69 research outputs found
Cardiorenal syndrome
Smanjena bubrežna funkcija Äesta je u bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca i obrnuto, bubrežni
bolesnici Äesto imaju popratnu bolest srca. To je dovelo do stvaranja koncepta kardiorenalnog
sindroma (KRS) kao patofizioloÅ”kog poremeÄaja u kojem akutna ili kroniÄna disfunkcija
jednog može dovesti do akutne ili kroniÄne disfunkcije drugog organa. Dijeli se na pet podtipova
ovisno o primarnoj disfunkciji organa i vremenskom nastanku. KRS u kojem su primarno zahvaÄeni
srce i bubrezi nazivamo primarnim, a ako je njihova disfunkcija posljedica sustavnog
zbivanja u organizmu, onda govorimo o sekundarnom KRS-u. Složeni patofizioloŔki mehanizmi
tek su djelomice poznati, a aktivacija renin-angiotenzin-aldosteronskog sustava, endotelna disfunkcija,
aktivacija simpatiÄkog živÄanog sustava i upala temeljne su znaÄajke razvoja ovog sindroma.
U ranoj dijagnostici KRS-a, osobito bubrežnog oÅ”teÄenja, danas se sve viÅ”e koriste novi
proteinski biomarkeri, Äije su vrijednosti poviÅ”ene veÄ kod blagog smanjenja bubrežne funkcije,
daleko prije nego Å”to doÄe do porasta serumskog kreatinina. S obzirom na to da su bolesnici
s KRS-om najÄeÅ”Äe iskljuÄivani iz velikih kliniÄkih studija, ne postoje smjernice za lijeÄenje
ovog sindroma, stoga se u svakodnevnoj praksi najÄeÅ”Äe služimo empirijskim lijeÄenjem, a
upravo zbog straha od pogorÅ”anja bubrežne funkcije ovi bolesnici Äesto ne dobivaju svu potrebnu
terapiju. Prevencija nastanka KRS-a vrlo je važna s obzirom na to da nastanak KRS-a
dovodi do nepotpuno reverzibilnih oÅ”teÄenja srca i bubrega, poveÄane stope hospitalizacija te
poveÄanog rizika od nastanka komplikacija, potreba za nadomjesnim lijeÄenjem bubrežne
funkcije i smrti. U ovom preglednom Älanku prikazali smo dosadaÅ”nje epidemioloÅ”ke i patofizioloÅ”ke
spoznaje o KRS-u, kao i preporuke za njegovo lijeÄenje i prevenciju.Renal dysfunction is often present in patients with heart failure, and vice versa,
patients with kidney disease have often concomitant heart dysfunction. This has led to the
concept of cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) as a pathophysiological disorder in which dysfunction
of one organ induces dysfunction in the other. It is subdivided into five subtypes depending
on the primacy of organ dysfunction and the time-frame of the syndrome. CRSs in
which heart and kidney are primary involved are named primary, and CRS in which systemic
conditions lead to simultaneous injury of heart and kidney are named secondary CRS. Involved
complex pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood. Renin-angiotensinaldosteron
system activation, endothelial dysfunction, sympathetic system activation and
inflammation are the fundamental principles in the development of this syndrome. In the
early diagnosis of renal dysfunction in CRS, new protein biomarkers are used, whose values
have increased already at a mild renal impairment, far before an increase of serum creatinine.
