80 research outputs found

    Plant Extracts as Antimicrobial Agents in Sustainable Conservation of Erythrina caffra (Fabaceae) Historical Trees

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    Microbial colonization plays a relevant role in the biodegradation and biodeterioration of cultural and natural heritage, representing a revealing problem in conservation strategy. In this study, the essential oil (EO) and hydro-alcoholic extract (HAE) of Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae), an aromatic perennial plant, representative of the Mediterranean basin, growing spontaneously and cultivated all over the world, were analysed. Natural products, such as essential oil and hydroalcoholic extract, have strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties and are ad hoc applied for the sustainable conservation of Erithryna caffra (Fabaceae). The main taxa revealed in the damaging of these arboreal heritage, are Bacillus sp., Streptomyces sp. and Terribacillus sp. (as bacteria), Alternaria sp., Aspergillus sp. and Chaetomium sp. (as fungi). GS-MS analysis identified carvacrol, thymol and their biosynthetic precursors g-terpinene and p-cymene, as main components, and the antimicrobial efficiency assayed by in vitro methods (Agar Dish Diffusion, Well Plate Diffusion). In this study, by combining the application/exposure of both HAE and EO, the bacterial and fungal colonies development has been in vitro countered. The results confirm the possible use of plant products as a valid alternative to the traditional synthetic chemical biocides, with full respect to the environment

    The PlantLIBRA project: how we intend to innovate the science of botanicals

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    The main aim of the EC-financed R&D project PlantLIBRA (PLANT food supplements: Levels of Intake, Benefit and Risk Assessment) is to foster the safe use of food supplements containing plants or botanical preparations, by enabling science-based decision making by regulators and stakeholders. To make informed decisions, competent authorities and industry need more accessible and quality-assured information, as well as better tools (e.g., databases) and procedures for safety and benefit assessments, supported by broadly accepted methodologies. Consequently, PlantLIBRA is working to develop, validate and disseminate data and methodologies for risk and benefit assessment of plant food supplements, and to implement sustainable international cooperation. International cooperation will help ensure the quality of botanicals imported in the EU. Moreover, the project will provide data on intake by conducting a harmonized consumption survey. Existing composition and safety data will be collated into a meta-database. New analytical data and methods will be investigated and validated. The consortium is working closely with competent authorities and stakeholders

    Ins1 Gene Up-Regulated in a β-Cell Line Derived from Ins2 Knockout Mice

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    The authors have derived a new β-cell line (βIns2−/−lacZ) from Ins2−/− mice that carry the lacZ reporter gene under control of the Ins2 promoter. βIns2−/−lacZ cells stained positively using anti-insulin antibody, expressed β-cell–specific genes encoding the transcription factor PDX-1, glucokinase, and Glut-2, retained glucose-responsiveness for insulin secretion, and expressed the lacZ gene. Analysis of Ins1 expression by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed that Ins1 transcripts were significantly raised to compensate for the lack of Ins2 transcripts in βIns2−/−lacZ cells, as compared to those found in βTC1 cells expressing both Ins1/Ins2. Thus, transcriptional up-regulation of the remaining functional insulin gene in Ins2−/− mice could potentially contribute to the β-cell adaptation exhibited by these mutants, in addition to the increase in β-cell mass that we previously reported.We have also shown that lacZ expression, as analyzed by determining β-galactosidase activity, was up-regulated by incubating βIns2−/−lacZ cells with GLP-1 and/or IBMX, 2 known stimulators of insulin gene expression. These cells thus represent a new tool for testing of molecules capable of stimulating Ins2 promoter activit

    Cytoprotective effect of preparations from various parts of Punica granatum L. fruits in oxidatively injured mammalian cells in comparison with their antioxidant capacity in cell free systems

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    none9Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) juice (PJ) is being increasingly proposed as a nutritional supplement to prevent atherosclerosis in humans. This therapeutically valuable potential has been attributed to PJ antioxidant capacity which has been mostly tested by means of cell-free assays: indeed, to the best of our knowledge, no study has focused on the direct antioxidant capacity of PJ in cultured cells. Here, the antioxidant capacity in cell free-systems of preparations from various parts of pomegranate has been compared with their cytoprotective – bona fide antioxidant – activity in cultured human cells (U937 promonocytes and HUVEC endothelial cells) exposed to an array of oxidizing agents. Pomegranate derivatives were PJ, arils only juice (AJ) and aqueous rinds extract (RE). In cell-free assays – 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), chemiluminescence luminol/xanthine/xanthine oxidase and lipoxygenase assays – all the preparations displayed good antioxidant capacity, the relative potency order being RE > PJ > AJ. On the contrary, only RE was capable of preventing the deleterious effects – cytotoxicity, DNA damage and depletion of non protein sulphydrils (NPSH) pool – caused by treatment of cells with H2O2, tert-butylhydroperoxide (tB-OOH) or oxidized lipoproteins (Ox-LDL) via a mechanism which is likely to involve both direct scavenging of radical species and iron chelation. Surprisingly, AJ and PJ slightly sensitized cells to the cytotoxic effects of the three agents. Then it would appear that AJ, the major and tasty part of PJ, does not contain ellagic acid and punicalagin (i.e. the polyphenols highly represented in RE which are reputed to be responsible for the antioxidant capacity) in amounts sufficient to exert cytoprotection in oxidatively injured, living cells. Based on these results, the development and evaluation of rinds-only based derivatives for antiatherogenic preventive purposes in humans should be encouraged.openSESTILI P; MARTINELLI C; RICCI D; FRATERNALE D; BUCCHINI A; GIAMPERI L; CURCIO R; PICCOLI G; STOCCHI V.Sestili, Piero; Martinelli, Chiara; Ricci, Donata; Fraternale, Daniele; Bucchini, ANAHI ELENA ADA; Giamperi, Laura; Curcio, R; Piccoli, Giovanni; Stocchi, Vilbert

