182 research outputs found

    Tumor suppressive Ca2+ signaling is driven by IP3 receptor fitness

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    “Ca2+ signaling and cell death”: The ECS 2013 workshop in Leuven and a tribute to Humbert De Smedt.

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    In recent years it has become increasingly clear that changes in intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and dynamics are intimately associated with cell death and survival processes, including proliferation, apoptosis, autophagy, and unfolded protein response. As such, different Ca2+ transport systems, including channels, transporters and pumps, control these processes. Furthermore, dysregulation of intracellular Ca2+-signaling events and remodeling of Ca2+-transport systems and their regulation by associated proteins and other cellular factors seem to be a hall-mark of several diseases, including different cancer types and neurodegenerative diseases. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these events may now permit novel and unprecedented therapeutic strategies to target these Ca2+-transport systems and complexes. In this workshop, attended by more than 100 scientists from 20 different countries, four scientific sessions were organized, dealing with various aspects of Ca2+-signaling in cell survival and cell death. The role of mitochondria, autophagy, ER stress and other factors and their influence on diseases have been discussed. Three contributions were awarded with the best oral communication and best poster prizes by junior scientists. The scientific career, achievements and mentorship of Humbert De Smedt were celebrated at the end of this workshop. We summarize the lectures of this workshop, for details see the contributions of this special issue and the references listed therein

    Constitutive IP<sub>3</sub> signaling underlies the sensitivity of B-cell cancers to the Bcl-2/IP<sub>3</sub> receptor disruptor BIRD-2

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    Anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins are upregulated in different cancers, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), enabling survival by inhibiting pro-apoptotic Bcl-2-family members and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor (IP3R)-mediated Ca2+-signaling. A peptide tool (Bcl-2/IP3R Disruptor-2; BIRD-2) was developed to abrogate the interaction of Bcl-2 with IP3Rs by targeting Bcl-2′s BH4 domain. BIRD-2 triggers cell death in primary CLL cells and in DLBCL cell lines. Particularly, DLBCL cells with high levels of IP3R2 were sensitive to BIRD-2. Here, we report that BIRD-2-induced cell death in DLBCL cells does not only depend on high IP3R2-expression levels, but also on constitutive IP3 signaling, downstream of the tonically active B-cell receptor. The basal Ca2+ level in SU-DHL-4 DLBCL cells was significantly elevated due to the constitutive IP3 production. This constitutive IP3 signaling fulfilled a pro-survival role, since inhibition of phospholipase C (PLC) using U73122 (2.5 µM) caused cell death in SU-DHL-4 cells. Milder inhibition of IP3 signaling using a lower U73122 concentration (1 µM) or expression of an IP3 sponge suppressed both BIRD-2-induced Ca2+ elevation and apoptosis in SU-DHL-4 cells. Basal PLC/IP3 signaling also fulfilled a pro-survival role in other DLBCL cell lines, including Karpas 422, RI-1 and SU-DHL-6 cells, whereas PLC inhibition protected these cells against BIRD-2-evoked apoptosis. Finally, U73122 treatment also suppressed BIRD-2-induced cell death in primary CLL, both in unsupported systems and in co-cultures with CD40L-expressing fibroblasts. Thus, constitutive IP3 signaling in lymphoma and leukemia cells is not only important for cancer cell survival, but also represents a vulnerability, rendering cancer cells dependent on Bcl-2 to limit IP3R activity. BIRD-2 seems to switch constitutive IP3 signaling from pro-survival into pro-death, presenting a plausible therapeutic strategy

    Back-hopping in Spin-Transfer-Torque switching of perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions

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    We analyse the phenomenon of back-hopping in spin-torque induced switching of the magnetization in perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions. The analysis is based on single-shot time-resolved conductance measurements of the pulse-induced back-hopping. Studying several material variants reveals that the back-hopping is a feature of the nominally fixed system of the tunnel junction. The back-hopping is found to proceed by two sequential switching events that lead to a final state P' of conductance close to --but distinct from-- that of the conventional parallel state. The P' state does not exist at remanence. It generally relaxes to the conventional antiparallel state if the current is removed. The P' state involves a switching of the sole spin-polarizing part of the fixed layers. The analysis of literature indicates that back-hopping occurs only when the spin-polarizing layer is too weakly coupled to the rest of the fixed system, which justifies a posteriori the mitigation strategies of back-hopping that were implemented empirically in spin-transfer-torque magnetic random access memories.Comment: submitted to Phys Rev.

