407 research outputs found

    Klasifikasi Ulasan Pengguna Aplikasi: Studi Kasus Aplikasi Ipusnas Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI)

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    Menurunnya jumlah tren pengguna baru aplikasi iPusnas berpengaruh terhadap penurunan pencapaian nilai target laporan LKIP Pujasintara PNRI 2020 – 2024. Hal tersebut berkaitan dengan nilai peringkat ulasan pengguna aplikasi di Google Playstore yang dinilai masih lebih rendah dibandingkan aplikasi sejenis lainnya. Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap keputusan calon pengguna baru aplikasi dalam mempertimbangkan aplikasi terbaik yang sejenis, karena melibatkan tinjauan nilai peringkat dan ulasan pengguna. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu membuktikan bahwa kesulitan selalu dihadapi ketika melakukan analisis atau penggalian informasi penting dalam ulasan pengguna aplikasi secara manual. Analisis ulasan sangat berguna untuk mengembangkan fitur layanan aplikasi agar dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna dan peringkat nilai aplikasi, sehingga diperlukan alat bantu klasifikasi ulasan pengguna secara otomatis dengan mencari model terbaik yang sesuai. Penelitian ini menerapkan metodologi CRISP-DM, tetapi hanya sampai tahap evaluasi. Algoritma klasifikasi yang digunakan adalah Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine (SVM), serta kombinasi fitur tf-idf unigram, bigram, dan trigram. Hasil penelitiannya adalah kombinasi fitur tf-idf unigram (F1) dengan algoritma SVM mencapai nilai terbaik untuk setiap nilai evaluasi precision, recall, dan f1-score masing-masing sebesar 87%. Nilai evaluasi terendah precision 55% dari hasil kombinasi fitur F2 dengan SVM, recall 42% dan f1-score 32% dari kombinasi fitur F3 dengan logistic regression

    Penentu Adopsi Electronic Worth of Mouth: Sudut Pandang Transfer Kepercayaan

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    Ekosistem digital yang anonim dan isu ulasan palsu berpotensi mengurangi kepercayaan konsumen terhadap ulasan. Dalam situasi yang penuh ketidakpastian konsumen dihadapkan pada krisis kepercayaan terhadap informasi di dunia maya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi faktor pendorong adopsi informasi dari sudut pandang kepercayaan dan kualitas informasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan structural equation modeling sebagai teknik analisis data. Temuan penelitian mengkonfirmasi jika kepercayaan dapat ditransfer dari satu individu ke individu lainnya. Kepercayaan terhadap platform, komunitas pengulas, dan pengulas secara individu mempengaruhi adopsi ulasan oleh konsumen. Kualitas informasi berupa relevansi informasi dapat meningkatkan daya guna ulasan. Namun penelitian menemukan jika objektivitas jika tidak berpengaruh terhadap daya guna ulasan. Pada akhirnya kepercayaan pada pengulas dan daya guna ulasan berpengaruh terhadap adopsi ulasan oleh konsumen

    The Analysis of Google Translate in English-Indonesian Slang Terms Translation of Social Media Post “Facebook”

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    Slang terms is not an official language or it is informal language. There is no formal classification in slang terms. Slang language is the linguistic prerogative of young people and generally sound odd in the mouth of an older people, (Holmes, 2001: 167) which is related with culture and social system of certain community who use the language. In this study concern with analysis of Google Translate in English- Indonesian slang terms translation of social media post “Facebook”. Google Translate is the most famous and favorite trans-tool in the world, easy to access and easy to use. Besides that the writer put Facebook as a media in this research it can show the daily life of using slang terms by people post. The purpose of this study is to find out the problems faced by Google translate in English-Indonesian slang terms translation of social media post “Facebook” and to find out the kinds of slang terms that are accurate translated by Google Translate in English-Indonesian slang terms translation of social media post “Facebook”. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method which is considered to be relevant to this research and the data taken randomly, there are ten Facebook posts. From the data have been analyzed it can be concluded that Google translate cannot capture the rhetoric, beauty, sarcasm of a language or emotional aspect especially in spoken language. The kinds of word formation English-Indonesian slang terms of social media post “Facebook” translated by Google that accurate are nothing. Google Translate have less accurate to inaccurate translation from 20 slang have been found

