5,611 research outputs found

    One-Watt level mid-IR output, singly resonant, continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator pumped by a monolithic diode laser

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    We report more than 1.1 Watt of idler power at 3373 nm in a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (SRO), directly pumped by a single-frequency monolithic tapered diode laser. The SRO is based on a periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3 crystal in a four mirror cavity and is excited by 8.05 W of 1062 nm radiation. The SRO pump power at threshold is 4 W. The internal slope-efficiency and conversion efficiency reach 89% and 44% respectively. The signal and idler waves are temperature tuned in the range of 1541 to 1600 nm and 3154 to 3415 nm respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest output obtained for a diode pumped optical parametric oscillator (OPO), and the first time a SRO is directly pumped by a monolithic tapered diode laser

    Grundtvig and the abolition of slavery

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    Grundtvig and the abolition of slavery[Grundtvig og ophævelsen af slaveriet]Af K. E. BuggeI efteråret 1839 indtrådte N. F. S. Grundtvig i en lille komite, hvis formål var at arbejde for slaveriets endegyldige ophør på de dansk vestindiske øer. Grundtvig deltog i arbejdet gennem alle de år, komiteen eksisterede, dvs. til og med 1848. Komiteen var blevet til efter opfordring fra engelske “abolitionister”, dvs. kredse og enkeltpersoner, der arbejdede for slaveriets ophævelse.Dermed indledes en næsten ukendt fase af Grundtvigs liv og virke. Formand for slavekomiteen var Grundtvigs mangeårige ven, botanikeren professor J. F. Schouw. I årene op mod forfatningsændringen i 1849 ansås han for en af landets førende politikere. Endvidere førte slavesagen til et samarbejde ikke blot med den siden så berømte statsmand D. G. Monrad, men indirekte også med Grundtvigs tidligere teologiske modstander, professor H. N. Clausen, en af tidens mest indflydelsesrige liberale politikere. Arbejdet i slavekomiteen indgik således blandt de personlige erfaringer, der i 1848 motiverede Grundtvig til at lade sig vælge til den grundlovgivende rigsforsamling. (Bugge 2003, bagsidetekst)

    На перекрестке миров: языковая репрезентация цонцепта ЛЕС в измерении мифо-семиотики

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    У статті аналізуються номінації концепту ЛІС у мовах європейських етносів з позицій теорії міфологічно орієнтованого семіозису. Розглянуто етимологічні, лінгвокультурні та лінгвоконцептуальні особливості вербальних репрезентацій вказаного концепту. Моделювання змісту концепту й аранжування його складників здійснено у термінах некласичної логіки з використанням елементів фреймового аналізу.В статье анализируются номинации концепта ЛЕС языках европейских этносов с позиций теории мифологически ориентированного семиозиса. Рассмотрены этимологические, лингвокультурные и лингвоконцептуальные особенности вербальных репрезентаций указанного концепта. Моделирование сожержания концепта и аранжировки его составляющих осуществлено в терминах неклассической логики с использованием элементом фреймового анализа.Various developments in conntmporary ethnic cultures and ways of approaching the fundamental challenges that the mankind has to face impact the basic axioms responsible for configuring and "tuning" respective worldviews. The said axiomatic informational quanta are traditionally associated with myth while the irrational part of human psyche employs them as basic operators defining the range and trajectories of multi-vectored "fuzzy" categorization of the world. In the context of global transformations followed by the transition towards neo-anthropocentric, eco-centric categorization patterns the mentioned mythic axioms become reprofiled and acquire new features. The article considers designation units denoting the concept of FOREST in various European languages. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the myth-oriented semmiosis theory. Primary attention is paid to comparative and integrating studyof etymology of the concept's names. The article also considers linguo-cultural and linguo-conceptual features of the designation units representing FOREST in texts ofdifferent historic periods. The article introduces a model of the concept's contents implementing non-classical logic and elements of frame modeling. The paper highlights certain situational associative clusters of semantic features (and corresponding conceptualized informational quanta) that shape universal patterns of people's treating the FOREST. We also draw inferences regarding both MAN's auto-destructive nature and a number of paradoxes marking the interaction of MAN and FOREST as live sustainable systems. The article employs interdisciplinary approach towards the analysis of lingual data and expands the myth-oriented semiosis theory that addresses the means of creating worldviews and alternative worlds

    The Reformation in Norway: A Historical-Bibliographical Survey

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    The purpose of this study is to explore a few of the many questions that could be raised concerning the advent of the Reformation to Norway. When did the Lutheran Church of Norway begin? How did it come into being? Where did it begin? Where did it flourish first? How did Norway become a truly “Lutheran country? Who were the heros or the antiheros of the Reformation in Norway? Where can one go to find out more about the Church of Norway? This study attempts to answer some of these questions

    The Role Of The Cell-Surface Protease Tmprss13 In Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common and deadly cancers in both men and women in the United States. Extracellular proteolysis is often dysregulated in cancer including (CRC), resulting in degradation of extracellular matrix, as well as cleavage, processing, or shedding of cell adhesion molecules, growth factors, and cytokines. Several members of the type II transmembrane serine protease (TTSP) family have been shown to play critical roles in cancer progression; however, many family members have not yet been characterized in malignancy. We identified TMPRSS13 transcript to be upregulated in CRC compared to normal colon. This increase was confirmed at the protein level by immunohistochemical analysis of CRC tumor tissue arrays. Mechanistic studies revealed increased apoptosis an impaired invasive potential following TMPRSS13 silencing in human CRC cells. Importantly, TMPRSS13 gain-of-function promoted resistance to the apoptosis-inducing agents paclitaxel and HA14-1 Reversely, TMPRSS13 loss-of-function caused increased sensitivity of CRC cells to drug-induced apoptosis. Use of a TMPRSS13-deficient mouse line in the azoxymethane/dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) model of CRC revealed increased sensitivity to DSS treatment. This sensitivity manifested as increased colitis and severe weight loss indicative of a defect in intestinal barrier function. TMPRSS13-deficient mice also exhibited greater tumor burden compared to wild-type mice, likely as a result of increased severity of colitis. Together these findings demonstrate a critical role for TMPRSS13 in pro-oncogenic processes as well as intestinal homeostasis and identify TMPRSS13 as potential novel target for CRC cancer therapy