    ABT-199 (Venetoclax), a BH3-mimetic Bcl-2 inhibitor, does not cause Ca^{2+}-signalling dysregulation or toxicity in pancreatic acinar cells

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    Background and Purpose: Many cancer cells depend on anti‐apoptotic B‐cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl‐2) proteins for their survival. Bcl‐2 antagonism through Bcl‐2 homology 3 (BH3) mimetics has emerged as a novel anti‐cancer therapy. ABT‐199 (Venetoclax), a recently developed BH3 mimetic that selectively inhibits Bcl‐2, was introduced into the clinic for treatment of relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Early generations of Bcl‐2 inhibitors evoked sustained Ca2+ responses in pancreatic acinar cells (PACs) inducing cell death. Therefore, BH3 mimetics could potentially be toxic for the pancreas when used to treat cancer. Although ABT‐199 was shown to kill Bcl‐2‐dependent cancer cells without affecting intracellular Ca2+ signalling, its effects on PACs have not yet been determined. Hence, it is essential and timely to assess whether this recently approved anti‐leukaemic drug might potentially have pancreatotoxic effects. Experimental Approach: Single‐cell Ca2+ measurements and cell death analysis were performed on isolated mouse PACs. Key Results: Inhibition of Bcl‐2 via ABT‐199 did not elicit intracellular Ca2+ signalling on its own or potentiate Ca2+ signalling induced by physiological/pathophysiological stimuli in PACs. Although ABT‐199 did not affect cell death in PACs, under conditions that killed ABT‐199‐sensitive cancer cells, cytosolic Ca2+ extrusion was slightly enhanced in the presence of ABT‐199. In contrast, inhibition of Bcl‐xL potentiated pathophysiological Ca2+ responses in PACs, without exacerbating cell death. Conclusion and Implications: Our results demonstrate that apart from having a modest effect on cytosolic Ca2+ extrusion, ABT‐199 does not substantially alter intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis in normal PACs and should be safe for the pancreas during cancer treatment

    LRRK2 phosphorylation status and kinase activity regulate (macro)autophagy in a Rab8a/Rab10-dependent manner

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    Mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene are the most common genetic cause of Parkinson’s disease (PD), with growing importance also for Crohn’s disease and cancer. LRRK2 is a large and complex protein possessing both GTPase and kinase activity. Moreover, LRRK2 activity and function can be influenced by its phosphorylation status. In this regard, many LRRK2 PD-associated mutants display decreased phosphorylation of the constitutive phosphorylation cluster S910/S935/S955/S973, but the role of these changes in phosphorylation status with respect to LRRK2 physiological functions remains unknown. Here, we propose that the S910/S935/S955/S973 phosphorylation sites act as key regulators of LRRK2-mediated autophagy under both basal and starvation conditions. We show that quadruple LRRK2 phosphomutant cells (4xSA; S910A/S935A/S955A/S973A) have impaired lysosomal functionality and fail to induce and proceed with autophagy during starvation. In contrast, treatment with the specific LRRK2 kinase inhibitors MLi-2 (100 nM) or PF-06447475 (150 nM), which also led to decreased LRRK2 phosphorylation of S910/S935/S955/S973, did not affect autophagy. In explanation, we demonstrate that the autophagy impairment due to the 4xSA LRRK2 phospho-dead mutant is driven by its enhanced LRRK2 kinase activity. We show mechanistically that this involves increased phosphorylation of LRRK2 downstream targets Rab8a and Rab10, as the autophagy impairment in 4xSA LRRK2 cells is counteracted by expression of phosphorylation-deficient mutants T72A Rab8a and T73A Rab10. Similarly, reduced autophagy and decreased LRRK2 phosphorylation at the constitutive sites were observed in cells expressing the pathological R1441C LRRK2 PD mutant, which also displays increased kinase activity. These data underscore the relation between LRRK2 phosphorylation at its constitutive sites and the importance of increased LRRK2 kinase activity in autophagy regulation and PD pathology

