68 research outputs found

    The need for a supply of high quality organic vegetable seeds

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    Production of high quality organic vegetable seeds encounters several challenges. Research is performed to support seed companies in producing vigorous and healthy organic vegetable seeds. Examples are provided with respect to research on seed vigour, determining critical control points to avoid disease transmission to the seeds, seed treatments with natu-ral compounds, new seed sorting techniques and enhancement of the natural plant defence. It is noticed that the restrictions in EU regulation 2092/91 on organic production are at present blocking the use of promising natural and sustainable components for seed treatments

    The Prosocial Cyberball Game: Compensating for social exclusion and its associations with empathic concern and bullying in adolescents

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    In this study we examined prosocial compensating behavior towards socially excluded ingroup and outgroup members by using a ‘Prosocial Cyberball Game’ in 9–17 year old Dutch adolescents (N = 133). Results showed that adolescents compensated for the social exclusion of an unknown peer in a virtual ball tossing game, by tossing the ball more often to that player in compensation conditions compared to the fair play condition. The proportion of tosses towards the excluded player did not significantly differ as a function of the group status of that player. Although compensating behavior towards ingroup versus outgroup members did not differ, the underlying motivation for this behavior may vary. More empathic concern was associated with more prosocial tosses towards an ingroup member, while more self-reported bullying behavior was associated with less compensating behavior in the outgroup condition. These findings may have practical implications for programs intending to change bystander behavior in bullying situations

    Ruling out acute coronary syndrome in primary care with a clinical decision rule and a capillary, high-sensitive troponin I point of care test: study protocol of a diagnostic RCT in the Netherlands (POB HELP)

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    Introduction Chest pain is a common reason for consultation in primary care. To rule out acute coronary syndrome (ACS), general practitioners (GP) refer 40%-70% of patients with chest pain to the emergency department (ED). Only 10%-20% of those referred, are diagnosed with ACS. A clinical decision rule, including a high-sensitive cardiac troponin-I point-of-care test (hs-cTnI-POCT), may safely rule out ACS in primary care. Being able to safely rule out ACS at the GP level reduces referrals and thereby alleviates the burden on the ED. Moreover, prompt feedback to the patients may reduce anxiety and stress.Methods and analysis The POB HELP study is a clustered randomised controlled diagnostic trial investigating the (cost-)effectiveness and diagnostic accuracy of a primary care decision rule for acute chest pain, consisting of the Marburg Heart Score combined with a hs-cTnI-POCT (limit of detection 1.6ng/L, 99th percentile 23ng/L, cut-off value between negative and positive used in this study 3.8ng/L). General practices are 2:1 randomised to the intervention group (clinical decision rule) or control group (regular care). In total 1500 patients with acute chest pain are planned to be included by GPs in three regions in The Netherlands. Primary endpoints are the number of hospital referrals and the diagnostic accuracy of the decision rule 24 hours, 6 weeks and 6 months after inclusion.Ethics and dissemination The medical ethics committee Leiden-Den Haag-Delft (the Netherlands) has approved this trial. Written informed consent will be obtained from all participating patients. The results of this trial will be disseminated in one main paper and additional papers on secondary endpoints and subgroup analyses.Cardiolog

    The contribution of HPV18 to cervical cancer is underestimated using high-grade CIN as a measure of screening efficiency

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    In one geographical area, 14 high-risk human papillomavirus types in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2/3; n=139) and cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC; n=84) were analysed. HPV18 was more prevalent in SCC than CIN2/3 (OR 9.8; 95% confidence interval: 2.5–39). Other high-risk types prevalences corresponded in CIN2/3 and SCC. Evaluations using CIN2/3 as a measure of efficiency underestimate the contribution of HPV18 to SCC

    Preferential risk of HPV16 for squamous cell carcinoma and of HPV18 for adenocarcinoma of the cervix compared to women with normal cytology in The Netherlands

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    We present the type-distribution of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) types in women with normal cytology (n=1467), adenocarcinoma in situ (ACIS) (n=61), adenocarcinoma (n=70), and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (n=83). Cervical adenocarcinoma and ACIS were significantly more frequently associated with HPV18 (ORMH 15.0; 95% CI 8.6–26.1 and 21.8; 95% CI 11.9–39.8, respectively) than normal cytology. Human papillomavirus16 was only associated with adenocarcinoma and ACIS after exclusion of HPV18-positive cases (ORMH 6.6; 95% CI 2.8–16.0 and 9.4; 95% CI 2.8–31.2, respectively). For SCC, HPV16 prevalence was elevated (ORMH 7.0; 95% CI 3.9–12.4) compared to cases with normal cytology, and HPV18 prevalence was only increased after exclusion of HPV16-positive cases (ORMH 4.3; 95% CI 1.6–11.6). These results suggest that HPV18 is mainly a risk factor for the development of adenocarcinoma whereas HPV16 is associated with both SCC and adenocarcinoma

    Field comparison of two novel open-path instruments that measure dry deposition and emission of ammonia using flux-gradient and eddy covariance methods

