioambiental, contexto organizativo y rendimiento: los establecimientos hoteleros españoles

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio de las estrategias ambientales que adoptan los establecimientos hoteleros españoles y se discute si existen diferencias significativas en algunas características organizativas en función de la estrategia ambiental adoptada. Para ello, y en armonía con las principales tipologías de estrategias ambientales detectadas en la literatura, se clasifican los establecimientos hoteleros españoles en cuatro grupos: Proactivos, Defensivos, Acomodativos y Reactivos. Asimismo, se comprueba que estas diferentes estrategias ambientales se explican por distintas características de la organización, tales como la intensidad de la presión social que ejercen los grupos de interés sobre el establecimiento y la posesión de determinadas capacidades organizativas. Adicionalmente, se puede observar que las empresas de los grupos con una estrategia ambiental más desarrollada se asocian a un rendimiento económico superior. Finalmente, se comparan los resultados obtenidos en este estudio con otras investigaciones precedentes y se discuten las implicaciones que se desprenden de este trabajo, tanto en el ámbito académico, como en el profesional

    Sustainable innovation though developing hybrid agri-food supply chains. A case in south-eastern Spain

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    We analyze the incipient development of short supply chains for fresh fruit and vegetables from conventional agri-food chains, leading to the emergence of hybrid chains. We have sought to answer the research question of how and why hybrid food supply chains has been initiated by studying this phenomenon in south-eastern Spain. We analyzed the 20 main Spanish fruit and vegetable exporters, identifying the 9 that have developed short channels. Subsequently, we conducted a case study of the one considered most relevant, identifying the stages of this short chain, analyzing the tasks to be performed in the different phases of the SCS, studying which are common to both and where the differences in the processes arise. The results show the synergies that make them coexist successfully, such as the sharing of personnel, infrastructures and services, complementarity in the product range, thus avoiding food waste, or knowledge of consumer tastes and needs

    Measurement of Service Quality in Trade Fair Organization

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    The success of a trade fair depends on the close collaboration between organizers and exhibitors with potential visitors. While the literature has invested a great deal of interest in the role of the exhibitor and, to a lesser extent, to the visitor, scarce attention has been paid to the vital role played by the fair organizer. The present work analyzes the latter and their importance to the success of a trade fair, which is measured by the quality of the services offered to exhibitors. Using a sample of exhibitors at an International Spanish trade fair, regression analysis is used to examine, at the exploratory level, some quality aspects linked to organizers that can affect the fulfillment of objectives established by exhibitors prior to attending a fair. The results obtained reveal that two dimensions of quality linked to the organizer (event design and quality of results) highly correlate with the final perceptions of exhibitors, and that their deficient quality level prevents the exhibitors from reaching their fair goals

    Creación de Materiales Didácticos para Trabajos Fin de Estudios en Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro

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    [EN] This work pretends to show the creation of a set of tools that facilitate the practical approaching in the development of graduate work (GW) in areas related to supply chain and operations management. Particularly, it is proposed the creation of four main tools: a protocol of action for the development of GW, schedule for preparation and following-up, a guide of the content to be developed to obtain, and a digital platform as a support. Students that have made use of these tools have shown their satisfaction and the usefulness to develop their GW.De Burgos-Jiménez, J.; Jiménez-Guerrero, JF.; Tarifa-Fernández, J. (2017). Creation of Didactic Materials for Dissertation in Supply Chain Management. Working Papers on Operations Management. 8(SP):19-26. doi:10.4995/wpom.v8i0.7107SWORD19268S

    Examining the moderating role of HIHRP in the relationship between external integration and productivity

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    Purpose – Based on the human resource (HR) and supply chain integration (SCI) literature, we argue that high-involvement human resource practices (HIHRP) work as a complementary capability for SCI, and thus, HIHRP moderates the relationship between SCI and firm productivity. This moderating role is analyzed through the following HIHRP dimensions: ability-enhancing, motivation-enhancing, and opportunity-enhancing practices (AMO framework). Design/methodology/approach – Using empirical data collected from a survey of the agri-food sector (horticultural firms of southern Spain), the moderating effects of HIHRP on the relationship between supply chain external integrations (with customers and suppliers) and productivity are examined. A hierarchical regression analysis is used to test the proposed hypotheses. Findings – The results support that HIHRP have a moderating effect on the SCI/productivity relationship. However, these results are only significant in the case of supplier integration. Originality/value – This study analyzes HIHRP as a complementary asset in the context of SCI and makes both theoretical and managerial contributions to the SCI literature by empirically analyzing the role of HR practices in enhancing the relationship between SCI and performance

    Absorptive capacity as a confounder of the process of supply chain integration

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    Purpose – The purpose of this research is to explore and advance on existing knowledge regarding supply chain integration and absorptive capacity. On the one hand, new elements, such as high-performance human resource practices and internal integration are proposed to foster absorptive capacity within the supply chain. On the other hand, the study proposes a model and hypotheses to analyze the moderating effect of absorptive capacity on the relationship between external supply chain integration and performance. Design/methodology/approach – Four hypotheses are formulated based on relevant literature. Data was collected from the horticultural marketing sector, using two different sources, a survey, and archival data. A total of 99 responses were analysed. Hierarchical multiple regressions were carried out to test the proposed hypotheses. Findings – The results confirm that high-performance human resource practices are a crucial element when trying to increase the level of absorptive capacity. In addition, the results show that absorptive capacity has a moderating effect on the relationship between supply chain integration and performance (both economic and financial). Absorptive capacity moderates the relationship between customer integration and economic performance. Originality/value – This study examines the potential causes for the differences that exist in a firm’s ability to develop absorptive capacity. Thus, on the one hand, high-performance human resource practices and internal integration are proposed as triggers of absorptive capacity, and on the other, absorptive capacity is proposed as a moderator in the relationship between supply chain integration and performance