273 research outputs found

    Correlated Strength in Nuclear Spectral Function

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    We have carried out an (e,e'p) experiment at high momentum transfer and in parallel kinematics to measure the strength of the nuclear spectral function S(k,E) at high nucleon momenta k and large removal energies E. This strength is related to the presence of short-range and tensor correlations, and was known hitherto only indirectly and with considerable uncertainty from the lack of strength in the independent-particle region. This experiment confirms by direct measurement the correlated strength predicted by theory.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Beam-Target Double-Spin Asymmetry in Quasielastic Electron Scattering off the Deuteron with CLAS

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    Background: The deuteron plays a pivotal role in nuclear and hadronic physics, as both the simplest bound multinucleon system and as an effective neutron target. Quasielastic electron scattering on the deuteron is a benchmark reaction to test our understanding of deuteron structure and the properties and interactions of the two nucleons bound in the deuteron. Purpose: The experimental data presented here can be used to test state-of-the-art models of the deuteron and the two-nucleon interaction in the final state after two-body breakup of the deuteron. Focusing on polarization degrees of freedom, we gain information on spin-momentum correlations in the deuteron ground state (due to the D-state admixture) and on the limits of the impulse approximation (IA) picture as it applies to measurements of spin-dependent observables like spin structure functions for bound nucleons. Information on this reaction can also be used to reduce systematic uncertainties on the determination of neutron form factors or deuteron polarization through quasielastic polarized electron scattering. Method: We measured the beam-target double-spin asymmetry (A||) for quasielastic electron scattering off the deuteron at several beam energies (1.6-1.7, 2.5, 4.2, and 5.6-5.8 GeV), using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The deuterons were polarized along (or opposite to) the beam direction. The double-spin asymmetries were measured as a function of photon virtuality Q2 (0.13-3.17 (GeV/c)2), missing momentum (pm = 0.0-0.5 GeV/c), and the angle between the (inferred) spectator neutron and the momentum transfer direction (θnq). Results: The results are compared with a recent model that includes final-state interactions (FSI) using a complete parametrization of nucleon-nucleon scattering, as well as a simplified model using the plane wave impulse approximation (PWIA). We find overall good agreement with both the PWIA and FSI expectations at low to medium missing momenta (pm \u3c= 0.25 GeV/c), including the change of the asymmetry due to the contribution of the deuteron D state at higher momenta. At the highest missing momenta, our data clearly agree better with the calculations including FSI. Conclusions: Final-state interactions seem to play a lesser role for polarization observables in deuteron two-body electrodisintegration than for absolute cross sections. Our data, while limited in statistical power, indicate that PWIA models work reasonably well to understand the asymmetries at lower missing momenta. In turn, this information can be used to extract the product of beam and target polarization (PbPt) from quasielastic electron-deuteron scattering, which is useful for measurements of spin observables in electron-neutron inelastic scattering. However, at the highest missing (neutron) momenta, FSI effects become important and must be accounted for

    The Heavy Photon Search test detector

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    The Heavy Photon Search (HPS), an experiment to search for a hidden sector photon in fixed target electroproduction, is preparing for installation at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) in the Fall of 2014. As the first stage of this project, the HPS Test Run apparatus was constructed and operated in 2012 to demonstrate the experiment׳s technical feasibility and to confirm that the trigger rates and occupancies are as expected. This paper describes the HPS Test Run apparatus and readout electronics and its performance. In this setting, a heavy photon can be identified as a narrow peak in the e+e− invariant mass spectrum above the trident background or as a narrow invariant mass peak with a decay vertex displaced from the production target, so charged particle tracking and vertexing are needed for its detection. In the HPS Test Run, charged particles are measured with a compact forward silicon microstrip tracker inside a dipole magnet. Electromagnetic showers are detected in a PbW04 crystal calorimeter situated behind the magnet, and are used to trigger the experiment and identify electrons and positrons. Both detectors are placed close to the beam line and split top-bottom. This arrangement provides sensitivity to low-mass heavy photons, allows clear passage of the unscattered beam, and avoids the spray of degraded electrons coming from the target. The discrimination between prompt and displaced e+e− pairs requires the first layer of silicon sensors be placed only 10 cm downstream of the target. The expected signal is small, and the trident background huge, so the experiment requires very large statistics. Accordingly, the HPS Test Run utilizes high-rate readout and data acquisition electronics and a fast trigger to exploit the essentially 100% duty cycle of the CEBAF accelerator at JLab

    A Precise Measurement of the Neutron Magnetic Form Factor GMn in the Few-GeV2 Region

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    The neutron elastic magnetic form factor GMn has been extracted from quasielastic electron scattering data on deuterium with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab. The kinematic coverage of the measurement is continuous from Q2=1 GeV2 to 4.8 GeV2. High precision was achieved by employing a ratio technique in which many uncertainties cancel, and by a simultaneous in-situ calibration of the neutron detection efficiency, the largest correction to the data. Neutrons were detected using the CLAS electromagnetic calorimeters and the time-of-flight scintillators. Data were taken at two different electron beam energies, allowing up to four semi-independent measurements of GMn to be made at each value of Q2. The dipole parameterization is found to provide a good description of the data over the measured Q2 range.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, revtex4, submitted to Physical Review Letters, Revised version has changes recommended by journal referee