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    Dry deposition of ammonia (NH3) is the largest contributor to the nitrogen deposition from the atmosphere to soil and vegetation in the Netherlands, causing eutrophication and loss of biodiversity; however, data sets of NH3 fluxes are sparse and in general have monthly resolution at best. An important reason for this is that measurement of the NH3 flux under dry conditions is notoriously difficult. There is no technique that can be considered as the gold standard for these measurements, which complicates the testing of new techniques. Here, we present the results of an intercomparison of two novel measurement set-ups aimed at measuring dry deposition of NH3 at half hourly resolution. Over a 5-week period, we operated two novel optical open-path techniques side by side at the Ruisdael station in Cabauw, the Netherlands: the RIVM-miniDOAS 2.2D using the aerodynamic gradient technique, and the commercial Healthy Photon HT8700E using the eddy covariance technique. These instruments are widely different in their measurement principle and approach to derive deposition values from measured concentrations; however, both techniques showed very similar results (r=0.87) and small differences in cumulative fluxes (∼ 10 %) as long as the upwind terrain was homogeneous and free of nearby obstacles. The observed fluxes varied from ∼ −80 to ∼ +140 ng NH3 m−2 s−1. Both the absolute flux values and the temporal patterns were highly similar, which substantiates that both instruments were able to measure NH3 fluxes at high temporal resolution. However, for wind directions with obstacles nearby, the correlations between the two techniques were weaker. The uptime of the miniDOAS system reached 100 % once operational, but regular intercalibration of the system was applied in this campaign (35 % of the 7-week uptime). Conversely, the HT8700E did not measure during and shortly after rain, and the coating of its mirrors tended to degrade (21 % data loss during the 5-week uptime). In addition, the NH3 concentrations measured by the HT8700E proved sensitive to air temperature, causing substantial differences (range: −15 to +6 µg m−3) between the two systems. To conclude, the miniDOAS system appears ready for long-term hands-off monitoring. The current HT8700E system, on the other hand, had a limited stand-alone operational time under the prevailing weather conditions. However, under relatively dry and low-dust conditions, the system can provide sound results, opening good prospects for future versions, also for monitoring applications. The new high temporal resolution data from these instruments can facilitate the study of processes behind NH3 dry deposition, allowing an improved understanding of these processes and better parameterisation in chemical transport models.</p

    Neural and behavioral signatures of social evaluation and adaptation in childhood and adolescence: The Leiden consortium on individual development (L-CID)

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    The transition period between early childhood and late adolescence is characterized by pronounced changes in social competence, or the capacity for flexible social adaptation. Here, we propose that two processes, self-control and prosociality, are crucial for social adaptation following social evaluation. We present a neurobehavioral model showing commonalities in neural responses to experiences of social acceptance and rejection, and multiple pathways for responding to social context. The Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID) provides a comprehensive approach towards understanding the longitudinal developmental pathways of, and social enrichment effects on, social competence, taking into account potential differential effects of such enrichment. Using Neurosynth based brain maps we point towards the medial prefrontal cortex as an important region integrating social cognition, self-referential processing and self-control for learning to respond flexibly to changing social contexts. Based on their role in social evaluation processing, we suggest to examine medial prefrontal cortex connections with lateral prefrontal cortex and the ventral striatum as potential neural differential susceptibility markers, in addition to previously established markers of differential susceptibility

    High-risk HPV type-specific clearance rates in cervical screening

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    We assessed clearance rates of 14 high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) types in hrHPV-positive women with normal cytology and borderline/mild dyskaryosis (BMD) in a population-based cervical screening cohort of 44 102 women. The 6-month hrHPV type-specific clearance rates, that is, clearance of the same type as detected at baseline, in women with normal and BMD smears were 43% (95% confidence interval (CI) 39–47) and 29% (95% CI 24–34), respectively. Corresponding 18-month clearance rates were markedly higher, namely 65% (95% CI 60–69) and 41% (95% CI 36–47), respectively. The lowest clearance rates in women with normal cytology were observed for HPV16, HPV18, HPV31, and HPV33. Significantly reduced 18-month clearance rates at a significance level of 1% were observed for HPV16 (49%, 95% CI 41–59) and HPV31 (50%, 95% CI 39–63) in women with normal cytology, and for HPV16 (19%, 95% CI 12–29) in women with BMD. Among women who did not clear hrHPV, women with HPV16 persistence displayed an increased detection rate of ⩾CIN3 (normal P<0.0001; BMD, P=0.005). The type-specific differences in clearance rates indicate the potential value of hrHPV genotyping in screening programs. Our data support close surveillance (i.e. referral directly, or within 6 months) of women with HPV16 and are inconclusive for surveillance of women with HPV18, HPV31, and HPV33. For the other hrHPV-positive women, it seems advisable to adopt a conservative management with a long waiting period, as hrHPV clearance is markedly higher after 18 months than after 6 months and the risk for ⩾CIN3 is low
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