    Matanuska Valley Memoir

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    We acknowledge indebtedness to the historians and developers of Alaskana who preceded us and provided much of the information we have compiled into our account of the birth of a community. Many "old timers" from the Valley provided valuable insight into situations they had experienced. Mr. Roland Snodgrass, Mrs, June Murphy and Miss Dolores Pommier assisted in compilation and preparation of background data. Mr. James Hurley made available to us the ARRC unpublished files for compilation of certain data. Various public officials aided us in many ways as we worked· our way through recorded . history. Several old photos were contributed by Mr. Walter Teeland of Wasilla and Mr. Don L. Irwin of Palmer. Several persons in public and private life who know Alaskan conditions have reviewed the manuscript and suggested improvements, Special acknowledgement is due Don L. Irwin, Director of the Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station, His vision and foresight were largely responsible for the undertaking, His encouragement and advice bolstered our lagging spirits before the long task was completed. He has read each chapter critically and has assisted particularly with interpretation of materials since 1935,The Matanuska Valley was created through action of ice, water and wind. When the last glaciers retreated up the Susitna, the Knik and the Matanuska valleys, vegetation began cove ring the scars, Over several centuries a dense growth of trees and brush screened the land from Knik Arm to the mountain slopes of the Talkeetna range . Here and there a lake broke the uniform forest mantle. A salt marsh at the mouth of the Matanuska River kept the rank undergrowth from reaching tide water, A few low spots near the Little Susitna and other swampy areas supported a thick cover of moss or grass. The Valley, which really isn't a valley at all but a reworked foreland, rises from the Matanuska River in a series of benches ranging in width from a few hundred feet to more than a mile. Some areas are flat, others are rolling. Soil depth varies from eight feet in thickness for the region bordering the Matanuska River to a few inches in sections west of Wasilla. The soil mantle, of windblown loessial materials, is of relatively new geologic development, The Valley is bounded by the Chugach Mountains on the east, the Talkeetnas on the north, the Susitna Valley on the west and Knik Arm on the south. Winters are long but usually not unduly severe; summers cool and relatively moist, To this country came trappers, prospectors and traders in closing years of the nineteenth century. Hordes of insects, difficult trails, sparse population and great distance s from supply points discouraged many potential residents, Those who stayed were interested primarily in the Willow Creek gold field or the Matanuska coal deposits. Another generation, an uneasy international situation and social crises within the United States were required before the Matanuska Valley and the rest of Upper Cook Inlet were ripe for use. This history of the Valley is designed to trace the many human elements affecting the ebb and flow of agricultural development here. It brings into focus many problems that must be solved before new areas in Alaska can be settled satisfactorily

    Matrix Metalloproteinase 13 Is Induced in Fibroblasts in Polyomavirus Middle T Antigen-Driven Mammary Carcinoma without Influencing Tumor Progression

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    Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 13 (collagenase 3) is an extracellular matrix remodeling enzyme that is induced in myofibroblasts during the earliest invasive stages of human breast carcinoma, suggesting that it is involved in tumor progression. During progression of mammary carcinomas in the polyoma virus middle T oncogene mouse model (MMTV-PyMT), Mmp13 mRNA was strongly upregulated concurrently with the transition to invasive and metastatic carcinomas. As in human tumors, Mmp13 mRNA was found in myofibroblasts of invasive grade II and III carcinomas, but not in benign grade I and II mammary intraepithelial neoplasias. To determine if MMP13 plays a role in tumor progression, we crossed MMTV-PyMT mice with Mmp13 deficient mice. The absence of MMP13 did not influence tumor growth, vascularization, progression to more advanced tumor stages, or metastasis to the lungs, and the absence of MMP13 was not compensated for by expression of other MMPs or tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases. However, an increased fraction of thin collagen fibrils was identified in MMTV-PyMT;Mmp13−/− compared to MMTV-PyMT;Mmp13+/+ tumors, showing that collagen metabolism was altered in the absence of MMP13. We conclude that the expression pattern of Mmp13 mRNA in myofibroblasts of invasive carcinomas in the MMTV-PyMT breast cancer model recapitulates the expression pattern observed in human breast cancer. Our results suggest that MMP13 is a marker of carcinoma-associated myofibroblasts of invasive carcinoma, even though it does not make a major contribution to tumor progression in the MMTV-PyMT breast cancer model

    A GaAs-based self-aligned stripe distributed feedback laser

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    We demonstrate operation of a GaAs-based self-aligned stripe (SAS) distributed feedback (DFB) laser. In this structure, a first order GaInP/GaAs index-coupled DFB grating is built within the p-doped AlGaAs layer between the active region and the n-doped GaInP opto-electronic confinement layer of a SAS laser structure. In this process no Al-containing layers are exposed to atmosphere prior to overgrowth. The use of AlGaAs cladding affords the luxury of full flexibility in upper cladding design, which proved necessary due to limitations imposed by the grating infill and overgrowth with the GaInP current block layer. Resultant devices exhibit single-mode lasing with high side-mode-suppression of >40 dB over the temperature range 20 °C–70 °C. The experimentally determined optical profile and grating confinement correlate well with those simulated using Fimmwave

    Romancing the Rune: Aspects of Literacy in Early Scandinavian Orality

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