329 research outputs found

    Carrying out the Education for Safety as a Chance to Minimise Risky Behaviour of School-age Children and Youth

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    Experiences in many countries show unequivocally that the engagement in the overall activities aiming at shaping people’s health behaviours, that is, at undertaking efforts to increase competence of individuals and even groups at different levels of social life organization, yields expected effects. It has been known for a long time that preventing harmful phenomena is much more profitable that actions against negative results which have already emerged. One of the important elements of a lifestyle, often having tragic health consequences is undertaking risky actions in the everyday life of school-age children and youth

    Teacher’s Work Evaluation as an Element of Education Quality

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    One of the basic requirements of a successful quality transformation in education is striving for an increase in the value of the teacher’s work quality, being a subject of continuous internal and external interpretation. An increase of the quality of teaching and education is becoming an important issue of pedagogical theory and practice. The article presents an important facet of this issue – inevitable process, the teacher’s work evaluation

    Przyjaźń jako wartość w relacjach społecznych i kształtowaniu samopoczucia człowieka

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    The well-being of a person is conditioned by many factors in the environment of his life. Exploring the environment by an individual is necessary because the natural, social or cultural levels acting on the individual not only intertwine with each other and interact with varying strength but also emphasize the social character. Especially in the 21st century, human beings are exposed to many stimuli flowing from the external and internal world. Then it is important to maintain close contacts with other people that can affect our activity and be a source of support received as well as improve well-being. The invaluable benefits of having friends turn out to have therapeutic properties. Therefore, friendship as an important element in human social development contributes to the improvement of our well-being and a more optimistic view of difficult circumstances

    Metrology in Albania, CARDS 2003 Programme, EuropeAid/117815/85154/C/SV/AL. 5th interim report

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    In this report, detailed description of the activities realised within the CARDS project "Albania metrology" in the fifth reporting period from 1 September 2006 to 28 February 2007 is given. The report includes description of each task, its objective, methodology used to achieve its objective, as well as indicators, such as number of expert days, number of people trained and expert working days. In the second part of the report, activities for the next reporting period from 1 March 2007 to 8 August 2007, when the project ends, are described. Additionally, complementarily with other related projecs (The World Bank, German funded project) are described as well. As a conclusion, an overall evaluation of the project's progress is given and possible risks for the planned actions are identified.JRC.D.4-Isotope measurement

    Zamiast zakończenia : świadomość zdrowotna i umiejętności życiowe kobiet w świetle problemów zdrowia psychospołecznego - wybrane aspekty

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    Edukacja zdrowotna powinna być obecna w życiu kobiety od najmłodszych lat. „Zdrowy rozwój w dzieciństwie, a tym samym niwelowanie zagrożeń zdrowotnych i społecznych służy nie tylko jednostce, ale również przyszłym pokoleniom, stając się nieocenionym zasobem rozwoju społecznego, kulturowego i ekonomicznego”. Wówczas jest szansa na kształtowanie się prawidłowych zachowań zdrowotnych w procesie socjalizacji, najpierw w domu rodzinnym, potem w instytucjach edukacyjnych i medycznych, a także przez rówieśników i środki masowego przekazu, w stowarzyszeniach upowszechniających promocję zdrowia oraz przez obserwację otaczającego środowiska życia

    Euroanalysis XVII—analytical chemistry for human well-being and sustainable development

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    Zdrowie: istota, diagnostyka i strategie zdrowotne - recenzja

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    Książka prezentuje artykuły wygłoszone na I Międzynarodowej Konferen­cji Naukowej, która odbyła się w Krynicy Górskiej w maju 1999 roku, pod patronatem Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Komitetu Badań Naukowych, Minister­stwa Zdrowia i Opieki Społecznej, Ministerstwa Edukacji Narodowej, Akade­mii Nauk Medycznych Ukrainy oraz Rosyjskiej Akademii Nauk Medycznych

    Media competence as an important element of health prevention activities in the prevention of phonoholism

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    The development of modern technologies has enabled unlimited possibilities for contemporary people in the sphere of education, information, communication or entertainment. There have been significant progress and development in many areas of human life. However, the positive changes which contributed to the improvement of the social life quality, at the same time, brought many behaviors threatening health. The long list of risks is constantly growing and it is not expected to decrease. The problem of cellular addiction occurs more often and gains in power. Excessive and improper use of mobile phones poses many threats to physical, cognitive, emotional or social development and may lead to a phonoholism - i.e. a phenomenon that may result in withdrawal from social life, loss of contact with the family or persistent sleep disorders. As the mobile phone is today the basic subject, which is used by people of all ages, increasingly also the youngest, several-year-old children should become an educational challenge for parents and teachers. Therefore, there is a great need for extensive prevention of health and promotion of media competences for the digital society in order to make conscious, safe, responsible and critical use of tools that facilitate communication, learning and playing

    Life environment and its influence on the child's state of health and frame of mind

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    A particular role in shaping the child’s health state and frame of mind is played by the environment and the circle of people, things and relationships surrounding them placed in it. The family, the house and its neighbourhood and school are the closest life environment influencing their personality, having an impact on their way of thinking, acting and making choices of behaviour connected with health

    Współczesny człowiek wobec zdrowotnych i społecznych zagrożeń wynikających z uzależnień od czynności

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    Modern human is vulnerable to various psychosocial healthaffecting problems. Often one does not realize his or her own behaviours or activities integrated into one’s daily life that in some cases can take pathological forms. Increasingly, and with renewed strength, emerge the activity addictions characterized by a lack of control and compulsion. We become addicted to shopping, tanning, exercise, gambling, work, computer or mobile phone. An addiction, consequently, restricts the freedom of the individual, leading to the deterioration of health and psychosocial well-being. It seems, therefore, necessary, to implement comprehensive measures based on comprehensive approach to the problems in question