29 research outputs found

    Manajemen produksi agribisnis hortikultura pada pola keterkaitan usahaproduksi dan pemasaran melon (studi kasus pt moenaputra nusantara cabang bali)

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    PT Moenaputra Nusantara adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang distributor buah melon . Sebagai pelaku subsistem tataniaga perusahaan mengharapkan agar buah melon dapat tersedia secara kontinyu sesuai dengan kuantitas, kualitas serta waktu yang dibutuhkan. Untuk mengantisipasi keinginan tersebut perusahaan harus mampu mengendalikan kegiatan usahatani melon walaupun perusahaan tidak melaksanakan kegiatan usahatani. Untuk itu perusahaan mengupayakan pelaksanaan pola keterkaitan (pola kemitraan) dengan para petani melon. Khusus untuk kantor cabang Bali data menunjukkan bahwa pasokan buah melon dari petani mitra selalu lebih kecil dari kebutuhan perusahaan. Memperhatikan ha1 di atas, maka masalah pokok yang perlu dipecahkan adalah bagaimana menyesuaikan manajemen pemasaran dengan manajemen produksi, di mana fungsi ini dilakukan oleh unit yang berbeda, sehingga pasokan dari sisi produksi dapat sesuai dengaan kebutuhan pemasaran. Tujuan geladikarya ini untuk mengetahui sistem produksi dengan banyak petani untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemasaran tertentu, serta mengevaluasi pola keterkaitan usaha yang sudah ada dan memformulasikan pola keterkaitan usaha baru sebagai alternatif bagi PT Moenaputra Nusantara untuk meningkatkan penyelenggaraan produksi seperti yang diharapkan. Studi ini dilakukan dengan tahapan sebagai berikut : (1) identifikasi pols kemitraan; (2) analisis identifikasi pola kemitraan dan manajemen produksinya; (3) memformulasikan alternatif pola kemitraan dan (4) perencanaan produksi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan metode peramalan/prakiraan. Pola kemitraan yang dikembangkan adalah pola Perkebunan Inti Rakyat (PIR) informal. Dari pola kemitraan yang diinformasikan perusahaan terdapat sejumlah 7 butir kegiatan kerjasama , hanya 4 butir kegiatan yang terealisasi atau dilaksanakan di lapangan, di antaranya ( 1 ) memberikan bantuan penyuluhan; ( 2 ) menjamin pasar hasil produksi; (3) penetapan harga sesuai dengan harga pasar yang berlaku; ( 4 ) keikutsertaan kegiatan sosial di desa petani mitra. Sedangkan 3 butir kegiatan lainnya tidak terdapat di lapangan, yaitu ( 1 ) memberikan bantuan saprodi kepada petani mitra; (2) penetapan jadual tanam bagi para petani mitra dan ( 3 ) memberikan sumbangan di desa petani mitra. Keseluruhan responden menyatakan bahwa dalam kegiatan produksi/usahatani melon mulai kegiatan pengolahan lahan sampai dengan kegiatan pemanenan pihak perusahaan tidak ada keterlibatannya, kecuali hanya memberikan penyuluhan-penyuluhan teknis tentang usahatani melon. Berarti dalam kegiatan produksi/usahatani sepenuhnya diputuskan oleh petani. Sebagai konsekuensi di atas, maka kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan antara lain (1) pihak perusahaan tidak menanggung resiko kegagalan dalam kegiatan produksi; ( 2 ) perusahaan mendapatkan pasokan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhannya sewaktu petani mitra panen bersamaan, sehingga kecenderungan harga dapat ditekan serendah mungkin. Kelebihan bagi petani mitra, hasil produksi dapat dijual kepada siapa saja. Kekurangannya : kontinyuitas kebutuhan perusahaan tidak akan terjamin dan seluruh resiko yang timbul sebagai akibat kegiatan produksi ditanggung oleh petani. Untuk mengantisipasi kekurangan tersebut, maka formulasi alternatif pola keterkaitan usaha yang dapat ditempuh adalah pola keterkaitan usaha yang mengikat petani mitra atau pola Perkebunan Inti Rakyat (PIR) formal. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan : ( 1 ) melalui pemberian modal kerja kepada petani mitra (untuk meminimumkan pembiayaan modal kerja tersebut perusahaan dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas kredit pegelkop dari BUMN) . (2) Melakukan pembayaran kepada petani mitra lebih cepat dari sebelumnya (3 minggu) dengan cara fakturing, yaitu menjual faktur penjualan perusahaan kepada bank yang merupakan banker's perusahaan. Setelah terwujudnya pola keterkaitan usaha yang mengikat di atas, maka perlu dirumuskan perencanaan produksi yang bertitik tolak pada kebutuhan perusahaan. Langkahlangkahnya antara lain : (1) menentukan prakiraan kebutuhan perusahaan; (2) menentukan prakiraan kebutuhan lahan; (3) menentukan jadual tanam bagi para petani mitra. Prakiraan kebutuhan Melon untuk tahun 1995 dengan menggunakan metode single exponential smoothing dengan tingkat alpha 0,40. Berdasarkan prakiraan tersebut, kemudian dapat ditentukan kebeutuhan lahan dengan pertimbangan produktivitas lahan dan tingkat kegagalan. Berdasarkan kebutuhan lahan tersebut, kemudian dapat ditentukan pembagian jadual tanam bagi petani