    Selective regulation of IP3-receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis by the BH4 domain of Bcl-2 versus Bcl-Xl

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    Antiapoptotic B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) targets the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) via its BH4 domain, thereby suppressing IP3R Ca2+-flux properties and protecting against Ca2+-dependent apoptosis. Here, we directly compared IP3R inhibition by BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl. In contrast to BH4-Bcl-2, BH4-Bcl-Xl neither bound the modulatory domain of IP3R nor inhibited IP3-induced Ca2+ release (IICR) in permeabilized and intact cells. We identified a critical residue in BH4-Bcl-2 (Lys17) not conserved in BH4-Bcl-Xl (Asp11). Changing Lys17 into Asp in BH4-Bcl-2 completely abolished its IP3R-binding and -inhibitory properties, whereas changing Asp11 into Lys in BH4-Bcl-Xl induced IP3R binding and inhibition. This difference in IP3R regulation between BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl controls their antiapoptotic action. Although both BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl had antiapoptotic activity, BH4-Bcl-2 was more potent than BH4-Bcl-Xl. The effect of BH4-Bcl-2, but not of BH4-Bcl-Xl, depended on its binding to IP(3)Rs. In agreement with the IP3R-binding properties, the antiapoptotic activity of BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl was modulated by the Lys/Asp substitutions. Changing Lys17 into Asp in full-length Bcl-2 significantly decreased its binding to the IP3R, its ability to inhibit IICR and its protection against apoptotic stimuli. A single amino-acid difference between BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl therefore underlies differential regulation of IP(3)Rs and Ca2+-driven apoptosis by these functional domains. Mutating this residue affects the function of Bcl-2 in Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis

    Abnormal spatial diffusion of Ca2+ in F508del-CFTR airway epithelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In airway epithelial cells, calcium mobilization can be elicited by selective autocrine and/or paracrine activation of apical or basolateral membrane heterotrimeric G protein-coupled receptors linked to phospholipase C (PLC) stimulation, which generates inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP<sub>3</sub>) and 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) and induces Ca<sup>2+ </sup>release from endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stores.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the present study, we monitored the cytosolic Ca<sup>2+ </sup>transients using the UV light photolysis technique to uncage caged Ca<sup>2+ </sup>or caged IP<sub>3 </sub>into the cytosol of loaded airway epithelial cells of cystic fibrosis (CF) and non-CF origin. We compared in these cells the types of Ca<sup>2+ </sup>receptors present in the ER, and measured their Ca<sup>2+ </sup>dependent activity before and after correction of F508del-CFTR abnormal trafficking either by low temperature or by the pharmacological corrector miglustat (N-butyldeoxynojirimycin).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We showed reduction of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP<sub>3</sub>R) dependent-Ca<sup>2+ </sup>response following both correcting treatments compared to uncorrected cells in such a way that Ca<sup>2+ </sup>responses (CF+treatment <it>vs </it>wild-type cells) were normalized. This normalization of the Ca<sup>2+ </sup>rate does not affect the activity of Ca<sup>2+</sup>-dependent chloride channel in miglustat-treated CF cells. Using two inhibitors of IP<sub>3</sub>R1, we observed a decrease of the implication of IP<sub>3</sub>R1 in the Ca<sup>2+ </sup>response in CF corrected cells. We observed a similar Ca<sup>2+ </sup>mobilization between CF-KM4 cells and CFTR-cDNA transfected CF cells (CF-KM4-reverted). When we restored the F508del-CFTR trafficking in CFTR-reverted cells, the specific IP<sub>3</sub>R activity was also reduced to a similar level as in non CF cells. At the structural level, the ER morphology of CF cells was highly condensed around the nucleus while in non CF cells or corrected CF cells the ER was extended at the totality of cell.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest reversal of the IP<sub>3</sub>R dysfunction in F508del-CFTR epithelial cells by correction of the abnormal trafficking of F508del-CFTR in cystic fibrosis cells. Moreover, using CFTR cDNA-transfected CF cells, we demonstrated that abnormal increase of IP<sub>3</sub>R Ca<sup>2+ </sup>release in CF human epithelial cells could be the consequence of F508del-CFTR retention in ER compartment.</p