Since patients with CRS are often excluded from large clinical trials, we do not have
guidelines for the treatment of this syndrome. In every-day practice we usually employ empirical
treatment. Based on the concern of worsening kidney function, patients with CRS often
do not receive appropriate medication. Prevention of CRS is of enormous importance
because this syndrome is not completely reversible and are associated with higher hospitalization
rate, complicated procedures, need for renal replacement therapy, and death. Current
epidemiological and pathophysiological knowledge about CRS, as well as recommendations
for its treatment and prevention are reviewed
U ovoj opservacijskoj studiji prikazali smo sigurnost i uÄinkovitost primjene CERA u lijeÄenju anemije kroniÄne bubrežne bolesti (KBB) u predijaliznih bolesnika. U praÄenje je bilo ukljuÄeno ukupno 27 bolesnika u 4. i 5. stadiju KBB s anemijom u kojih je bilo indicirana primjena lijekova koji stimuliraju eritropoezu (LSE). Svi su bolesnici primili ERA upkutano u dozi od 0,6 Ī¼g/kg svaka dva tjedna u razdoblju od korekcije anemije ili jednom mjeseÄno nakon toga. Bolesnici su praÄeni u razdoblju od 3-12 mjeseci. Pod odgovorom na terapiju s CERA podrazumijevalo se ili porast vrijednosti Hb za barem 10 g/L unutra perioda od mjesec dana ili postizanje ciljnih vrijednosti Hb. Godinu dana nakon poÄetka primjene CERA svi su bolesnici imali Hb u rasponu 100-120 g/L, a smanjila se i fluktuacija Hb. Nije bilo statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike u razini Hb ovisno o uzroku osnovne bubrežne bolesti i dobi bolesnika. Na kraju praÄenja veÄina je bolesnika navela bolje podnoÅ”enje napora, te bolje spavanje i manju razdražljivost. Osim poviÅ”enja arterijskog tlaka koji je uspjeÅ”no kontroliran primjenom antihipetenzivne terapije, nismo uoÄili druge nuspojave primjene CERA Rezultati pokazuju da je primjena CERA uÄinkovita i sigurna u lijeÄenju anemije u bolesnika s KBB koji nisu zapoÄeli lijeÄenje nadomjeÅ”tanjem bubrežne funkcije.Aim: to evaluate efficacy and safety of cera (continuous erythropoietin receptor activator) administration for correcting anemia in the patients with chronic kidney disease (ckd), not on dialysis. methods: We performed observational study on 27 ckd patients in stage 4 or 5 with renal anemia requiring use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (esa). all patients received cera (mirceraĀ®; roche, basel, switzerland) subcutaneously in dose of 0.6 Ī¼g per kg very two weeks during the correction phase of anemia treatment or once monthly during the maintenance treatment. dose of cera was modified according to manufacturer instructions. iron supplementation was administrated orally or intravenously in order to achieve serum ferritin 200-500 Ī¼g/L. Patients were followed up to 1 year (from 3-12 months). response riteria for cera were Hb increas
Cardiorenal syndrome
Smanjena bubrežna funkcija Äesta je u bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca i obrnuto, bubrežni
bolesnici Äesto imaju popratnu bolest srca. To je dovelo do stvaranja koncepta kardiorenalnog
sindroma (KRS) kao patofizioloÅ”kog poremeÄaja u kojem akutna ili kroniÄna disfunkcija
jednog može dovesti do akutne ili kroniÄne disfunkcije drugog organa. Dijeli se na pet podtipova
ovisno o primarnoj disfunkciji organa i vremenskom nastanku. KRS u kojem su primarno zahvaÄeni
srce i bubrezi nazivamo primarnim, a ako je njihova disfunkcija posljedica sustavnog
zbivanja u organizmu, onda govorimo o sekundarnom KRS-u. Složeni patofizioloŔki mehanizmi
tek su djelomice poznati, a aktivacija renin-angiotenzin-aldosteronskog sustava, endotelna disfunkcija,
aktivacija simpatiÄkog živÄanog sustava i upala temeljne su znaÄajke razvoja ovog sindroma.
U ranoj dijagnostici KRS-a, osobito bubrežnog oÅ”teÄenja, danas se sve viÅ”e koriste novi
proteinski biomarkeri, Äije su vrijednosti poviÅ”ene veÄ kod blagog smanjenja bubrežne funkcije,
daleko prije nego Å”to doÄe do porasta serumskog kreatinina. S obzirom na to da su bolesnici
s KRS-om najÄeÅ”Äe iskljuÄivani iz velikih kliniÄkih studija, ne postoje smjernice za lijeÄenje
ovog sindroma, stoga se u svakodnevnoj praksi najÄeÅ”Äe služimo empirijskim lijeÄenjem, a
upravo zbog straha od pogorÅ”anja bubrežne funkcije ovi bolesnici Äesto ne dobivaju svu potrebnu
terapiju. Prevencija nastanka KRS-a vrlo je važna s obzirom na to da nastanak KRS-a
dovodi do nepotpuno reverzibilnih oÅ”teÄenja srca i bubrega, poveÄane stope hospitalizacija te
poveÄanog rizika od nastanka komplikacija, potreba za nadomjesnim lijeÄenjem bubrežne
funkcije i smrti. U ovom preglednom Älanku prikazali smo dosadaÅ”nje epidemioloÅ”ke i patofizioloÅ”ke
spoznaje o KRS-u, kao i preporuke za njegovo lijeÄenje i prevenciju.Renal dysfunction is often present in patients with heart failure, and vice versa,
patients with kidney disease have often concomitant heart dysfunction. This has led to the
concept of cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) as a pathophysiological disorder in which dysfunction
of one organ induces dysfunction in the other. It is subdivided into five subtypes depending
on the primacy of organ dysfunction and the time-frame of the syndrome. CRSs in
which heart and kidney are primary involved are named primary, and CRS in which systemic
conditions lead to simultaneous injury of heart and kidney are named secondary CRS. Involved
complex pathophysiological mechanisms are poorly understood. Renin-angiotensinaldosteron
system activation, endothelial dysfunction, sympathetic system activation and
inflammation are the fundamental principles in the development of this syndrome. In the
early diagnosis of renal dysfunction in CRS, new protein biomarkers are used, whose values
have increased already at a mild renal impairment, far before an increase of serum creatinine.
