15,542 research outputs found

    A Deformable Model for Magnetic Vortex Pinning

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    A two-parameter analytical model of the magnetic vortex in a thin disk of soft magnetic material is constructed. The model is capable of describing the change in evolution of net vortex state magnetization and of core position when the vortex core interacts with a magnetic pinning site. The model employs a piecewise, physically continuous, magnetization distribution obtained by the merger of two extensively used one-parameter analytical models of the vortex state in a disk. Through comparison to numerical simulations of ideal disks with and without pinning sites, the model is found to accurately predict the magnetization, vortex position, hysteretic transitions, and 2-D displacement of the vortex in the presence of pinning sites. The model will be applicable to the quantitative determination of vortex pinning energies from measurements of magnetization.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, including supplementary information, ancillary files:3 supplementary movie

    On the Naturalness of Higgs Inflation

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    We critically examine the recent claim that the Standard Model Higgs boson H{\cal H} could drive inflation in agreement with observations if H2|{\cal H}|^2 has a strong coupling ξ104\xi\sim 10^4 to the Ricci curvature scalar. We first show that the effective theory approach upon which that claim is based ceases to be valid beyond a cutoff scale Λ=mp/ξ\Lambda=m_p/\xi, where mpm_p is the reduced Planck mass. We then argue that knowing the Higgs potential profile for the field values relevant for inflation (H>mp/ξΛ|{\cal H}|>m_p/\sqrt{\xi}\gg \Lambda) requires knowledge of the ultraviolet completion of the SM beyond Λ\Lambda. In absence of such microscopic theory, the extrapolation of the pure SM potential beyond Λ\Lambda is unwarranted and the scenario is akin to other ad-hoc inflaton potentials afflicted with significant fine-tuning. The appealing naturalness of this minimal proposal is therefore lost.Comment: 9 pages. Replaced with published version, plus a footnote clarifying the use of power counting estimate

    Specialization of the rostral prefrontal cortex for distinct analogy processes

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    Analogical reasoning is central to learning and abstract thinking. It involves using a more familiar situation (source) to make inferences about a less familiar situation (target). According to the predominant cognitive models, analogical reasoning includes 1) generation of structured mental representations and 2) mapping based on structural similarities between them. This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to specify the role of rostral prefrontal cortex (PFC) in these distinct processes. An experimental paradigm was designed that enabled differentiation between these processes, by temporal separation of the presentation of the source and the target. Within rostral PFC, a lateral subregion was activated by analogy task both during study of the source (before the source could be compared with a target) and when the target appeared. This may suggest that this subregion supports fundamental analogy processes such as generating structured representations of stimuli but is not specific to one particular processing stage. By contrast, a dorsomedial subregion of rostral PFC showed an interaction between task (analogy vs. control) and period (more activated when the target appeared). We propose that this region is involved in comparison or mapping processes. These results add to the growing evidence for functional differentiation between rostral PFC subregions

    An overview of tea research in Tanzania - with special reference to the Southern Highlands.

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    The history of tea development in Tanzania from the early part of this century to the present is summarised. Average yields of made tea from well managed estates in the Mufindi district have increased from around 600 kg ha-1 in the late 1950s to 3000 kg ha-1 at the present time: by comparison, yields from smallholder farms have remained much lower, averaging only 400-500 kg ha-1. There have been a large number of technical, economic and other changes over the last 30 to 40 years. The removal of shade trees, the use of herbicides, the application of NPK compound fertilisers, the introduction of irrigation (on some estates) and changes in harvesting policy have all contributed to the increases in yield. Financial and infrastructural problems have contributed to the low yields from many smallholders and others, and have limited the uptake of new technology. The contribution of research is reviewed, from the start of the Tea Research Institute of East Africa in Kenya in 1951, through to the development of the Marikitanda Tea Research Centre in Amani in 1967; the Ngwazi Tea Research Unit in Mufindi (1967 to 1970, and from 1986), and lastly the Kifyulilo Tea Research Station, also in Mufindi in 1986. The yield potential of well fertilized and irrigated clonal tea, grown at an altitude of 1800 m, is around 6000 kg ha-1. This potential is reduced by drought, lack of fertilizer, bush vacancies and inefficient harvesting practices. The corresponding potential yields at high (2200 m) and low (1200 m) altitude sites range from 3000-3500 kg ha-1 up to 9000-10000 kg ha-1 and are largely a function of temperature. The opportunities for increasing yields of existing tea, smallholder and estate, are enormous. Tea production in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania is about to expand rapidly. Good, appropriate research is needed to sustain this development over the long term, and suggestions on how best this is done in order to assist the large scale producers as well as the smallholders, are discussed

    Multi-Throat Brane Inflation

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    We present a scenario where brane inflation arises more generically. We start with D3 and anti-D3-branes at the infrared ends of two different throats. This setup is a natural consequence of the assumption that in the beginning we have a multi-throat string compactification with many wandering anti-D3-branes. A long period of inflation is triggered when D3-branes slowly exit the highly warped infrared region, under a potential generically arising from the moduli stabilization. In this scenario, the usual slow-roll conditions are not required, and a large warping is allowed to incorporate the Randall-Sundrum model.Comment: 11 pages; v3: minor revision, PRD versio

    Cosmology and Static Spherically Symmetric solutions in D-dimensional Scalar Tensor Theories: Some Novel Features

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    We consider scalar tensor theories in D-dimensional spacetime, D \ge 4. They consist of metric and a non minimally coupled scalar field, with its non minimal coupling characterised by a function. The probes couple minimally to the metric only. We obtain vacuum solutions - both cosmological and static spherically symmetric ones - and study their properties. We find that, as seen by the probes, there is no singularity in the cosmological solutions for a class of functions which obey certain constraints. It turns out that for the same class of functions, there are static spherically symmetric solutions which exhibit novel properties: {\em e.g.} near the ``horizon'', the gravitational force as seen by the probe becomes repulsive.Comment: Revtex. 21 pages. Version 2: More references added. Version 3: Issues raised by the referee are addressed. Results unchanged. Title modified; a new subsection and more references added. Verison to appear in Physical Review

    A Microscopic Derivation of the SO(5)-Symmetric Landau-Ginzburg Potential

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    We construct a microscopic model of electron interactions which gives rise to both superconductivity and antiferromagnetism, and which admits an approximate SO(5) symmetry that relates these two phases. The symmetry can be exact, or it may exist only in the long-wavelength limit, depending on the detailed form of the interactions. We compute the macroscopic Landau-Ginzburg free energy for this model as a function of temperature and doping, by explicitly integrating out the fermions. We find that the resulting phase diagram can resemble that observed for the cuprates, with the antiferromagnetism realized as a spin density wave, whose wavelength might be incommensurate with the lattice spacing away from half filling.Comment: 29 pp., plain TeX, 7 figures, uses macros.tex (included) and epsf.tex; added subject clas