15 research outputs found

    Reconstitution and NMR Characterization of the Ion-Channel Accessory Subunit Barttin in Detergents and Lipid-Bilayer Nanodiscs

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    Barttin is an accessory subunit of ClC-K chloride channels expressed in the kidney and the inner ear. Main functions of ClC-K/barttin channels are the generation of the cortico-medullary osmotic gradients in the kidney and the endocochlear potential in the inner ear. Mutations in the gene encoding barttin, BSND, result in impaired urinary concentration and sensory deafness. Barttin is predicted to be a two helical integral membrane protein that directly interacts with its ion channel in the membrane bilayer where it stabilizes the channel complex, promotes its incorporation into the surface membrane and leads to channel activation. It therefore is an attractive target to address fundamental questions of intermolecular communication within the membrane. However, so far inherent challenges in protein expression and stabilization prevented comprehensive in vitro studies and structural characterization. Here we demonstrate that cell-free expression enables production of sufficient quantities of an isotope-labeled barttin variant (I72X Barttin, capable to promote surface membrane insertion and channel activation) for NMR-based structural studies. Additionally, we established purification protocols as well as reconstitution strategies in detergent micelles and phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs. Stability, folding, and NMR data quality are reported as well as a suitable assignment strategy, paving the way to its structural characterization

    ClC-3 regulates the excitability of nociceptive neurons and is involved in inflammatory processes within the spinal sensory pathway

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    ClC-3 Cl–/H+ exchangers are expressed in multiple endosomal compartments and likely modify intra-endosomal pH and [Cl–] via the stoichiometrically coupled exchange of two Cl– ions and one H+. We studied pain perception in Clcn3–/– mice and found that ClC-3 not only modifies the electrical activity of peripheral nociceptors but is also involved in inflammatory processes in the spinal cord. We demonstrate that ClC-3 regulates the number of Nav and Kv ion channels in the plasma membrane of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and that these changes impair the age-dependent decline in excitability of sensory neurons. To distinguish the role of ClC-3 in Cl–/H+ exchange from its other functions in pain perception, we used mice homozygous for the E281Q ClC-3 point mutation (Clcn3E281Q/E281Q), which completely eliminates transport activity. Since ClC-3 forms heterodimers with ClC-4, we crossed these animals with Clcn4–/– to obtain mice completely lacking in ClC-3-associated endosomal chloride–proton transport. The electrical properties of Clcn3E281Q/E281Q/Clcn4–/– DRG neurons were similar to those of wild-type cells, indicating that the age-dependent adjustment of neuronal excitability is independent of ClC-3 transport activity. Both Clcn3–/– and Clcn3E281Q/E281Q/Clcn4–/– animals exhibited microglial activation in the spinal cord, demonstrating that competent ClC-3 transport is needed to maintain glial cell homeostasis. Our findings illustrate how reduced Cl–/H+ exchange contributes to inflammatory responses and demonstrate a role for ClC-3 in the homeostatic regulation of neuronal excitability beyond its function in endosomal ion balance

    Carboxy-terminal Truncations of ClC-Kb Abolish Channel Activation by Barttin Via Modified Common Gating and Trafficking

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    ClC-K chloride channels are crucial for auditory transduction and urine concentration. Mutations in CLCNKB, the gene encoding the renal chloride channel hClC-Kb, cause Bartter syndrome type III, a human genetic condition characterized by polyuria, hypokalemia, and alkalosis. In recent years, several Bartter syndrome-associated mutations have been described that result in truncations of the intracellular carboxyl terminus of hClC-Kb. We here used a combination of whole-cell patch clamp, confocal imaging, co-immunoprecipitation, and surface biotinylation to study the functional consequences of a frequent CLCNKB mutation that creates a premature stop codon at Trp-610. We found that W610X leaves the association of hClC-Kb and the accessory subunit barttin unaffected, but impairs its regulation by barttin. W610X attenuates hClC-Kb surface membrane insertion. Moreover, W610X results in hClC-Kb channel opening in the absence of barttin and prevents further barttin-mediated activation. To describe how the carboxyl terminus modifies the regulation by barttin we used V166E rClC-K1. V166E rClC-K1 is active without barttin and exhibits prominent, barttin-regulated voltage-dependent gating. Electrophysiological characterization of truncated V166E rClC-K1 demonstrated that the distal carboxyl terminus is necessary for slow cooperative gating. Since barttin modifies this particular gating process, channels lacking the distal carboxyl-terminal domain are no longer regulated by the accessory subunit. Our results demonstrate that the carboxyl terminus of hClC-Kb is not part of the binding site for barttin, but functionally modifies the interplay with barttin. The loss-of-activation of truncated hClC-Kb channels in heterologous expression systems fully explains the reduced basolateral chloride conductance in affected kidneys and the clinical symptoms of Bartter syndrome patients