    Strategy Development for Puri Peliatan Heritage Tourism

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    Purpose: This study aims to identify the strategy and program of Puri Peliatan (Peliatan Palace) as a heritage attraction in Peliatan Tourism Village, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. Research methods: The data collection technique in this research is observation. Quotation is done from existing library materials, and other sources. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive-qualitative. Results and discussion: The main strategy planning of Puri Peliatan Ubud as an attraction of heritage tourism is by designing various programs. Puri Peliatan has a lot of tangible and intangible potential that can be developed as a tourist attraction, especially in heritage tourism. Implication: This study has a limited scope in identifying existing conditions of tourism in Puri Peliatan and Puri Peliatan planning as a heritage attraction so that a further study is needed

    Simulation Subak Management Function Optimally in Subak Lodtunduh, Bali, Indonesia

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    Subak system has a very important role in agriculture development in Bali, especially on irrigation lands.  Subak system with Tri Hita Karana (THK) philosophy has an opportunity to be transformed into other areas, as long as technology equity could be fulfilled. Optimal management of subak function is needed for such transformation, therefore this study aims to develop optimal management of subak function using analyses of linear program.  The object of this study was Subak Lodtunduh, located in the upstream region of  Kedewatan Irrigation Area, Gianyar, Bali. This subak was purposely choiced as its fuction works normally.  Parameters of subak function management were determined by collecting primary data such as allocation, distribution, and water irrigation loan; subak facilities’ maintenance; conflicts resolution; ritual activities; output and input of production, cost of production, applied areas, and household labor supply; while the secondary data collected include irrigation volume and climate conditions.  Results showed that Subak Lodtunduh optimally managed the subak function as its accomplished the five subak functions optimally during each planting season.  These include (1) conducted allocation, distribution, and irrigation water loan; (2) maintened of subak facilities; (3) conflict resolution by conducting meetings on the early planting season; (4) conducting ritual activities; and (5) managed of subak resources.  Analyses of optimal subak functions resulted that water distribution proportionally (tektek) by using one inlet and one outlet methods could be transformed into other areas as long as the technology equity could be fulfilled. Keywords: subak function, optimal management, Bal


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    Mengajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SD tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Masih banyak pendidik yang kesulitan dalam menyampaikan materi pelajaran kepada anak didiknya. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah pendidik masih monoton menggunakan model pembelajaran yang sama pada semua tema dan subtema materi. Selain itu, pendidik perlu menyelaraskan persepsi yang disebut dengan model pembelajaran, dan bagaimana keefektifan model pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SD. Oleh karena itu, penulis juga mencoba menggali informasi tentang model pembelajaran melalui berbagai media e-book dan jurnal dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Tujuannya agar para pendidik mengetahui dan memahami berbagai macam model pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SD. Dan dari hasil studi pustaka ini ditemukan berbagai model pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Ditemukan pula, mana yang termasuk dalam penyebutan pendekatan atau model pembelajaran

    Struktur Bahasa Makasai

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    Technical Efficiency and Economies of Scale for Partnership- Based of Virginia Tobacco Farming in Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia: A Non-parametric Approach

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    In operating their farms, Virginia tobacco farmers establish partnerships with a number of companies, such as Company GG and Company BB. The level of tobacco production efficiency obtained is considered to be dependent on the experiences of the partner companies. This study aims to analyze the technical efficiency and the economies of scale of Virginia tobacco farming in Buleleng regency, Bali. Employing a survey method, census was conducted on a total of 87 respondents. Data was analyzed using a non-parametric approach, with a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model. Results show that based on planting location and acreage, the technical efficiency of Company GG partners is relatively higher than that of Company BB. The efficiency scale (SE = 1) revealed that farmers participating under the Company GG partnership is relatively more efficient compared to Company BB farmers. Further, the economies of scale score based on planting location show that the majority of Company GG farmers experience constant return to scale (CRS) category, while most Company BB farmers fall under the decreasing return to scale (DRC) category. A slightly different result is displayed by the economies of scale analysis based on acreage, where the majority of Company GG farmers with up to 4 ha of planting area is under the increasing return to scale (IRS), while farmers with >4 ha to 6 ha of planting area is under the decreasing return to scale (DRS) category. For Company BB farmers with up to 2 ha of planting area, 50% are experiencing constant return to scale (CRS) and 50% are experiencing increasing return to scale (IRS). Meanwhile, those who have >2 ha up to 6 ha, fall under the decreasing return to scale (DRS) category. Keywords: efficiency, Virginia tobacco, partnership, data envelopment analysis, Bal