    Identification of Climate Trends and Patterns in South Sumatra

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    South Sumatra is one of low-lying provinces in Indonesia with a vast area of peatland that is prone to peat fires and floods. Understanding climate patterns in South Sumatra is very important to anticipate the impacts of extreme weathers. This study identified the climate trends and patterns based on the daily data of temperature, rainfall and evapotranspiration obtained from 1975 to 2021 (46 years). Here, the trend and its significance were detected based on the linear regression and Mann-Kendall test approaches. Characteristics of wet/dry season (start, peak, end) were identified annually based on the 6th polynomial equation using rainfall and evapotranspiration data. The results show an increased trend of annual average temperature (0.04oC per year), rainfall (6.83 mm per year), and evapotranspiration (0.77 mm per year). Other findings reveal that the cyclic season in South Sumatra is wet season (starts from 1±30 to 163±79 Julian day), followed by dry season (from 172±152 to 273±90 Julian day), then wet season (until 244±90 Julian day). The mean excess of annual rainfall was 708 mm (593 mm and 114, respectively, for wet and dry season). Further, we found that South Sumatra experienced extreme dry season (8 times) with the longest in 2019 that lasted for 167 days in a row. As a precaution, extreme wet spells may occur in November-December, and March, whereas extreme dry seasons can be found in July-September each year

    Learning Achievement Analysis of Male and Female Students at the PPNS and Polmed to Meet the Global Challenges

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    Industry revolution 4.0 era provides opportunities as well as threats for the students and alumni graduated from vocational education. Man roles are gradually taken by automatic machines. Consequently, unemployment is increasing. This certainly will contribute to the either local or national problems. Therefore, vocational education students have to intensify their learning achievements. This study discusses the learning achievements of the male and female students at the Shipbuiding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya (PPNS) and Medan State Polytechnic (Polmed). The analysis of learning achievements in this study used the documentation data of the GPA in scale 4, taking the whole population either male (M) or female (F) in the academic year 2015/2016, 2016/2017, and 2017/2018. In the last three years, total PPNS’s graduates are 1959 (1418 male, 541 female) and Polmed’s are 5938 (2821 male, 3117 female). Based on the descriptive quantitative analysis, the average of learning achievements at PPNS shows that accumulated GPA of the female students’ is 3.39 > male students’ 3.28. While at Polmed, it is GPA of female students’ is 3.27 > male students’ 3.14. Total of students is still gender imbalance referring to the graduates data in year 2018 for PPNS’ Welding Study Program in which having only two female students with average GPA 3.41 and 53 students with average GPA 3.15, meanwhile at Polmed, the total students with largest gap in gender occured at the Mechanical Engineering Study Program with total of male students 240 (average GPA 3.10) and female students only 11 (average GPA 3.20). This result indicates that in these two vocational educational institutions, e.i. PPNS and Polmed, the learning achievement of female students is betterand more competitivable than the othe

    Desain Pintu Air Berbantu Komputer Untuk Saluran Irigasi Tersier di Daerah Irigasi Cikarawang Bogor: Computer-Aided Design Water Gate for Tertiary Irrigation Channels in Bogor-Cikarawang Irigation Area

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    Irrigation water gate was one of the supporting components of agricultural activities, especially the management of rice fields, because it was utilized in the management of water flow. The implementation of water gate has a complex and interdependent set of tasks. So that was the problem which can made undesired effects. So that, the planning can be shorted by computer design . Besides, the changes in a design could be overcome quickly and precisely. The purpose of this research is to the effective rainfall, evapotranspiration, discharge of irrigation water needs in the Cikarawang irrigation area, produce a design of computer-aided water gate, and know RAB for the construction of the water gate. The study was conducted from April to July 2020. The place to do the research was Cikarawang Village, Bogor Regency, West Java. The results of the study were the design of water gate by using data plotting with computer-aided script files (SCR). The effective rainfall of 1806.3 mm, the highest evapotranspiration of 5.5 mm/day and the lowest evapotranspiration of plants at 4 mm/day, the highest irrigation water demand was 2.18 lt/dt/ha,  The dimensions of 0.5 x 0.75 x 0.012 m, and water gate opening 0.27 m. These water gate openings were used when the plant's water requirements are highest. The cost of making water gate made from fiberglass is Rp. 838.000,-while for steel costs Rp. 3.500.000,-