    Expression profiling of laser-microdissected intrapulmonary arteries in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic hypoxia influences gene expression in the lung resulting in pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodelling. For specific investigation of the vascular compartment, laser-microdissection of intrapulmonary arteries was combined with array profiling. METHODS AND RESULTS: Analysis was performed on mice subjected to 1, 7 and 21 days of hypoxia (FiO(2 )= 0.1) using nylon filters (1176 spots). Changes in the expression of 29, 38, and 42 genes were observed at day 1, 7, and 21, respectively. Genes were grouped into 5 different classes based on their time course of response. Gene regulation obtained by array analysis was confirmed by real-time PCR. Additionally, the expression of the growth mediators PDGF-B, TGF-β, TSP-1, SRF, FGF-2, TIE-2 receptor, and VEGF-R1 were determined by real-time PCR. At day 1, transcription modulators and ion-related proteins were predominantly regulated. However, at day 7 and 21 differential expression of matrix producing and degrading genes was observed, indicating ongoing structural alterations. Among the 21 genes upregulated at day 1, 15 genes were identified carrying potential hypoxia response elements (HREs) for hypoxia-induced transcription factors. Three differentially expressed genes (S100A4, CD36 and FKBP1a) were examined by immunohistochemistry confirming the regulation on protein level. While FKBP1a was restricted to the vessel adventitia, S100A4 and CD36 were localised in the vascular tunica media. CONCLUSION: Laser-microdissection and array profiling has revealed several new genes involved in lung vascular remodelling in response to hypoxia. Immunohistochemistry confirmed regulation of three proteins and specified their localisation in vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts indicating involvement of different cells types in the remodelling process. The approach allows deeper insight into hypoxic regulatory pathways specifically in the vascular compartment of this complex organ

    Cx43 hemichannel microdomain signaling at the intercalated disc enhances cardiac excitability

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    Cx43, a major cardiac connexin, forms precursor hemichannels that accrue at the intercalated disc to assemble as gap junctions. While gap junctions are crucial for electrical conduction in the heart, little is known about the potential roles of hemichannels. Recent evidence suggests that inhibiting Cx43 hemichannel opening with Gap19 has antiarrhythmic effects. Here, we used multiple electrophysiology, imaging, and super-resolution techniques to understand and define the conditions underlying Cx43 hemichannel activation in ventricular cardiomyocytes, their contribution to diastolic Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and their impact on electrical stability. We showed that Cx43 hemichannels were activated during diastolic Ca2+ release in single ventricular cardiomyocytes and cardiomyocyte cell pairs from mice and pigs. This activation involved Cx43 hemichannel Ca2+ entry and coupling to Ca2+ release microdomains at the intercalated disc, resulting in enhanced Ca2+ dynamics. Hemichannel opening furthermore contributed to delayed afterdepolarizations and triggered action potentials. In single cardiomyocytes, cardiomyocyte cell pairs, and arterially perfused tissue wedges from failing human hearts, increased hemichannel activity contributed to electrical instability compared with nonfailing rejected donor hearts. We conclude that microdomain coupling between Cx43 hemichannels and Ca2+ release is a potentially novel, targetable mechanism of cardiac arrhythmogenesis in heart failure. Copyright: © 2021, American Society for Clinical Investigation.We sincerely thank Ellen Cocquyt, Diego De Baere, Vicky Pauwelyn, Annemie Biesemans, Roxane Menten, and Mingliang Zhang for superb technical support. We would also like to thank the heart failure unit, the transplant surgical team, and the transplant coordinating team of UZ Leuven for help in providing the human explant hearts. This work was supported by the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (project grants to LL, KRS, and GB; a postdoctoral fellowship to ED; and PhD fellowships to MDS and MA); Ghent University (a postdoctoral fellowship to KW and PhD fellowships to AL and TN); the Interuniversity Attraction Poles P7/10 to KRS and LL; NIH (project grants to ER and MD); the Fondation Leducq (transatlantic network award to MD); and a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, agreement 075-15-2020-800, to AVP