4 research outputs found

    The influence the heat treatment, chemical-heat treatment on the dynamic-mechanical properties of alloy cast steel

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    Praca zawiera ocenę właściwości dynamiczno-mechanicznych grupy staliw stopowych w funkcji czasu i podczas periodycznych zmian obciążenia. Badania przeprowadzono na grupie staliw w stanie surowym, po azotowaniu gazowym i po hartowaniu.This work contain evaluating property of dynamic-mechanical of group cast steels during periodical loading change. Testings were done on the group of alloy cast steels in raw, nitriding in gas atmospheres and heat and chemical treatment

    Analysis of structural changes of selected alloy steel grades treated with high temperature exhaust gases

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy zmian strukturalnych z grupy stali stopowych żaroodpornych, żarowytrzymałych i odpornych na korozję, poddanych działaniu wysokich temperatur (700°C÷1100°C) oraz gazów spalinowych. Do badań wytypowano stale o różnych strukturach wyjściowych (H24JS, 13CrMo4-5; X6CrNiTi; X7CrNiTi18-10; X10CrMoVNb9-1). Badania realizowano w typowym kotle energetycznym opalanym miałem węglowym oraz dodatkiem paliw alternatywnych.Results are presented of analysis of structural changes in heat-resistant, high temperature creep resisting and corrosion-resistant alloy steels subject to high temperatures (700 ÷ 1100°C) and combustion gases. Steels of varying initial structures were selected for the purposes of testing (H24JS, 13CrMo4-5, X6CrNiTi, X7CrNiTi18-10, X10CrMoV Nb9-1. The study was conducted in a typical power plant boiler supplied with coal dust with the addition of alternative fuels

    Evaluation of structural changes of steel heat-resistant operated x10CrAl24 high temperature furnace energy

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań zmian mikrostruktury stali żaroodpornej chromowo-krzemowej z dodatkiem aluminium wywołanych długotrwałym oddziaływaniem temperatur w zakresie 500 ÷ 1100 °C, w czasie 140 godzin, w piecach opalanych węglem w strefach (II ciąg - 500°C, kiosk - 700°C, na grodzi - 850°C, nad sklepieniem - 1000°C) w przedsiębiorstwie energetycznym „Radpec” w Radomiu. Badania przeprowadzono podczas normalnej eksploatacji, próbki umieszczono w różnych strefach kotła energetycznego dwuciągowego opalanego materiałem węglowym.The paper presents the results of changes in the microstructure of steel heat-resistant chrome-silicon aluminum are caused by long-term effects of temperatures in the range of 500 ÷ 1100 ° C for 140 hours, furnaces fired power zones (the second string - 500 ° C, kiosk - 700 ° C, on the bulkhead - 850 ° C above the firmament - 1000 ° C) energy company "Radpec" in Radom. The study was conducted in normal operation, the samples were placed in different zones of the steam boiler fired with a drawing of two carbonaceous material

    Structure of the superficial region and mechanical properties of nitrided cast steels

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    A series of cast steels were subjected to two-stage low-temperature nitriding. Mossbauer, XRD and mechanical investigations were carried out for both as-cast and nitriding materials in order to determine phase composition (especially the content of gamma'-Fe4N and epsilon-Fe2-3N), microhardness of the superficial region as well as tribological properties. It has been stated that the relative content of iron-nitrogen phases strongly depends on chemical composition of the cast steel and the effective thickness of the surface layer comprising iron nitrides is less than 0.015 mm. Considerable increase of surface microhardness and wear resistance of nitrided specimens in comparison with their as-cast counterparts has been observed. It has been found that the values of microhardness of nitrided samples at the surface are above twice larger than those in the core