Since patients with CRS are often excluded from large clinical trials, we do not have
guidelines for the treatment of this syndrome. In every-day practice we usually employ empirical
treatment. Based on the concern of worsening kidney function, patients with CRS often
do not receive appropriate medication. Prevention of CRS is of enormous importance
because this syndrome is not completely reversible and are associated with higher hospitalization
rate, complicated procedures, need for renal replacement therapy, and death. Current
epidemiological and pathophysiological knowledge about CRS, as well as recommendations
for its treatment and prevention are reviewed
Online hemodiafiltration ā new standard in the dialysis treatment?
Danas se u svijetu viÅ”e od milijun bolesnika lijeÄi dijalizom kao terapijom izbora u zavrÅ”nom
stadiju kroniÄne bubrežne bolesti. Hemodijaliza je jedan od postupaka nadomjeÅ”tanja
bubrežne funkcije. Procesima difuzije, konvekcije i ultrafiltracije odstranjuju se uremijski toksini
i viÅ”ak tekuÄine, nadomjeÅ”taju tvari koje su u manjku, te ispravljaju poremeÄaji ravnoteže
elektrolita i acidobazne ravnoteže. Membrane dijalizatora koje se danas upotrebljavaju su sintetske
membrane visoke biokompatibilnosti (niskoprotoÄne, koje se koriste za standardnu hemodijalizu
i visokoprotoÄne, koje se koriste za hemodijafiltraciju ā HDF). Dijalizat ili dijalizna
tekuÄina je otopina toÄno odreÄenog sastava, sliÄna ljudskoj plazmi, a koristi se za uravnoteženje
sastava tjelesnih tekuÄina. HDF je hemodijalizna procedura koja kombinira principe hemodijalize
i hemofiltracije kako bi omoguÄila bolje odstranjenje molekula srednje i velike molekulske
težine. Zbog brojnih moguÄnosti koje pruža online pripremljena supstitucijska tekuÄina,
online hemodiafiltracija ā OLHDF mnogo je praktiÄniji naÄin HDF. Brojne su prednosti OLHDF, a
neke od njih su: smanjena stopa smrtnosti, veÄa doza isporuÄene dijalize, ispravak pothranjenosti,
protuupalni uÄinak, bolja kontrola krvnog tlaka i hemodinamske stabilnosti, bolja kontrola
razine fosfora u krvi, bolji utjecaj na ispravak anemije te veÄi stupanj biokompatibilnosti.
Primjena OLHDF zbog svojih brojnih prednosti poželjna je u svih bolesnika lijeÄenih hemodijalizom,
meÄutim, zbog visoke cijene, primjena je za sada joÅ” uvijek ograniÄena i slabo zastupljena.
OLHDF osigurava najpovoljniji fizioloŔki profil uklanjanja srednjih i velikih molekula, te poboljŔanje
brojnih patoloÅ”kih stanja koja pogaÄaju bolesnike lijeÄene hemodijalizom. Zato
OLHDF predstavlja nov korak prema zlatnom standardu u lijeÄenju dijalizom.Currently, more than a million patients worldwide are supporting renal function by
dialysis as a treatment of choice in the End-stage Renal Disease. Hemodialysis is one of the
modalities of renal replacement therapy. Hemodialysis removes nitrogenous and other waste
products, corrects electrolyte, water and acid abnormalities by diffusion, convection and ultrafiltration.
Hemodialiysis membranes which are presently in use are the synthetic membranes
of high biocompatibility (low-flux for conventional hemodialysis and high-flux for hemodiafiltration).
