2,468 research outputs found

    The Impact of Technology in Orientation Aid

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    Statistic states that 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide: 39 million are blind and 246 have low vision. About 90% of the world\u27s visually impaired people live in developing countries. Taking in consideration that Mechatronics is a methodology used for the optimal design of electromechanical products, and by combining technologies that are available to us we can develop a very useful tool that blind people and people with sight problems can change their lives. Combining smart phones and digital camera there are possibilities to build smart glasses which will give information to blind people. In this paper definitely a new approach for making peoples life easy is proposed. Initially the results are reached from simulation using Matlab/SIMULINK package which will lead this research to real time experimental results

    Importance of Energy Efficiency in Power Engineering

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    This paper aims to show the importance of energy efficiency in the power engineering, that it is essential to all areas of the economy and society, as well as for the environment. While saving energy always involves certain sacrifices from the usual habits, efficient use of energy has led to increased quality of life, greater competitiveness of companies and the economy as well as energy security. Energy sources that are most in use today are based on the combustion of fossil fuels, and supplies of these fuels have their limitations and should be used more efficiently, thus improving energy efficiency by implementing certain measures in this field

    Radial Structure Graph Based Mathematical for Large Distribution Networks

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    In the modern electrical distribution network and utility companies a steady increase in the need for high quality and safe delivery of electricity to consumers is evident, which requires an adequate distribution network, that is a network with high quality voltage and low loss of energy, with a small number of failures and equipment failure , etc. In this paper is proposed a way of representing the mathematical model of distribution networks. For calculations of energy applications, the best way for representation distribution network is in form of graph of the radial structure. By presenting the distribution network in the form of a radial structure graph, which consists of nodes and branches, possible through the use of specialized compensation algorithms for the calculation of steady state and fault analysis. Advantages of these algorithms, as compared to other algorithms are much shorter time needed for calculation and much higher accuracy of calculation results

    Using of HVDC Technology in Super Grids

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    This paper describes the HVDC system, its organization, as well as advantages over the AC system. Implementation of this system will help to make Europe sustainable energy independent which will require a renewable generation portfolio where much of this portfolio will be fueled by wind and will be developed offshore as it is presented in this paper. To deliver this energy to European consumers will require the development of a high capacity transmission system the so called Supergrid, which will be capable of delivering this energy to Europe\u27s load centers. In this paper also is presented, a DC connection of the wind farm with a grid on the mainland as well as the importance of building a Supergrid

    Possibilities of CMS WordPress

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    Cílem práce je prozkoumat moderní webové trendy a technologie. Popsat některá obecná designová pravidla jako je volba barev, písma nebo rozložení prvků na webu. Dalším krokem je načerpání informací o redakčním systému WordPress, především o možnostech využití moderních technologií při tvorbě šablon. V praktické části vznikne nastavitelná šablona demonstrující tyto technické možnosti WordPressu. Po grafické stránce bude šablona respektovat popsaná obecná designová pravidla. V rámci prezentace možností WordPressu bude vytvořen i plugin, na kterém popíši možnosti modifikace webu a administrace.The goal of this thesis is to explore modern web trends and technologies. Describe some general design rules such as color choice, font choice or layout of elements on the web. Next step is to explore informations about content management system WordPress, especially about possibilities of using moder technologies in template development. In practical part will be created a template demonstrating those technology possibilities. Graphically the template will be consistent to the general described rules. Within the presentation of WordPress possibilities will be created a plugin on which I will demonstrate options of administration and web modifications.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    El valor de lo diferente: sobre la interpretación de Matheron de la "Ética" de Spinoza

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    This paper critiques Matheron’s interpretation of propositions 29 to 35 of the fourth part of Spinoza’s ethics, in which it is stated that, in Spinoza’s system, only the similar is beneficial to the similar. It is argued that this interpretation is incoherent with important aspects of spinozist ontology in which difference is crucial to increase a body’s power of acting; and an alternative reading of the propositions is suggested.En este artículo se critica la interpretación que hace Matheron de las proposiciones 29 a 35 de la cuarta parte de la Ética de Spinoza, según la cual sólo lo similar es beneficioso para lo similar. Se argumenta que esta lectura es incoherente con aspectos importantes de la ontología espinozista, según los cuales la diferencia sería crucial para aumentar el poder de obrar de los cuerpos, y se propone una lectura alternativa del pasaje en cuestión

    Racionalization of production of components from nickel alloy

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá racionalizací výroby Skříně difuzoru z niklové superslitiny. Hlavní důraz je kladen na zkrácení výrobních časů operace CNC soustružení, zvolení vhodných nástrojů, vypracování technologického postupu a ekonomického zhodnocení.The Bachelor thesis deals with the racionalization of manufacturing Housing diffuser from Ni-base superalloy. The main emphasis is put on shortening production times of CNC turning, selecting appropriate tools and the development of the framework process and economic evaluation.

    A Study Of Public Employee Labor Law In The United States

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    This study examined the legal issues of public employee labor relations in the United States. Included in this study is a review of relevant case law as it pertains to collective bargaining in the public sector. In addition to reviewing the case law, this study researched the statutory language of each state for public sector collective bargaining. The study includes a review, analysis, and summary of the state and federal laws for public sector collective bargaining. The collective bargaining process in the United States is designed to resolve disputes between two parties, the employer and the employee. The resolution of these disputes often depends on the relative bargaining power of each party. The private sector has a collective bargaining process that has been well established since the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935 and the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947. The federal laws that have been implemented in the last fifty years, to include the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, among others, cover the scope of almost all of the private sector collective bargaining (Oberer, 1994). The public sector contains 50 different state laws and several federal laws defining the scope of collective bargaining for public employees. The bargaining process in the public sector takes place in the context of the political arena. This political influence, which is unique in each state and at each level of government, provides additional steps to the bargaining process that further differentiate public sector bargaining from private (Valletta, 1985). This study provides conclusions on certain aspects of public sector collective bargaining that lead to dispute resolution and contract negotiation to include fact-finding procedures, mediation, arbitration, and strike policies, in the current state of the law. Recommendations are made to public officials, policy makers, and other stakeholders for the future of public employee labor relations in the United States