28 research outputs found

    A calculation of the Weyl anomaly for 6D Conformal Higher Spins

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    In this work we continue the study of the one-loop partition function for higher derivative conformal higher spin (CHS) fields in six dimensions and its holographic counterpart given by massless higher spin Fronsdal fields in seven dimensions. In going beyond the conformal class of the boundary round 6-sphere, we start by considering a Ricci-flat, but not conformally flat, boundary and the corresponding Poincar\'e-Einstein spacefilling metric. Here we are able to match the UV logarithmic divergence of the boundary with the IR logarithmic divergence of the bulk, very much like in the known 4D/5D setting, under the assumptions of factorization of the higher derivative CHS kinetic operator and WKB-exactness of the heat kernel of the dual bulk field. A key technical ingredient in this construction is the determination of the fourth heat kernel coefficient b6 for Lichnerowicz Laplacians on both 6D and 7D Einstein manifolds. These results allow to obtain, in addition to the already known type-A Weyl anomaly, two of the three independent type-B anomaly coefficients in terms of the third, say c_3 for instance. In order to gain access to c_3, and thus determine the four central charges independently, we further consider a generic non Ricci-flat Einstein boundary. However, in this case we find a mismatch between boundary and bulk computations for spins higher than two. We close by discussing the nature of this discrepancy and perspectives for a possible amendment.Comment: 13 page

    GJMS-like operators on symmetric 2-tensors and their gravitational duals

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    Abstract We study a family of higher-derivative conformal operators P 2 k 2 P2k(2) {P}_{2k}^{(2)} acting on transverse-traceless symmetric 2-tensors on generic Einstein spaces. They are a natural generalization of the well-known construction for scalars. We first provide the alternative description in terms of a bulk Poincaré-Einstein metric by making use of the AdS/CFT dictionary and argue that their holographic dual generically consists of bulk massive gravitons. At one-loop quantum level we put forward a holographic formula for the functional determinant of the higher-derivative conformal operators P 2 k 2 P2k(2) {P}_{2k}^{(2)} in terms of the functional determinant for massive gravitons with standard and alternate boundary conditions. The analogous construction for vectors P 2 k 1 P2k(1) {P}_{2k}^{(1)} is worked out as well and we also rewrite the holographic formula for unconstrained vector and traceless symmetric 2-tensor by decoupling the longitudinal part. Finally, we show that the holographic formula provides the necessary building blocks to address the massless and partially massless bulk gravitons. This is confirmed in four and six dimensions, verifying full agreement with results available in the literature

    Disentangling electronic, lattice, and spin dynamics in the chiral helimagnet Cr1/3Nb S2

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    We investigate the static and ultrafast magneto-optical response of the hexagonal chiral helimagnet Cr1/3NbS2 above and below the helimagnetic ordering temperature. The presence of a magnetic easy plane contained within the crystallographic ab plane is confirmed, while degenerate optical pump-probe experiments reveal significant differences in the dynamic between the parent, NbS2, and Cr-intercalated compounds. Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements show a two-step demagnetization process, where an initial, subpicosecond relaxation and subsequent buildup (Ď„>50ps) in the demagnetization dynamic scale similarly with increasing pump fluence. Despite theoretical evidence for partial gapping of the minority spin channel, suggestive of possible half-metallicity in Cr1/3NbS2, such a long demagnetization dynamic likely results from spin-lattice relaxation as opposed to minority state blocking. However, comparison of the two-step demagnetization process in Cr1/3NbS2 with other 3d intercalated transition metal dichalcogenides reveals a behavior that is unexpected from conventional spin-lattice relaxation, and may be attributed to the complicated interaction of local moments with itinerant electrons in this material system

    Versamento toracico nel gatto : casistica clinica

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