Dialysate is a solution of purified water and electrolytes and is used for balancing a
composition of blood. Hemodiafiltration is hemodialysis modality that combines principles of
hemodialysis and hemofiltration (diffusion and convection) to enhance removal of both, high
and low molecular weight uremic toxins. Online hemodiafiltration (OLHDF) offers production
of substitution fluid in dialysis machine from fresh dialysate, thatās why the technique of OLHDF
is simplified to use and economically acceptable. There are many clinical advantages of
OLHDF, some of them are: lower mortality risk, higher delivered dialysis dose, correction of
malnutrition, anti-inflammatory effect, improvement of blood pressure and hemodynamic
stability, better control of hyperphosphatemia, anemia and greater biocompatibility. Despite
of numerous clinical advantages, OLHDF is not still widely in use in maintenance hemodialysis
patients, mainly because of the higher price of high permeable filters. Although, any dialysis
modality, regardless of performance and efficiency will only partially restore integrity of renal
function, OLHDF seems to offer the most physiological way to enhance the removal of uremic
toxins and improvement of many comorbidities that are renal patients faced with. OLHDF is a
step forward to gold standard in renal replacement treatment
Uporaba generiÄkih imunosupresijskih lijekova može smanjiti troÅ”ak transplantacije, iako je ukupan troÅ”ak vezan uz prevoÄenje bolesnika s originalnog na generiÄki pripravak predmet trajnih rasprava s obzirom na potrebu uÄestalog praÄenja bolesnika. Hrvatsko druÅ”tvo za nefrologiju, arterijsku hipertenziju, dijalizu i transplantaciju osnovalo je radnu skupinu s ciljem donoÅ”enja preporuka za uporabu generiÄkih imunosupresiva nakon transplantacije bubrega. Imunosupresijski lijekovi pripadaju tzv. "lijekovima uske terapijske Å”irineā s velikim varijacijama u serumskoj koncentraciji lijeka s obzirom na unos hrane i piÄa, druge lijekove, ali i funkciju jetre i bubrega. NemoguÄnost održavanja odgovarajuÄe ravnoteže imunosupresije rezultira poremeÄajem funkcije presatka, ali ugrožava i život bolesnika. Podatci o terapijskoj ekvivalenciji razliÄitih generiÄkih imunosupresiva su rijetki ili ih uopÄe nema. Radovi o toj temi se nedovoljno objavljuju. Postojanje velikog broja razliÄitih generiÄkih oblika na tržiÅ”tu nosi opasnost nekontroliranog prevoÄenja bolesnika s jednog na drugi oblik lijeka od strane ljekarnika ili lijeÄnika obiteljske medicine, Å”to može imati teÅ”ke posljedice buduÄi da generiÄki lijekovi ne moraju biti meÄusobno bioekvivalentni, veÄ se bioekvivalencija usporeÄuje samo s originatorom. Hrvatsko druÅ”tvo za nefrologiju, dijalizu i transplantaciju bubrega se ne protivi uporabi generiÄkih imunosupresiva, ali smatra da se smiju rabiti samo pod strogim nadzorom i uz indikaciju nefrologa koji se bave transplantacijskom medicinom. Potrebno je uložiti daljnje napore u edukaciju bolesnika, lijeÄnika obiteljske medicine i ljekarnika kako bi se izbjegle neželjene pojave nekontrolirane uporabe imunosupresijskih lijekova.The use of generic immunosuppressive drugs may decrease the cost of immunosuppressive medication, although total cost savings are still a matter of debate since patients need close monitoring after conversion from original to the generic formulation. A working group of the Croatian Society of Transplantation was established to develop recommendations on the use of generic immunosuppression in renal transplant recipients based on a review of the available data. Immunosuppressive drugs belong to the ānarrow therapeutic indexā drugs, with huge pharmacokinetic variations secondary to the impact of food, other drugs, as well as of kidney and liver function. Failure to maintain an appropriate balance of immunosuppression seriously influences graft and patient survival. Published evidence supporting therapeutic equivalence of generic formulations is scarce or completely lacking. Different generic formulations may expose patients to uncontrolled product switching by pharmacists or general practitioners, which is very dangerous for patients, since generic preparations are not required to demonstrate bioequivalence with each other. The Croatian Society for Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation is not against the use of generic immunosuppressive drugs, but it requires close supervision of nephrologists and respecting the strict rules of their use. More efforts should be invested in education of primary care physicians as well as of patients to be aware of differences between the original and generic, as well as between different generic formulations
Use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers in the Early Period after Kidney Transplantation
