19 research outputs found

    In de voetsporen van de kritische boerin : 25 jaar Landelijke Boerinnen Belangen, 1983-2008

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    Het verhaal van 25 jaar Landelijke Boerinnen Belangen (LBB) geeft in een notendop weer hoe kritische boerinnen hun maatschappelijke betrokkenheid vormgaven. Gestimuleerd door de vrouwenbeweging merkten zij in de zeventig jaren van de vorige eeuw dat zij een andere positie hadden dan de meeste vrouwen. Zij waren niet alleen getrouwd met een man die boer van beroep was, maar ook met zijn bedrijf. Niet alleen economisch, maar ook sociaal waren gezin, huishouden en bedrijf zo met elkaar verweven, dat zij hun positie wel in samenhang moesten bekijken. De geschiedenis van LBB toont hun zoektocht naar de tot dan toe onderbelichte positie van vrouwen in de agrarische sector. Deze boerinnen lieten ook zien hoe het landbouwbeleid en de besluitvorming daarover samenhingen met de knelpunten en problemen die zij in de dagelijkse praktijk tegenkwamen. Zij experimenteerden in hun eigen praktijk, vertaalden hun visies naar beleidsalternatieven en brachten die onder de aandacht bij de landbouworganisaties en ministeries. Voor het eerst lieten boerinnen hun stem horen over landbouwzaken waar zij zich toentertijd verre van dienden te houden

    Pancreatic islet transplantation: studies on the technique and efficacy of islet isolation and transplantation

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    Pancreatic islet transplantation by a new method is introduced here : the isolation of islets in an organ preservation solution, the University of Wisconsin solution. A new concept allowing for the first time large-scale isolation and transplantation of consistently near 100% pure islets of Langerhans in a preclinical dog model with fasting normoglycemia up to 3 years posttransplant. Detailed metabolic studies demonstrated normal insulin levels after meals with preservation of gut hormone action stimulating insulin secretion at the mild hyperglycemia after meals. The introduction of the University of Wisconsin solution organ preservation solution for islet isolation at the start of these studies in 1989 is a new concept … and has been shown by now in 2022 , world-wide , to make the future of islet isolation and transplantation methods for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM).LUMC / Geneeskund

    Bridging youth and gender studies to analyse rural young women and men's livelihood pathways in Central Uganda

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    Abstract Many development countries are currently undergoing major demographic shifts as the percentage of young people of the total population rapidly increases. This shift is associated with high rates of migration, unemployment and instability. In policy discourses, engaging youth in commercial agricultural is often presented as a measure to control or even counter these trends. In Uganda, a country with one of the youngest populations in the world, we investigated whether young people themselves see a career in farming as an option. We studied the livelihood pathways of rural-born young men and women from Central Uganda and in particular; 1) their aspirations, 2) the extent to which these aspirations are associated with agriculture, and 3) the importance of gender in shaping their opportunity spaces. Data consisted of in-depth interviews with 8 young men and 8 young women originating from the same rural community in Central Uganda (2017) and was supported by three additional datasets collected between 2010 and 2014; one qualitative case-study conducted in the same site (2014) and two survey datasets collected in three rural sites in Central Uganda in 2010 (N = 199) and 2012 (N = 54). Our findings suggest a large proportion of youth out-migrating from the rural communities, with young women migrating more often than young men. Farming was seldom an aspiration but irrespective of sex or residence most young men and women did remain engaged in agriculture in some way. The nature of the engagement was different for men and women though, with young women specifically refraining from commercial agriculture. By analyzing the opportunity space of young men and women, we uncovered how their livelihood pathways were linked to a set of normative and structural constraints maintaining gender inequality. Examples were young women's weaker resource base (land) and gender norms which discourage young women's independent commercial (agricultural) activities. To advance the engagement of young men and especially women in commercial agriculture, it is important to acknowledge these patterns and their underlying structural gender differences

    Landbouwhuishoudleraressen van dorp tot dorp, 1909-1940.

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    Het artikel is gebaseerd op het boek van M. van der Burg, Een half miljoen boerinnen in de klas : landbouwhuishoudonderwijs vanaf 1909. Heerlen, 198