    Desain Pintu Air Sekunder Berbantu Komputer Untuk Daerah Irigasi Cinangka Kabupaten Bogor: Computer Aided Design for Secondary Sluice on Cinangka Irrigation Area of Bogor Regency

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    The most problem that occurs in Cinangka Irrigation Area is the not function of sluice and not used to properly regulate water of it. If the discharge regulator is not operated properly, the provision of irrigation water has the potential to be wasteful or lacking. The purpose of this study is to determine the discharge requirements for secondary irrigation water in Cinangka, produce a design of sluice in the channel and an estimated cost of manufacture. The study was conducted in the Cinangka Irrigation Area, Cibitung Tengah Village, Tenjolaya District, Bogor Regency. The study began from April - June 2020. The results obtained were known to be evapotranspiration, effective rainfall, and irrigation needs in the secondary channel of DI Cinangka per period of irrigation for one year. The largest Eto value occurred in September of 5.8 mm / day, the largest Cheff value occurred in November of 8.4 mm / day and the largest debit of needs occurred in March of 0.6 m3 / sec. Secondary sluice designed  manifold steel sluice with high specification and door width 1x 1 m, total height 2 m door, handlebar diameter 45 cm. Dratstick used is 1.5 inches. Estimated cost for making doors is IDR 7,085,000. These costs can increase depending on the manufacture location and manufacture services

    Desain Pintu Air Berbantu Komputer Untuk Saluran Irigasi Tersier : Computer Aided Design for Sluiced Gate in Tertiary Irrigation Canal

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    The effort of human creativity in the field of hydraulics in overcoming the problem of irrigation, one of which is using floodgates. The discharge from the floodgates needs to be adjusted to the water needs of the plant. However, due to the long design process, the computer aided design of sluice on tertiary irrigation channels is needed in order to be able to set the optimum dimensions and output discharges of crops water needs with fast design time. The tool used in the form of a computer device with Ms Excel and AutoCAD software and materials used were secondary data, that is water needs of local varieties of rice plants in Mangkung, Rambitan, NTB on an area of 50 ha. The data’s then calculated and the largest discharge is 0.12 m3/s with plant evapotranspiration of 5.10 mm/day and 6.43 mm/day of effective rainfall, meanwhile the smallest is 0.02 m3/s with plant evapotranspiration of 3.17 mm/day and 3.47 mm/day of effective rainfall. The dimensions of the steel sluice gates obtained are width of sluice gate 0.40 m, height of sluice gate is 0.80 m with an estimated cost of making Rp 7,547,000 per one sluice. The dimensions of the GFRP sliding sluice gates are width of sluice gate 0.50 m, height of sluice gate is 0.75 m with an estimated construction cost of Rp 7,547,000 per one sluice

    Analisis Pengukuran Tingkat Kesiapan Implementasi Knowledge Management Pada SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu Lampung

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    The research was carried out to get an overview of the extent to which the level of school readiness in applying knowledge management so that the utilization of information technology can bring many benefits in all aspects for the Betterment of mankind. So that the knowledge can be used to its full potential, then the school is in need of a system that is capable of managing knowledge is often called knowledge management system. Through this system, members of the school can exchange knowledge with each of the parties who are in school, so as to provide benefits like the idea, theidea to new innovations that can provide improved performance in school. This measurement is done by typing a few Knowledge Management Critical Success Factor into the aspects of Knowledge Management including aspects of Abstrarct, Soft and Hard. From the results of theanalysis of the data, then it can be inferred that the JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Muhammadiyah 1 Pringsewu are at level 3 (Knowledge-Enabled), which means that the Organization has been ready to do the application of knowledge management
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