8 research outputs found

    Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Encephalitozoon cuniculi in Animals from Captivity (Zoo and Circus Animals)

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    Problems with parasitic infections are common in zoological gardens and circuses. In some animals it can lead to several disorders such as systemic disease, reproductive disorders (abortions and neonatal mortality), and even to death if severe illness is untreated. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of three common parasites in 74 animals from three zoos, and four circuses in Southern Italy. Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, and Encephalitozoon cuniculi were detected in 51%, 12%, and 20% of animals, respectively. Co‐infections of T. gondii and N. caninum were reported in seven animals (9%) and co‐infection of T. gondii and E. cuniculi in one animal. T. gondii, N. caninum and E. cuniculi seroprevalence differed in type of diet (P ≤ 0.0001; P ≤ 0.037 and P ≤ 0.004, respectively). T. gondii and E. cuniculi seroprevalence also differed in animal families (P ≤ 0.0001) and according to type of housing (P ≤ 0.003), respectively. Statistical differences were not found in other characteristics (gender, age, country of birth, origin, and contact with cats or dogs). This is the first serological study focusing on protozoan and microsporidian parasites in zoo and circus animals from Southern Italy and the first detection of antibodies to E. cuniculi in camels in Europe

    Czech Teachers’ Attitudes toward Typical Characteristics of Intellectually Gifted Learners with Dyslexia and the Issue of Identifying and Educating them

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    Prezentovaný příspěvek se zabývá otázkou postojů pedagogů základních škol k vybraným behaviorálním a kognitivním charakteristikám rozumově nadaných žáků s dyslexií a problematikou identifikace a vzdělávání těchto žáků. Výzkum je v současnosti realizován jako řecko-česká mezikulturní studie. V předloženém příspěvku však analyzujeme a interpretujeme pouze česká výzkumná data. Ve výzkumu byla využita Škála postojů k nadaným žákům s poruchami učení – s dyslexií (Attitudes Toward Giftedness/Learning Disability – Dyslexia Scale), řeckých autorů Gari, Panagiota, Nikolopoulou (2006). Tato metoda byla administrována 158 pedagogům z celé ČR. Na základě statistické analýzy dospělo dané empirické šetření k některým důležitým poznatkům. Ukázalo se, že čeští pedagogové dobře identifikují charakteristiky spojené s projevy „nadaného žáka“ a „žáka s poruchou učení“. Jsou schopni rovněž identifikovat i tzv. dualitu ve schopnosti učení, tedy souběh schopnosti a handicapu v procesu učení, jež se manifestuje v jedné kognitivní doméně. Tuto dualitu avšak identifikují zejména v rámci českého jazyka. Nejvíce problematická se jeví akceptace existence této typické charakteristiky dané populace žáků v jiných akademických předmětech, například v matematice. Právě zde však pedagogové u dané populace žáků často očekávají pouze nadprůměrný výkon, bez dílčího selhávání (odvozují jej od nadání). Zdá se, že vlivem popření existence duality ve schopnosti učení, jež intervenuje do všech akademických předmětů, může docházet k chybné identifikaci této minoritní populace nadaných. Tuto skutečnost je však třeba ověřit v dalších empirických výzkumech.The presented study deals with the issue of basic school teachers’ attitudes towards selected behavioral and cognitive characteristics of intellectually gifted learners with dyslexia and the issue of identifying and educating these learners. Research is being conducted at the time as a Greek-Czech intercultural study. However, in the presented contribution only Czech research data are analyzed and interpreted. In the research, we used Attitudes Toward Giftedness/Learning disability – Dyslexia Scale by Greek authors Gari, Panagiota, Nikolopoulou (2006). This method was administered to 158 teachers from all over the Czech Republic. Based on statistical analysis, the presented empirical examination reached some important conclusions. It became clear that Czech teachers are good at identifying characteristics related to manifestations of a “gifted learner” and a “learner with a learning disability”. Moreover, they are able to identify also the so-called duality in learning abilities, i.e. the simultaneousness of ability and handicap in the learning process manifested in a particular cognitive domain. However, they identify this duality especially within Czech language. The most problematic appears to be the accepting of the existence of this typical characteristic of the given population of learners in other academic subjects, for example in mathematics. It is here in particular where teachers tend to expect nothing but exceptional performance, without a possibility of partial failure (they derive it from giftedness). It seems that due to the refusal of the existence of duality in learning ability intervening in all academic subjects, it can lead to a wrong identification of this minority group of the gifted. Nevertheless, this fact must be confirmed in further empiric research

    Risultati di una indagine sierologica sulla toxoplasmosi in cavalli del sud Italia

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    The consumption on of horse meat has been linked to toxoplasmosis in humans. Here we determined seroprevalence of antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in horses from Italy. Blood samples were collected from 643 apparently healthy horses from 60 farms of 51 municipalities in southern Italy. The presence of antibodies against T. gondii was detected by a commercial indirect fluorescent antibody test IFAT; a titre ≥ 50 was considered positive. Antibodies against T. gondii were detected in 19 horses (3.0 %) without statistical difference between gender, age and breeds (p-value ≥ 0.05). Although T. gondii infection rate was low, the risk of human infection should not be dismissed, particularly in Italy where consumption of raw or undercooked horse meat has a long tradition

    Seroprevalence and risk factors associated to Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii infections in hunting dogs from southern Italy

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    Blood samples were collected from 398 hunting dogs of 19 different breeds. The sera were screened by indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT); a titre ≥ 50 was considered positive. Antibodies to N. caninum and T. gondii were detected in 14.8% and 23.6% of dogs respectively, with co-infection in 6.3% of tested animals. The old age (p = ≤ 0.05; OR = 2.65) represented a risk factor for T. gondii infection. None tested variables represented a risk factor for N. caninum infection. Our results showed that hunting dogs in Southern Italy could be considered to be in risk for both protozoa infections