    Realizing Regional Food Security Through Community Food Business Development in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia

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    This study aims to formulate a regional food security model based on the relationship between characteristics of the area of production, consumption and entrepreneurship with the performance of community food business development (PUPM) in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The research sample consisted of 93 rice farmers, 96 rice consumers and 30 business people representing the Association of Farmers' Groups (Gapoktan) and the Indonesian Farmers Shop (TTI) owners, accounting for the total respondents to 219 people. Data analysis was using Smart-PLS. The results of the analysis show that the performance of the PUPM in NTT which is influenced by the characteristics of the production, consumption and entrepreneurship areas has only been achieved at a sufficient level. The analysis also shows that the new PUPM activities in NTT are able to fulfill aspects of access and stability, while the availability aspect is still very small. Nevertheless, this study has proven that the regional food security model in NTT can be realized through community food business development activities


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    Ashitaba plant (Angelica keiskei) is native to Japan that has been developed in Indonesia, has many benefits,as a vegetable and as imonomudulator.This study aims to determine the ethanol extract effect of Ashitaba leaves (Angelica keiskei) to increase immune response IL-2, Balb/C mice were vaccinated with rabies vaccine. Treatment consisted of six points are without Ashitaba (control), giving a dose of 100 Ashitaba; 200; 300; 400, and 500 mg / kg orally for 21 days. Each treatment was repeated four times, so there are 24 units for researching. On the 28th day, do the vaccination with rabies vaccine to all groups of mice. On 49thday, the spleen was taken for viewing cultured lymphocytes producing cells. Variables observed are the levels of IL-2 levels of the lymphocyte.The results showed that the extract of Ashitaba can increase levels of IL-2 were significantly (P <0.05). Respectively, the average levels of interleukin-2 after treatment Ashitaba extract dose 0; 100; 200; 300; 400, and 500 mg/kg are 1,700; 3.919; 5.218; 8.875; 15.563. The conclusion,Ashitaba ethanol extract can improve the immune response of IL-2 and IFN-Îł mice vaccinated with rabies vaccine

    Risk Mitigation for Rice Production Through Agricultural Insurance: Farmer’s Perspectives

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    Rice farming is susceptible to failure due to several risks including natural disasters of flood and drought as well as pest and disease attacks. Risk mitigation such as agricultural insurance is required to cope with the risks. This study aims to portray rice production risks to failure and farmer’s perception on the implementation of agricultural insurance in Bali province. Three regencies were selected purposively based on the area insured. A survey was conducted to 180 respondents who paid for the agricultural insurance (AUTP). Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis and chi-square test. Results of the research show that most rice farming risks to failure in Bali were blast and rat attacks. In terms of agricultural insurance implementation, all farmers accept the program as a mitigation risk to bridge rice farming failure. However, most farmers (85 %) asked for fully support of premium subsidy from the government while the rest agreed to pay for a-20 % of the premium. The result from the Chi-square test shows insignificant, implying that the distribution of farmers’ perception towards full subsidy of agricultural insurance is indifferent across locations. Implication of the study noted that the government and insurer need to socialize the agricultural insurance program more intensively covering premium payment, coverage and claiming.Keywords: production risk, agricultural insurance, farmer’s perception, AUTP, Chi-square</p

    Studi Patologi Kejadian Cysticercosis pada Tikus Putih

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    Rats are commonly used as animal model in pathological and reproduction research, butunfortunately they are often infected with cysticercosis. The objective of this research was to determinethe pathological changes the of the rats (Rattus novergicus) tissues affected with cysticercus. Thisresearch using 24 of female rats. They were adapted to a new environment for a week and the feeding andwater were provided ad libitum. At the end of adaptation period rats were necropsied and the visceralorgans were examined for pathological changes especially the present of cysticercosis. The liver and kidneyof each rat were soaked in 10% phosphate buffered formalin. Following dehydration process, tissue wereembedded in paraplast, cut at 5 micron and stained with Harris hematoxylin eosin (HE). The resultshowed that 8 of 24 rats were affected by cysticercosis on the liver. The histopathological changes werenecrotic lesions and eosinophylic cells infiltration around the cysticercosis lesion. The results showed that8 of 23 rats were affected by cysticercosis. The presence of necrosis and cells inflammation could interferethe results of the study when such a rats are used. It is therefore necessary to screen rats for cysticercosis