20 research outputs found

    Tratamento cirúrgico de pneumonia necrosante: análise de quatro casos Surgical treatment of necrotizing pneumonia: analysis of four cases

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    A pneumonia necrosante é uma patologia grave que surge como complicação rara de pneumonia lobar. Quatro crianças na faixa etária entre dez e 28 meses foram hospitalizadas com pneumonia bacteriana aguda, evoluindo com toxemia, derrame pleural e insuficiência respiratória, respondendo insatisfatoriamente a antibioticoterapia e drenagem pleural. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico para descorticação pulmonar e ressecção de tecido pulmonar necrosado. Complicações como fístulas broncopleurais ocorreram em dois pacientes, havendo óbito em um dos casos. Os autores concluem que a ressecção pulmonar de emergência é indicada quando a necrose pulmonar é diagnosticada em pacientes septicêmicos ou com fístula broncopleural de alto débito, visando a melhora do prognóstico dessas crianças, mesmo cientes de que o índice de morbimortalidade nesses casos é alto.<br>Necrotizing pneumonia is a serious complication of lobar pneumonia. Four children aged between ten months and three years were admitted with acute bacteremic pneumonia and developed sepsis, pleural effusion, and respiratory distress despite adequate antibiotic treatment and chest tube drainage. Decortication and pulmonary resection were performed in all of them. The observed complications were bronchopleural fistula and one death. The emergency pulmonary resection is indicated when pulmonary necrosis is associated to sepsis and massive bronchopleural fistula. In such circumstances, morbidity and mortality are higher than in other conditions

    The Lichen Connections of Black Fungi

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    Many black meristematic fungi persist on rock surfaces\u2014hostile and exposed habitats where high doses of radiation and periods of desiccation alternate with rain and temperature extremes. To cope with these extremes, rock-inhabiting black fungi show phenotypic plasticity and produce melanin as cell wall pigments. The rather slow growth rate seems to be an additional prerequisite to oligotrophic conditions. At least some of these fungi can undergo facultative, lichen-like associations with photoautotrophs. Certain genera presenting different lifestyles are phylogenetic related among the superclass Dothideomyceta. In this paper, we focus on the genus Lichenothelia, which includes border-line lichens, that is, associations of melanised fungi with algae without forming proper lichen thalli. We provide a first phylogenetic hypothesis to show that Lichenothelia belongs to the superclass Dothideomyceta. Further, culture experiments revealed the presence of co-occurring fungi in Lichenothelia thalli. These fungi are related to plant pathogenic fungi (Mycosphaerellaceae) and to other rock-inhabiting lineages (Teratosphaeriaceae). The Lichenothelia thallus-forming fungi represent therefore consortia of different black fungal strains. Our results suggest a common link between rock-inhabiting meristematic and lichen-forming lifestyles of ascomycetous fungi