886 research outputs found

    The Addaura Cave: Dance and Rite in Mesolithic Sicily

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    AbstractThe Addaura Cave, located on Monte Pellegrino – Palermo, Sicily, is known for its exquisite engravings dating between the end of the Epigravettian and the Mesolithic periods. The frieze shows a group of men arranged in a circle around two very controversial figures which have generated much scholarly debate. So far, the purely choreographic and musical aspect has been little investigated. From the examination of the position of legs and arms and the presence of particular ornaments it is possible to deduce that these figures are engaged in a dance whose purpose is most probably linked to the ceremonial sphere. The purpose of the present contribution is to return to the concreteness of gesture related to dance, describing the modalities and the possible rhythmic implications


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    This study investigated the disciplinary knowledge and nature of expertise among political science experts studying American political science. A comparison group of students who had completed an introductory undergraduate course in American political science also participated in the study. Numerous research studies have found that civics and government courses often focus on the transmission of information from textbooks and teachers to students. The result of this type of teaching, at least according to the measures we currently utilize, has been the failure of the majority of students to learn about American government, become invested in our system of government, and indicate their desire to participate in the future. Civic and educational leaders have called for the development of curriculum to promote critical thinking and improve student learning and participation. Yet, there is no research base for understanding what critical thinking looks like in civics and government and its related discipline of political science or what activities and methods will lead to increased student achievement. With history education as a model, where defining the discipline has led to a better understanding of critical thinking in history and a more robust approach to teaching, the author investigated what expertise in this subfield of political science looks like, how experts conceptualize the discipline, and what cognitive processes they use in their work using a concept sorting and mapping task, two problem-solving tasks, and an open-ended interview. Experts defined political science as an empirical discipline focused on phenomena related to government, power, and the allocation of resources. Experts also recognized relationships and connections between concepts in the discipline and used a variety of conceptual knowledge and strategic processing when engaging in their work, including recognition of context, the identification of sub-problems and constraints, and an acknowledgement of what they did not know. A comparison to the students allowed for the description of different levels of expertise. Implications of the study include the need for additional research on the strategic processing of political science experts and the potential to define educational outcomes for teaching and learning in civics and government classes

    An Embedded Processor-based Front End Architecture for the Daq System of a Kinetic Inductance Detector

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    Abstract Detecting cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropies calls for extreme precision measurement of photon energy in the range of 70 to 900 GHz. Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) are able to reduce the effects of the radiative noise. In this paper we describe the Front-End electronics architecture we adopted for the Data Acquisition System of a Kinetic Inductance Detector

    Annuario 2020/2021

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    Ordenación y propuesta de restauración de la Cuenca del Río Jesús María (Córdoba, Argentina)