    Dual-color Colocalization in Single-molecule Localization Microscopy to Determine the Oligomeric State of Proteins in the Plasma Membrane

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    Determining the oligomeric state of membrane proteins is critical for understanding their function. However, traditional ex situ methods like clear native gel electrophoresis can disrupt protein subunit interactions during sample preparation. In situ methods such as stepwise photobleaching have limitations due to high expression levels and limitations of optical resolution in microscopy. Super-resolution microscopy techniques such as single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) have the potential to overcome these limitations, but the stochastic nature of signals can lead to miscounting due to over-expression, background noise, and temporal separation of signals. Additionally, this technique has limited application due to the limited selection of fluorescent labels and the demanding control of laser power. To address these issues, we developed a dual color colocalization (DCC) strategy that offers higher tolerance to background noise and simplifies data acquisition and processing for high-throughput and reliable counting. The DCC strategy was used to determine the oligomeric states of membrane proteins of the SLC17 and SLC26 family with SMLM, providing a robust and efficient method for studying protein interactions

    Zinc modulation of proton currents in a new voltage‐gated proton channel suggests a mechanism of inhibition

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    The HV1 voltage‐gated proton (HV1) channel is a key component of the cellular proton extrusion machinery and is pivotal for charge compensation during the respiratory burst of phagocytes. The best‐described physiological inhibitor of HV1 is Zn2+. Externally applied ZnCl2 drastically reduces proton currents reportedly recorded in Homo sapiens, Rattus norvegicus, Mus musculus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, Rana esculenta, Helix aspersa, Ciona intestinalis, Coccolithus pelagicus, Emiliania huxleyi, Danio rerio, Helisoma trivolvis, and Lingulodinium polyedrum, but with considerable species variability. Here, we report the effects of Zn2+ and Cd2+ on HV1 from Nicoletia phytophila, NpHV1. We introduced mutations at potential Zn2+ coordination sites and measured Zn2+ inhibition in different extracellular pH, with Zn2+ concentrations up to 1000 μm. Zn2+ inhibition in NpHV1 was quantified by the slowing of the activation time constant and a positive shift of the conductance–voltage curve. Replacing aspartate in the S3‐S4 loop with histidine (D145H) enhanced both the slowing of activation kinetics and the shift in the voltage–conductance curve, such that Zn2+ inhibition closely resembled that of the human channel. Histidine is much more effective than aspartate in coordinating Zn2+ in the S3‐S4 linker. A simple Hodgkin Huxley model of NpHV1 suggests a decrease in the opening rate if it is inhibited by zinc or cadmium. Limiting slope measurements and high‐resolution clear native gel electrophoresis (hrCNE) confirmed that NpHV1 functions as a dimer. The data support the hypothesis that zinc is coordinated in between the dimer instead of the monomer. Zinc coordination sites may be potential targets for drug development

    Determination of oligomeric states of proteins via dual-color colocalization with single molecule localization microscopy