    EURRECA nutritional planning and dietary assessment software tool: NutPlan

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    Background/Objectives: 'NutPlan' is developed within the EURRECA Network of Excellence (EURopean micronutrient RECommendations Aligned (http://www.eurreca.org). It is a user-friendly software programme with multiple functions: individual and group nutrition planning, recipe calculation, creating food labels, diet planning and nutrient intake assessment. This paper describes the newly developed software and its features. Subjects/Methods: 'NutPlan' contains the following databases: foods, dish recipes, meals, menus, average menus and glossary. These databases enable diet planning and diet analysis by comparing foods, dishes, meals or menus with currently available nutritional recommendations accessible by a link to EURRECA tool Nutri-RecQuest to meet individual/group nutritional needs. The software is upgraded by inserting new items (for example, foods, dishes, meals) and for a connection to other software programmes, thus allowing more advanced calculations to be completed. Conclusion: 'NutPlan' might be the software of choice for individual and group diet planning. It is aimed particularly at Eastern European and West Balkan countries, which currently lack dietary software. It is envisaged for use by small and medium enterprises in the food industry, as well as by health professionals, researchers and policy makers, and can be recommended for educational purposes. Given its characteristics of being upgraded to include new country-specific food data/database, it can be recognized as an important tool in nutritional capacity development in the Central Eastern European and other regions. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, S38-S42; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.5

    Nutri-RecQuest: a web-based search engine on current micronutrient recommendations

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    Background: The EURRECA (EURopean micronutrient RECommendations Aligned) Network of Excellence collated current micronutrient recommendations. A user-friendly tool, Nutri-RecQuest, was developed to allow access to the collated data and to create a database source for use in other nutritional software tools. Methods: Recommendations, that is, intakes of micronutrients sufficient to meet the requirements of the majority of healthy individuals of that population, from 37 European countries/organizations and eight key non-European countries/regions comprising 29 micronutrients were entered into a database. General information on the source of the recommendations, as well scientific background information, was added. Results: A user-friendly web-based interface was developed to provide efficient search, comparison, display, print and export functions. Conclusion: Easy access to existing recommendations through the web-based tool may be valuable for bodies responsible for setting recommendations, as well as for users of recommendations including scientists, policy makers, health professionals and industry. Adding related dietary reference values such as average nutrient requirements and upper limits may extend the utility of the tool. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2010) 64, S43-S47; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.6

    The human early-life exposome (HELIX): project rationale and design

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    Background: Developmental periods in early life may be particularly vulnerable to impacts of environmental exposures. Human research on this topic has generally focused on single exposure–health effect relationships. The “exposome” concept encompasses the totality of exposures from conception onward, complementing the genome. Objectives: The Human Early-Life Exposome (HELIX) project is a new collaborative research project that aims to implement novel exposure assessment and biomarker methods to characterize early-life exposure to multiple environmental factors and associate these with omics biomarkers and child health outcomes, thus characterizing the “early-life exposome.” Here we describe the general design of the project. Methods: In six existing birth cohort studies in Europe, HELIX will estimate prenatal and postnatal exposure to a broad range of chemical and physical exposures. Exposure models will be developed for the full cohorts totaling 32,000 mother–child pairs, and biomarkers will be measured in a subset of 1,200 mother–child pairs. Nested repeat-sampling panel studies (n = 150) will collect data on biomarker variability, use smartphones to assess mobility and physical activity, and perform personal exposure monitoring. Omics techniques will determine molecular profiles (metabolome, proteome, transcriptome, epigenome) associated with exposures. Statistical methods for multiple exposures will provide exposure–response estimates for fetal and child growth, obesity, neurodevelopment, and respiratory outcomes. A health impact assessment exercise will evaluate risks and benefits of combined exposures. Conclusions: HELIX is one of the first attempts to describe the early-life exposome of European populations and unravel its relation to omics markers and health in childhood. As proof of concept, it will form an important first step toward the life-course exposome

    DNA fingerprinting data and the analysis of population genetic structure by comparing band-sharing patterns

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    Genetic isolation among populations can be effectively investigated by multilocus DNA fingerprinting. If populations have diverged, it is expected that the mean proportion of bands shared by individuals from the same population, B-w, exceeds the corresponding mean, B-b, calculated from pairs of individuals from distinct populations. A problem arises in deciding whether any difference between B-w and B-b is statistically significant. In fact, any two band-sharing data (b(ij)), contributing to B-w or B-b, are not independent if they share a common individual (like b(ij) and b(jl)) This prevents a correct application of parametric tests, such as the Student's t-test. Recently, a modification of this test has been proposed that should avoid the independence problem. Using a large number of samples of fingerprints, simulated from an appropriate 'genetic' model, under a wide range of conditions, we compared the performances of the Student's t-test, the modified t-test and five new permutation tests, where individuals, rather than b(ij) values, are permuted. We found that: (i) the Student's t-test can be very permissive, rejecting too often the null hypothesis when true, but is correct or conservative in certain cases; (ii) the modified t-test is extremely conservative when the null hypothesis is true and very inefficient otherwise; (iii) all five permutation tests are strictly correct, provided that individuals are ordered randomly on gels; and (iv) in this case, the permutation tests are equally efficient, and are not inferior to the Student's t-test when the latter is approximately correct and provides a fair benchmark