2,530 research outputs found

    Particle Removal by Electrostatic and Dielectrophoretic Forces for Dust Control During Lunar Exploration Missions

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    Particle removal during lunar exploration activities is of prime importance for the success of robotic and human exploration of the moon. We report on our efforts to use electrostatic and dielectrophoretic forces to develop a dust removal technology that prevents the accumulation of dust on solar panels and removes dust adhering to those surfaces. Testing of several prototypes showed solar shield output above 90% of the initial potentials after dust clearing

    Entropic phase separation of linked beads

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    We study theoretically a model system of a transient network of microemulsion droplets connected by telechelic polymers and explain recent experimental findings. Despite the absence of any specific interactions between either the droplets or polymer chains, we predict that as the number of polymers per drop is increased, the system undergoes a first order phase separation into a dense, highly connected phase, in equilibrium with dilute droplets, decorated by polymer loops. The phase transition is purely entropic and is driven by the interplay between the translational entropy of the drops and the configurational entropy of the polymer connections between them. Because it is dominated by entropic effects, the phase separation mechanism of the system is extremely robust and does not depend on the particlular physical realization of the network. The discussed model applies as well to other polymer linked particle aggregates, such as nano-particles connected with short DNA linkers

    Paper Session II-A - Results of a Wheel Electrometer for Measuring the Triboelectric Properties of Martian Regolith

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    The preliminary results of a prototype Wheel Electrometer System (WES) are presented that show that it is indeed possible to use the static electricity generated between polymers and soils after contact (triboelectricity) as a means of detecting property changes. Changes in the triboelectric signals offer information as to the mechanical properties of the soil such as grain size differences, texture, hardness and even moisture content. Initially, four polymers are chosen that span the triboelectric series such as Teflon, Lucite, Fiberglass and Lexan. It is shown that the average charge on Teflon is much higher when rolled over beach sand as compared to Martian simulant and limestone. Lucite was the most susceptible to particle size differences, while Lexan was able to detect underlying materials in the case of a soil lightly covered with a different soil type. All polymers responded differently when rolled over dry soil compared with moist soil. This information can be used as a type of triboelectric spectroscopy when a library of data is used to categorize the unique charging characteristics of individual polymers. This system is of great interest to planetary scientists and such measurements may be included in future Mars rover missions

    Charge-based silicon quantum computer architectures using controlled single-ion implantation

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    We report a nanofabrication, control and measurement scheme for charge-based silicon quantum computing which utilises a new technique of controlled single ion implantation. Each qubit consists of two phosphorus dopant atoms ~50 nm apart, one of which is singly ionized. The lowest two energy states of the remaining electron form the logical states. Surface electrodes control the qubit using voltage pulses and dual single electron transistors operating near the quantum limit provide fast readout with spurious signal rejection. A low energy (keV) ion beam is used to implant the phosphorus atoms in high-purity Si. Single atom control during the implantation is achieved by monitoring on-chip detector electrodes, integrated within the device structure, while positional accuracy is provided by a nanomachined resist mask. We describe a construction process for implanted single atom and atom cluster devices with all components registered to better than 20 nm, together with electrical characterisation of the readout circuitry. We also discuss universal one- and two-qubit gate operations for this architecture, providing a possible path towards quantum computing in silicon.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of Non-Magnetic Impurities (Zn,Li) in a Hole Doped Spin-Fermion Model for Cuprates

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    The effect of adding non-magnetic impurities (NMI), such as Zn or Li, to high-Tc cuprates is studied applying Monte Carlo techniques to a spin-fermion model. It is observed that adding Li is qualitatively similar to doping with equal percentages of Sr and Zn. The mobile holes (MH) are trapped by the NMI and the system remains insulating and commensurate with antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations. This behavior persists in the region %NMI > %MH. On the other hand, when %NMI < %MH magnetic and charge incommensurabilities are observed. The vertical or horizontal hole-rich stripes, present when % NMI=0 upon hole doping, are pinned by the NMI and tend to become diagonal, surrounding finite AF domains. The %MH-%NMI plane is investigated. Good agreement with experimental results is found in the small portion of this diagram where experimental data are available. Predictions about the expected behavior in the remaining regions are made.Comment: Four pages with four figures embedded in tex

    Structure factor of polymers interacting via a short range repulsive potential: application to hairy wormlike micelles

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    We use the Random Phase Approximation (RPA) to compute the structure factor, S(q), of a solution of chains interacting through a soft and short range repulsive potential V. Above a threshold polymer concentration, whose magnitude is essentially controlled by the range of the potential, S(q) exhibits a peak whose position depends on the concentration. We take advantage of the close analogy between polymers and wormlike micelles and apply our model, using a Gaussian function for V, to quantitatively analyze experimental small angle neutron scattering profiles of semi-dilute solutions of hairy wormlike micelles. These samples, which consist in surfactant self-assembled flexible cylinders decorated by amphiphilic copolymer, provide indeed an appropriate experimental model system to study the structure of sterically interacting polymer solutions

    Degradation of Organics in a Glow Discharge Under Martian Conditions

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    The primary objective of this project is to understand the consequences of glow electrical discharges on the chemistry and biology of Mars. The possibility was raised some time ago that the absence of organic material and carbonaceous matter in the Martian soil samples studied by the VikinG Landers might be due in part to an intrinsic atmospheric mechanism such as glow discharge. The high probability for dust interactions during Martian dust storms and dust devils, combined with the cold, dry climate of Mars most likely results in airborne dust that is highly charged. Such high electrostatic potentials generated during dust storms on Earth are not permitted in the low-pressure CO2 environment on Mars; therefore electrostatic energy released in the form of glow discharges is a highly likely phenomenon. Since glow discharge methods are used for cleaning and sterilizing surfaces throughout industry, the idea that dust in the Martian atmosphere undergoes a cleaning action many times over geologic time scales appears to be a plausible one

    Magnetic Domains and Stripes in the Spin-Fermion Model for Cuprates

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    Monte Carlo simulations applied to the Spin-Fermion model for cuprates show the existence of antiferromagnetic spin domains and charge stripes upon doping. The stripes are partially filled, with a filling of approximately 1/2 hole per site, and they separate spin domains with a π\pi phase shift among them. The stripes observed run either along the x or y axes and they are separated by a large energy barrier. No special boundary conditions or external fields are needed to stabilize these structures at low temperatures. When magnetic incommensurate peaks are observed at momentum π(1,1−δ)\pi(1,1-\delta) and symmetrical points, charge incommensurate peaks appear at (0,2δ)(0,2 \delta) and symmetrical points, as experimentally observed. The strong charge fluctuations responsible for the formation of the stripes also induce a pseudogap in the density of states.Comment: Four pages with four figures embedded in tex
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