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    [ES] La cuenca hidrográfica del río Guanusacate o río Jesús María ubicada al norte de la Provincia de Córdoba Argentina, por condicionamiento natural presenta una significativa tendencia a la generación de crecientes repentinas debido básicamente a la morfología de su cuenca alta en donde predominan rocas cristalinas poco permeables, sobre las que evolucionaron suelos superficiales con una cubierta vegetal de baja protección hidrológica. Por otra parte, en la cuenca media y baja, la vegetación nativa ha sido reemplazada para su explotación agrícola lo que trae aparejado una disminución sustancial en la infiltración y aumento en la escorrentía, generando procesos de erosión hídrica acelerada en todas sus formas. Los fenómenos torrenciales comienzan a originarse a partir de los caudales recogidos en la parte alta de la cuenca, y los daños aumentan con la cantidad de sedimentos transportados por la corriente hacia aguas abajo. Estos sedimentos proceden de la erosión, tanto de las laderas de los distintos cauces como de su propio lecho. La cuenca alta, con una superficie de 460,61 Km2, tiene una gran importancia ante estos fenómenos, de forma que cuanto menores sean los caudales y sedimentos aportados a los cauces de los barrancos, menor será el riesgo y severidad de las inundaciones. Otro inconveniente de importancia son los reiterados incendios forestales que reducen la protección del suelo a la erosión y aumentan la cantidad de sedimentos arrastrados de la cuenca alta hacia la cuenca media y baja, donde la pendiente se reduce de manera considerable, obstruyendo la red de drenaje y provocando desbordes que afectan a una amplia región productiva. Es por lo antes expuesto, que el objetivo de este estudio se centrará en buscar paliativos y soluciones a corto y largo plazo para subsanar los severos problemas de erosión hídrica e inundaciones que se vienen produciendo en los últimos años. Estas soluciones se llevarán a cabo mediante la restauración hidrológico-forestal de la cuenca alta del río Jesús María, a partir de un estudio integral que permitirá llevar a cabo la ordenación de la misma (actuaciones no estructurales) y medidas de tipo estructural (Biotecnias e hidrotecnias) con la finalidad de reducir la tasa de erosión hídrica, y al mismo tiempo el riesgo de inundación en la cuenca media y baja. El objetivo ambicioso de este estudio, con escasos precedentes en la Provincia de Córdoba, es que no solo se implemente en esta cuenca, sino en todas aquellas que tengan problemas de esta índole. Estas estrategias traerían aparejados beneficios no solo sociales y económicos (por disminuir las pérdidas de vidas humanas y materiales) sino también beneficios ecológicos al permitir restaurar los bosques y su biodiversidad.[EN] The watershed of the Guanusacate River or Jesús María River, located in the north of the Province of Córdoba (Argentina), naturally presents a significant tendency for sudden flooding due to the morphology of its upper basin, where little permeable crystalline rocks predominate, on which soils with a vegetation cover of low hydrological protection evolved. On the other hand, in the middle and lower basins, native vegetation has been replaced for agricultural purposes, which produces a substantial decrease in infiltration and an increase in runoff, generating accelerated water erosion in all its forms. Torrential phenomena begin to originate from the flows collected in the upper part of the basin, and the damage increases with the amount of sediment transported downstream. These sediments come from erosion, both from slopes and from their own bed. The upper basin, with an area of 460.61 km2 has a great importance in the face of these phenomena and that the lower the flows and sediments contribute to the ravines, the lower the risk and severity of flooding. Another major drawback is the repeated forest fires which reduce soil protection against erosion and increase the amount of sediments carried over from the upper basin into the middle and lower basin, where the slope is considerably reduced, obstructing the drainage network and causing overflows affecting a large productive region. It is for the above reasons that the objective of this study will focus on seeking palliatives and short- and long-term solutions to correct the severe problems of water erosion and floods that have been occurring in recent years. These solutions will be carried out through the hydrological-forest restoration of the upper basin of the River Jesús María, from a comprehensive study that will allow to carry out the management of structural and non-structural actions with the aim of reducing the rate of water erosion and at the same time the risk of flooding in the middle and lower basin. The ambitious objective of this study, with few precedents in the Province of Córdoba, is that it is not only implemented in this basin, but in all those that have problems of this nature. These strategies would not only bring social and economic benefits (by saving lives and reducing damage) but also ecological benefits by enabling forests and their biodiversity to be restored.Budano, ME. (2021). Ordenación y propuesta de restauración de la Cuenca del Río Jesús María (Córdoba, Argentina). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/177606TFG


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    En el artículo se pretende recordar la excelencia de la Ley Nº 17.711 que reformara, en 1968, el Código Civil entonces vigente. Tras un breve análisis de aquel Código y la mención a las circunstancias vinculadas a la sanción de la ley, se citan no sólo las principales reformas, institutos y principios que introdujera en la legislación, sino que también se destaca que muchas de las importantes innovaciones que introdujo en la legislación se han mantenido en el tiempo incorporándose al Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación actualmente vigente.


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    Le turbine a gas lavorano in condizioni operative estreme di temperatura e pressione per ottenere le massime prestazioni dell’impianto energetico. Tali requisiti possono risultare al limite delle condizioni di progettazione delle pale, dei cuscinetti e dei numerosi componenti presenti nella camera di combustione. Di conseguenza la loro vita in esercizio può risultare limitata, come verosimilmente risulta dalla frequenza delle fratture che tali componenti presentano rispetto alla minore incidenza verificabile in altre parti dell’impianto. I difetti, che insorgono in corrispondenza dello stadio delle pale della turbina esposto alla maggiore temperatura e pressione di lavoro, risultano attribuibili ai fenomeni di creep, di ossidazione e di danneggiamento per fatica. Inoltre non è ancora del tutto chiaro se queste azioni di danneggiamento agiscono in modo simultaneo o se alcune di esse risultano predominanti (come, quando e perché) rispetto ad altre che divengono meno influenti nel corso del danneggiamento per fatica termomeccanica (TMF). I materiali svolgono il ruolo fondamentale per l’incremento della vita in esercizio degli impianti. A tale proposito la via dell’innovazione è stata intrapresa con lo sviluppo di superleghe a base nickel ottenute per solidificazione direzionale (DS) o monocristalline (SX) e con l’impiego di rivestimenti ceramici che fanno da scudo termico al materiale sottoposto alle temperature preservando le superfici esposte dei componenti dall’ossidazione a caldo. Essi consentono di aumentare la temperatura di funzionamento degli impianti e, conseguentemente, di aumentarne il rendimento. Il vantaggio ottenuto dallo sviluppo dei nuovi materiali e dei rivestimenti va attentamente valutato mediante la messa a punto di nuove tecniche diagnostiche simulanti le condizioni di lavoro dei componenti e, in tale ambito, la fatica termomeccanica (TMF) ha dimostrato di essere un ottimo strumento diagnostico complementare di quello della fatica LCF, sinora più diffuso. Nella memoria sono descritte le procedure per l’esecuzione di prove TMF ed alcuni esempi di confronto tra TMF ed LCF per alcuni materiali innovativi impiegati in componenti turbogas
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