6 research outputs found

    Permeation Peptide Conjugates for In Vivo Molecular Imaging Applications

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    Rapid and efficient delivery of imaging probes to the cell interior using permeation peptides has enabled novel applications in molecular imaging. Membrane permeant peptides based on the HIV-1 Tat basic domain sequence, GRKKRRQRRR, labeled with fluorophores and fluorescent proteins for optical imaging or with appropriate peptide-based motifs or macrocycles to chelate metals, such as technetium for nuclear scintigraphy and gadolinium for magnetic resonance imaging, have been synthesized. In addition, iron oxide complexes have been functionalized with the Tat basic domain peptides for magnetic resonance imaging applications. Herein we review current applications of permeation peptides in molecular imaging and factors influencing permeation peptide internalization. These diagnostic agents show concentrative cell accumulation and rapid kinetics and display cytosolic and focal nuclear accumulation in human cells. Combining methods, dual-labeled permeation peptides incorporating fluorescein maleimide and chelated technetium have allowed for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of cellular uptake. Imaging studies in mice following intravenous administration of prototypic diagnostic permeation peptides show rapid whole-body distribution allowing for various molecular imaging applications. Strategies to develop permeation peptides into molecular imaging probes have included incorporation of targeting motifs such as molecular beacons or protease cleavable domains that enable selective retention, activatable fluorescence, or targeted transduction. These novel permeation peptide conjugates maintain rapid translocation across cell membranes into intracellular compartments and have the potential for targeted in vivo applications in molecular imaging and combination therapy

    Permeation Peptide Conjugates for In Vivo Molecular Imaging Applications

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    Rapid and efficient delivery of imaging probes to the cell interior using permeation peptides has enabled novel applications in molecular imaging. Membrane permeant peptides based on the HIV-1 Tat basic domain sequence, GRKKRRQRRR, labeled with fluorophores and fluorescent proteins for optical imaging or with appropriate peptide-based motifs or macrocycles to chelate metals, such as technetium for nuclear scintigraphy and gadolinium for magnetic resonance imaging, have been synthesized. In addition, iron oxide complexes have been functionalized with the Tat basic domain peptides for magnetic resonance imaging applications. Herein we review current applications of permeation peptides in molecular imaging and factors influencing permeation peptide internalization. These diagnostic agents show concentrative cell accumulation and rapid kinetics and display cytosolic and focal nuclear accumulation in human cells. Combining methods, dual-labeled permeation peptides incorporating fluorescein maleimide and chelated technetium have allowed for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of cellular uptake. Imaging studies in mice following intravenous administration of prototypic diagnostic permeation peptides show rapid whole-body distribution allowing for various molecular imaging applications. Strategies to develop permeation peptides into molecular imaging probes have included incorporation of targeting motifs such as molecular beacons or protease cleavable domains that enable selective retention, activatable fluorescence, or targeted transduction. These novel permeation peptide conjugates maintain rapid translocation across cell membranes into intracellular compartments and have the potential for targeted in vivo applications in molecular imaging and combination therapy

    Correction to: Patient Preferences in Rare Diseases: A Qualitative Study in Neuromuscular Disorders to Inform a Quantitative Preference Study

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    The article Patient Preferences in Rare Diseases: A Qualitative Study in Neuromuscular Disorders to Inform a Quantitative Preference Study, written by A. Cecilia Jimenez- Moreno, Eline van Overbeeke, Cathy Anne Pinto4, Ian Smith, Jenny Sharpe, James Ormrod, Chiara Whichello, Esther W. de Bekker-Grob, Kristin Bullok, Bennett Levitan, Isabelle Huys, G. Ardine de Wit and Grainne Gorman was published under the incorrect Creative Commons (CC) license (CC-BY-NC). The correct license is CC-BY. Open access for this paper was funded by Wellcome Trust, Inc. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third-party material in this article are included in the article’s Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4. 0/. The original article has been corrected

    Patient Preferences in Rare Diseases: A Qualitative Study in Neuromuscular Disorders to Inform a Quantitative Preference Study

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    Introduction: It has become increasingly important to include patient preference information in decision-making processes for drug development. As neuromuscular disorders represent multisystem, debilitating, and progressive rare diseases with few treatment options, this study aimed to explore unmet health care needs and patient treatment preferences for two neuromuscular disorders, myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and mitochondrial myopathies (MM) to inform early stages of drug development. Methods: Fifteen semi-structured interviews and five focus group discussions (FGDs) were held with DM1 and MM adult patients and caregivers. Topics discussed included (1) reasons for study participation; (2) disease signs/symptoms and their impact on daily lives; (3) top desired benefits; and (4) acceptability of risks and tolerance levels for a hypothetical new treatment. Data were analyzed following a thematic ‘code’ approach. Results: A total of 52 participants representing a wide range of disease severities participated. ‘Muscle strength’ and ‘energy and endurance’ were the disease-related unmet needs most often mentioned. Additionally, improved ‘balance’, ‘cognition’ and ‘gut function’ were the top desired treatment benefits, while ‘damage to the liver, kidneys or eyes’ was the most concerning risk. Factors influencing their tolerance to risks related to previously having experienced the risk and differentiation between permanent and temporary risks. A few differences were elicited between patients and caregivers. Conclusions: This qualitative study provided an open forum to elicit treatment-desired benefits and acceptable risks to be established by patients themselves. These findings can inform decisions for developing new treatments and the design of clinical trials for DM1 and MM

    A study protocol for quantifying patient preferences in neuromuscular disorders: a case study of the IMI PREFER Project [version 1; peer review: 1 approved]

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    Objectives: Patient preference studies are increasingly used to inform decision-making during the medical product lifecycle but are rarely used to inform early stages of drug development.  The primary aim of this study is to quantify treatment preferences of patients with neuromuscular disorders, which represent serious and debilitating conditions with limited or no treatment options available. Methods: This quantitative patient preferences study was designed as an online survey, with a cross-over design.  This study will target two different diseases from the neuromuscular disorders disease group, myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and mitochondrial myopathies (MM). Despite having different physio-pathological pathways both DM1 and MM manifest in a clinically similar manner and may benefit from similar treatment options.  The sample will be stratified into three subgroups: two patient groups differentiated by age of symptom onset and one caregivers group.   Each subgroup will be randomly assigned to complete two of three different preference elicitation methods at two different time points: Q-methodology survey, discrete choice experiment, and best-worst scaling type 2, allowing cross-comparisons of the results across each study time within participants and within elicitation methods. Additional variables such as sociodemographic, clinical and health literacy will be collected to enable analysis of potential heterogeneity. Ethics and Dissemination: This study protocol has undergone ethical review and approval by the Newcastle University R&D Ethics Committee (Ref: 15169/2018). All participants will be invited to give electronic informed consent to take part in the study prior accessing the online survey. All electronic data will be anonymised prior analysis. This study is part of the Patient Preferences in Benefit-Risk Assessments during the Drug Life Cycle (IMI-PREFER) project, a public-private collaborative research project aiming to develop expert and evidence-based recommendations on how and when patient preferences can be assessed and used to inform medical product decision making.IMI-PREFE