    Measurement of Inclusive Spin Structure Functions of the Deuteron

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    We report the results of a new measurement of spin structure functions of the deuteron in the region of moderate momentum transfer (Q2Q^2 = 0.27 -- 1.3 (GeV/c)2^2) and final hadronic state mass in the nucleon resonance region (WW = 1.08 -- 2.0 GeV). We scattered a 2.5 GeV polarized continuous electron beam at Jefferson Lab off a dynamically polarized cryogenic solid state target (15^{15}ND3_3) and detected the scattered electrons with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS). From our data, we extract the longitudinal double spin asymmetry AA_{||} and the spin structure function g1dg_1^d. Our data are generally in reasonable agreement with existing data from SLAC where they overlap, and they represent a substantial improvement in statistical precision. We compare our results with expectations for resonance asymmetries and extrapolated deep inelastic scaling results. Finally, we evaluate the first moment of the structure function g1dg_1^d and study its approach to both the deep inelastic limit at large Q2Q^2 and to the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule at the real photon limit (Q20Q^2 \to 0). We find that the first moment varies rapidly in the Q2Q^2 range of our experiment and crosses zero at Q2Q^2 between 0.5 and 0.8 (GeV/c)2^2, indicating the importance of the Δ\Delta resonance at these momentum transfers.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, ReVTeX 4, final version as accepted by Phys. Rev.

    An Experimental Exploration of the QCD Phase Diagram: The Search for the Critical Point and the Onset of De-confinement

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    The QCD phase diagram lies at the heart of what the RHIC Physics Program is all about. While RHIC has been operating very successfully at or close to its maximum energy for almost a decade, it has become clear that this collider can also be operated at lower energies down to 5 GeV without extensive upgrades. An exploration of the full region of beam energies available at the RHIC facility is imperative. The STAR detector, due to its large uniform acceptance and excellent particle identification capabilities, is uniquely positioned to carry out this program in depth and detail. The first exploratory beam energy scan (BES) run at RHIC took place in 2010 (Run 10), since several STAR upgrades, most importantly a full barrel Time of Flight detector, are now completed which add new capabilities important for the interesting physics at BES energies. In this document we discuss current proposed measurements, with estimations of the accuracy of the measurements given an assumed event count at each beam energy.Comment: 59 pages, 78 figure

    Systematic Measurements of Identified Particle Spectra in pp, d+Au and Au+Au Collisions from STAR

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    Identified charged particle spectra of π±\pi^{\pm}, K±K^{\pm}, pp and \pbar at mid-rapidity (y<0.1|y|<0.1) measured by the \dedx method in the STAR-TPC are reported for pppp and d+Au collisions at \snn = 200 GeV and for Au+Au collisions at 62.4 GeV, 130 GeV, and 200 GeV. ... [Shortened for arXiv list. Full abstract in manuscript.]Comment: 58 pages, 46 figures, 37 table

    Measurements of Dihadron Correlations Relative to the Event Plane in Au+Au Collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV

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    Dihadron azimuthal correlations containing a high transverse momentum (\pt) trigger particle are sensitive to the properties of the nuclear medium created at RHIC through the strong interactions occurring between the traversing parton and the medium, i.e. jet-quenching. Previous measurements revealed a strong modification to dihadron azimuthal correlations in Au+Au collisions with respect to \pp\ and \dAu\ collisions. The modification increases with the collision centrality, suggesting a path-length dependence to the jet-quenching effect. This paper reports STAR measurements of dihadron azimuthal correlations in mid-central (20-60\%) Au+Au collisions at \snn=200~GeV as a function of the trigger particle's azimuthal angle relative to the event plane, \phis=|\phit-\psiEP|. The azimuthal correlation is studied as a function of both the trigger and associated particle \pt. The subtractions of the combinatorial background and anisotropic flow, assuming Zero Yield At Minimum (\zyam), are described. The away-side correlation is strongly modified, and the modification varies with \phis, which is expected to be related to the path-length that the away-side parton traverses. The pseudo-rapidity (\deta) dependence of the near-side correlation, sensitive to long range \deta correlations (the ridge), is also investigated. The ridge and jet-like components of the near-side correlation are studied as a function of \phis. The ridge appears to drop with increasing \phis while the jet-like component remains approximately constant. ...Comment: 50 pages, 39 figures, 6 table

    Growth of Long Range Forward-Backward Multiplicity Correlations with Centrality in Au+Au Collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    Forward-backward multiplicity correlation strengths have been measured with the STAR detector for Au+Au and p+p\textit{p+p} collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV. Strong short and long range correlations (LRC) are seen in central Au+Au collisions. The magnitude of these correlations decrease with decreasing centrality until only short range correlations are observed in peripheral Au+Au collisions. Both the Dual Parton Model (DPM) and the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) predict the existence of the long range correlations. In the DPM the fluctuation in the number of elementary (parton) inelastic collisions produces the LRC. In the CGC longitudinal color flux tubes generate the LRC. The data is in qualitative agreement with the predictions from the DPM and indicates the presence of multiple parton interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures The abstract has been slightly modifie