The role of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors (ACE-inhibitors) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) in the renal transplant recipients (RTRs) is incompletely defined and according to the current guidelines they should be initiated af- ter six months post-transplantation. The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the efficiency and safety of early (within six months post-transplantation) versus late (after six months post-transplantation) initiation of ACE-inhibitors or ARB in RTRs. The study group compromised of 108 RTRs (50 male and 58 female) who received a kidney transplant. Beside other prescribed antihypertensive drugs all of them took and ACE inhibitors or ARB in order to achieve blood pressure control. For this analysis purpose, recipients were stratified into two groups according to the time of ACE inhibitors/ARB initiation into early (within six months post-transplantation) and late (after six months after transplantation) group. For each patient haemoglobin, serum creatinine and potassium levels were analyzed at the beginning of ACE inhibitors/ARB introduction and at the end of the first, third, sixth and twelfth month. In the 54 (50%) of the 108 patients ACE inhibi- tors/ARB were initiated within six months post-transplantation and in 49 (90.7%) of them within three months (in 29 pa- tients within one month; in 13 within two months; in 7 within 3 months) post-transplantation. In additional 54 (50%) patients ACE inhibitors/ARB were initiated, but after six months post-transplantation. There was no statistically signifi- cant difference between the two groups related to age or gender and due to the duration of dialysis treatment before the transplantation. Analyzing the haemoglobin, creatinine and potassium serum levels after initiation of therapy with ACE inhibitors/ARB trough observed period we did not found any statistically significant difference in all measured parame- ters between the two groups of patients and also within the same group of patients. Therefore, according to experience from our Institution early initiation of ACE inhibitors or ARB appears to be safe in carefully selected recipients with rela- tively good early graft function
Effect of Statin Therapy Duration on Bone Turnover Markers in Dyslipidemic Patients
Background and Purpose: Statins are cholesterol-lowering drugs decreasing bone resorption by inhibition of the farnesyl diphosphate synthase step in the mevalonic acid pathway and therefore are believed to have beneficial effects on bone status. The objective was to examine the relationship between statin therapy duration and bone turnover markers in dyslipidemic patients.
Patients and Methods: Two hundred and eighty subjects were divided
into five groups depending on duration of statin therapy: (controls 0 yrs); (0.1-1.5 yrs); (2-5 yrs); (6-10 yrs); (11-30 yrs). ELISA method was applied on fasting serums using bone formation markers: Osteoprotegerin (pmol/l) and Osteocalcin (ng/ml) and bone resorption markers: sRANKL (pmol/l) and CrossLaps (ng/ml). In statistical analysis, multiple regressions were used.
Results: A common influence of studied predictor variables was statistically significant for sRANKL, Serum CrossLaps and osteocalcin (P<0.001), while statistical significance was not found for osteoprotegerin. The largest shares of contributions were recorded in Model 2 for the statin group (40%) and BMI (36%) and in Model 1 for statin group (35%) and total cholesterol (28%).
Conclusions: Statins showed favorable influence on osteocalcin and
sRANKL, indicating improved bone metabolism in patients with longer duration of statin therapy
Renal dysfunction and anemia in patients with heart failure ā the cardio-renal anemia syndrome
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause
of morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease.
The appearance of cardiovascular complications is
strongly in positive correlation with the severity of kidney disease.
About 40% of patients with moderate or severe kidney
disease and even 60% of patients in the terminal phase have
some degree of chronic heart failure. āThe Cardio-Renal Syndromeā
represents a variety of pathophysiological abnormalities
of the heart and kidney, where acute or chronic dysfunction
of one organ may provoke acute or chronic dysfunction of
the other organ. Renal impairment and anemia are frequent in
heart failure patients and negatively influence the quality of
life and life expectancy. The coexistence of these three conditions
has been described as āThe Cardio-Renal Anemia Syndromeā
(CRAS). Although the syndrome has been generally
defined, there are no guidelines for CRAS diagnosis and treatment,
and management of patients mostly depends on the specialty
of the physician met first. Currently, anemia in CRAS
must be treated according to the guidelines for anemia in
chronic kidney disease. After several smaller clinical trials
with encouraging results, larger ongoing cinical investigations
will elucidate the real importance of anemia management in
patients with heart failure. By the time specific guidelines for
CRAS management are published, there will be a need for
multidisciplinary approach, based on the existing separate guidelines
for all components of the syndrome
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