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    The oligomeric state of plasma membrane proteins is the result of the interactions between individual subunits and an important determinant of their function. Most approaches used to address this question rely on extracting these complexes from their native environment, which may disrupt weaker interactions. Therefore, microscopy techniques have been increasingly used in recent years to determine oligomeric states in situ. Classical light microscopy suffers from insufficient resolution, but super-resolution methods such as single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) can circumvent this problem. When using SMLM to determine oligomeric states of proteins, subunits are labeled with fluorescent proteins that only emit light following activation or conversion at different wavelengths. Typically, individual molecules are counted based on a binomial distribution analysis of emission events detected within the same diffraction-limited volume. This strategy requires low background noise, a high recall rate for the fluorescent tag and intensive post-imaging data processing. To overcome these limitations, we developed a new method based on SMLM to determine the oligomeric state of plasma membrane proteins. Our dual-color colocalization (DCC) approach allows for accurate in situ counting even with low efficiencies of fluorescent protein detection. In addition, it is robust in the presence of background signals and does not require temporal clustering of localizations from individual proteins within the same diffraction-limited volume, which greatly simplifies data acquisition and processing. We used DCC-SMLM to resolve the controversy surrounding the oligomeric state of two SLC26 multifunctional anion exchangers and to determine the oligomeric state of four members of the SLC17 family of organic anion transporters

    Reconstitution and NMR Characterization of the Ion-Channel Accessory Subunit Barttin in Detergents and Lipid-Bilayer Nanodiscs

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    Barttin is an accessory subunit of ClC-K chloride channels expressed in the kidney and the inner ear. Main functions of ClC-K/barttin channels are the generation of the cortico-medullary osmotic gradients in the kidney and the endocochlear potential in the inner ear. Mutations in the gene encoding barttin, BSND, result in impaired urinary concentration and sensory deafness. Barttin is predicted to be a two helical integral membrane protein that directly interacts with its ion channel in the membrane bilayer where it stabilizes the channel complex, promotes its incorporation into the surface membrane and leads to channel activation. It therefore is an attractive target to address fundamental questions of intermolecular communication within the membrane. However, so far inherent challenges in protein expression and stabilization prevented comprehensive in vitro studies and structural characterization. Here we demonstrate that cell-free expression enables production of sufficient quantities of an isotope-labeled barttin variant (I72X Barttin, capable to promote surface membrane insertion and channel activation) for NMR-based structural studies. Additionally, we established purification protocols as well as reconstitution strategies in detergent micelles and phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs. Stability, folding, and NMR data quality are reported as well as a suitable assignment strategy, paving the way to its structural characterization

    ClC-3 regulates the excitability of nociceptive neurons and is involved in inflammatory processes within the spinal sensory pathway

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    ClC-3 Cl–/H+ exchangers are expressed in multiple endosomal compartments and likely modify intra-endosomal pH and [Cl–] via the stoichiometrically coupled exchange of two Cl– ions and one H+. We studied pain perception in Clcn3–/– mice and found that ClC-3 not only modifies the electrical activity of peripheral nociceptors but is also involved in inflammatory processes in the spinal cord. We demonstrate that ClC-3 regulates the number of Nav and Kv ion channels in the plasma membrane of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons and that these changes impair the age-dependent decline in excitability of sensory neurons. To distinguish the role of ClC-3 in Cl–/H+ exchange from its other functions in pain perception, we used mice homozygous for the E281Q ClC-3 point mutation (Clcn3E281Q/E281Q), which completely eliminates transport activity. Since ClC-3 forms heterodimers with ClC-4, we crossed these animals with Clcn4–/– to obtain mice completely lacking in ClC-3-associated endosomal chloride–proton transport. The electrical properties of Clcn3E281Q/E281Q/Clcn4–/– DRG neurons were similar to those of wild-type cells, indicating that the age-dependent adjustment of neuronal excitability is independent of ClC-3 transport activity. Both Clcn3–/– and Clcn3E281Q/E281Q/Clcn4–/– animals exhibited microglial activation in the spinal cord, demonstrating that competent ClC-3 transport is needed to maintain glial cell homeostasis. Our findings illustrate how reduced Cl–/H+ exchange contributes to inflammatory responses and demonstrate a role for ClC-3 in the homeostatic regulation of neuronal excitability beyond its function in endosomal ion balance